Re: OLPC News 2007-12-01

2007-12-05 Thread Sameer Verma
Walter Bender wrote:


> 4. AC adapters: There has been a request for AC adapters that are
> rotated ninety degrees from the current configuration. In order to
> rotate the orientation of the prongs, the
>  width of the adapter must be extended (to satisfy the safety requirement).
>  As a result, six reoriented AC adapters will not fit abreast in the
> standard spacing
>  of a six-plug power strip. Mary Lou Jepsen and Fuse are investigating
> further; if we can not resolve the issue, we will not make AC adapters
> with a
>  rotated prong orientation.
Not sure what the reason is for making rotated prong design, but will
something like this address the spacing issue?


Dr. Sameer Verma, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Information Systems
San Francisco State University
San Francisco CA 94132 USA

Devel mailing list

Re: Status of Develop.activity?

2007-12-05 Thread Andrew Clunis

On Wed, 2007-12-05 at 19:23 -0600, Charles Durrett wrote:
> Andrew Clunis had it for a while but last
> change was months ago. 

Hey folks:

I'm glad to see some interest in getting the Develop project going

A few comments/notes:

- we really need to hash out the requirements for the first iteration.

- version control.  Activity Sharing (see below) only really covers the
Pair Programming use case.  The version control concept covers a range
of other issues.  Develop should track changes made by programmers, and
provide them with a means to share and merge their changes. This one I
spent a fair amount of time on.  The current version of Develop uses bzr
for version control, and it actually works in a very minimal way (or
did, anyway).  However, by doing so I was duplicating logic; in my view
the correct approach would be to truly use DataStore/Yellow as our
storage mechanism.  However, the DS isn't a true source code management
system with merging and distributed history.  The models just don't
*quite* fit.

- the editor component has already been prepared for us;  AbiWord has
added source editing features like a line number ruler, syntax
highlighting, and of course the collaborative editing mode (which will
be very useful for Pair Programming).

- Pippy and Develop should be worked on in concert.  Right now Pippy
just uses gtksourceview, and really should end up sharing a lot of
common logic.

- Chema's been looking into internationalising Python.  I do not envy
him in this task. :)

Develop also proved tricky to work on, simply because I was outside of
OLPC proper.  Develop will likely require some work done on the design
of the sugar platform itself (the DS comes to mind).

The current code is rather over-engineered.  I tried to create a
so-called "object model" to describe every aspect of an Activity, and
eventually got lost in a big pile of classes and interactions.

I began to tumble down the rabbit hole of stressing over all these
issues, rather than focusing on having a minimal program that does the
simplest thing that could possibly work.  I did have a working tabbed
editor with TreeView and bzr version control, but it was very slow when
working with large trees.  Eventually I ended up losing interest simply
because I didn't really have much to show for my efforts, and now the
code is both broken and incompatible with the current version of Sugar.
Shame on me.

I think it might be appropriate to start over, and merely use the
current version as a reference.

What do you guys think?
Andrew Clunis

Devel mailing list

Re: no serial number ?

2007-12-05 Thread Mitch Bradley
> Scott,
>  > Um, I don't like those instructions at all.  Why not just set the
>  > serial number in SPI flash, and set the 'ak' tag while you're at it?
> Mitch suggested that first, and it didn't work. Setting a SN tag plus
> a U# tag did work, 

According to my recall, it still did not work after the U# tag was set.  
The following line from IRC is from just after we got the U# thing set 

hmm, ok, boot still tells me "could not activate this XO" 
followed by "Serial Number: SHF70600215"

We did not succeed until we booted without the initrd.

> but Mitch preferred not to provide public
> instructions on that, and suggested that I write up the boot script
> method instead.
> Cheers, Tridge
> ___
> Devel mailing list

Devel mailing list

Re: no serial number ?

2007-12-05 Thread tridge

 > Um, I don't like those instructions at all.  Why not just set the
 > serial number in SPI flash, and set the 'ak' tag while you're at it?

Mitch suggested that first, and it didn't work. Setting a SN tag plus
a U# tag did work, but Mitch preferred not to provide public
instructions on that, and suggested that I write up the boot script
method instead.

Cheers, Tridge
Devel mailing list

Re: Status of Develop.activity?

2007-12-05 Thread Yoshiki Ohshima
> The old 8-bit computer BASIC editors often would simply refuse to
> let you enter bad syntax. The language was also quite easy. Sorry to
> all the LISP fans out there, but "220 GOTO 200" is really easy for kids
> to understand. The XO is sorely lacking in something so easy to use.
> The other stuff (Python, Smalltalk, Java, etc.) is really hard
> compared to BASIC. Well, if one were trying to discourage kids, then
> the modern stuff would be perfect for that.
> I have to admit that VB development is very easy to start with.
> Things would be really different if kids could "draw" an activity,
> click on objects to add bits of BASIC, and then click to spit out
> a *.xo that is fully functional.

  The sweet spot of these versions of BASIC with line numbers is
around 20-100 lines of programs, and you wouldn't do too much of
object-oriented GUI programming, etc., etc in it.  It is still ok for
writing and learning simple programs, but writing a useful .xo in it
would be something I wouldn't recommend.  Nerds had written 10s of
thousands of lines of code, but you wouldn't recommend that in the
21st century, right?  (Of course I don't agree that Smalltalk is
really hard compared to BASIC, but that is different story.)

   (No, that Etoys thing again!?)  And, you can readily do syntax- and
namespace-aware interactive editing of Smalltalk in Etoys/Squeak on
XO, and make an "executable" with full multimedia capability and
everything on XO for XO, basically.  (There is a missing piece to make
the actual .xo file from Etoys project.  Bert did the "proof of
concept" work and we would need to make it accessible to people).  You
can even do the RAD style programming, BTW.

> Finally we have the problem of NO systems programming language
> being supplied. It's less than 9 MB for the whole C development
> environment, including a decent collection of *-devel packages.
> You even get a second language thrown in for free, x86 assembly.
> Pretty much everything that matters is written in C, including
> the Python interpreter.

