Re: can one "dd" XO-1.5 internal microSD cards, to another XO-1.5?

2018-02-19 Thread Hal Murray
> Better would be to use SD cards.

The original goal was to copy microSD cards.

Would it be reasonable to copy microSD to SD, move the SD card to the target 
XO, and then copy SD to microSD?  I expect an OpenFirmware wizard could do it 
with no effort but I'm not that level of wizard.

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Re: Dark or darker display

2016-04-24 Thread Hal Murray said:
> The XO-4 display has a much brighter backlight.  It proved impossible to
> find such dark LEDs as used to exist. 

Do they take more power or are they more efficient?

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/etc/hosts busy??

2014-09-06 Thread Hal Murray
When I tried to update /etc/hosts, it says busy.  I thought I'd been doing 
this for years, so I'm a bit surprised and/or confused.

bash-4.2# mv hosts /etc/hosts
mv: inter-device move failed: 'hosts' to '/etc/hosts'; unable to remove 
target: Device or resource busy
bash-4.2# rm /etc/hosts
rm: cannot remove '/etc/hosts': Device or resource busy
bash-4.2# mv /etc/hosts /etc/hostsx
mv: cannot move '/etc/hosts' to '/etc/hostsx': Device or resource busy

It used to work.  I did it sometime after early June.

bash-4.2# ls -l /etc/hosts
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1504 Jun  4 22:07 /etc/hosts

My usual approach for things like this is to find the program that has the 
file open, but I can't find it with lsof.  ??

bash-4.2# lsof | wc
lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfsd-fuse file system /run/user/1000/gvfs
  Output information may be incomplete.
   4658   44081  503329
bash-4.2# lsof | grep hosts
lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfsd-fuse file system /run/user/1000/gvfs
  Output information may be incomplete.

Does anybody know if something is hiding in that error message and/or how to 
find out what's going on?

cp -p worked, but I'm still curious.  I'm pretty sure I used mv last time, 
but maybe it's been busy for ages.

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SD on XO-1

2014-05-15 Thread Hal Murray said:
> With so many XO1's out there, it might really be helpful, and strategic, to
> be able to have more that 1 GB storage.

> I guess we might not know for a while how many XO1's are unreliable, when
> running off of an SD card, until we try it. 

I have an XO-1 that was setup to reboot every 4 hours. and mount an SD card.  
It didn't get a lot of use, but it did test the reboot process and make sure 
the WiFi worked.

The only problems I ever saw was that it would occasionally hang during boot 
because Linux couldn't talk to the SD card.  It was printing out a timeout 
message every second or two.  There was a short pause between messages.

I assumed it was a quirk in the firmware setup.  I'll try to collect some 
data if somebody wants to chase this.

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BattleMesh v7 talk and workshop, 12 - 18 May 2014 in Leipzig, Germany

2014-02-10 Thread Hal Murray
Speaking of mesh...  From the bufferbloat list. (with lots of trimming)


The battlemesh routing interop and test event this year should be
bigger and better than ever, with a larger number of groups
participating than ever before:

Deadline for proposals/papers/talks is May 1, and the event itself is
in Leipzig, De, May 12-18.


> What is Battlemesh?
> ---
> The Wireless Battle of the Mesh is an event that aims at bringing together
people from across Europe and beyond to test the performance of different
routing protocols for ad-hoc networks, like Babel, B.A.T.M.A.N., BMX, OLSR,
802.11s and Static Routing.
> It is a tournament with a social character. If you are a mesh networking
enthusiast, community networking activist, or have an interest in mesh
networks you might want to check this out !
> The goal of the WirelessBattleMesh events is to set-up hands-on testbed for
each available mesh routing protocol with a standard test procedure for the
different mesh networks. During the different WBM events, similar hardware and
software configuration will be used based on the OpenWRT BoardSupportPackage
and packages for each protocol implementation. The WBM events are also a great
opportunity to develop testing tools for PHY/MAC radio layers (drivers,
scripts and PHY analyzers) .

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KQED: In Oakland, Mixed Results for Tech In Schools

2013-11-01 Thread Hal Murray

There is no mention of OLPC or Sugar, but I think it's good background info 
as well as a good news story.
The audio is 6 minutes.

For those of you not familiar with Oakland, they have lots of troubles, close 
to Detroit, and the schools have their share of the problems.

They talked to two schools.  One thumbs up.  One thumbs down due to WiFi 
overload.  (That wasn't the only problem, but it was fatal.)

The link at the bottom to more/full-story is good too.  It looks like a 
transcript, but it's not accurate.  The first half is close but the second 
half diverges a lot.  There are lots of links.  Time sink warning if you 
follow a good one.  The Mind/Shift blog has lots of good stuff.  "Blended 
learning" seems to be a buzzword.

Anybody know anything about the Christensen Institute for Disruptive 

He teaches at Harvard Business School.  His book, The Innovator's Dilemma, is 
famous in the high-tech world.  (It's very good.  I haven't read any of his 
other books.)

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Re: 13.2 query

2013-08-19 Thread Hal Murray said:
> Hmm, there should be, though it might be the word "English" in another
> language. 

There are 3 choices on the pull-down list.  They look like the same 3 I had 
before.  The format is things like:
  Kreyol (Haiti)
but the stuff inside () is useless (to me) for Dari and Pashto.

There is no circle-minus box available.  It doesn't even tell me what the 
current language is.

Anybody know where that selection is stored so I can edit it with a text 

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Re: 13.2 query

2013-08-19 Thread Hal Murray said:
> Can anyone change languages with the Sugar Control panel on an XO (xo-1 or
> xo-4) and 13,2 build 13? 

On an XO-1 running 13.2.0

My Settings => Language
gives me a page with a drop-down menu with a circle-+ button next to it.

That menu starts out empty, and the drop-down stuff gives me 3 choices:
  Dari (Afganistan)
  Kreyol (Haiti)
  Pashto (Afganistan)

Clicking one, then the + adds another pulldown and + and - check boxes.  
Clicking the master OK and Restart switches me to a language I can't read.

I don't see any way to switch back to English.

The text on the Language page is still in English, but there is no English 
choice in the drop-down.

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Re: XO-1(.75)

2013-07-04 Thread Hal Murray said:
> A better measurement to look for is the elapsed time of activity startup.
> This is a most interesting value, but it is difficult to obtain without
> changing the activity source so that the point of startup completion is
> identified.  (That task is made more difficult since some activities
> schedule some of their startup _after_ their main startup.) 

Would it be worth adding a small chunk of code to Sugar to help this area?  
I'm thinking of an API to say "OK, I'm really started now." so Sugar can log 
a line of data on how long it took to get started.

There should probably be an environment variable to or similar enable that 
performance logging.

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Re: Re-install os885 on XO-1.5 error

2013-06-12 Thread Hal Murray

> * try a different USB drive,

I wore out a USB drive, just by downloading new versions of XO-1.0 software 
to try. (Kingston, 2GB)

copy-nand complained.  I forget the exact error message, but it was obvious 
after I compared the bits on the USB drive against the bits on the disk.

Many thanks for the CRC checking part of copy-nand.

I still have the busted USB drive if anybody wants one that is 
just-flakey-enough for testing.

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Re: Re (2): XO-1.5 build 885 no space in journal

2013-06-12 Thread Hal Murray said:
> Some very economical offerings of flash storage are available on eBay,  with
> delivery to your mailbox.  If you find a promising choice, buy a  minimal
> order and test.  If it works buy more.  If it doesn't work, the  loss is
> small. 

Anybody interested in SD cards or Flash storage should read:
  On MicroSD Problems
I reread it every year or two when something like this comes up to remind me.

Round up your opportunities for troubles (maybe a lot) if you are purchasing 
over eBay.

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Re: School networks and electrical equipment damage

2013-06-06 Thread Hal Murray said:
> I have seen that some UPSs (unfortunately not these ones) allow a phone line
> to be passed through them, supposedly offering some protection. Would such a
> system protect against a lightening bolt, assuming thats what happened here?

Surge suppressor is the buzzword you are looking for.  They will help, but 
nothing will stop a lightning strike that is near enough.  The only question 
is how-near.

The wiki page looks good:
Note the discussion about MOVs getting used up.

Some outlet strips include a pair of phone jacks and/or cable TV connectors.  
That's the quick, simple, and low cost approach.  You can also get industrial 
type units at higher prices.  Google has lots of hits.

I'm far from a wizard in this area.

How many schools are you talking about?  If it's more than 2 or 3, it might 
be worth a phone call to one of the non-cheap places to see if they have 
suggestions.   (Or see if they have some documentation on the web.)

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Re: 13.2.0 development build 5 released

2013-05-07 Thread Hal Murray said:
> Boot with the check key held so you turn off pretty boot and see where its
> hanging at. 

