Re: rpm vs xo & activity updates

2009-06-24 Thread Bryan Kearney
Daniel Drake wrote:
> - There is certainly room for improvement in future, but finding
> development time in the short term may be a bit tricky... or perhaps we
> will be able to raise community interest in making or implementing a
> plan for improvement... :)
> Daniel

Have you looked at how ruby gems and rpms interact? I do not have a 
tremendous amount of experience, but it seems like the user can select 
either rpms or gems to update, and it "just works".

-- bk
Devel mailing list

stalled Fedora reviews

2009-06-24 Thread Peter Robinson
Hi All

Just going through the package reviews in Fedora related to
olpc/sugar. The following are either stalled or closed due to lack of
response from the reporter.


I'm not really sure of the exact reasons for the stall. I know I was
watching the first 3 and haven't seen a response for a while. Is
someone able to take them over (I can assist or review if necessary)
or if they're no longer wanted let me know and I'll close them.

Devel mailing list

Re: 1.5 power management, input events, wakeup events

2009-06-24 Thread Daniel Drake
On Wed, 2009-06-24 at 15:08 -0400, Paul Fox wrote:
> the input devices /dev/input/event[012] (which currently report
> on power button, ebook, and lid events) are also implemented in
> olpc-pm.c -- i'm not sure what their fate might be.

The end-user interface for those is unlikely to change much (if we do
the ACPI tables right).

On any modern non-XO laptop run: cat /proc/bus/input/devices

You'll usually see ACPI-backed input devices for the lid and power


Devel mailing list

1.5 power management, input events, wakeup events

2009-06-24 Thread Paul Fox
i was mildly surprised today in a conversation with chris ball
when he implied that the contents of our current (gen1)
/sys/power directory would probably be going away in 1.5.  or,
more specifically, he said that arch/x86/kernel/olpc-pm.c would
be going away, and that the wakeup_events and wakeup_source
mechanisms would be quite different.  principally, the plan is
apparently to rely on ACPI mechanisms where possible.

the input devices /dev/input/event[012] (which currently report
on power button, ebook, and lid events) are also implemented in
olpc-pm.c -- i'm not sure what their fate might be.

so:  i'm hoping someone (deepak?  chris?) can write up a sketch
of how they think power management, those input devices, wakeup
events, etc, will work on 1.5.  direct comparison to 1.0 would be
helpful.  (and of course a tie-in to specific work-to-be-done
and/or modules-to-be-written would be helpful too.)

 paul fox,
Devel mailing list

xs-activation updates

2009-06-24 Thread Martin Langhoff
I just published a new xs-activation rpm that wraps up all the recent
work for around antitheft. A nice wikipage is in the works, but for
now a quick summary will do:

 - serves over port 191, and http (using the OAT protocol)

 - serves "root" leases, and also serves delegated leases, created on
the fly with a configurable length of validity (within the bounds of
the delegation, naturally

 - over OAT, it signs its messages with a delegated OAT key

 - it serves more complete messages

 - can serve "stolen" messages over both protocols (the laptop can be
marked as stolen from Moodle)

 - knows how to import leases, lease delegations, oat delegations and
"server keys" from appropriately prepared USB disks

 - has a modest privilege separation scheme where the private key is
only root readable, and the signing process is abstracted from the
actual server daemons

 - works well with the oat client code.

 - low-level logging goes to user.log, "high level" logging goes to
Moodle's logging facility.

 - keeps data on "last seen" times for each client


-- -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
Devel mailing list

Re: update mechanism for new releases

2009-06-24 Thread Peter Robinson
> RPM is unfortunately a disaster in this space. If an rpm transaction
> fails, there are no sane ways to recover it. On XO-1 a full OS update
> transaction with rpm  will take a very long time, so it's highly
> likely that it will be interrupted. RPM and yum hackers treat this as
> an intractable problem.

yum has a feature now that allows you to complete 'transactions' I
discovered the hard way that this actually works quite well :-)

> This is, IMO, the actual showstopper. If we had a fs that could handle
> snapshotting, then we could snapshot the system before starting the
> RPM transaction, and have recovery hooks in the boot partition or in
> initrd. There's been discussion on fedora-devel about hooking up yum
> with btrfs transactions

We do this at work on our SANs for major upgrades "snap restore
backup-x" reboot :-)

>  - Upstream has not historically supported yum-based upgrades, only
> anaconda upgrades. Yum OS upgrades are a relatively new (and risky)
> thing. We could have an 'anaconda boot' partition to handle upgrades
> without external media.

