I would also like to add that for every CHANGELOG entry some consideration
should be taken to determine if our "upgrade documentation" needs an entry
as well. If something is a breaking change, interesting feature or just a
change of behavior that might trip people up when they upgrade, it will be
helpful to our users to have greater clarification than just the one-liner
we throw into CHANGELOG.



On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 10:33 AM, Marko Rodriguez <okramma...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I’m noticing that we are merging lots of PRs, but we are not updating the
> CHANGELOG accordingly. If you are submitting PRs, please be sure to add
> CHANGELOG notes. Moreover, if you are reviewing a PR, be sure to check for
> CHANGELOG notes.
> Thanks,
> Marko.
> http://markorodriguez.com

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