It works most of the time.  It's only occasionally that it hangs.

Is there something I can edit that will turn off pretty boot?

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Re: 13.2.0 development build 5 released

2013-05-07 Thread Hal Murray

I've got an XO-1 setup to reboot every 4 hours.

It's stuck with the XO in the middle of the circle of dots.  The dots are 
moving, so it's not totally dead.
Ctrl-Alt-F2 doesn't work.  Is there anything I can do to collect some useful 

Has this problem been seen recently?  Should I take it apart and connect up 
the debugging serial port?  ...

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Re: 13.2.0 development build 2 released

2013-04-10 Thread Hal Murray
>> On my XO-1, keys F1, F2, F3, and F4 don't do anything.  The bright/dim keys
>> ((F9, F10?) do work. said:
> This just happened to me in os3, with XO-1.75 .  Filled as

There was also a problem with switching to Gnome not working (on XO-1)

Both have been fixed (for me, XO-1) on build 3.

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Re: 13.2.0 development build 2 released

2013-03-28 Thread Hal Murray

Would somebody with an XO-1 please try switching to Gnome.  Mine went into a 
loop trying to start X.

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Re: [Testing] 13.2.0 development build 2 released

2013-03-27 Thread Hal Murray

> Mikus, I know you probably are testing on XO-1. Hal what generation of XO
> are you using? 


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Re: 13.2.0 development build 2 released

2013-03-27 Thread Hal Murray

On my XO-1, keys F1, F2, F3, and F4 don't do anything.  The bright/dim keys 
((F9, F10?) do work.

Is this just me, or can somebody confirm it?

Ctrl-Alt-F1/F2 work as expected.

Trying to open Browse hangs with a blinking globe.  Occasionally the WiFi LED 

Is there any way to get to someplace where I can feed it my WiFi password?

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Re: Boot cycle systemd service

2012-11-19 Thread Hal Murray said:
> adding "sleep 10; reboot" at the end of local.rc doesn't work anymore in
> this brave new systemd world. 

You need to do something like:
  systemctl enable rc-local.service
(only once)

That's also the (new) way to turn on sshd.
  systemctl enable sshd.service

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Re: 13.1.0 development build 12 released

2012-11-16 Thread Hal Murray said:
> More importantly, occasionally boot with two sources of power (battery and
> DC). Q7B01 should have been replaced automatically a number of builds ago. 

What chunk of code does the update?  Could it display a reminder for a few 
seconds if there is new code that hasn't been applied yet?

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Re: 13.1.0 build 6 released

2012-10-14 Thread Hal Murray
> Can you see any error in the file /home/olpc/.sugar/default/logs/shell.log?

Discard network history doesn't work.
So I deleted /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/$AP-name
and rebooted.

[I've got olpc.fth patched to show the log info during booting.]

While I was watching the boot info, I noticed:
  [FAILED] Failed to start NetworkManager 


I opened
to hold the log files.

I couldn't figure out what was going on.

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Re: 13.1.0 build 6 released

2012-10-13 Thread Hal Murray
> #12133 13.1.0 does not connect to a wireless AP

My setup is XO-1 and Linksys WRT54GL AP that needs a password.

I can't connect through Sugar.  It doesn't ask me for a password.  The WiFi 
LED is off.  (It blinks occasionally, and sometimes new APs appear shortly 
after the blinks.)

I can connect through Gnome.  After that Sugar can connect automatically on 
reboot using the saved password.

OS 5 did the same thing.  OS 4 worked as I expected.

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Re: 13.1.0 devel build 5 released, for the XO-1, XO-1.5, XO-1.75 and XO-4

2012-10-08 Thread Hal Murray

> Has anyone else had trouble getting to the OK prompt in OFW? When I boot
> with the gamekeys down, it seems that OFW is detecting some spurious
> keypress and gets stuck in a cycle of error msgs due to the bad command
> being typed. Any workarounds? 

I just tried it on an unlocked XO-1.  Lots of Trying xxx messages, but it 
didn't find anything.  It ended with "Boot failed" and "Use power button to 
power off."

It all looked reasonable to me but I don't know what older versions did.

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Re: 13.1.0 devel build 5 released, for the XO-1, XO-1.5, XO-1.75 and XO-4

2012-10-08 Thread Hal Murray
Were there any changes in the WiFi area for XO-1?

OS4 worked for me.  Now, I can't connect.  Clicking on my AP doesn't ask me 
for a password.

I remember discussions of this area, but I never had any troubles.

My neighborhood view shows my AP (and several others) and the 3 Mesh icons.  
The Mesh icons are not blinking.  That's what I expect.

But the WiFi LED isn't on.  It blinks occasionally.  Sometimes, new APs 
appear after the blinks.

I switched to Gnome and could connect there.  Now it works after switching 
back to Sugar.

Is there anything I can do to help debug this?

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Re: 13.1.0 development build 3 released

2012-09-25 Thread Hal Murray

>>> -connect to AP: I cannot connect, when you click, appears the "star" but 
>>> give me the "password" window (it's a secured wifi) 

>> Ticket appreciated on SL trac.

> Tony adds it to SL#3939

My XO-1 can connect to my AP (password required) without problems.  There 
must be something interesting that splits the works from the no-password 

I just tried mine again.  It was connected.  I disconnected, then tried to 
reconnect.  It didn't connect or ask me for a password.  It was still busy 
trying to connect to all 3 Mesh Networks.  Is that the problem in this case?

I just did a "Discard Network History", then waited for it to finish trying 
the Mesh Networks, then tried a connect.  It asked for a password.

In case it matters, I'm using a WRT54GL.

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Re: 13.1.0 development build 2 released

2012-09-15 Thread Hal Murray said:
> Bug/testing reports accepted and appreciated - either on the appropriate
> trac, or on this list. 

On a XO-1, there are several/many examples in My Settings

  There is no text next to the check-box.

Power, Software Update
  The header is there, but the page/contents aren't.

Switch Desktop:
  The display stuff crashes and restarts Sugar.

Modem, Language:
  You can't exit.  The X and check-mark are too far to the right.  In Modem, 
you can just see (and click) the edge of something.  I have to reboot to get 
out of Language

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Re: [Sugar-devel] Problem downloading a lease.sig file on an XO

2012-09-13 Thread Hal Murray
>> If your XO images have the GNOME desktop in them, using
>> the web browser included for GNOME (Firefox or Epiphany)
>> to download the file to USB should not alter the file name.
>> Just make sure the kids know how to "eject" the USB stick
>> when they are done.

> This is probably what I'm going to do. The idea was to have kids use Browse
> in Sugar but telling them to "go to Gnome" as an extra step seems  easy
> enough for a simple unlocking guide. 

Would wget be simpler overall?

It could be embedded in a script that does everything.

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Re: Firmware issu

2012-09-04 Thread Hal Murray said:
> The lid message happens  every time to me when I reboot from Linux and
> immediately enter firmware on any  XO1 ...

Ah, thanks...  I didn't catch the whole recipe.

It's Linux, reboot, ESC to OFW that shows the problem.
I just got it first try.

I'm normally doing lots of Linux reboot to Linux (without going to the OFW 

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Re: Firmware issu

2012-09-03 Thread Hal Murray said:
> The problem of the unexpected lid closed power down in Open Firmware after a
> warm restart from Linux, will be fixed in the next release.

> The warm restart was not clearing an input inverter on the path from the lid
> sensor to the processor.  A cold restart, using the power button or the bye
> command, was not affected. 

I'm missing something.  If that's the whole story, why doesn't this problem 
show up on every reboot from Linux?  I do that every 4 hours with only 
occasional problems.

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Re: Setting the time

2012-08-27 Thread Hal Murray

> In a school deployment, it is desirable that all of the XOs have the  same
> time. This time should be synchronized with/by the school server  (even if
> the school server is wrong). It is not reasonable to base this  capability
> on access to the internet.

How closely do you need them to be synchronized?  1 second?  1 microsecond?  
1 minute?

It should be reasonably easy to setup ntpd on the school server and get the 
XOs to set their clocks when booted.

You may want/need a cron job to set the time occasionally.

> Casio sells 'atomic' watches that synchronize to Ft. Collins by radio.
> Neat, but how does this work in Rwanda? 

WWVB runs at 60 KHz.  There are several similar systems in other countries.  
I don't think any of them make it to Africa.  GPS does.

You can get USB GPS receivers for under $50.  The SiRF chip is the most 
popular in the low cost units.  It's crappy if you need ms level timing, but 
good enough if all you need is 1 second.

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Re: Impossible to set date in 11.3.0?