  That was your point in November as well:

but there are two responses to that post.  (About the actual size and
also the runtime memory requirement.)  Did you look at them?

> This I like to hear. Eating one's own dog food is very good.

  Yes.  I like it, too.  I could do virtually all my development work
for Etoys on XO without compromizing too much (just the keyboard with
harder to use shift keys and a bit of sluggishness.).

> Note that non-activity developers need to put aside some RAM
> for the activities. (sugar developers, I'm looking at you!)
> Booting with "mem=128m" ought to do the job. In less than a
> year, the system memory usage has more than doubled. I hear
> that people are actually doing development on workstations
> with lots of RAM and fast CPUs, and it shows.

  I share the same feeling here.  128MB is pretty big chunk of memory.

  I went to Cambridge several times in last two years and observed
that the designers were making UI mockups on a faster computer in
Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.  The visual appearances were indeed
pretty good for the first glance, but also that seemed like a recipe
for making bloated UI for a slow computer.  I wish the design work
would have been done on slower computers.  In that way, you can get
better guess on the actual performance, the memory usage.

-- Yoshiki
Devel mailing list

Re: Status of Develop.activity?

2007-12-05 Thread M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
C. Scott Ananian wrote:
> On Dec 5, 2007 10:15 PM, Albert Cahalan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Finally we have the problem of NO systems programming language
>> being supplied. It's less than 9 MB for the whole C development
>> environment, including a decent collection of *-devel packages.
>> You even get a second language thrown in for free, x86 assembly.
>> Pretty much everything that matters is written in C, including
>> the Python interpreter.
> I'd be very interested in hearing details of your 'whole C development
> environment'.  By my casual inspection, 'rpm -qi gcc' says that gcc
> alone is over 10MB, and that *doesn't* include any of the *-devel
> packages needed to make it actually useful.
> I believe there has been some work done on identifying a "lightweight"
> C development infrastructure; your assistance there would be helpful.
>  --scott

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the XO a platform for learning, not 
software development? And isn't it supposed to be lightweight and 
child-friendly? I would dearly love to have Ruby in there, and R, and 
SBCL, and Guile, and Maxima, and Perl, because I don't know *any* 
Python. But the philosophy of the machine is that languages other than 
Python and Squeak/Smalltalk are discouraged. I don't mind learning 
Python to be able to program the machine.

Now, if you truly want a lightweight development environment, install 
"gforth". I believe it's under 2 MB, and it's a full ANS
Forth, not the basic low-level Forth that's in the boot firmware. It 
has, like most Forths, an assembler and dis-assembler.

That said, when I get my G1G1, I'm certainly planning to load additional 
software on a Secure Digital card, but that will probably be 
cross-compiled on another system, rather than native-compiled on the XO, 
simply because I've got much bigger workstations to use for compile 
Devel mailing list

Re: Status of Develop.activity?

2007-12-05 Thread Albert Cahalan
On Dec 6, 2007 12:29 AM, C. Scott Ananian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Dec 5, 2007 10:15 PM, Albert Cahalan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Finally we have the problem of NO systems programming language
>> being supplied. It's less than 9 MB for the whole C development
>> environment, including a decent collection of *-devel packages.
>> You even get a second language thrown in for free, x86 assembly.
>> Pretty much everything that matters is written in C, including
>> the Python interpreter.
> I'd be very interested in hearing details of your 'whole C development
> environment'.  By my casual inspection, 'rpm -qi gcc' says that gcc
> alone is over 10MB, and that *doesn't* include any of the *-devel
> packages needed to make it actually useful.

I'm going by what the "yum" command spits out when I
actually do the install. (if that is compressed, well, so is
the filesystem)

I got:

gcc5.2 M
glibc-devel2.0 M
glibc-headers  608 k
kernel-headers 645 k

Random libraries come cheap:

libpng-devel   105 k
zlib-devel  81 k
libpaper-devel 7.6 k
libpaper35 k

It only gets bad when the RPM is defective, as is
rather common. Getting X11 headers will drag in libGL.
Devel mailing list

Re: Status of Develop.activity?

2007-12-05 Thread Ivan Krstić
On Dec 6, 2007, at 12:29 AM, C. Scott Ananian wrote:
> I believe there has been some work done on identifying a "lightweight"
> C development infrastructure;

tinycc, a fork of tcc, is worth a look:

Ivan Krstić <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |

Devel mailing list

Re: no serial number ?

2007-12-05 Thread C. Scott Ananian
On Dec 6, 2007 12:02 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Many thanks for everyones help. Mitch Bradly walked me through the
> process of fixing my B2.
> See

Um, I don't like those instructions at all.  Why not just set the
serial number in SPI flash, and set the 'ak' tag while you're at it?
If booting from ext3 confuses the activation code, that should be
filed as a trac bug, not hacked around like this.

 ( )
Devel mailing list

Re: xo-get

2007-12-05 Thread C. Scott Ananian
On Dec 5, 2007 10:28 PM, Chris Hager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> just finished a little coding session inspired by our olpc-austria
> meeting, and thought to share some news:
> 1.
>A very simple, but functional .xo package-installer. It has a local
> sqlite3 db and behaves a bit like apt (update, search, install). Uses
> sugar-install-bundle (woking on the xo and in sugar jhbuild) to install
> activities. The repository is currently a wiki page, so everyone can
> edit / add their activities easily:

If you want to continue working on this,
tracks the design work we've done.

 ( )
Devel mailing list

Re: Status of Develop.activity?

2007-12-05 Thread C. Scott Ananian
On Dec 5, 2007 10:15 PM, Albert Cahalan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Finally we have the problem of NO systems programming language
> being supplied. It's less than 9 MB for the whole C development
> environment, including a decent collection of *-devel packages.
> You even get a second language thrown in for free, x86 assembly.
> Pretty much everything that matters is written in C, including
> the Python interpreter.

I'd be very interested in hearing details of your 'whole C development
environment'.  By my casual inspection, 'rpm -qi gcc' says that gcc
alone is over 10MB, and that *doesn't* include any of the *-devel
packages needed to make it actually useful.