Sounds like preupgrade. But in specific deployments where you know
exactly the current software versions and the hardware it would be
fairly easy to test and verify a 'yum upgrade'.

>  - Disk space requirements for olpc-update vs yum/rpm are probably
> similar, and I suspect that during the upgrade rpm transaction the
> footprint is larger for the rpm methods. We could teach olpc-update to
> jettison the old image as soon as the new one boots successfully...
>  - olpc-update completely sidesteps %pre and %post scripts -- this is
> potentially a problem.
>  - olpc-update offers downgrades, but our software at higher layers
> doesn't support this. The Journal format upgrade broke downgrades in
> the last OS upgrade. Sugar 0.84 has another Journal format change,
> probably with a similar upgrade-only path.
>  - deltarpm-style tools are of little benefit for a whole OS upgrade.
> as there is little or no overlap between releases. Where there is
> overlap, then olpc-update's hardlinking strategy is also a win of
> similar proportions. Deltarpm-style tools usually force you to keep
> around the original rpm as well.

I think it uses the actual installed files so there's no need to keep
the actual rpms around.

Devel mailing list

Re: update mechanism for new releases

2009-06-24 Thread Peter Robinson
> We have a bug open here which is a difficult question, in my opinion:
> For the upcoming XO-1.5 software build (which will hopefully make it
> onto XO-1 in the near future), do we want to ship olpc-update or use
> standard Fedora technologies?
> My unconclusive thoughts and questions:
> olpc-update has some features which aren't available elsewhere, such as
> the ability to switch between 2 OS builds installed on the same disk.
> However, I've never seen or heard of this being used in the field.
> olpc-update is a "deployment quality" system in that it has covered
> everything - not only from being an updater, it has olpc-update-query
> which implements logic to figure out when to ask for updates and where
> to ask for them. It's accompanied by the theft deterrence protocol and 3
> different server-side implementations of that. It's been implemented in
> OLPC deployments.
> olpc-update creates a huge mass of hardlinks on disk, one for every file
> on the main OS. It then rsyncs in the updated files on a copy-on-write
> basis. Therefore you end up with a hell of a lot of hardlinks, and 2
> complete copies of every file that has changed. (this means it is not
> great for situations when a lot of files have changed, e.g. changing
> between major Fedora releases)
> olpc-update presents challenges for deployments that customise their
> images. Namely, to produce a build that it is possible to olpc-update to
> involves quite a bit of hassle (inserting security keys into the
> firmware of each XO, setting up an OATS server, etc). We did manage to
> figure this out in Paraguay (thanks to the internet connection, since it
> wouldn't be safe to put the OATS server in the schools) and I improved
> some tools accordingly.
> We've switched to dracut for our initramfs, meaning that the
> initramfs-level stuff for the olpc-update system needs to be
> reimplemented. Basically we have to wrangle with the strange /versions
> filesystem layout and "frob" the /versions/current symlink if the user
> is switching between versions. I have reimplemented this logic in a
> dracut module but it is completely untested.
> The option for using "Standard Fedora technologies" as far as I am aware
> is to basically use "yum update" in a fashion somehow suited for
> deployments.
> Before F11, this would have meant a lot of downloading as each RPM
> update was downloaded in full even if only a little bit changed. As of
> F11, Fedora is now joining the "only download the bits that change"
> movement with yum-presto and deltarpms:
> The deltarpm description on that lwn article leaves a little to be
> desired -- it wouldn't work with big packages (is the quoted 200mb the
> compressed or uncompressed size?), the reconstruction from deltas is a
> CPU intensive task and we have a slow CPU, and it's all done in memory
> and we don't have a huge amount of memory especially on XO-1.
> olpc-update has an overhead of about 5 minutes of checksumming files.

