

[sijie] [Docs] Add putstate, set-replicator-dispatch-rate and

[sijie] Build python 37 artifacts and use them for the docker image (#5335)

[sijie] Fix bad_weak_ptr error when closing producer (#5315)

[mmerli] [TIEREDSTORAGE] Don't require both region and endpoint to be specified

[mmerli] [Doc] Add *Kinesis source connector guide* (#5211)

[mmerli] Not allow use acknowledgeCumulative on Key_shared subscription. (#5339)

[47805623+Jennifer88huang] Add *Rabbit sink connector guide* (#5290)

[...truncated 1.25 MB...]
[INFO] Pulsar Common ...................................... SUCCESS [ 25.814 s]
[INFO] Managed Ledger ..................................... SUCCESS [ 16.016 s]
[INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Jclouds shaded .................... SUCCESS [  8.276 s]
[INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Tiered Storage :: Parent .......... SUCCESS [  1.261 s]
[INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Tiered Storage :: JCloud .......... SUCCESS [ 17.145 s]
[INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Tiered Storage :: File System ..... SUCCESS [ 14.675 s]
[INFO] Pulsar ZooKeeper Utils ............................. SUCCESS [ 14.540 s]
[INFO] pulsar-broker-common ............................... SUCCESS [  7.140 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Functions :: Parent ......................... SUCCESS [  1.058 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Functions :: Proto .......................... SUCCESS [ 15.609 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Client Java ................................. SUCCESS [ 13.415 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Discovery Service WAR ....................... SUCCESS [  7.427 s]
[INFO] Pulsar WebSocket ................................... SUCCESS [  7.927 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Client Admin Original ....................... SUCCESS [  5.444 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Transaction :: Parent ....................... SUCCESS [  1.084 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Transaction :: Common ....................... SUCCESS [  4.132 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Functions :: API ............................ SUCCESS [  4.131 s]
[INFO] Pulsar IO :: Parent ................................ SUCCESS [  1.078 s]
[INFO] Pulsar IO :: IO .................................... SUCCESS [  3.955 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Functions :: Utils .......................... SUCCESS [  5.601 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Functions :: Secrets ........................ SUCCESS [  4.765 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Functions :: Instance ....................... SUCCESS [ 16.516 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Functions :: Runtime ........................ SUCCESS [  7.489 s]
[INFO] Pulsar IO :: Cassandra ............................. SUCCESS [  5.323 s]
[INFO] Pulsar IO :: IO Common ............................. SUCCESS [  4.181 s]
[INFO] Pulsar IO :: Twitter ............................... SUCCESS [  5.271 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Functions :: Worker ......................... SUCCESS [ 11.401 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Functions :: Local Runner original .......... SUCCESS [ 12.069 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Functions :: API Examples ................... SUCCESS [  3.702 s]
[INFO] Pulsar IO :: Data Generator ........................ SUCCESS [  4.687 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Broker ...................................... SUCCESS [ 42.264 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Shaded Broker ............................... SUCCESS [ 52.972 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Client Java ................................. SUCCESS [ 37.708 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Client 1.x Compatibility Base ............... SUCCESS [  1.053 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Client 2.x Shaded API ....................... SUCCESS [ 30.076 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Client 1.x Compatibility API ................ SUCCESS [  4.982 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Client Admin ................................ SUCCESS [ 17.711 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Client Tools ................................ SUCCESS [ 14.540 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Client Tools Test ........................... SUCCESS [  6.045 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Client All .................................. SUCCESS [ 51.220 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Proxy ....................................... SUCCESS [  9.773 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Storm adapter ............................... SUCCESS [  8.750 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Flink Connectors ............................ SUCCESS [ 15.008 s]
[INFO] Spark Streaming Pulsar Receivers ................... SUCCESS [ 26.926 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Test Client ................................. SUCCESS [  6.342 s]
[INFO] pulsar-broker-auth-athenz .......................... SUCCESS [  7.408 s]
[INFO] pulsar-client-auth-athenz .......................... SUCCESS [  5.280 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Kafka compatibility ......................... SUCCESS [  1.140 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Kafka compatibility :: API (original) ....... SUCCESS [ 12.273 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Kafka compatibility 0.8 :: API (original) ... SUCCESS [  7.090 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Kafka compatibility 0.9 :: API (original) ... SUCCESS [  5.580 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Kafka compatibility :: API .................. SUCCESS [ 39.190 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Kafka compatibility 0.8 :: API .............. SUCCESS [ 44.108 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Kafka compatibility 0.9 :: API .............. SUCCESS [ 37.911 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Kafka compatibility :: Tests ................ SUCCESS [  4.522 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Kafka-0.8 compatibility :: Tests ............ SUCCESS [  5.985 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Kafka compatibility 0.9 :: Tests ............ SUCCESS [ 12.372 s]
[INFO] pulsar-zookeeper ................................... SUCCESS [  5.873 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Log4j2 Appender ............................. SUCCESS [  4.689 s]
[INFO] Pulsar SQL :: Parent ............................... SUCCESS [  1.212 s]
[INFO] Pulsar SQL :: Pulsar Presto Connector Packaging .... SUCCESS [ 13.001 s]
[INFO] Pulsar SQL :: Pulsar Presto Connector .............. SUCCESS [ 10.146 s]
[INFO] Pulsar SQL :: Pulsar Presto Distribution ........... SUCCESS [ 21.339 s]
[INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Docker Images ..................... SUCCESS [  1.053 s]
[INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Docker Images :: Pulsar Dashboard . SUCCESS [  1.052 s]
[INFO] pulsar-client-auth-sasl ............................ SUCCESS [  4.143 s]
[INFO] pulsar-broker-auth-sasl ............................ SUCCESS [  8.013 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Transaction :: Coordinator .................. SUCCESS [  9.941 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Functions :: Runtime All .................... SUCCESS [  4.271 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Functions :: Local Runner Shaded ............ SUCCESS [ 57.580 s]
[INFO] Pulsar IO :: Canal ................................. SUCCESS [  5.909 s]
[INFO] Pulsar IO :: ElasticSearch ......................... SUCCESS [  9.480 s]
[INFO] Pulsar IO :: Hdfs2 ................................. SUCCESS [  8.641 s]
[INFO] Pulsar IO :: Hdfs3 ................................. SUCCESS [  8.705 s]
[INFO] Pulsar IO :: Jdbc .................................. SUCCESS [ 10.643 s]
[INFO] Pulsar IO :: Kafka ................................. SUCCESS [  5.042 s]