I believe there has been some work done on identifying a "lightweight"
C development infrastructure; your assistance there would be helpful.

 ( )
Devel mailing list

Re: no serial number ?

2007-12-05 Thread tridge
Many thanks for everyones help. Mitch Bradly walked me through the
process of fixing my B2.


Devel mailing list

Re: no serial number ?

2007-12-05 Thread tridge

 > Can you get to the ok prompt?  If you can, the machine is not bricked.

yes, I can. I can press escape at boot and get a boot prompt. I've
tried the obvious things like "init=/bin/sh" but no luck. It does
boot, but gives the serial number error pretty quickly.

Perhaps I can downgrade it?

Cheers, Tridge
Devel mailing list

Re: no serial number ?

2007-12-05 Thread Mitch Bradley
Can you get to the ok prompt?  If you can, the machine is not bricked.

> I've got a B2-1 which I've just upgraded ready for a demo to a local
> Australian senator. Unfortunately I've been bitten by the activation
> process.
> At powerup it says "S/N Unknown", then 
>   could not activate this XO
>   Serial number: SHF
> When I try the activative procedure, I instead get:
>  No serial number in mfg data
>  No serial number
>  User power button to power off
> plus a sad face icon.
> Any suggestions? 
> Under the battery cover it says "b2-7" and gives a serial number of
> SHF70600215 
> Cheers, Tridge
> PS: Are there any other olpc owners in Canberra who could bring a
> machine along to a meeting with Senator Lundy next week?
> ___
> Devel mailing list

Devel mailing list

Re: no serial number ?

2007-12-05 Thread Mitch Bradley
Is the "wp" manufacturing data tag set?

If not, the systems should not go into secure mode, and should therefore 
be recoverable.

> Alexander,
>  > Unfortunately, it sounds like you have a bricked machine.
> oh well, them's the breaks :-)
> Is there a way we can tell if this is a likely outcome for others,
> perhaps by checking the serial number before upgrade and see if it
> looks valid?
> Cheers, Tridge
> ___
> Devel mailing list

Devel mailing list

Re: no serial number ?

2007-12-05 Thread tridge
 > I wonder how the WP tag got set?

WP == write protect?

You think the flash is write protected? 
Devel mailing list

Re: no serial number ?

2007-12-05 Thread tridge

 > Unfortunately, it sounds like you have a bricked machine.

oh well, them's the breaks :-)

Is there a way we can tell if this is a likely outcome for others,
perhaps by checking the serial number before upgrade and see if it
looks valid?

Cheers, Tridge
Devel mailing list

Re: Status of Develop.activity?

2007-12-05 Thread Albert Cahalan
Charles Durrett writes:
> On Dec 5, 2007 6:37 PM, Jameson Chema Quinn  wrote:

>> Starting January 6, I plan to be working 20 hours a week on Develop.
>> Actually I was gonna do tinymail first as Sugar practice.

If "tinymail" is an email client, I'd like to discuss it with you.

>> I estimate that I will have something useable (for Develop) within
>> a month, though "usable" is very very far from feature-complete.
>> No source control, language features, activity sharing, or even a
>> real debugger in the initial version, just a python editor and shell.
> I feel a Develop.activity capability is a very important aspect of the
> OLPC.   Along the lines of the embedded basic interpreters in the early
> computers mass marketed to the general (and creative) population.   It's
> also philosophically important but that's a whole different discussion.

I disagree, despite a strong belief that programming should be
easily available to kids. There are several types of environment:

a. VB-style RAD. (place widgets with mouse, write bits of code)
b. tokenizing editor that refuses to allow bad syntax
c. traditional editor

It looks like Develop is a traditional editor, and maybe not
a very nice one. (it's abusing a full word processing engine)
I would not be surprised to find that the Terminal activity
is a much more usable solution. There you even get your choice
of editor, language, build system, revision control, etc.

It seems we already have a Python IDE anyway. Why have two?
(you can answer "this will replace Pippy" of course)

The old 8-bit computer BASIC editors often would simply refuse to
let you enter bad syntax. The language was also quite easy. Sorry to
all the LISP fans out there, but "220 GOTO 200" is really easy for kids
to understand. The XO is sorely lacking in something so easy to use.
The other stuff (Python, Smalltalk, Java, etc.) is really hard
compared to BASIC. Well, if one were trying to discourage kids, then
the modern stuff would be perfect for that.

I have to admit that VB development is very easy to start with.
Things would be really different if kids could "draw" an activity,
click on objects to add bits of BASIC, and then click to spit out
a *.xo that is fully functional.

Finally we have the problem of NO systems programming language
being supplied. It's less than 9 MB for the whole C development
environment, including a decent collection of *-devel packages.
You even get a second language thrown in for free, x86 assembly.
Pretty much everything that matters is written in C, including
the Python interpreter.

> I've gotten IDLE working on the OLPC and plan to look at slamming it
> together with the presumably Sugar architected fragments from the
> Develop.activity files I found dated March of this year (2007).   As I
> mentioned, I'll be eating my own dog food by using only what's on the
> deployed machines and whatever I can create that way.

This I like to hear. Eating one's own dog food is very good.

Note that non-activity developers need to put aside some RAM
for the activities. (sugar developers, I'm looking at you!)
Booting with "mem=128m" ought to do the job. In less than a
year, the system memory usage has more than doubled. I hear
that people are actually doing development on workstations
with lots of RAM and fast CPUs, and it shows.

Actually doing the OS builds on the XO would be wonderful.
This would have caught the problems with *-devel RPMs being
Devel mailing list

Re: no serial number ?

2007-12-05 Thread Mitch Bradley
I wonder how the WP tag got set?

Alexander M. Latham wrote:
> --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> At powerup it says "S/N Unknown", then 
>   could not activate this XO
>   Serial number: SHF
> When I try the activative procedure, I instead get:
>  No serial number in mfg data
>  No serial number
>  User power button to power off
> plus a sad face icon.
> Any suggestions? 
> Under the battery cover it says "b2-7" and gives a serial number of
> SHF70600215 
> Cheers, Tridge
> --- end of quote ---
> Unfortunately, it sounds like you have a bricked machine.
> ___
> Devel mailing list

Devel mailing list

Re: no serial number ?

