
I'm using current cvs (1.2.1 effectively) and have noticed a change in
how the sendsms http interface is working (not sure since when). 

When I connect to kannel sendsms http interface with a Connection: Close
header my request is processed and the connection is closed. However if
I add a Connection: Keep-Alive header the request is processed (message
is delivered) but the connection stays up. 

I think (from memory) the connection would always close in the past.
Just wondering if this is a new feature I've missed. Note: nothing in
ChangeLog but found the following in STATUS which suggests keepalive has
been disabled?
* sms-service might not reply back the sms when http keepalive is
activated. Posted by: Alex Judd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Status: Bruno Rodrigues: I've disabled http keepalive until it gets


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