
On Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 7:52 PM Michel Feinstein <mic...@feinstein.com.br>

>  Hi developers, I just want  to post here a feature request.
> There are several tutorials online on how to get Tomcat (any version)
> running on a server. They will be mostly about using "wget" to download the
> binaries and adding SystemV or systemd init files.
> Those are fine, they work, but it makes harder to update Tomcat and a YUM
> package is just a lot easier to manage, install, update, etc.
> I am using AWS EC2 with an Amazon Linux AMI 2, so a systemd Linux
> distribution that supports YUM and there isn't a YUM package for Tomcat 9
> (at least not one that I can find anywhere).

This isn't something that the ASF Tomcat community would provide because
those things are distribution specific. I'm not sure if everyone's thoughts
on that has changed, but in the past we haven't done that. Given that
you're using AMI, there should already be a tomcat package available there.
Do you not see any, or is the one available not Tomcat 9? If you can find
the AMI provided one and it isn't the Tomcat version that you want I'd
suggest opening a bug with them to have it updated.

> I am not an experienced Linux user, so I don't know much about the
> difficulties of YUM packaging or setting up an external YUM repository
> (outside from the AWS managed one I mean), but I think the effort of adding
> such a product into the Tomcat development process will be very much
> welcome.

It's actually quite easy to do because Tomcat only has a few dependencies.
I maintain Tomcat for Fedora/RHEL so I'd be happy to talk more about it :)

> Thank you!

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