2007-12-05 Thread Alexander M. Latham
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
At powerup it says "S/N Unknown", then 

  could not activate this XO
  Serial number: SHF

When I try the activative procedure, I instead get:

 No serial number in mfg data
 No serial number
 User power button to power off

plus a sad face icon.

Any suggestions? 

Under the battery cover it says "b2-7" and gives a serial number of

Cheers, Tridge
--- end of quote ---

Unfortunately, it sounds like you have a bricked machine.
Devel mailing list


2007-12-05 Thread Chris Hager
hey all!

just finished a little coding session inspired by our olpc-austria 
meeting, and thought to share some news:


   A very simple, but functional .xo package-installer. It has a local 
sqlite3 db and behaves a bit like apt (update, search, install). Uses 
sugar-install-bundle (woking on the xo and in sugar jhbuild) to install 
activities. The repository is currently a wiki page, so everyone can 
edit / add their activities easily:

- chris
Devel mailing list

no serial number ?

2007-12-05 Thread tridge
I've got a B2-1 which I've just upgraded ready for a demo to a local
Australian senator. Unfortunately I've been bitten by the activation

At powerup it says "S/N Unknown", then 

  could not activate this XO
  Serial number: SHF

When I try the activative procedure, I instead get:

 No serial number in mfg data
 No serial number
 User power button to power off

plus a sad face icon.

Any suggestions? 

Under the battery cover it says "b2-7" and gives a serial number of

Cheers, Tridge

PS: Are there any other olpc owners in Canberra who could bring a
machine along to a meeting with Senator Lundy next week?
Devel mailing list

Re: Status of Develop.activity?

2007-12-05 Thread Charles Durrett
Howdy.   Comments inline below.

On Dec 5, 2007 6:37 PM, Jameson Chema Quinn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Starting January 6, I plan to be working 20 hours a week on Develop.
> Actually I was gonna do tinymail first as Sugar practice. I estimate that I
> will have something useable (for Develop) within a month, though "usable" is
> very very far from feature-complete. No source control, language features,
> activity sharing, or even a real debugger in the initial version, just a
> python editor and shell.

Sounds like a plan.   I have some 'downtime' from my northern hemisphere
farm during the winter so I might see what I can noodle together also.

I feel a Develop.activity capability is a very important aspect of the
OLPC.   Along the lines of the embedded basic interpreters in the early
computers mass marketed to the general (and creative) population.   It's
also philosophically important but that's a whole different discussion.

I've war gamed three different Develop.activity development
architecture/languages: Python, Smalltalk and JavaScript.  I think I'll
'attack' on the Python front.

> Any one of the aforementioned extra features would, of course, more than
> double the total work, but all are important in my POV. As soon as I can, I
> plan to start working on language features (my pet project, search the wiki
> for "bityi" to see some of my ideas). I would be happy to coordinate with
> MCFletch to split up the job, but it looks as if they have plenty else on
> their plate too...
>  I plan to apply for a developer machine, too, as soon as the Christmas
> rush is over. Hopefully enough hours of developer work earns you one, even
> if you're not working on hardware and drivers. (And don't y'all want
> somebody demoing in Guatemala?)

Mmm.   Well my 'constraints' are to try to develop Develop.activity solely
on the OLPC itself to avoid tiery-eyed astigmatism.  I have 3 G1G1 machines
heading in my direction and will eventually use one of those.   For now I am
using Ship.2 running in Qemu.

I've gotten IDLE working on the OLPC and plan to look at slamming it
together with the presumably Sugar architected fragments from the
Develop.activity files I found dated March of this year (2007).   As I
mentioned, I'll be eating my own dog food by using only what's on the
deployed machines and whatever I can create that way.

> Jameson


> On Dec 5, 2007 2:03 PM, Michael Burns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > On Dec 5, 2007 8:30 AM, Charles Durrett < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Am I missing where the status of Develop activity is documented?
> > >
> > > Is it (1) in work, (2) frozen, (3) abandoned/orphaned, (4) unknown/no
> > > consensus?
> > >
> > > Andrew Clunis had it for a while but last change was months ago.
> > >
> > > TIA
> > >
> > > ___
> > > Devel mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Michael Burns * Student
> > Open Source {Education} Lab
> > ___
> > Devel mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
Devel mailing list

Re: Displaying formatted text (HTML)

2007-12-05 Thread Benjamin M. Schwartz
Hash: SHA1

Asheesh Laroia wrote:
> Right now, we have the formatted text in HTML format.  I don't really want 
> to embed Mozilla, but is there a lightweight GTK HTML widget that I can 
> access from Python that is standard on the XO?
Not that I'm aware of.

>  If not, is there something 
> reasonable someone can suggest?
1. GTK text Labels and other text objects support an HTML-like markup language,
providing the ability to set font, size, color, underline, justification, etc.
2. The AbiWord widgets are relatively easy to embed from python.  You could make
your text an Abiword document.
3. You could just use an SVG.  For localization, switching out the text in an
SVG is just as easy as changing the text in an HTML document.  It's not like the
text is converted to outlines before being saved to the file.  GTK makes it
trivial to display SVGs, as you're probably aware.  It also allows you more
control than options 1 and 2.

- --Ben
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Devel mailing list

Re: Status of Develop.activity?

2007-12-05 Thread Jameson "Chema" Quinn
Starting January 6, I plan to be working 20 hours a week on Develop.
Actually I was gonna do tinymail first as Sugar practice. I estimate that I
will have something useable (for Develop) within a month, though "usable" is
very very far from feature-complete. No source control, language features,
activity sharing, or even a real debugger in the initial version, just a
python editor and shell. Any one of the aforementioned extra features would,
of course, more than double the total work, but all are important in my POV.
As soon as I can, I plan to start working on language features (my pet
project, search the wiki for "bityi" to see some of my ideas). I would be
happy to coordinate with MCFletch to split up the job, but it looks as if
they have plenty else on their plate too...