Well it works fine for OpenOffice and that's probably about the
biggest package I have on my F-11 system. The file size might be a
restriction to keep the memory usage in check. The thing with deltarpm
is ultimately its a decision between bandwidth usage and memory usage.
If all the updates are coming from a local school server and there's
only a few updates a month its probably better going with the complete
rpms. If bandwidth is an issue then drpms might well be the way to go.
Fortunately its easy to enforce from the server side so you could
include the deltrarpm support on the client side and if its not wanted
just don't make the drpms available from the server.

> Even though olpc-update isn't great for doing big distro updates
> (because of storing 2 copies of changed files, in this case almost all
> of them), it worked in those situations. I've never attempted an
> RPM-based update from e.g. Fedora 10 to Fedora 11. How well does that
> work out for regular Fedora users?

I've never had a problem with it. I've used it to remotely update my
australian server from F-7 -> F-11 (not at once), and never had an
issue with it. I've done it without issue on my local London firewall
as well (a Fit-PC which runs the same style Geode a the XO). The main
issue is that Fedora only tests upgrades between supported versions.
So they "support" yum upgrades to F-11 from F-9 and F-10.

> "yum update" always seems to use a surprising amount of bandwidth,
> redownloading entire package databases just to see if anything new is
> available. olpc-update was much more efficient in this respect, sending
> only a 128-byte hash of the filesystem contents file to the OATS server.
> For rpms, is there a more efficient alternative for updates-checking in
> situations where there is only going to be e.g. 1 update per month?

This should have improved greatly from F-9 to F-11. As for more
efficient, not that I'm aware of but if t

[Invitation] Activity Team Meeting @ Fri Jun 26 1pm – 2pm (

2009-06-24 Thread Frederick Grose
PRODID:-//Google Inc//Google Calendar 70.9054//EN
 g&prompt=1\n\nAgenda\n- How to move forward with updating Activities via AS
 LO. Should at\nleast be on roadmap to synchronise work and expectations.\n-
  Reduce redundant information on\, and ASLO. Factors to\ncons
 ider:\n  -- Expectations of existing user base.\n  -- Update mechanism at e
 xisting deployments.\n  -- Reduce overall confusion.\n  -- Reduce workload 
 on Activity developers.\n  -- Scalability of solution.\n\nView your event a
SUMMARY:Activity Team Meeting

Description: application/ics
Devel mailing list

[SugarLabsPR-en] Sugar Labs Announces Immediate Availability of Sugar on a Stick; Learning Platform Runs on Any PC or Netbook In The Classroom

2009-06-24 Thread
Sugar Labs Announces Immediate Availability of Sugar on a Stick;
Learning Platform Runs on Any PC or Netbook In The Classroom

LinuxTag, Berlin, June 24, 2009: Sugar Labs™, nonprofit provider of
the Sugar Learning Platform to over one-million children worldwide,
announces the immediate availability of Sugar on a Stick v1
Strawberry. Available free for download at, Sugar on
a Stick can be loaded onto an ordinary 1GB USB flash drive and used to
reboot any PC or netbook directly into the award-winning Sugar
environment. It runs on recent Macs with a helper CD and in Windows
using virtualization. Sugar on a Stick is designed to work with a
School Server that can provide content distribution, homework
collection, backup services, Moodle integration, and filtered access
to the Internet. Today's Strawberry release is meant for classroom
testing; feedback ( will be incorporated into
the next version, available towards the end of 2009.

"One year after its founding, Sugar Labs is delivering on its
education promise for its second million learners," commented Walter
Bender, founder and executive director. "Sugar is preferred because it
is a superior learning experience for young children: engaging while
being affordable. Sugar on a Stick is a great way to try Sugar without
touching your computer's hard disk. It is also well suited to slower,
older PCs and low-powered netbooks. There is a version for the OLPC
XO-1 and it will ship with the newer XO-1.5 laptops in the fall."

