Re: F35 Change: Filtered Flathub Applications (System-Wide Change proposal)

2021-07-21 Thread Josh Berkus

You're correct, I was being very dramatic.  I've since talked to Otaylor, and 
the only real problem is that the announcement of this change is misleading.  
Fedora isn't "filtering" anything, you're adding Flathub packages in a place 
they weren't available before.  The announcement reads like you're modifying 
the Flatpak binary to allow only filtered content, and I think you can see why 
that would create substantial alarm among SB users.

Since I was the one to raise a stink about it, I'm going to work with otaylor 
to revise the text of the change announcement so that it'll read as a positive 
feature change (which it is) instead of as taking something away.
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Re: F35 Change: Filtered Flathub Applications (System-Wide Change proposal)

2021-07-19 Thread Josh Berkus

Thank you for your decision to destroy Silverblue, the best thing Fedora has 
done in the last 10 years.

The only thing that makes Silverblue useful -- indeed, superior -- as a desktop 
is the ready availability of Flatpaks for any application the user could want. 
Unlike old-fashioned Fedora, modifying Fedora to accept the regular Flathub is 
a multi-step operation, and not one that's easy for standard users.  This has 
allowed us to finally break out of the longstanding Fedora issue of "Sorry, I 
can't access that app because I'm on Fedora".

For the last 3 years, Silverblue has spread through the developer ecosystem 
because it's the best immutable desktop.  For a short time I dared hope that  
we'd retake desktop primacy from Ubuntu!  But I should have known better.

If another vendor like Ubuntu or Docker were to do this kind of surprise 
filtering of apps, Fedora would attack it and write long blogs taking a stance 
on user choice and against vendors using their influence to spread vertical 
monopolies.  But I guess it's OK if Fedora does it?

If y'all want folks to use Fedora Flatpaks instead of Flathub ones, the answer 
is to **make more applications available** via Fedora Flatpaks. Not to restrict 
user choice through underhanded BS like this move. 
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Re: Self Introduction: Yu Qi Zhang (yzhang)

2017-02-13 Thread Josh Berkus
On 02/13/2017 01:48 PM, Jerry Zhang wrote:
> I am looking for sponsor/reviewers if anyone is interested. I also hope
> to be more active in the fedora community in the future. Thank you!

Wow, thank you for building these!

Josh Berkus
Project Atomic
Red Hat OSAS
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Re: Modifying container storage for Fedora 26.

2016-11-22 Thread Josh Berkus
Vivek, Dan,

> - Now when docker users overlay2 graph driver, all the images, containers
>   and associated metadata will be stored outside the root filesystem and
>   onto /dev/docker-vg/foo logical volume.

This is a change from current storage setup?  Right now, containers go in the 
docker volume, but images do not.  If we can do that, it would be worth having 
overlay right there.

My one concern for Atomic is ... how do existing users upgrade when we make 
this change?  Does their devicemapper config still just work when they pull the 
new tree?
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