We use NiFi for all our ETL, and have done so very happily for several
years (including persuading partner organisations to adopt it); we
have recently started using Airflow for scheduling periodic machine
learning algorithm execution and retraining.

My £0.02 - we probably could do everything we currently do in Airflow
using NiFi, but for our Airflow use cases, things like task duration
are interesting metrics to monitor and I don't immediately know how we
would do this with NiFi. Plus the different user communities make two
separate tools no bad thing.

On Thu, 15 Aug 2019 at 21:00, Mike Thomsen <mikerthom...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Does anyone see any areas where the two can complement each other and where
> we might want to give users the ability to offload processing to Airflow?
> Curious since our poking around the docs lead us to conclude it was
> probably more "Airflow vs Spark+Oozie" than really competing with NiFi.

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