2012-08-27 Thread Hal Murray said:
> "date" followed by a successful normal shutdown should work, because a
> normal shutdown runs hwclock ... but "hwclock --systohc" is handy in case
> you aren't sure that a normal shutdown will happen next. 

It used to do that on shutdown as part of /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt and friends, 
but I think it got dropped as part of the switch to systemd.   >grep hwclock 
/etc -r< doesn't find anything.

Does anybody know if it moved to someplace I haven't looked yet and/or if it 
was deliberately dropped or just fell through the cracks?

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Re: Firmware issu

2012-08-26 Thread Hal Murray said:
> I've noticed that on multiple XO 1's with Build 20, 12.1.0 and FW Q2F13 that
> entering reboot from terminal then tapping on the x key to get into OFW
> brings up a spurious "Lid switch is active - powering off in 8 seconds"
> after the OK prompt appears.   The lid is indeed fully open, after all, I am
> hitting the 'x' key, so I'm not sure how the machine thinks it's closed :-)

> "Type lid-off to disable this " at the OK prevents it from shutting off,
> when I ent4er it in time, but I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing
> this symptom. 

I saw one a while ago.

The context for mine was that the battery light was red on what I thought was 
a good battery.  I was trying to get from Linux to the firmware to collect 
some battery info.

In hindsight, it's not too surprising that the system was confused about the 
lid-sensor since it was known to be confused about the battery.

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Re: Blinking red battery light on XO-1

2012-08-03 Thread Hal Murray said:
> To avoid it powering off, type lid-off and press enter.  Yes, you only have
> eight seconds to do this. 

The printout said that, but I didn't even get started typing before it timed 

I'm not sure where 8 seconds came from.  If that happened often enough I'd 
probably be able to do it fast enough.  But that was the first time I had 
seen it.  I wasn't quick enough to read and understand and type.  Remember, I 
was trying to not destroy the evidence so I was going slowly.


Something similar happened a few months ago which is why I saved Richard's 

I have a hack script that reboots the XO every 4 hours.  It's got a patch to 
and log the answer instead of rebooting.  The error was 20

(Sorry I didn't remember to look there earlier.)

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Blinking red battery light on XO-1

2012-08-03 Thread Hal Murray said:
> Blinking Red is error.  Next time it happens can you please boot to OFW and
> do

> ok watch-battery

> Then press a key to make watch-battery exit.  When it exits it will tell you
> what the error is.  Please pass that on. 

I just got one.

When I got to OFW, it told me the lid switch was active and gave me 8 seconds 
before it powered off.  On power up again, it was fine and the battery light 
was green.

I wasn't smart/fast enough to notice when the battery light stopped blinking.

Is there anything I can do while still running Linux?

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Re: Booting XO-1 with SD card occasionally hangs on I/O timeouts

2012-05-08 Thread Hal Murray said:
> I can NEVER recall any incident where I could attribute "failure to  boot"
> to the SD card.  [Note that if an XO fails to boot, I normally  don't get to
> see the /var/log/messages from that boot attempt.]   My  experience with
> "failures to boot (after getting past OFW)" is that they  occur 10 out of 10
> times (not 1 out of 100). 

I think I've seen this once or twice before.

The errors are timeouts rather than data corruption.

I've been assuming it was some sort of problem in the handoff between OFW and 
the kernel and/or kernel initialization.  (That's just descriptive.  I don't 
have any data to back it up.)

"hangs during booting" may be misleading.  I've got a copy of 
/var/log/messages after that event.  I don't see any typical booting stuff.  
It all got kicked out of the dmesg buffer by timeout messages.

The first useful message is:
May  8 09:32:10 xo-0d-57-33 kernel: [11215.335626] ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 
Netfilter Core Team
Then it goes off into NetworkManager.

The reason I noticed the problem is because the WiFi LED wasn't on.  The 
screen was dark, but poking the backlight-on key worked.

> My suggestion would be to try "repairing" (fsck?) the SD card.

It all works fine after I unplug and replug the SD card.

I've seen no hints that there is anything wrong on the card.

grep asdfasdfsadf . -r ran in a reasonable amount of time and didn't leave 
any complaints on screen or in /var/log/messages

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Booting XO-1 with SD card occasionally hangs on I/O timeouts

2012-05-08 Thread Hal Murray

Is this an interesting problem?  If so, what should I do to get more info?

It only happens occasionally, say 1 out of 100 times.

It recovers if I unplug the SD card.   The card is a Kingston, 8 GB.

/var/log/messages has lots of things like this:

May  8 09:32:09 xo-0d-57-33 kernel: [ 6209.920040] mmc0: Timeout waiting for 
May  8 09:32:09 xo-0d-57-33 kernel: [ 6209.959277] mmcblk0: error -110 
transferring d
ata, sector 5, nr 3, cmd response 0x900, card status 0x0
May  8 09:32:09 xo-0d-57-33 kernel: [ 6210.036110] end_request: I/O error, 
dev mmcblk
0, sector 5

May  8 09:32:09 xo-0d-57-33 kernel: [ 6220.080041] mmc0: Timeout waiting for 
May  8 09:32:09 xo-0d-57-33 kernel: [ 6220.119241] mmcblk0: error -110 
transferring d
ata, sector 6, nr 2, cmd response 0x900, card status 0x0
May  8 09:32:09 xo-0d-57-33 kernel: [ 6220.195925] end_request: I/O error, 
dev mmcblk
0, sector 6

May  8 09:32:09 xo-0d-57-33 kernel: [ 6230.240040] mmc0: Timeout waiting for 
May  8 09:32:09 xo-0d-57-33 kernel: [ 6230.279282] mmcblk0: error -110 
transferring d
ata, sector 7, nr 1, cmd response 0x900, card status 0x0
May  8 09:32:09 xo-0d-57-33 kernel: [ 6230.355971] end_request: I/O error, 
dev mmcblk
0, sector 7

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Re: Announcing Q2F10 for XO-1

2012-05-03 Thread Hal Murray said:
> Just for clarification, do you mean full-speed (11 Mb/s) devices (USB 1.0)
> or low-speed (1 Mb/s) devices (USB 1.1) aren't supported by dir u: ? 

ok p2
Found USB 1.1 disk!
USB2 devices:
USB1 devices:

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Devel mailing list

Re: Announcing Q2F10 for XO-1

2012-05-02 Thread Hal Murray
> ok dir u: says "Can't open directory"
> In case it matters, this USB drive is old, old, old...  16 MB.  :)

I took the discussion with James Cameron off-list to reduce clutter.

For the archives and/or in case anybody is curious.

The problem turned out to be that dir u: doesn't support USB 1.1 drives.  
(Remember, I said it was old.)

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Devel mailing list

Re: Announcing Q2F10 for XO-1

2012-05-01 Thread Hal Murray said:
>> It does work if I use "disk:" rather than "u:".
> Interesting.  What firmware version do you have installed at the moment?

I'm not sure what I had since I have "fixed" that by updating it to q2f10.rom 
.  Most likely it was the previously announced version.

Running q2f10.rom with that USB Flash drive plugged in...

ok dir u: says "Can't open directory"
ok dir disk: says
(and files/dirs I that seem reasonable, including q2f10.rom that I loaded.)

In case it matters, this USB drive is old, old, old...  16 MB.  :)

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Re: Announcing Q2F10 for XO-1

2012-05-01 Thread Hal Murray

That says:

>* if the downloaded file is on a USB drive, type: 
> ok flash u:\q2f10.rom

But that didn't work for me.

It does work if I use "disk:" rather than "u:".

Is that wiki page simply out of date?  If so, what changed...?  Or is 
something more complicated going on?

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Re: 12.1.0 devel build 7 released, for the XO-1, XO-1.5 and XO-1.75

2012-04-14 Thread Hal Murray said:
> to be clear -- is it really suspending, or is it just that the screen is
> dimming and blanking?   the latter is expected.  the former may or not
> represent crack slippage. 

My Settings -> Power has Automatic Power Management checked.

After a while, it suspends.  Restore leaves the WiFi off.

There is a lot of stuff in /var/log/messages  Somebody who knows what is 
going on should probably take a look at it.  I assume that sort of person has 
an XO-1 handy and can generate their own test case easily and then know 
exactly what happened.  I'll collect some samples (and/or whatever else) if 
that will help.

