Re: [dev] promoting suckless code on, tips for Lua

2024-07-15 Thread Ethan Marshall
On 12/06/24 07:03pm, Greg Reagle wrote:
> And while I have your attention... What a great language Lua is!
Couldn't agree more. It has by far the best C interface I've ever used.
If you want a nice exploration into how a programming language works,
read the Lua source code - it is also wonderful.


Re: [dev] promoting suckless code on, tips for Lua

2024-06-13 Thread Greg Minshall

thanks.  i've looked at Lua, but not much.

but, i do very much like Javascript (in spite of the name) + typescript
(in spite of the lineage).

if you know those two, i'd find a two cents/sentence thumbs up/down

cheers, Greg