 I plan to apply for a developer machine, too, as soon as the Christmas rush
is over. Hopefully enough hours of developer work earns you one, even if
you're not working on hardware and drivers. (And don't y'all want somebody
demoing in Guatemala?)


On Dec 5, 2007 2:03 PM, Michael Burns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Dec 5, 2007 8:30 AM, Charles Durrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
> wrote:
> > Am I missing where the status of Develop activity is documented?
> >
> > Is it (1) in work, (2) frozen, (3) abandoned/orphaned, (4) unknown/no
> > consensus?
> >
> > Andrew Clunis had it for a while but last change was months ago.
> >
> > TIA
> >
> > ___
> > Devel mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Michael Burns * Student
> Open Source {Education} Lab
> ___
> Devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

Displaying formatted text (HTML)

2007-12-05 Thread Asheesh Laroia
Part of the Creative Commons licensing activity I'm working on is a 
cartoon that explains CC licensing.  The display of it has two parts: a 
picture, and some formatted text.

Right now, we have the formatted text in HTML format.  I don't really want 
to embed Mozilla, but is there a lightweight GTK HTML widget that I can 
access from Python that is standard on the XO?  If not, is there something 
reasonable someone can suggest?

Thanks for all y'all's help!

-- Asheesh.

"I'm not stupid, I'm not expendable, and I'M NOT GOING!"
Devel mailing list

New joyride build 1374

2007-12-05 Thread Build Announcer Script

-sugar-datastore.noarch 0:0.5-0.8.gite23a6f66eb
+sugar-datastore.noarch 0:0.5-1
-sugar.i386 0:0.75.0-0.9.git5e942edddc
+sugar.i386 0:0.75.0-1

--- Journal-79 ---
* #5162 Don't take a screenshot when asked by the shell. (tomeu)
* #5235 Don't try to extract an icon from a bundle entry without file. 

 This email was automatically generated
 Aggregated logs at
Devel mailing list

Re: OpenFirmware password

2007-12-05 Thread Mitch Bradley
ffm wrote:
> I am not completely sure how to set it for the XO-1. I have followed 
> instructions for other implementations of OpenFirmware, but without 
> success.

Password security is not enabled in the XO version of OFW.  Most of the 
deployed systems will be in secure mode, in which you can't access the 
firmware prompt without a developer key.

In general, I have  chosen not to implement persistent configuration 
variable storage for the XO OFW.  One reason is to make the system 
simpler/more foolproof.  Another reason is because the XO doesn't have a 
good place to store such information.

> Any ideas?
> -ffm
> ___
> Devel mailing list

Devel mailing list

Re: lots of scrolling in activities-list

2007-12-05 Thread Christoph Derndorfer

thanks a lot for the information!

I'm very much looking forward to what you guys have thought of... :-)



Message: 5
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2007 14:13:20 -0500
From: "Eben Eliason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: lots of scrolling in activities-list
To: "Christoph Derndorfer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

We have a completely new approach to this on the table, which will be
discussed and hopefully placed into the roadmap soon.  Once we've
polished the ideas and the mockups I'm sure they will be available for
everyone to provide feedback on.

It won't be a start menu, though; I promise.   ;-) 

- Eben

Devel mailing list

New joyride build 1373

2007-12-05 Thread Build Announcer Script

-telepathy-gabble.i386 0:0.7.1-0.4.olpc2
+telepathy-gabble.i386 0:0.7.1-0.5.olpc2

 This email was automatically generated
 Aggregated logs at
Devel mailing list

OpenFirmware password

2007-12-05 Thread ffm
I am not completely sure how to set it for the XO-1. I have followed
instructions for other implementations of OpenFirmware, but without success.

Any ideas?

Devel mailing list

Re: Fake mesh over IP.

2007-12-05 Thread drew einhorn
I have a couple G1G1 coming my way.

I'm trying to figure what I need to support them and
a few sugars running on ubuntu boxes.

Both XOs will be here for a short while.

Then one will be going south to MX with my grandson and daughter.

I'll need at least a jabber server of my own.

Would it be better to install my own XS school server?

Would it be even better to have local servers at both sites?

I see lists for developers and educators.  Is there a list for
system/network admistrators?

On Dec 5, 2007 9:06 AM, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Morgan Collett wrote:
> > Yes, the presence service operates either over the mesh, or via a Jabber
> > server if you have Internet access. However due to scalability issues,
> > the G1G1 software is not configured with a real jabber server by
> > default. There is no way we could handle the 100,000 G1G1 laptops trying
> > to connect to the current infrastructure.
> >
> > We are working on server scalability issues for Update.1, at which time
> > there will be a new software release and hopefully a usable server.
> >
> > I do NOT recommend anybody advising G1G1 users to connect to the current
> > developer jabber servers, as that will ensure that those servers become
> > unusable for the development community.
> Some G1G1 users are going to be sophisticated enough to search the web,
> find a server URL on the wiki and attempt to collaborate using it. :) I
> think the "real answer" is to find a corporate entity who will view this
> as a marketing opportunity and provide the infrastructure, much like
> T-Mobile have done with a year of free wireless connectivity.
> Speaking of such "sophisticated G1G1 users", I've built VMware images of
> ship2, and I can do so for Joyride as well. Is there a place where I
> could post such images for people who are waiting for their G1G1
> hardware, so they can experiment with the interface?
> ___
> Devel mailing list

Drew Einhorn
Devel mailing list

Re: lots of scrolling in activities-list

2007-12-05 Thread Andres Salomon
Excellent, hidden/scrolling panels are such bad UI.  Hopefully we'll
see a replacement sooner rather than later!

