Martin ,
do not kwow pyuno but its similar to basic:

Note the landscape page MUST use a different page style then the portrait pages. Each page style contains a* IsLandscape* property. You want to insert a page break and change the page style name on the new page

the code must been like

Sub test()
   Dim oServiceManager As Object
   Dim oDesktop As Object
   Dim oDocument As Object
   Dim oText
   Dim oCursor
   Dim oNewStyle
   Dim Args()
   Dim s
   Dim oStyle
Set oServiceManager = CreateObject("") Set oDesktop = oServiceManager.createInstance("") Set oDocument = oDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, Args)
   Set oText = oDocument.GetText
   Set oCursor = oText.createTextCursor
'Insert the page break
   oText.insertControlCharacter oCursor, 0, False
   oCursor.BreakType = 4
   oCursor.gotoEnd False
'getting the old style
   s = oCursor.PageStyleName
Set oStyle = oDocument.StyleFamilies.getByName("*PageStyles*").getByName(s)

   'creating the new style
Set oNewStyle = oDocument.createInstance("")
   'Setting the lanscape property to true
   oNewStyle.setPropertyValue "IsLandscape", True
   oNewStyle.setPropertyValue "Width", oStyle.Height
   oNewStyle.setPropertyValue "Height", oStyle.Width

   'Adding the new style to pagestyle family
oDocument.StyleFamilies.getByName("*PageStyles*").insertByName "LandscapeStyle", oNewStyle 'setting the PageStyleName to the *landscape* pagestyle
   oCursor.setPropertyValue "PageDescName", "LandscapeStyle"

end sub
hope it helps



I am a newbe in pyuno and like to modify the example

in such a way, that the page format is landscape (and not portrait).

Can anybody help me with that? I really feel a bit lost with the 

Thanks a lot and best wishes,


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