Sugar on a Stick provides a coherent and consistent computing
experience. It reduces costs by providing flexibility in hardware
choices, allowing schools to keep their existing investment in
hardware. Learners can benefit from the increased household ownership
of computers; by bringing Sugar on a Stick home, every student has a
consistent, comparable computing environment that parents can share in
as well. It also provides off-line access to applications and content
as not every learner has Internet access at home.

As part of an ongoing effort to make Sugar on a Stick classroom-ready,
Sugar Labs has been awarded a $20,000 grant from the Gould Charitable
Foundation to implement Sugar at the Gardner Pilot Academy, a public
elementary school located in one of the most culturally and
linguistically diverse sections of Boston, Massachusetts.

Learning Activities are at the heart of Sugar. Sugar on a Stick
includes 40 Activities to interest young learners such as Read, Write,
Paint, and Etoys. Hundreds more Activities are available free for
download at the Sugar Activity Library
( Most "Sugarized" Activities have
student collaboration built-in; students and teachers work, play, and
learn on the same Activities together. The Sugar Learning Platform is
open, so by leveraging the work of other open source projects,
existing software for children can be integrated; for example, the
acclaimed GCompris suite of 100 Activities developed over the past
five years by Bruno Coudoin was recently added to Sugar, including
Activities such as Chess, Geography, and Sudoku. Teachers and parents
interested in Sugar's Activities and its modern interface for children
can watch short videos on the recently opened Sugar Labs Dailymotion
channel (

Visitors to LinuxTag are welcome to speak with Sugar Labs contributors
at booth 7.2a 110a.


For more information, please contact:
Sean Daly, Marketing Coordinator
telephone: +1-857-254-1100

Mailing address:
Sugar Labs
c/o Software Freedom Conservancy
1995 Broadway,17th Floor
New York, NY 10023-5882

About Sugar Labs
Sugar Labs, a volunteer-driven, nonprofit organization, is a member
project of the Software Freedom Conservancy
( Originally part of the One Laptop
Per Child project (, Sugar Labs coordinates volunteers
around the world who are passionate about providing educational
opportunities to children through the Sugar Learning Platform. Sugar
Labs celebrates the founding of the first Sugar Local Labs in
Colombia, South America and Washington, DC. Local Labs will provide
valuable connections between Sugar Labs communities and schools
evaluating and learning with Sugar. Sugar Labs is supported by
donations and is seeking funding to accelerate development. For more
information, please visit

Sugar Labs is a registered trademark of the Software Freedom
Conservancy. Other names are trademarks of their respective owners.
Devel mailing list

Re: update mechanism for new releases

2009-06-24 Thread Mathieu Bridon (bochecha)
>> For the upcoming XO-1.5 software build (which will hopefully make it
>> onto XO-1 in the near future), do we want to ship olpc-update or use
>> standard Fedora technologies?
> Due to the fedora lists' draconian 'reply-to' settings, the thread has
> now moved to fedora-devel.
> Just mentioning it so that people (who may not be in both lists) can follow 
> it.
> (And cross your fingers, maybe one day fedora lists get their reply-to
> fixed ;-) )

Well, actually, that's *my* fault...

I first replied only to Daniel, letting the lists out.

Then I wanted to correct my mistakes and transferred my answer to the
lists. I saw "devel" and so I sent to fedora-devel instead of :-/

So there might be issues in the "reply-to" settings of the Fedora
lists, but the problem actually came from "reply-to" issues in my
GMail :)

Sorry about that (even though this actuallly lead to some interesting talk)


Mathieu Bridon (bochecha)
Devel mailing list

Re: SocialCalc 0.8.3g version release

2009-06-24 Thread Claudia Urrea

we have not started localozation.. will soon!

I have the instructions for sensors. I will be sending things soon!!