On Wed, 5 Dec 2007 14:13:20 -0500
"Eben Eliason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> We have a completely new approach to this on the table, which will be
> discussed and hopefully placed into the roadmap soon.  Once we've
> polished the ideas and the mockups I'm sure they will be available for
> everyone to provide feedback on.
> It won't be a start menu, though; I promise.  ;-)
> - Eben
> On Dec 5, 2007 2:08 PM, Christoph Derndorfer
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I finally had a chance to play with our B4s and build 648.
> >
> > Given that a number of additional activities are now available
> > compared to previous builds I do find the scrolling in the
> > activities list to be a bit tiresome.
> >
> > Especially when I think about these laptops being in use for several
> > months, children having downloaded more activites, maybe additional
> > activities will be deployed by local groups or ministries of
> > education. That can easily result in upwards of 30 or 40 activities
> > being installed on any given machine.
> >
> > Shouldn't we try to come up with a better (or at least offer an
> > alternative) approach to handling these lists of activities? (How
> > about a "start" button for example?;-)
> >
> > Maybe categories or something?
> >
> > What do you think?
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Christoph
> > (OLPC Austria)
> > ___
> > Devel mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

Re: Status of Develop.activity?

2007-12-05 Thread Michael Burns

On Dec 5, 2007 8:30 AM, Charles Durrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Am I missing where the status of Develop activity is documented?
> Is it (1) in work, (2) frozen, (3) abandoned/orphaned, (4) unknown/no
> consensus?
> Andrew Clunis had it for a while but last change was months ago.
> ___
> Devel mailing list

Michael Burns * Student
Open Source {Education} Lab
Devel mailing list

Re: lots of scrolling in activities-list

2007-12-05 Thread Eben Eliason
We have a completely new approach to this on the table, which will be
discussed and hopefully placed into the roadmap soon.  Once we've
polished the ideas and the mockups I'm sure they will be available for
everyone to provide feedback on.

It won't be a start menu, though; I promise.  ;-)

- Eben

On Dec 5, 2007 2:08 PM, Christoph Derndorfer
> Hello all,
> I finally had a chance to play with our B4s and build 648.
> Given that a number of additional activities are now available compared
> to previous builds I do find the scrolling in the activities list to be
> a bit tiresome.
> Especially when I think about these laptops being in use for several
> months, children having downloaded more activites, maybe additional
> activities will be deployed by local groups or ministries of education.
> That can easily result in upwards of 30 or 40 activities being installed
> on any given machine.
> Shouldn't we try to come up with a better (or at least offer an
> alternative) approach to handling these lists of activities? (How about
> a "start" button for example?;-)
> Maybe categories or something?
> What do you think?
> Cheers,
> Christoph
> (OLPC Austria)
> ___
> Devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

lots of scrolling in activities-list

2007-12-05 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hello all,

I finally had a chance to play with our B4s and build 648.

Given that a number of additional activities are now available compared 
to previous builds I do find the scrolling in the activities list to be 
a bit tiresome.

Especially when I think about these laptops being in use for several 
months, children having downloaded more activites, maybe additional 
activities will be deployed by local groups or ministries of education. 
That can easily result in upwards of 30 or 40 activities being installed 
on any given machine.

Shouldn't we try to come up with a better (or at least offer an 
alternative) approach to handling these lists of activities? (How about 
a "start" button for example?;-)

Maybe categories or something?

What do you think?

(OLPC Austria)
Devel mailing list

New joyride build 1372

2007-12-05 Thread Build Announcer Script

-etoys.noarch 0:2.2.1796-1
+etoys.noarch 0:2.3.1820-1

--- etoys.noarch 2.3.1820-1 ---
  * updated translations, added el, ne, ur, zh_TW
  * automatically pop up badges as buddies join and leave
  * save Smalltalk code from current changeset in project

--- Etoys-72 ---
  * updated translations, added el, ne, ur, zh_TW
  * automatically pop up badges as buddies join and leave
  * save Smalltalk code from current changeset in project

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 Aggregated logs at
Devel mailing list

Please indicate exactly what packages need to be changed...

2007-12-05 Thread Jim Gettys
Please indicate exactly what packages need to be changed, when asking
for approval to put something into the Update.1 build.  It isn't fair to
Dennis for him to have to divine this information from patches and
comments that it's working in joyride.

 - Jim

Jim Gettys
One Laptop Per Child

Devel mailing list

RFC: OLPC XMPP component protocol

2007-12-05 Thread Robert McQueen
Hi folks,

We're currently in the process of designing the protocol that OLPC
laptops (currently aiming at Update.2) can use to talk to a XMPP server
component. Currently we do some odd things (which seemed like a good
idea back in March when we had no UI for subscribing to people), such as
rely on a shared roster configuration on the server that lets everyone
see everyone else, and put stuff which is actually per-activity (which
are magically blessed MUC rooms) into other PEP nodes which everyone
pushes around. This sucks.

Some relevant background information:
* The protocols we use to implement shared activities:
* The XMPP extensions we rely on (and how we (ab?)use them):
* The server configuration we require: (this is still a bit
experimental and needs a couple of patches to our client code to take
care of slightly different MUC/PEP semantic - we started with Ejabberd
because it had a PEP patch available back in March)

The goals of our component are the following:
 * it can be easily deployed without needing anything more specific than
a Jabber server that has support for PEP and MUC
 * it doesn't rely on any abnormal configuration/behaviour on the Jabber
server that breach the normal XMPP approaches to privacy
 * it doesn't rely on being able to access information from the server's
MUC or PEP implementations in any non-standard mechanisms
 * it can scale better than the current protocol, possibly even to
50,000 laptops if we consider the G1G1 (
programme, and a suitably scalable server
 * it adds the ability to do server-side searching which we currently
lack, except by dint of the fact that we currently see everything so we
can implement filtering on the client side

The component protocol we're designing to address these goals is
documented here:

The general idea is that we keep using PEP for the per-buddy information
(the OLPC buddy properties, and the current activity) so we receive that
for our buddies, but we stop using it for any activity information and
we use extended MUC invites and change messages inside the MUCs to send
the activity properties around. The component then uses both of these
technologies (you subscribe to the component so it can see your PEP
notifications, and you invite it into activity MUCs you want to publish)
to make the buddy property, activity property and activity membership
information searchable for people who aren't on your roster, and push
updates to them.

