On Sun, Sep 18, 2016 at 4:48 PM, Greg Reagle <greg.rea...@umbc.edu> wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 18, 2016, at 09:34 AM, Christian Neukirchen wrote:
>> 1 loc!
>> awk 'NR%22==0 { getline _ <"/dev/tty" } {print}'
> Great!  And stali has awk.  It works pretty well, but doesn't take into
> account long lines.

IFS=' ' read l c << EOF
$(stty size)
cat "$@" | fmt "-$c" -s | awk -v "l=$((l-1))" '!(NR%l){getline _<"/dev/tty"}1'

Or using rc:

' #space and newline
size=(`{stty size})
cat $* | fmt -$size(2) -s | awk -v l'='$size(1) '!(NR%(l-1)){getline

P.S. No this is not the best solution, I'm just having fun.

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