Hi all,
I've been working on collecting information for a document detailing the
location and information about all the low(machine) level I/Os on the XO.
The beginnings of this document can be found at
I plan on merging this into [[Datasheets]] as a central repository for
hardware details.
To get this piece of documentation in top shape for repair center and
(hopefully) hardware hackers who may be purchasing XOs in the upcoming G1G1,
I'd appreciate it if anyone who has been given or has found a data-sheet for
any 'significant' part on the XO would email them to me. I will extract
relevant details, post the details to the wikipage, and then upload the
datasheet to the wiki.

In addition to any and all data-sheets, the following is wanted:

   - Python, C, or SH code to control the VGA GPIO
      - RE ticket #846
      - The location + code for any and all other GPIOs
   - Positive identification and pinouts of all headers / solder pads / FFC
   - (almost) all of these headers, solder pads, and FFC slots have been
      listed on the wikipage
      - several of these headers et alia have been identified
      - Pinout for non-standard VGA connector

Infinite thanks and best wishes,
Ian Daniher
OLPC Support Volunteer
OLPCinci Repair Center Coordinator
Skype : it.daniher
irc.freenode.com: Ian_Daniher
Devel mailing list

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