(For the people on the XMPP standards list, I should probably point out
that I'm not particularly proposing any of this to be standardised, I'm
just looking for any feedback or input on our design, and what concerns
will impact its scalability.)

One particular unsolved issue we have is that because the component
doesn't know who your friends are, this means that we will find out
about activities from our friends' PEP nodes which we don't have the
activity properties for. Currently this means when we encounter an
activity that's not in our current result set, we'll have to manipulate
this (or another set) of our friends's activities which we'd like to
also receive the properties for. Ideally the component would already
know, and could push these details to us. Any suggestions on how to
address this are welcome.

On a related note, it seems that there is the possibility that we want
to change the protocol so we can open up a few distinct sets of results,
such as certain activities or buddies, and have the server keep them
around so it can keep pushing us notifications when anything changes.
Should we be using something different to Result Set Management given
that says it's aimed at stateless queries, or do you think it's ok to
re-use it once we've worked out how to open/close different search contexts?

And generally, what do people think? Is there a completely different
approach we should be taking? Thanks for your time... apologies for the
over-long e-mail too. :)


Devel mailing list

Status of Develop.activity?

2007-12-05 Thread Charles Durrett
Am I missing where the status of Develop activity is documented?

Is it (1) in work, (2) frozen, (3) abandoned/orphaned, (4) unknown/no

Andrew Clunis had it for a while but last change was months ago.

Devel mailing list

Re: Official signed ship.2 candidate 650

2007-12-05 Thread C. Scott Ananian
On Dec 5, 2007 11:16 AM, Stephen Reilly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That is interesting because I used olpc-update 650 from home this
> morning and it installed but I have to say the last message before the
> system prompt was "installing ." it did not give a warm fuzzy
> feeling that it installed until I rebooted and noted the kernel was 650.

I will add a nice "Reboot now to start running your new build; if you
have any problems, hold down the 'O' key when powering on to return to
your current operating system version." message to olpc-update for

> What concern me was that it only took < 10 minutes... it did not appears
> to have to load the entire 300mb...

That's the key feature!

 ( )
Devel mailing list

Re: Official signed ship.2 candidate 650

2007-12-05 Thread Stephen Reilly
That is interesting because I used olpc-update 650 from home this 
morning and it installed but I have to say the last message before the 
system prompt was "installing ." it did not give a warm fuzzy 
feeling that it installed until I rebooted and noted the kernel was 650. 
What concern me was that it only took < 10 minutes... it did not appears 
to have to load the entire 300mb... BTW I loaded the new OFW after I 
installed 650 if that makes a difference.

C. Scott Ananian wrote:
> On Dec 5, 2007 9:14 AM, Morgan Collett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Jim Gettys wrote:
>>> -bash-3.2# olpc-update 650
>>> Downlaoding contents of build 650.
>>> @Error unknown module 'build-650':md5 mismatch for build 650
>>> On Wed, 2007-12-05 at 02:23 -0500, C. Scott Ananian wrote:
 olpc-update 650
>> olpc-update ship-2.650 worked for me on a MP XO.
> Sorry, I'd gone home for the night and my home internet link is very
> slow for uploads (asymmetric connections, grumble grumble).  The
> olpc-update should work with both ship.2-650 and plain 650, but the
> latter comes from and it took multiple hours last
> night for the upload to from my laptop to
> complete.  In any case, I know that 'olpc-update 650' failed last
> night while 'olpc-update ship.2-650' didn't, blame verizon, they both
> should work now.
>  --scott

Devel mailing list

Re: Fake mesh over IP.

2007-12-05 Thread M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
Morgan Collett wrote:
> Yes, the presence service operates either over the mesh, or via a Jabber
> server if you have Internet access. However due to scalability issues,
> the G1G1 software is not configured with a real jabber server by
> default. There is no way we could handle the 100,000 G1G1 laptops trying
> to connect to the current infrastructure.
> We are working on server scalability issues for Update.1, at which time
> there will be a new software release and hopefully a usable server.
> I do NOT recommend anybody advising G1G1 users to connect to the current
> developer jabber servers, as that will ensure that those servers become
> unusable for the development community.

Some G1G1 users are going to be sophisticated enough to search the web, 
find a server URL on the wiki and attempt to collaborate using it. :) I 
think the "real answer" is to find a corporate entity who will view this 
as a marketing opportunity and provide the infrastructure, much like 
T-Mobile have done with a year of free wireless connectivity.

Speaking of such "sophisticated G1G1 users", I've built VMware images of 
ship2, and I can do so for Joyride as well. Is there a place where I 
could post such images for people who are waiting for their G1G1 
hardware, so they can experiment with the interface?
Devel mailing list

Re: .xo archive?

2007-12-05 Thread Alexander M. Latham
--- Ed Montgomery wrote:
Can anyone suggest a link for a 'master' .xo package
--- end of quote ---

there are a few pages to look at: (this is where most activites should be 
listed in the future) (all the activites in 
joyride) (GCompris activities may not work on builds 
after 623; there is a track bug about this)

- AlexL
Devel mailing list

Re: Official signed ship.2 candidate 650

2007-12-05 Thread Bernardo Innocenti
C. Scott Ananian wrote:

> That said, *please try using olpc-update*, because we need to
> get an idea of how common the failures are (we have not found them
> to be very common).

Please note that ship.2 includes the buggy version of olpc-utils
that will reset the LANG back to English on updates.  The problem
is fixed in Joyride.

 |___|   Bernardo Innocenti -
  \___\  One Laptop Per Child -
Devel mailing list

Re: .xo archive?

2007-12-05 Thread Ed Montgomery
I'm wondering if there is a 'master'
archive/directory/list of ALL .xo packages?  I've been
looking, and have found SOME on source code list,
others on a packaging list, etc.  So, for example,
I've wandered amongst several lists/sites looking for
a tamtam.xo, but so far, all I have found is source
for various parts.