Here are a few samples:

Apr 14 17:51:44 xo-0d-57-33 NetworkManager[427]: wifi_utils_get_mesh_channel: 
assertion `data->get_mesh_channel != NULL' failed
Apr 14 17:51:46 xo-0d-57-33 NetworkManager[427]: wifi_utils_get_mesh_channel: 
assertion `data->get_mesh_channel != NULL' failed
Apr 14 17:51:46 xo-0d-57-33 NetworkManager[427]: wifi_utils_get_mesh_channel: 
assertion `data->get_mesh_channel != NULL' failed
Apr 14 17:51:46 xo-0d-57-33 NetworkManager[427]: wifi_utils_get_mesh_channel: 
assertion `data->get_mesh_channel != NULL' failed

Apr 14 17:52:53 xo-0d-57-33 kernel: [   76.650051] usb8xxx 1-1:1.0: eth0: 
command 0x0043 timed out
Apr 14 17:52:53 xo-0d-57-33 kernel: [   76.650109] usb8xxx 1-1:1.0: eth0: 
Timeout submitting command 0x0043
Apr 14 17:52:53 xo-0d-57-33 kernel: [   76.650135] Resetting OLPC wireless 
via EC...
Apr 14 17:52:53 xo-0d-57-33 kernel: [   76.657599] usb8xxx 1-1:1.0: eth0: 
PREP_CMD: command 0x0043 failed: -110
Apr 14 17:52:53 xo-0d-57-33 kernel: [   76.657648] usb8xxx 1-1:1.0: eth0: 
HOST_SLEEP_CFG failed -110

I thought I saw a couple of stack traces in a previous example, but I can't 
find one in this simple case.

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Re: 12.1.0 devel build 7 released, for the XO-1, XO-1.5 and XO-1.75

2012-04-14 Thread Hal Murray

12.1.0 for XO-1 has Automatic power management enabled.

I thought we decided to turn that off for XO-1 since it didn't work well 
enough.  Is my memory fuzzy or did disabling this for XO-1 slip through the 

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Re: [support-gang] XO brightness key operation

2012-04-09 Thread Hal Murray

> As I have a tiny understanding of LEDs, I recall something about being able
> to detect light with them.

If you shine light on a reverse biased diode, it will leak in proportion to 
the intensity of the light.  The mechanism is a photon occasionally kicks 
loose an electron and the reverse-bias field pushes the electron toward the 
positive terminal.  Enough electrons like that and you have a small current 

Normally, that's not a problem since diodes and transistors are packaged in 
opaque plastic.  LEDs are packaged in clear plastic to let the light out.  
But that means you can also also get light in.


There is an old story about one of the early SUN boxes.  It had just booted 
the OS (or something great like that) when somebody took a picture of it.  It 
crashed.  The camera used a flash.  The UV ROMs with the software didn't have 
any stickers over the transparent lids, or maybe there was no lid over the 
CPU chip.  The light from the flash was enough to screw things up.

(If anybody has a good URL for that story, please let me know.  I didn't find 
it with a bit of searching.)

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Re: 12.1.0 devel build 6 released, for the XO-1, XO-1.5 and XO-1.75

2012-04-03 Thread Hal Murray
> Which means it's not finding the SD card slot.

There is nothing in /var/log/messages when I connect and disconnect the SD 
card on my XO-1.

Is there something else I should try to collect more data?

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Re: 11.3.1 development build 32 for XO-1.75, XO-1.5 and XO-1

2012-03-29 Thread Hal Murray
> Updatable via olpc-update -- try the cmdline below.

On a XO-1:

It died because it couldn't find /versions/configs/cfg.UnVIOS'

Possibly I broke something by running yum update.


bash-4.2#   olpc-update 11.3.1_xo1-32
Downloading contents of build 11.3.1_xo1-32.
Updating to version hash d51821a9ddcdf59320b439095916f3b4
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/sbin/olpc-update", line 209, in 
if __name__ == '__main__': main ()
  File "/usr/sbin/olpc-update", line 75, in main
olpc_update(options, args)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bitfrost/update/", line 100, 
in new_f
return f(*args, **kwds)
  File "/usr/sbin/olpc-update", line 206, in olpc_update
force=options.force, poweroff=options.poweroff)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bitfrost/update/", line 131, 
in new_f
return f(*args, **kwds)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bitfrost/update/", line 100, 
in new_f
return f(*args, **kwds)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bitfrost/update/", line 385, 
in perform_update
trim_config(partitioned, cur_hash)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bitfrost/update/", line 155, 
in trim_config
swing_config(partitioned, current=cur_hash, alt=None)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/bitfrost/update/", line 164, 
in swing_config
cfgdir = mkdtemp(prefix='cfg.', dir='/versions/configs/')
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 318, in mkdtemp
_os.mkdir(file, 0700)
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/versions/configs/cfg.UnVIOS'

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Re: 12.1.0 devel build 5 released, for the XO-1, XO-1.5 and XO-1.75

2012-03-25 Thread Hal Murray

It seems to be mostly working on a XO-1.

I've blundered into one strange quirk.  If you wait until it blanks the 
screen, then ssh in and reboot via "shutdown -r now", you get stuck in a mode 
where the screen in blank.

It recovers if you "shutdown -h now" and then push the power-on button.

I find things like this in /var/log/messages

Mar 25 13:28:01 xo-0d-57-33 olpc-kbdshim-udev[500]: /usr/bin/olpc-brightness: 
line 29: /sys/devices/platform/dcon/output: No such file or directory
Mar 25 13:28:01 xo-0d-57-33 olpc-kbdshim-udev[500]: /usr/bin/olpc-brightness: 
line 56: /sys/class/backlight/dcon-bl/brightness: No such file or directory
Mar 25 13:28:01 xo-0d-57-33 olpc-kbdshim-udev[500]: /usr/bin/olpc-brightness: 
line 59: /sys/class/backlight/dcon-bl/brightness: No such file or directory
Mar 25 13:28:01 xo-0d-57-33 olpc-kbdshim-udev[500]: /usr/bin/olpc-brightness: 
line 56: /sys/class/backlight/dcon-bl/brightness: No such file or directory
Mar 25 13:28:01 xo-0d-57-33 olpc-kbdshim-udev[500]: /usr/bin/olpc-brightness: 
line 24: /sys/devices/platform/dcon/output: No such file or directory

I see /sys/class/backlight/, but it is empty.

The power-off button doesn't seem to do anything.


Starting Browse gets a segfault:

Mar 25 14:05:41 xo-0d-57-33 kernel: [   93.272456] Browse <8addf8e[939]: 
segfault at 4 ip b766b28c sp bfdec810 error 4 in[b758b000+

It's probably a good idea if somebody who knows what's going on takes a look 
at syslog on a XO-1.  I see things like these:

Mar 25 14:05:05 xo-0d-57-33 NetworkManager[401]: wifi_utils_get_mesh_channel: 
assertion `data->get_mesh_channel != NULL' failed

Mar 25 14:05:17 xo-0d-57-33 udisksd[925]: Error opening /etc/crypttab file: 
Failed to open file '/etc/crypttab': No such file or directory 
(g-file-error-quark, 4)

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Re: 11.3.1 development build 31 for XO-1 and XO-1.5

2012-03-23 Thread Hal Murray

> Thanks, I've fixed this for XO-1/XO-1.5 now.
> In 11.3.1 the build download path changed from e.g.:
> to:
> so I've updated the pattern used by the update server to no longer use the
> "-" for 11.3.1 builds. 

olpc-update worked for me on a XO-1.


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Re: New boot animation for 12.1.0

2012-03-19 Thread Hal Murray

> If the indication can track fraction_completed - so much the better -  but I
> do not expect the user to leave the room if the boot process takes  longer
> than he expects.  Seeing "only 25% to go" is ;  the
>  is knowing "no problems thus far". 

Watching the number of files in /var/run/*pid and/or similar places might 
give a good indication of how much progress has been made.  (as compared to 
just "we can update the display so we aren't locked up yet")

I don't know how to cleanly translate that into a percent.  The total might 
depend on what is installed and/or what extra I/O gear is plugged in this 

It might be reasonable to collect a list of normal files for this 
distribution (say in a file) and only count them.  That would let you convert 
to %, but initialization might finish early if a package is not installed or 
broken such that it crashes.

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Re: Multi-laptop naming scheme for build files

2012-03-14 Thread Hal Murray said:
> The build number meaning has become overloaded.  I dislike having it
> exposed. 

You have to expose something that's unique for each build so you can talk 
about which versions do/don't have a particular bug or feature.

I think a sequential number is about as good as you are going to get.  It 
lets you use "before" and "after".

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Re: what is the root filesystem mounted as??

