The 3.0 release of the tools is on its way, I hope to push an RC out within the month. A velocity-tools-spring subproject in the tools would of course be most welcome, especially after Spring dropped support for Velocity. If it doesn't make it for 3.0, it can appear in 3.1 (but if it's more of a migration from Spring to Velocity, and if you already have handled the upgrade, it can be rather quick, I guess).

So your contributions are most welcome.


On 07/08/2017 08:25, Matej Spiller Muys wrote:
Great job.
I have two questions.

We depend also on velocity tools and was not released together with velocity 
What is the estimated release for velocity tools 3.0?

Spring deprecated the support for velocity giving upstream projects the 
responsibility for integration with Spring.
Is there any plan regarding taking over spring support? Existing solution 
(Spring 4.3) no longer works using velocity 2.0.
Something similar to the way thymeleaf is doing it currently. Bonus could be 
support for spring boot in a form of spring-boot-starter-velocity.

Is it possible/acceptable to take the existing code from Spring and drop it 
into Velocity (Tools?) and adding support for 2.0?
I can prepare the initial library for 2.0 since I have already changed it a bit 
to accomodate for 2.0 changes (without spring boot autoconfig).
Licenses are both Apache 2.0. Any thoughts?


Matej Spiller Muys
Razvojni arhitekt/Software Architect
T: +386 1 2003340
Halcom d.d.
Tržaška cesta 118,
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija

-----Original Message-----
From: Claude Brisson []
Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2017 8:01 PM
To: Velocity Developers List <>
Subject: release is ready

The maven artefact has been publish, the release is visible on apache mirrors, 
and the website now shows engine 2.0 documentation.

I think the release is ready to be announced on the users list (and other 

Can some of you please check that I didn't forget anything important and that 
links are correctly working?



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