Can anyone suggest a link for a 'master' .xo package


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Devel mailing list

Re: Official signed ship.2 candidate 650

2007-12-05 Thread C. Scott Ananian
On Dec 5, 2007 9:14 AM, Morgan Collett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jim Gettys wrote:
> > -bash-3.2# olpc-update 650
> >
> > Downlaoding contents of build 650.
> > @Error unknown module 'build-650':md5 mismatch for build 650
> > On Wed, 2007-12-05 at 02:23 -0500, C. Scott Ananian wrote:
> >> olpc-update 650
> olpc-update ship-2.650 worked for me on a MP XO.

Sorry, I'd gone home for the night and my home internet link is very
slow for uploads (asymmetric connections, grumble grumble).  The
olpc-update should work with both ship.2-650 and plain 650, but the
latter comes from and it took multiple hours last
night for the upload to from my laptop to
complete.  In any case, I know that 'olpc-update 650' failed last
night while 'olpc-update ship.2-650' didn't, blame verizon, they both
should work now.

 ( )
Devel mailing list

Re: Official signed ship.2 candidate 650

2007-12-05 Thread Morgan Collett
Jim Gettys wrote:
> -bash-3.2# olpc-update 650
> Downlaoding contents of build 650.
> @Error unknown module 'build-650':md5 mismatch for build 650

> On Wed, 2007-12-05 at 02:23 -0500, C. Scott Ananian wrote:
>> olpc-update 650

olpc-update ship-2.650 worked for me on a MP XO.
Devel mailing list

Re: Official signed ship.2 candidate 650

2007-12-05 Thread Jim Gettys
I tried to do the update

Here's the results

-bash-3.2# olpc-update 650

Downlaoding contents of build 650.
@Error unknown module 'build-650':md5 mismatch for build 650
rsync error: error starting client-server protocol (code 5) at
main.c(1383) [receiver=2.6.9]

Could not download update contents file from:
I don't think the requested build number exists.

On Wed, 2007-12-05 at 02:23 -0500, C. Scott Ananian wrote:
> Official signed images for build 650 are now at:
> You can also use:
> olpc-update 650
> but be aware that build 650 fixes an open firmware bug which could
> cause your machine to fail to boot after you upgrade.  That said,
> *please try using olpc-update*, because we need to get an idea of how
> common the failures are (we have not found them to be very common).
> If your boot fails after you olpc-update, do an "alt boot" by pressing
> "O" when you power-on to restore to your previous OS version and
> manually flash the firmware to q2d06, which should fix the problem.
> The firmware will not automatically update from the build unless you
> are using secure boot; if you have security disabled on your machine,
> boot with 'X' held down to do a one-time-only secure boot, which
> should automatically reflash the firmware for you.  You must have a
> battery *and* AC power present before OFW will attempt to reflash the
> firmware.
> Since this is an emergency release for ship.2, with very little lead
> time, please help us test 650.  It should be identical to build 649
> except for the firmware (and I have manually gone through a
> file-by-file diff to check this) but bugs can creep in.
>  --scott
Jim Gettys
One Laptop Per Child

Devel mailing list

Re: Official signed ship.2 candidate 650

2007-12-05 Thread James Cameron
On Wed, Dec 05, 2007 at 02:23:19AM -0500, C. Scott Ananian wrote:
> You can also use:
> olpc-update 650

No such module.
Presume you meant:

olpc-update ship.2-650

Which worked fine.  1.4Mb total download per B4 here.

James Cameronmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Devel mailing list

Re: Fake mesh over IP.

2007-12-05 Thread Jani Monoses
Morgan Collett wrote:
> Miguel Álvarez wrote:
>> I think that you're rather interested on the presence service and
>> activity sharing. That can be done independently of the mesh range, as
>> it relies (in the infrastructure mode) on jabber servers. I guess there
>> will be designated server(s) for G1G1 recipients, but that can be
>> manually configured if necessary.
> Yes, the presence service operates either over the mesh, or via a Jabber
> server if you have Internet access. However due to scalability issues,
> the G1G1 software is not configured with a real jabber server by
> default. There is no way we could handle the 100,000 G1G1 laptops trying
> to connect to the current infrastructure.

Is there an easy way of using salut on the regular (non-mesh) wifi 
interface? That would cover only laptops on the same LAN and be suited 
for a school laboratory or a household.


Devel mailing list

New joyride build 1369

2007-12-05 Thread Build Announcer Script

-bootfw.i386 0:q2d05-0
+bootfw.i386 0:q2d06-0
-olpc-utils.i386 0:0.51-2.olpc2
+olpc-utils.i386 0:0.53-1.olpc2

 This email was automatically generated
 Aggregated logs at
Devel mailing list

Re: Fake mesh over IP.

2007-12-05 Thread Morgan Collett
Miguel Álvarez wrote:
> I think that you're rather interested on the presence service and
> activity sharing. That can be done independently of the mesh range, as
> it relies (in the infrastructure mode) on jabber servers. I guess there
> will be designated server(s) for G1G1 recipients, but that can be
> manually configured if necessary.

Yes, the presence service operates either over the mesh, or via a Jabber
server if you have Internet access. However due to scalability issues,
the G1G1 software is not configured with a real jabber server by
default. There is no way we could handle the 100,000 G1G1 laptops trying
to connect to the current infrastructure.

We are working on server scalability issues for Update.1, at which time
there will be a new software release and hopefully a usable server.

I do NOT recommend anybody advising G1G1 users to connect to the current
developer jabber servers, as that will ensure that those servers become
unusable for the development community.

The best alternative we can offer at this stage is which points to the
ejabberd configuration currently in use, and which will be kept up to
date as we test additional Jabber servers.

Devel mailing list

Re: Official signed ship.2 candidate 650

2007-12-05 Thread Yoshiki Ohshima
> Official signed images for build 650 are now at:
> You can also use:
> olpc-update 650

  From what version should I try this?  Naturally my B4s are loaded
with 135x.  Should I install (signed?) 648 and Q2D05 first?

-- Yoshiki
Devel mailing list