2011-12-19 Thread Hal Murray
On a XO-1, c2, running os883, Sugar 0.94.1

[murray@xo-0d-57-33 ~]$ more /etc/mtab
/dev/root / ext3 rw,noatime 0 0
proc /proc proc rw 0 0
sysfs /sys sysfs rw 0 0
devpts /dev/pts devpts rw,gid=5,mode=620 0 0
tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs rw,size=50m 0 0
/tmp /tmp tmpfs rw,size=50m 0 0
vartmp /var/tmp tmpfs rw,size=50m 0 0
varlog /var/log tmpfs rw,size=20m 0 0
none /ofw promfs rw 0 0
none /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc binfmt_misc rw 0 0
fusectl /sys/fs/fuse/connections fusectl rw 0 0
gvfs-fuse-daemon /home/olpc/.gvfs fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon 
rw,nosuid,nodev,user=olpc 0 0
/dev/mmcblk0p1 /media/Kingston vfat rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks,uid=500,gid
ortname=mixed,dmask=0077,utf8=1,showexec,flush 0 0
[murray@xo-0d-57-33 ~]$ 

[murray@xo-0d-57-33 ~]$ df
Filesystem   1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root  1048576748948299628  72% /
tmpfs   115728 0115728   0% /dev/shm
/tmp 5120016 51184   1% /tmp
vartmp   51200 8 51192   1% /var/tmp
varlog   20480   120 20360   1% /var/log
/dev/mmcblk0p1 8001536731840   7269696  10% /media/Kingston
[murray@xo-0d-57-33 ~]$ 

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Re: EC corruption by q2f04rc firmware

2011-10-31 Thread Hal Murray said:
> To date I have one 2007-vintage XO-1 with q2f04rd (and os882).  It  worked
> normally (and never lost charge while plugged in to AC) until I  closed the
> lid (thereby putting it into suspend).  Upon opening the lid  and pressing
> power, the power light changed to red, and the native XO  green keyboard no
> longer worked. 

I can reproduce this, or something very similar.  I'm using q2f04rc and 883 
on a XO-1 c2

For me, the key is to make it happen is removing AC power.  Closing and 
opening the lid works normally if the AC is plugged in.

Without AC, I've seen the battery LED go red at least twice, but I can't make 
it happen now.

Ahh... found it.  I only get the red LED if the battery is fully charged.

What do you call the LED next to the battery LED that indicates that the 
system is running?  That's tangled up in this confusion too.  I've seen my 
system running when that LED is off and seen it turn on when I poke the 
power-off button and back off when I try to start the system.  I'll call it 
the CPU LED.

Starting with a full battery and no AC, the pattern is:
  battery LED is off, CPU LED is on
  close lid
  short delay
  CPU LED goes out
  few second delay
  battery LED goes orange
  few second delay
  battery LED goes red
  open lid (I've got it setup to auto start)
  system goes active, CPU LED stays off, battery LED stays red, keyboard 
doesn't work


Where is the nice big picture of the XO with labels for everything?  (I 
thought I had it bookmarked.)  How do I find it at times like this?

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Re: [BULK] Re: harvesting energy

2011-10-28 Thread Hal Murray said:
> Speaking from experience measuring the power draw of a single XO with  these
> low cost power meters is tricky.  They can be very inaccurate at  lower
> power measurements.  The kill-a-watt for example has a typical  accuracy of
> 1% with a max of 4%.  Full scale is 1800W which would be 18W  minimum
> measurement.  You can play some games with the gain into the  ADC's and
> reduce that but its not clear if the kill-a-watt does that.  I  can't
> remember the exact output numbers when I tried a kill-a-watt. 

Good point.  Thanks.  It's even worse than that.  In the power mode, the 
Kill-a-Watt only shows whole watts, no fraction.  So at roughly 20 watts, it 
can easily be off by 5%.  (Maybe somebody should add that to a UI lessons for 

I haven't carefully checked the accuracy of my Kill-a-Watt, but it's passed 
all my sanity checks.  At $20, it's a useful tool.  (The technology for this 
sort of thing must be reasonably solid.  My new electric meter has an LCD 
rather than a spinning wheel and dials.)

>> If it takes 2 hours to charge the battery, that's 40 watt hours.

> In my talks about power to deployments and groups I have a standard  saying
> that if the answer to "How much power does it take?" is a simple  answer
> with no qualifiers then its wrong. 

;)  Thanks again.

The question I was commenting on was roughly: Can a person put out enough 
power to usefully charge the battery on an XO?  In that context, I think 
anything within a factor of 2 is close enough.

> Is the XO running or powered off? Is it for a XO-1 or XO-1.5? Is it DC
> measured at the input jack or is it AC? If its AC what power adapter is it
> using? The 17W, the 24W or the 25W  adapter? What AC voltage and frequency
> is the adapter running at? 

Here is a data point.

XO-1, system running, not doing much (no human), backlight off.
17W Adapter.  (12V, 1.42A)  running on 120V, 60 Hz.
The battery says LiFe, 6.5Vdc, 3.1Ah.
Kill-a-Watt reads 19-20 watts.

It took 2 hours to charge the battery from 10% to 80%.  The charge% was quite 
linear up to 80%.  At 80%, it started to round off.  After another half hour 
it got to 90%, then jumped to 100%.

I'll make a pretty graph if anybody wants.

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Re: 11.3.0 build 8 released, for XO-1.75, XO-1.5 and XO-1

2011-10-02 Thread Hal Murray

My XO-1 used to blink a LED when it sent/received packets.  That doesn't 
happen any more.  Is that a feature or bug?

ping is the obvious test case.  Nothing blinks for me.

There are 2 LEDs in the lower-left: a vertical bar with a ball on top and a 
set of parens around a center dot.  This picture:
calls them Storage Access and WiFi Access.  My Storage is on solid.  The WiFi 
is off solid.

I just saw the "Storage" LED blink.  The pattern was what I expect when it 
scans the other channels for access points.

If I disconnect, the Storage LED goes out.  It goes back on when I reconnect.

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Re: [PATCH] Add libertas_disablemesh module parameter to disable mesh interface

2011-05-12 Thread Hal Murray

How does this compare with adding something like:
  echo 0 > /sys/class/net/eth0/lbs_mesh
to /etc/rc.local ?

Does NetworkManager get segflts with your approach?

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Re: XO-1: Lid close/open

2011-04-27 Thread Hal Murray said:
>> But the network doesn't come back.
>>   I was expecting it to reconnect to my AP.
> Nothing to do with #10402.  Continue to investigate. 

It works with GNOME so I expect Sugar is missing a few lines of code.


Speaking of WiFi...

My /var/log/messages has several clumps of things like this:
Apr 27 01:46:12 xo-0d-57-33 kernel: [ 2510.094064] libertas: submit 
802_11_GET_LOG (#10748 diag)
grep finds 566 in about an hour

I've also got one of these:
Apr 27 01:54:24 xo-0d-57-33 kernel: [ 2998.013473] [ cut here 
Apr 27 01:54:24 xo-0d-57-33 kernel: [ 2998.018132] WARNING: at 
net/sched/sch_generic.c:258 dev_watchdog+0xf0/0x176()
Apr 27 01:54:24 xo-0d-57-33 kernel: [ 2998.025368] Hardware name: XO
Apr 27 01:54:24 xo-0d-57-33 kernel: [ 2998.028346] NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0 
(usb): transmit queue 0 timed out

Does anybody want those log files?  If so, who?  ...

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XO-1: Lid close/open

2011-04-26 Thread Hal Murray

What is an XO-1 expected to do when I close the lid, wait a while, and then 
open the lid?

Here is what happens on os16:

When I close the lid, it goes to sleep like I expect.

When I open the lid, nothing happens.
  I was expecting it to wakeup.

If  poke a key or the pad, the power light blinks but it doesn't wakeup.
If I poke the power button, it wakes up.

But the network doesn't come back.
  I was expecting it to reconnect to my AP.

Here is what happens:
  (I had it showing the Network Neighborhood when I closed the lid.)
  It comes back showing no APs and no Mesh circles.
  It blinks the WiFi LED a few times, then shows the Mesh circles.
Sometimes it shows an AP.
   (I normally have several APs visible.)
  Then it scans for mesh networks.
  Then it blinks again and shows some (more) APs, including mine
  It doesn't reconnect to my AP.  The WiFi LED stays off.
  If I poke my AP, it reconnects.

Should things work if I turn off Mesh networking using:
  echo 0 > /sys/class/net/eth0/lbs_mesh
(There is nothing to connect to here.  All it does is waste time.)

I think NetworkManager got a seg fault last time I tried it.

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Re: NANDblaster failing

2011-02-14 Thread Hal Murray

> I don't see any problems in Linux. Following James' advice, I associated
> with an AP and pinged the gateway for a few hours. Over ~7500 pings, I had
> 1% packet loss and no errors in /ver/log/dmesg. 

7500 isn't very many packets.

Try ping -f.  (f for flood, need to be root)

It takes me 13 seconds to get to 7500 packets.

If that doesn't find a problem, try longer packets.