[INFO] Pulsar IO :: Kinesis ............................... SUCCESS [ 12.885 s]
[INFO] Pulsar IO :: RabbitMQ .............................. SUCCESS [ 20.443 s]
[INFO] Pulsar IO :: Docs .................................. SUCCESS [  9.047 s]
[INFO] Pulsar IO :: Aerospike ............................. SUCCESS [  6.337 s]
[INFO] Pulsar IO :: Kafka Connect Adaptor ................. SUCCESS [ 10.372 s]
[INFO] Pulsar IO :: Debezium .............................. SUCCESS [  1.077 s]
[INFO] Pulsar IO :: Debezium :: Core ...................... SUCCESS [  6.145 s]
[INFO] Pulsar IO :: Debezium :: mysql ..................... SUCCESS [ 18.254 s]
[INFO] Pulsar IO :: Debezium :: postgres .................. SUCCESS [ 11.546 s]
[INFO] Pulsar IO :: File .................................. SUCCESS [  5.460 s]
[INFO] Pulsar IO :: Netty ................................. SUCCESS [  5.394 s]
[INFO] Pulsar IO :: Hbase ................................. SUCCESS [ 25.536 s]
[INFO] Pulsar IO :: MongoDB ............................... SUCCESS [  6.836 s]
[INFO] Pulsar IO :: Flume ................................. SUCCESS [ 12.277 s]
[INFO] Pulsar IO :: Redis ................................. SUCCESS [ 12.735 s]
[INFO] Pulsar IO :: Solr .................................. SUCCESS [ 19.738 s]
[INFO] Pulsar IO :: InfluxDB .............................. SUCCESS [  9.620 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Examples :: Parent .......................... SUCCESS [  1.058 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Examples :: Flink ........................... SUCCESS [ 35.578 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Examples :: Spark ........................... SUCCESS [ 10.815 s]
[INFO] Pulsar :: Distribution ............................. SUCCESS [  1.221 s]
[INFO] Pulsar :: Distribution :: Server ................... SUCCESS [ 22.822 s]
[INFO] Pulsar :: Distribution :: IO ....................... SUCCESS [  6.912 s]
[INFO] Pulsar :: Distribution :: Offloader ................ SUCCESS [  7.761 s]
[INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Docker Images :: Pulsar Latest Version SUCCESS [  6.019 
[INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Docker Images :: Grafana .......... SUCCESS [  1.055 s]
[INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Docker Images :: Pulsar Latest Version (Include All 
Components) SUCCESS [  1.188 s]
[INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Docker Images :: Pulsar Standalone  SUCCESS [  1.047 s]
[INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Tests ............................. SUCCESS [  1.054 s]
[INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Tests :: Docker Images ............ SUCCESS [  1.055 s]
[INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Tests :: Docker Images :: Java Test Functions SUCCESS [ 
 3.405 s]
[INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Tests :: Docker Images :: Latest Version Testing 
SUCCESS [  1.081 s]
[INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Tests :: Integration .............. SUCCESS [ 11.483 s]
[INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Tests :: Pulsar Kafka Compat Client Tests SUCCESS [  
5.575 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Storm adapter Tests ......................... SUCCESS [  8.094 s]
[INFO] Spark Streaming Pulsar Receivers Tests ............. SUCCESS [  7.629 s]
[INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Tests :: Backwards Client Compatibility 
2.0.0-rc1-incubating SUCCESS [ 11.464 s]
[INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Tests :: Backwards Client Compatibility 
2.0.1-incubating SUCCESS [  4.486 s]
[INFO] Pulsar Metadata .................................... SUCCESS [  4.666 s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  29:55 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2019-10-11T08:36:43Z
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Waiting for Jenkins to finish collecting data
channel stopped
[pulsar-website-build] $ /bin/bash -xe /tmp/
+ export CROWDIN_DOCUSAURUS_PROJECT_ID=apache-pulsar
+ echo 'Copying swagger json file ...'
Copying swagger json file ...