On 6/23/09, Bastien  wrote:
> Claudia Urrea  writes:
>> Congratulation on a great work. I look forward to the localization in
>> Spanish.  You will be hearing from me soon!!
> And I look forward the translation in french!   I looked into the code,
> but wasn't able to find any po/ directory -- hope this will be available
> soon...
> In the meantime, I've uploaded a tiny screencast here:
> It doesn't really explore SocialCalc, it just exposes it to the eyes.
> But still, some eyes can't *believe* things until they are shown them.
> --
>  Bastien
Devel mailing list

Re: update mechanism for new releases

2009-06-24 Thread Mathieu Bridon (bochecha)
> The main point, where olpc-update wins without a shadow of a doubt, is
> failure-friendliness. Assuming a fail-safe filesystem, olpc-update can
> be interrupted (hard) at any point, might take N runs to complete. And
> will only switch to the 'new' image once it's completed in an atomic
> operation.
> RPM is unfortunately a disaster in this space. If an rpm transaction
> fails, there are no sane ways to recover it. On XO-1 a full OS update
> transaction with rpm  will take a very long time, so it's highly
> likely that it will be interrupted. RPM and yum hackers treat this as
> an intractable problem.

Have you tried the « yum-complete-transaction » tool ? It comes from
the yum-utils package and might interest you :)

> This is, IMO, the actual showstopper. If we had a fs that could handle
> snapshotting, then we could snapshot the system before starting the
> RPM transaction, and have recovery hooks in the boot partition or in
> initrd. There's been discussion on fedora-devel about hooking up yum
> with btrfs transactions

I probably am way over my knowledge, but what about LVM snapshots ?

>  - olpc-update offers downgrades, but our software at higher layers
> doesn't support this. The Journal format upgrade broke downgrades in
> the last OS upgrade. Sugar 0.84 has another Journal format change,
> probably with a similar upgrade-only path.

Yum/RPM also have downgrades. See the « yum-allow-downgrade » plugin
and the « --oldpackage » RPM option.

I'm don't know if those cover all the use cases you might have for
downgrades though.


Mathieu Bridon (bochecha)
Devel mailing list

Re: rpm vs xo & activity updates

2009-06-24 Thread Mathieu Bridon (bochecha)
> Can you expand on this idea? My main complaint with what I've seen from
> previous non-OLPC mechanisms is that root/super-user privileges are
> required. We can wrap any old CLI in a shiny, pretty, GUI. But it needs to
> work in a sane, safe way without passwords for small human beings.

If I'm not mistaken, PackageKit uses PolicyKit.

And PolicyKit can be configured to either:
- ask for the root password each time
- ask for the root password and keep permission for the active session
- ask for the root password and keep permission indefinitely
- same 3 above cases but with the user's own password instead
- always grants permission to the user
- always deny permission to the user

All those possibilities can be configured for a lot of different
actions needing administration permissions, among which is « update my
system » or « install new software ». :-)

You can look at how it works by running the «
/usr/bin/polkit-gnome-authorization » tool on a Gnome desktop.


Mathieu Bridon (bochecha)
Devel mailing list

Re: rpm vs xo & activity updates

2009-06-24 Thread Mathieu Bridon (bochecha)
> - rpm-based packages cannot be updated with Sugar's updater utility,
> which is the primary way for updating activities right now. There is no
> upgrade path for activities installed by rpms (without updating the
> whole OS, which is another open question)

You can update only one activity with:
# yum update sugar-

> - There is certainly room for improvement in future, but finding
> development time in the short term may be a bit tricky... or perhaps we
> will be able to raise community interest in making or implementing a
> plan for improvement... :)

I proposed the following some times ago [1], but no one responded. I
would have loved for someone actually knowledgeable (i.e. not some
random guy like me throwing out ideas he can't even implement) to
explain how this would be a terribly bad idea :)

Here it is again.

