
I’m trying to get a starting point with the sling feature model.

I used the sling-feature-converter-maven-plugin to create features.json files 
from the sling-starter provisioning txt files.
The converter creates feature files with packaging „slingfeature“ but installes 
them using „slingosgifeature“.

Then I use the slingfeature-maven-plugin to create a „full“ version from the 
files created above. The -full file has an „assembled-features“ section 
containing the single feature files with packaging „slingfeature“, itself on 
the other hand declares a packaging „slingosgifeature“.

Now I try to use the -full feature json as prototype for my own feature.json.
When I now use slingfeature-maven-plugin to assemble the artifacts, it tries to 
find them with packaging „slingfeature“ (as declared in the assembled-section) 
– but can't find them as they have been installed as „slingosgifeature“.

Simple question: What is the correct packaging?

If „slingosgifeature“, it sounds like a bug in the converter?


Mika Göckel

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