In case you don't have a man page handy...
  -c xxx (c for count, stops after xxx packets)
  -s xxx (s for size, sends packets of xxx bytes)

-f puts an "interesting" load on things.  You might try XO to XO rather than 
going through the AP and/or loading the router.  (but the lights on the AP 
and/or router might be helpful)  Or XO to PC rather than router...

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Re: Touch-pad expectations

2011-02-07 Thread Hal Murray said:
> One absolute we know is that the touchpad hates multi-touches.  If you  have
> more than 1 point of contact with the sensor then it will go  bonkers.  Due
> to the button placement below the touchpad this is quite  easy to do.  Its
> trivial to show that double touches throw the pad into  a tailspin.  Other
> failure modes are harder to duplicate. 

Thanks.  That may be part of my problem.

I keep my left thumb on the left button.  My left hand is underneath the XO 
and the thumb wraps around to the button but doesn't get near the touchpad.  
But my ring finger may be drooping down and getting close enough to cause 
troubles.  I'll try to keep an eye on that.

I would really like to see some feedback when it is doing a recalibrate.  Can 
somebody point me at the right section of code and/or provide a few hints on 
how to implement that?  I'm thinking of a hack, nothing clean and elegant.  
For an experiment, I'd be happy to dedicate any corner of the screen.  (Say 
1/4 inch sq, or bigger if I can't see that fast enough.)

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Re: Kahn Academy, YouTube, XO-1

2011-02-05 Thread Hal Murray

In case you haven't noticed yet, I typoed the subject.  It's Khan rather than 
(I think I got the rest of them right.)

Thanks for all the replies.

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Devel mailing list

Touch-pad expectations

2011-02-04 Thread Hal Murray

Frequently, I find the touch-pad on a XO-1 to be extremely frustrating to use 
on cursor intensive tasks.  I'm trying to figure out if this is something I 
should be screaming and shouting about (and rubbing it in your collective 
noses) or if I should shut up and get used to it.

I think there are two problems.

One is that there is no feedback when the recalibration is going on, so I 
keep trying to do whatever I'm working on.  That screws up the calibration 
which makes me try harder which spirals downhill.

The other may be a fundamental problem with touch-pads as compared to mice.  
The problem is that I have troubles making long motions that I expect should 
to work.



I've used a mouse for 30+ years.  I don't have a (real/non-XO) laptop so my 
experience with touch pads is limited to work/hacking/play with a XO-1.

I worked at Xerox many years ago shortly after Card and Moran and Newell did 
the early work on why a mouse was so much better than cursor keys and such.  
I've had lunch more than once with one of them.  (I forget which one(s).)  
His stories of how to screwup a mouse are entertaining...

The key idea with a mouse is that your big arm muscles are used for the long 
motions and the fine finger muscles do the delicate pixel-or-two size 
motions.  I don't see anything like that with the touch-pad so maybe my 
expectations are off scale.  Or maybe some velocity/scaling magic is supposed 
to fix that mess.  Or ...


I play Implode on the XO.  It's a wonderful cursor test.

I play the middle game.  (I'm not smart enough for the big game.)  To make it 
interesting, I add a few more rules/constraints...  They are only in my head.
0: minimize the total number of clicks
1: tallest last-click wins
2: assign a priority to the colors, so for the same height, red beats blue...
3: Of course, faster is better.  (Who knows what the scale is.)
4: When you make the last click, see how fast you can get to the new-game 
button.  You get an extra point (on some scale) if you get there before it 
has finished making the face.
  [I'll say more if anybody wants.  But try your own rules first.]

That last step usually involves a long motion.  The new-game button is on the 
top.  You are probably clicking down near the bottom.

It's cheating to pre-position the cursor up near the top so you have a 
shorter motion to the new-game button.  Or at least distracts from your rule 
3 points.  But if you ignore that, it works pretty well.

Anyway, if anybody wants a cursor test case, I suggest Implode with some 
extra rules/constraints like the above.  The details don't matter.  Pick your 
own rules if you don't like mine  It's some combination of cursor and brain 
limited, and a lot of the time, the cursor is the limiting factor.

The key step may be that you never have to type anything.  I work with my 
right finger on the touch-pad and my left finger on the left button.


Back to the big picture...

If I use a system with a touch-pad type cursor, do I have to recalibrate my 
long-motion expectations relative to a mouse?

Do normal laptops have a recalibrate mode?  If so, do they have any feedback 
while they are recalibrating?

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Kahn Academy, YouTube, XO-1

2011-02-04 Thread Hal Murray

I'm a bit surprised nobody has mentioned Khan Academy here before.

Salman Khan gave a fun talk at Stanford on Jan 26.  You might be able to 
watch the video from here:
The nominal format for EE380 talks is talk from 4:15 to 5:15, Q&A from 5:15 
to 5:30.  The online broadcast and video recording stops at 5:30.  In 
reality, the break from formal talk to Q&A is whatever the speaker wants and 
Q&A often keeps going past 5:30.  Sal's Q&A/talk didn't end until close to 
6:00.  (I almost missed my train.)

The quick summary, is that he has made ~2000 ten minute videos and 
distributes them via YouTube.  His target is k-14, mostly math and science.

He got started when helping a cousin with math.  Videos solved the scheduling 
problem.  As long as he was making them for her, why not make them available 
to other people.  ...

They aren't fancy.  The few that I've listened to have been good.

He's a lively speaker: good if you like discussion, probably not so good if 
you want a rigidly organized formal speech.  (Maybe he's good at that too if 
he changes hats.  The Stanford talk was not formal.)

He has funding from Google and Gates so he's doing what he wants and doesn't 
have to pay attention to outside interests/pressure or pollute his web pages 
with ads.

He's working on a serious translation project.  (top 10 or 20 languages)  
They are looking for volunteers.

He's got a trial going with a local school.  One approach is to reverse the 
normal lecture/homework setup.  Watch the videos at home, work the problems 
at school where the teacher can help the students who need it.  He's working 
on software to present math problems, grade them, give out badges (to get 
kids fired up), collect stats for teachers...

It all looks good to me.  I'm sure lots of people will hate it and/or him.

He told one story...  Some school board wanted to use his videos to train 
their teachers (sure) but they wanted to hide the videos from the kids.  ???

Anyway, he has lots of good stuff that might be interesting to OLPC, or some 


Topic switch...  How well does YouTube work on a XO-1?

I'd like to look at his biology stuff.  (probably others too)  Is it reasonable 
to do that on a XO-1?  (I'm running the latest os6.  I'll switch back if that 

The recent discussion on Flash was interesting.  I installed Adobe Flash.  I 
get reasonable audio but the video is only an occasional picture.

top says the CPU is close to 100%.   I assume that's the limiting factor.  Is 
there any hope that things will get better soon and/or what can I do to help?

His videos are mostly whiteboard type drawings.  It should be low bandwidth/low 
CPU.  (but that may not fit what YouTube is setup for)


His web pages have a Download button which pulls an flv off and 
drops it into my Journal.  But I can't do anything with it there.  There isn't 
any default Activity to run it and I can't setup one for it.  Is there some way 
to setup that binding?

His videos are only ~5 to 10 megabytes.  (Maybe more, I only checked a few.)  
But the XO-1 doesn't have room for many of those.  I've got an SD card with 
lots of room.  How do I download a batch to a SD card and run them from there?  
Or move my Journal to a SD card or ...  [I guess by default I could move all of 
~olpc there.]


I was thrashing around.  While doing a download, I filled up the file system 
behind my Journal.

It gave me a button to go delete something, but when I got there, it jumped 
back to the Journal full screen again before I could do anything.  (I got out 
of that by disconnecting the ethernet cable which was fortunate because I 
normally use WiFi and just happened to be using wired because I had broken 

How do I find out how big something in the Journal is?


Google for >Khan Academy OLPC< starts with a couple of links looking for Arabic 
translation volunteers.

The 3rd one is OLPC Maroc which has some technical info that I haven't followed 
yet.  The key step seems to be ffmpeg2theora.  Is anybody familiar with that?  
Is it likely to help the CPU limitation?

I'd be happy to do a lot of pre-processing on another more powerful machine, 
especially if I don't have to pollute it with too much Adobe Flash crap or at 
least if the un-pollute recipe is clean.  (But I'll setup a blow-it-away system 
if the pollution is too messy.)

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Devel mailing list

Re: 11.2.0 Test cases

2011-01-26 Thread Hal Murray said:
> I am starting work on a set of test cases to use for the Fedora 14 x86
> (XO-1.0 & 1.5) 11.2.0 build.


How about making a list of IO devices that are likely to be used with a XO 
and making sure they each get at least a quick test?

It's probably worth collecting recipes that were used to demonstrate old 
bugs.  The idea is that bugs tend to be in tricky sections of code and 
running the recipe again after the usual development churn is likely to 
tickle a new bug in the same area.  It's a lot of work, but my experience 
many years ago was that it was embarrassingly effective.