+ mkdir -p site2/website/static/swagger/master/
+ cp pulsar-broker/target/docs/swaggerfunctions.json 
pulsar-broker/target/docs/swaggersource.json site2/website/static/swagger/master
+ echo 'Copied swagger json file.'
Copied swagger json file.
+ echo 'Building Website'
Building Website
+ site2/tools/
---- Build Pulsar website using image apachepulsar/pulsar-build:ubuntu-16.04
Unable to find image 'apachepulsar/pulsar-build:ubuntu-16.04' locally
ubuntu-16.04: Pulling from apachepulsar/pulsar-build
7b8b6451c85f: Pulling fs layer
ab4d1096d9ba: Pulling fs layer
e6797d1788ac: Pulling fs layer
e25c5c290bde: Pulling fs layer
1167da775599: Pulling fs layer
08ba2b940de5: Pulling fs layer
2d8b889252db: Pulling fs layer
48b709f49016: Pulling fs layer
1167da775599: Waiting
ad9bbaeaa896: Pulling fs layer
79ca47071b5d: Pulling fs layer
27249d327971: Pulling fs layer
79ca47071b5d: Waiting
da459d097f3c: Pulling fs layer
27249d327971: Waiting
ad9bbaeaa896: Waiting
08ba2b940de5: Waiting
e79e9a8aaa8a: Pulling fs layer
00266d37256a: Pulling fs layer
e79e9a8aaa8a: Waiting
695c00dc59f7: Pulling fs layer
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695c00dc59f7: Waiting
912c0d33f88a: Pulling fs layer
c87869a65f2f: Pulling fs layer
9cf7315c84e9: Waiting
de7f63d87fc7: Pulling fs layer
2dc221a783ca: Pulling fs layer
c87869a65f2f: Waiting
65de56d5aef0: Pulling fs layer
98c32d3715d0: Pulling fs layer
2dc221a783ca: Waiting
de7f63d87fc7: Waiting
a8b58d01e391: Pulling fs layer
65de56d5aef0: Waiting
98c32d3715d0: Waiting
12c9f2a624c7: Pulling fs layer
12c9f2a624c7: Waiting
e6797d1788ac: Download complete
ab4d1096d9ba: Download complete
1167da775599: Verifying Checksum
1167da775599: Download complete
e25c5c290bde: Verifying Checksum
e25c5c290bde: Download complete
7b8b6451c85f: Verifying Checksum
7b8b6451c85f: Download complete
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08ba2b940de5: Download complete
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48b709f49016: Download complete
ad9bbaeaa896: Verifying Checksum
ad9bbaeaa896: Download complete
79ca47071b5d: Verifying Checksum
79ca47071b5d: Download complete
27249d327971: Download complete
da459d097f3c: Verifying Checksum
da459d097f3c: Download complete
00266d37256a: Verifying Checksum
00266d37256a: Download complete
e79e9a8aaa8a: Verifying Checksum
e79e9a8aaa8a: Download complete
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9cf7315c84e9: Download complete
912c0d33f88a: Verifying Checksum
912c0d33f88a: Download complete
695c00dc59f7: Verifying Checksum
695c00dc59f7: Download complete
c87869a65f2f: Download complete
de7f63d87fc7: Verifying Checksum
de7f63d87fc7: Download complete
2dc221a783ca: Verifying Checksum
2dc221a783ca: Download complete
65de56d5aef0: Verifying Checksum
65de56d5aef0: Download complete
98c32d3715d0: Download complete
7b8b6451c85f: Pull complete
ab4d1096d9ba: Pull complete
e6797d1788ac: Pull complete
a8b58d01e391: Verifying Checksum
a8b58d01e391: Download complete
e25c5c290bde: Pull complete
1167da775599: Pull complete
12c9f2a624c7: Verifying Checksum
12c9f2a624c7: Download complete
2d8b889252db: Verifying Checksum
2d8b889252db: Download complete
08ba2b940de5: Pull complete
2d8b889252db: Pull complete
48b709f49016: Pull complete
ad9bbaeaa896: Pull complete
79ca47071b5d: Pull complete
27249d327971: Pull complete
da459d097f3c: Pull complete
e79e9a8aaa8a: Pull complete
00266d37256a: Pull complete
695c00dc59f7: Pull complete
9cf7315c84e9: Pull complete
912c0d33f88a: Pull complete
c87869a65f2f: Pull complete
de7f63d87fc7: Pull complete
2dc221a783ca: Pull complete
65de56d5aef0: Pull complete
98c32d3715d0: Pull complete
a8b58d01e391: Pull complete
12c9f2a624c7: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:500878c9d28d7be571b4ad90a50ff5eb5b29d54d06c8bdbb1699c6f62ebd6c77
Status: Downloaded newer image for apachepulsar/pulsar-build:ubuntu-16.04
docker: Error response from daemon: no status provided on response: unknown.
time="2019-10-11T08:38:32Z" level=error msg="error waiting for container: 
context canceled"
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
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