> A). If all Activities were distributed as .xo bundles through the Sugar
> platform (such as access to, distro packagers
> would only have to worry about keeping the core Sugar and it's dependancies
> up-to date, not all the faster changing stuff.
> B). If all Activities were distributed through distros, then Activity
> authors would only need to worry about getting their source bundles to
> distro packagers in the most friendly way. Sugar core would need some distro
> agnostic or configurable user interface for yup/rpm/aptitude
> installing/removing; but would not need to maintain code behind something
> like

Well, one could see the problem as follows :

1. activities installed via .xo bundles take precedence over
activities installed via the OS package manager (yum here), just like
config files in your home directory take precedence over the system

2. use PackageKit for the distro agnostic part. On Fedora for example,
PackageKit comes with a yum backend. On Debian, it would come with an
apt backend. You can then have your own graphical package manager in
Sugar using the PackageKit APIs, no matter what the underlying OS is
(given that there is a PackageKit backend for this OS).

3. as a bonus, it would be nice to see if PackageKit can handle
multiple backends on a same system. This way, you could also have a «
.xo » backend for PackageKit that would simply take .xo bundles from (just like yum takes .rpm packages from the
repositories). This way, in the same graphical interface, you can both
install/update/remove the system packages and the .xo bundles

Now, I have no idea if that's even doable with PackageKit (the double
backend part), but that could be a lead worth chasing.

After that, if a distro chooses to package the activities, that's
great, because you have some kind of a « stable fallback set » on
which the user can fallback if he played too much with the .xo bundles
to have newer stuff. But he still can do it if he wants to try out
activities not available as RPMs, or if he wants to play with the
latest update that didn't make it to the distro repositories yet.

And if later on Sugar decides to stop one packaging effort or the
other, just disable one of the PackageKit backends and use the other.




Mathieu Bridon (bochecha)
Devel mailing list

Re: rpm vs xo & activity updates

2009-06-24 Thread Peter Robinson
> Just a quick summary of a discussion and a decision that we reached on
> IRC, which will hold at least for now with our XO-1.5 software builds.
> Further input is welcome, although this is at risk of starting another
> huge discussion...
> Question: In the early XO-1.5 OS builds right now, we have a mix of
> RPM-based sugar activity packages, and .xo files unzipped
> in /home/olpc/Activities. Do we want to change?
> - It would be a little unfortunate to ignore the hard work of those who
> have been actively packaging the activities within Fedora.
> - rpm-based packages cannot be updated with Sugar's updater utility,
> which is the primary way for updating activities right now. There is no
> upgrade path for activities installed by rpms (without updating the
> whole OS, which is another open question)
> - We could somehow hack the updater to work with rpms, i.e. if it found
> a newer .xo bundle it could unzip it over the top of the rpm-installed
> files in /usr/share/sugar/activities, but this is nasty and would raise
> many issues
> - One flaw in the existing OLPC OS releases for XO-1 is that there's no
> way for deployments to push automatic activity updates, because
> olpc-update doesn't touch /home and the activity updater always has to
> be invoked by the user.
> - This flaw would go away with rpm-based updates, because whatever
> "global" OS updater we choose would include these updates.
> - Which leads onto the possibility that *all* activities could be
> shipped as RPMs, the sugar control panel activity updater could be
> deleted, and then this problem is solved -- but that's quite a change
> - The easy option is to do what we've done before: ship activities
> entirely as .xo bundles in /home/olpc/Activities
> - We're going to go with this option for now, because it's quick and
> easy and it's what we're already doing.
> - There is certainly room for improvement in future, but finding
> development time in the short term may be a bit tricky... or perhaps we
> will be able to raise community interest in making or implementing a
> plan for improvement... :)

If you moved to rpms you have a sugar repo for activites. Then using
PackageKit you could explicitly just update using that repo hence not
having to update the whole OS. You can then also weight the repos
dependent on whether you wanted OS Activities or the other repo to
take precedence, add in local school repos for local content updates
etc. The other advantage of that would be for the likes of debxo where
they can use the apt beckend for package kit so each distro doesn't
need to reinvent the wheel. RPM has also seen some massive
improvements in both speed and memory usage in the F-9 -> F-11
timeframe [2] as well which would help.

>From the development perspective PackageKit has all the python
bindings etc so that should help speed things over doing it from the
ground up.

>From the global update side of things you could then use spacewalk [1]
on the school server which can be used to manage both OS and
Activities updates.

It would also solve the issue if various Activities need binary
components which I believe some have had.


Devel mailing list