What is the project about? Why should I be interested in it?
[rhetorical questions]

The Announce emails are sent to people not on the developer or user lists.
Most will have no idea what the project is about.

So the e-mails should contain at least brief details of what the
product does, and some info on why the new release might be of
interest to them.

Readers should not have to click the link to find out the basic information
(although of course it is useful to have such links for further detail).

Also it's not actually all that obvious how to find the download page for 4.3.1

Please can you add that information to future announce mails?


On 14 February 2018 at 12:56, Gézapeti Cseh <gezap...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hello Oozie community,
> The Apache Oozie team is pleased to announce the release of Oozie 4.3.1.
> Oozie 4.3.1 includes bug fixes and minor improvements.
> The details of the release and download location can be found at
> http://oozie.apache.org

It's not that easy to find the release notes or even the download page.

> Thanks to all developers, QA's, users, and committers for making this
> release happen.
> gp

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