Is there a UI capture/replay mechanism?  That might allow automating lots of 

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Re: foot pedal power

2011-01-25 Thread Hal Murray

> Given that it's making 60-80W of power it's safe to assume if it's 70%
> efficient you're talking about needing 100W of actual energy.

60-80 W is the max that unit can put out.  An XO can't use that much 

I have the green wall-wart for an XO-1 plugged into a meter.  It only reads 
power with a resolution of 1 watt.  The most I've seen is 19 watts.

With the CPU idle (not sleeping), backlight on, and battery charged, it takes 
7 watts.  If the CPU and memory are working, it takes 9 watts.

10-20 watts seems within reason to me.  Small kids might have trouble putting 
out that much power for extended periods of time.  For calibration, world 
class athletes (human powered aircraft) can put out 750 watts (1 horsepower) 
for an hour.  Big muscles can put out more power than small ones: legs are 
better than arms.  Using the thigh would probably work better than the calf 
but may not be as convenient.

If anybody does the experiment, especially if you test kids, please let me/us 
know the results.

Google for >bicycle powered TV< gets lots of info.

Here is a good start:


If a foot powered charger is going to be really useful for an XO, I think it 
will need some feedback mechanism so you can tell if you are pushing hard 
enough but not so hard that you are wasting effort.  Force feedback and/or 
sound would probably do it.  Maybe a LED.

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Devel mailing list

Re: hwclock accuracy

2011-01-20 Thread Hal Murray

> What is the accuracy of the hwclock on XOs? Can we assume that it will keep
> good time over an XO's five-year lifespan?

The ballpark for the hardware is 1 second per day.

> We have some XO-1.5s that have their hwclocks off by 10-20 minutes. Would
> this likely be due to a fault at the factory (e.g. not setting the time
> before shipping them), or did they skew over time? 

How long ago did you last set the clock?

Timekeeping is more complicated than that.

/etc/init.d/halt calls /sbin/hwclock --systohc
So each time you shut down cleanly, your hwclock gets updated with the 
current system time.  That's probably a good idea if you are running ntpd 
like most Linux boxes.

However, if you aren't running ntpd (or somehow keeping the system clock 
reasonably sane), you are swapping the drift on the hwclock for the drift of 
the system clock.

Sometime in the past few years, the timekeeping corner of the kernel was 
cleaned up.  Unfortunately, they introduced a bug in the TSC clock 
calibration code.

The main problem for most Linux users is that it doesn't get the same answer 
each time it boots.  It's close, but not very good if you are interested in 

If it were consistent, ntpd could easily correct for the error.  That's what 
/var/lib/ntp/drift is for.  (Small variations are expected due to 

The secondary problem is that it's likely to be off by 10s of seconds per 
day.  I'll dig out some numbers if anybody wants more details.

I don't have good data on how well clocks work when power-saving is enabled.


If you actually want to know how accurate your hwclock is:
  comment out the line in /etc/init.d/halt,
  check the time,
  wait a week or 10 days,
  check again.
"ntpdate -d " may be the simplest way to check the time.  Grab 
ntpdate from a handy system.
Or run "xclock -analog -update 1" on a system running ntpd and use that to 
calibrate your wrist watch and ...

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Devel mailing list

Re: USB to VGA

2010-12-20 Thread Hal Murray said:
>> I don't think that is the problem.  The windows
>> instruction manual lists resolutions up to 1920x1...@16bits
> Try it out if you want. I don't think you'll be impressed.
> You can push it past 1024x768 -- it's just not a happy place. 

The pixel count is only a factor of 3.  Is it just slow or does something 
else happen?

Does it overflow some buffer/cache and require lots more work?

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Devel mailing list

Re: XO-1.75 progress

2010-11-12 Thread Hal Murray

>> IMHO it's better to delay the release of the 1.75 and
>> force putting in a touchscreen.

> It's not a matter of time, it's a matter of the price deployments are
> willing to pay for it.  The feedback we've heard so far is that since the
> XO-1.75 without a touchscreen is every bit as functional as an XO-1.5 is,
> deployments cannot justify paying the noticeable additional cost for a
> touchscreen.

How much more does a touchscreen cost?

Is one available in the right form factor and/or how much NRE would it take 
to fit one in the current package?

Would it help to make a small batch with touchscreens to get developers 

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Devel mailing list

Re: os351 on XO-1 - Browse & memory pressure

2010-11-04 Thread Hal Murray
>> yum is known to just barely work and leave a lot of junk files in memory.

> Perhaps someone could produce a patch to yum to remove these junk files
> before it exits?  That would benefit all yum users, not just
> tmpfs-constrained OLPC users. 

I expect it's a feature not a bug.  On my 384K DSL link, it takes ~10 minutes 
to download the metadata.  If I type more than one yum command in a clump, I 
only pay that the first time.

"yum clean all" removes all the junk.  It's in the man page.  So will 

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Devel mailing list

Re: os351 on XO-1 - Browse & memory pressure

2010-11-02 Thread Hal Murray

> While testing an olpc-utils rpm, I opened Browse on os351 . It immediately
> puts the machine on the unusable-under-memory-pressure situation. 

Do a df and see if any temp file systems are chewing up a lot of memory.

yum is known to just barely work and leave a lot of junk files in memory.

> Personally, I haven't played with 10.1.x on XO-1s much. Has Browse been
> usable in earlier F11-based releases? Is it usable on dextrose? 

I haven't done any serious testing, but I had no troubles opening Browse on 
an XO-1 and poking around via google.

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Devel mailing list

Re: OLPC wireless startup at boot time

2010-10-20 Thread Hal Murray

>  - Preserving "last scan results" may improve user experience. 

I think that depends on the reason for powering off or closing the lid.

If you moved to a new building, you probably need a new AP.

If you moved from one tree to another, they are either using the same mesh 
channel to cooperate (or simplify things), or they are using a different one 
to avoid interference.

If you shut down to save power but didn't move, you probably want to 
re-connect to the same AP/mesh.

>  - Waking up the WLAN & scanning ASAP is key -- I think we are reasonably
> good there already 

It doesn't feel that way to me.

On lid open, the WiFi LED blinks a few times, finds a few APs, but doesn't 
find my AP.  After a long pause (10+ seconds), it blinks again, finds my AP, 
turns the LED on, and connects to my AP.

I just measured the pause at 20 seconds.  Is there a reason for that delay?  
Why doesn't the WiFi LED turn on sooner?

>  - Trying to pick quickly which AP to connect to is problematic. The
> preferred AP may only appear on the 2nd or 3rd scan. See earlier discussions
> about asking NM to wait _longer_ on that task to work on a more complete
> list of available networks. 

What is a "scan"?  Does it check one channel or all 3?  Assuming that a 
"scan" checks all 3, I'd expect most people to be using nearby APs with good 
signal strength so they should be easy to find and not require extra scans.

I'm guessing the first set of blinks is only checking one channel.  My AP is 
on channel 6, so that fits if it scans them in the order: 1, 6, 11.

Perhaps it should try the last active channel first, or even give the last AP 
a quick try.  (assuming there was a last AP)

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Devel mailing list

Re: OLPC wireless startup at boot time

2010-10-18 Thread Hal Murray

> It seems to me -- if the just-started XO (any model) is *already* receiving
> identity information off the air - why BREAK that connection ?

> The just-started XO should initially set its frequency to be the same as it
> was whenever that XO was last used.  If at least one *other* radio signal is
> heard, it should leave that frequency connected -- and depend on the user to
> intervene (through Neighborhood View) if now this XO should instead be
> connected to a different station (or frequency).

There is a layer of quirks associated with turning on the WiFi.

Another way to see some of them is to use suspend on lid close.  If you shift 
to the Neighborhood View before closing the lid, you can watch what happens 
after you open it.

Normally, I use an AP.  On booting, the WiFi connects to my AP before I can 
switch to the Neighborhood View.  Any sloth on the WiFi is masked by the time 
it takes to start Sugar.  That's probably why this area hasn't had more 

These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's.  I hate spam.

Devel mailing list

Radio on/off quirks

2010-09-25 Thread Hal Murray
Was: Subject: Re: Announcing the OLPC OS 10.1.2 final release!

If I turn the radio off, then

  radio off, 3 mesh visible
Reboot again:
  radio off, 3 mesh visible
Close cover, pause, open cover:
  radio turns on, connects to my AP
  radio on...

If I turn the radio off, then
  Go to My Settings/Network
  Radio is checked/on.

Turning the radio on has a strange pattern:
  Right away, I get 3 mesh networks.
  After a second or two, there is a blink, blink,
and see 2 APs.  (but not my AP)
  After roughly 10 more seconds, blink, blink,
and I see the rest of the APs I expect.
  Then the WiFi LED turns on and it connects to my AP.

