Greg's User Feedback URLs of the Week (Spanish): and
Two great teacher generated blogs out of Uruguay showing how XOs and 
activities are used in real schools.

Greg's User Feedback URLs of the Week (English):
PhD Thesis of OLPC Learning team member Claudia Urrea. Includes detailed 
overview of and analysis of 1:1 learning projects in Latin America.
Input on devel list from Elena based on experience in Mongolia. See also 
the extensive thread that grew out of this.

Status of last weeks goals:
1 - Get sign off and incorporate final edits on 8.2 release notes.

GS - Done. That upgrade section was a bear! Thanks to Frances, Mel, and
Lionel who helped get it finalized and as clean as possible.

2 - Prepare 8.2 marketing launch. Update Releases wiki pages and write
announcement e-mail, wiki home page update, post for OLPC News, open
source participants acknowledgment list, (other source material or
communication vehicles?). All of the above should be in place for
posting Monday 10/13.

GS - Done. Release announcement e-mail written. On Tuesday 10/14, I will 
send it to all lists (except devel where Michael gets the honor of 
making the announcement). Will also update wiki home page and send 
announcement to OLPC News

3 - Start weekly 8.2.1 and 9.1 meetings. Update 8.2.1 and 9.1
pages. Start triaging Trac to create queries which will show target
8.2.1 bugs. Reach out to target customers for 8.2.1 and track deployment
time frames.

GS - Partially done. Internal 8.2.1 meeting held. Further meetings on 
hold until we identify the lead customer needing a critical bug fix. 
First internal 9.1 meeting postponed to next week. The goal is to make 
both of these meetings public meetings on IRC after an initial internal 
kick off.

Goals for next week in priority order:

1 - Send out 8.2 announcement e-mail to public lists and technical leads 
at deployments.

2 - Update and restructure 9.1 page. Continue to engage learning team, 
Ed, engineering and others to come up with use cases and high level 
strategic plans which can motivate development over the course of 
multiple releases.

3 - Join more sugar and other design meetings. I want to add more 
motivation and customer side info to features planned. Also want to 
communicate better what work is essentially underway and being worked on 
now. Lastly, want to write more detailed requirements and see if I can 
get an engineer to write at least one full design document (best chance 
is design for activation/security management in response to:

4 - Update deployments page with the latest status details.

5 - Engage more users to understand their needs. Focus especially on Sur 
list and country technical leads (top targets: Peru, Uruguay, Ethiopia, 
Rwanda and Haiti).


Greg S

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