I see that when turning it on from My Settings/Network or after opening the 

The My Settings/Network window has both X and check in the upper right 
corner.  I'd expect the X to ignore my changes and the check to save the new 
settings and make any changes.  Instead, the radio gets turned on/off 
immediately after I poke the Radio box.

I suspect somebody familiar with this area might recognize something that 
ties things together.  I'll be glad to submit trac reports if somebody tells 
me which quirks are interesting.

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Devel mailing list

Re: Announcing the OLPC OS 10.1.2 final release!

2010-09-21 Thread Hal Murray said:
> 2. The control panel does not remember the unchecked state of the Radio  On
> checkbox. 

Is the problem that it doesn't remember or that it gets things backwards?

I remember getting confused in that area.  To me, the description of the 
checkbox seemed backwards from what it was doing.  (But it did something and 
remembered what it was doing.)

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Devel mailing list

Re: Bad interaction between sleep timeouts and Salut?

2010-09-16 Thread Hal Murray
>> Assuming the problem is in the Avahi level, we should make
>> sure that the system is coming out from suspend when
>> the radio receives multicast activity directed to us so Avahi
>> can properly update its

> That is exactly the problem. It's taking forever-and-a-day to get that
> sorted. Details at 

It's worse than just multicast not working.  The basic wakeup from a packet 
directly addressed to the machine doesn't work reliably.

I think it's good that you are pushing in this area, but please don't be 
discouraged if you don't see any results.  There is a reason that suspend was 
disabled by default for os852/10.1.2
WiFi dies on suspended XO-1, os300
wifi interface eth0 disappears on the XO-1
Networking broken over suspend/resume on os13 for XO-1
wake-on-WLAN doesn't always work (duplicate)
ibertas suspend fails on XO-1 (fixed)

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Devel mailing list

Re: Bad interaction between sleep timeouts and Salut?

2010-09-16 Thread Hal Murray

> Assuming the problem is in the Avahi level, we should make sure that the
> system is coming out from suspend when the radio receives multicast activity
> directed to us so Avahi can properly update its internal state and also for
> activities using clique (multi-user chat rooms on server-less XMPP). A
> couple more of references: 

I'm pretty sure that XO-1 doesn't wakeup on broadcast packets.  In 
particular, it doesn't wakeup on ARP broadcasts.

Does this work on XO-1.5?

Until that gets fixed, you can set up the ARP table by hand so you can find 
the next layer of bugs.  man arp for the details.

It's not clear that you want to wakeup on generic broadcasts.  That will just 
eat up a lot of battery to throw away junk packets.  On the other hand, you 
probably want to wakeup on ARPs for your IP address and multicast packets if 
your interface is setup to listen to that address.

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Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Enhancing Sugar to support multiple users

2010-09-06 Thread Hal Murray said:
> When we discussed this while I was in Peru, one requirement they identified
> is that the kid would log onto an XO one day and do some work, and then log
> onto another XO the following week and continue the same work.

> Assuming this still stands, this strongly calls for a network-based home
> directory system with some kind of network login service (but someone with
> experience in such areas should comment). This would require a number of
> changes at the OS level and server level, but Sugar would be left untouched,
> as far as I can think. 

I think there are two approaches.

One is for /home to live on the file server and XOs to access their files via 
NFS.  There may be interesting alternatives to NFS, but I'm not familiar with 
any of them.

The other is to have a working copy of files on the local machine and 
manually slosh files back and forth, probably using a program to automate 

I don't think either would be great, but both could probably be made to work.

Both depend on reasonable network support.  Somebody would have to do some 
experimenting to see how many users the typical WiFi setup can support.

I've worked at two places that mounted /home on our personal workstations via 
NFS.  We did occasionally login from other machines but the main reason for 
using NFS was for sharing and centralizing the backup.

Both worked, but there were lots of quirks, and nobody tried to take their 
machines home at night.

Note that in addition to /home, you have to keep /etc/passwd and various 
other files synchronized.

Another consideration when using NSF is security.  It has a long history of 
weak security.  At both of the places where I used NFS, we lived with it.  
(We were all mature adults working for the same company and such.  Personnel 
and payroll were on different systems. ...)  In the context of schools, it 
might get interesting if the teachers are storing their files on the same 


It's been a long time since I worked with a slosh by hand system.  I've 
forgotten all the details.  We were happy with it, but we weren't switching 
workstations often.

I'd expect there are lots of modern software packages designed to keep 
laptops synchronized.  One of them might fit the XO usage pattern.  With the 
right wrapper, one of the source-control packages might work.

It might be reasonable to modify the current backup/restore code to do the 

One catch for an XO is that the file system is tiny so you would have to 
delete the previous user's files to make room for the next user.  NB: You 
really don't want to delete them if they haven't been copied back yet.

Another possible problem is that the network load is likely to be 
synchronized, say at the beginning of the school day when the machines get 
handed off from one user to the next.


What's the backup mechanism on current school servers?  If the truth lives on 
my XO and the school server is "just" a backup, I might be willing to not 
backup the school server.  On the other hand, if the truth lives on the 
school server, I'd really want another layer or two of backup.

Here is another alternative...  Give each child their own SD card.  Patch 
Sugar to look there.  Or patch the system to mount /home/olpc there.  ...

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Devel mailing list

Re: WiFi vs suspend

2010-09-01 Thread Hal Murray
> is this still consistent for you?

No, it started hanging again shortly after I sent that message.  :(  ??

> i've just released a new powerd-27 which contains a fix for XO-1 which might
> affect whether power to the wlan is maintained in some cases, and might also
> cause wake-on-wlan to be disabled by mistake. 

Thanks.  I'll give it a try.

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Devel mailing list

WiFi vs suspend

2010-08-31 Thread Hal Murray

I have blundered into what may be a workaround for bug 10232

The fix is to edit
and add " -dddt" to the end of the Exec line.  It ends up looking like:
Exec=/usr/sbin/wpa_supplicant -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf -B 
-u -f /var/log/wpa_supplicant.log -P /var/run/ -dddt
[That's one long line that got wrapped.]

After that change, I haven't had any hangs in over 24 hours.  Without that 
change, I get one in a few hours.

I'd be curious to see if it works for anybody else.

Don't forget that it doesn't wakeup on ARP packets so you have to manually 
setup the arp table entry on the machines that you expect to wake it up.

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Devel mailing list

WiFi vs Suspend

2010-08-24 Thread Hal Murray
Where is this on the priority list?  What can I do to help?
("Go away until the release is out." might be the right answer.)

There are (at least) 4 tickets on this:  WiFi dies on suspended XO-1, os300  Networking broken over suspend/resume 
on os13 for XO-1   wake-on-WLAN doesn't always work 
(duplicate)   ibertas suspend fails on XO-1 (fixed)

I know about the ARP problem.  I can avoid that by manually setting up the 
ARP table.

I see two patterns.  (Most of this should be in 10232.)

The first case looks like a simple lost interrupt/wakeup.  If so, it should 
be easy to get some more information.

The symptoms are that the left WiFi LED is on.  The right WiFi LED blinks 
when I ping that system but the CPU doesn't wakeup.  Poking the touchpad 
wakes it up.  Then it starts processing packets.

I've got the back of a system off.  Is there a handy place to get a 
scope/meter on the wakeup signal from the WiFi module to the EC?  Is that 
signal edge triggered or level sensitive?

The other case has the left WiFi LED off.  The right LED doesn't blink if I 
ping it.  I can wakeup the system with the touchpad but that doesn't fix the 
WiFi.  If I shift to the neighborhood view and poke my AP, it disconnects, 
reconnects, the left LED goes on, and packets work again.

There is code that occasionally checks the other channels, looking for APs 
and such.  While that is going on, the left WiFi LED blinks.  What happens if 
the system suspends when that code is in the middle of switching channels?  
Where is that code?  Can I easily turn it off?

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Devel mailing list

Re: DHCP option 119

2010-08-23 Thread Hal Murray said:
> We are working with a department of education that is using Windows-based
> domain and DHCP servers. They want to know if the XOs support DHCP option
> 119, so that they can accept correct domain information for name resolution,
> etc.

> Does anybody have any information on this? 

[mur...@xo-02-33-ff ~]$ more /etc/resolv.conf 
# Generated by NetworkManager
[mur...@xo-02-33-ff ~]$ host www is an alias for is an alias for has address
[mur...@xo-02-33-ff ~]$ 

That's what I expect via DHCP from my local DSL modem so it looks like the XO 
is doing the right thing.  (I didn't verify the packets on the wire/air to 
verify that it's using option 119.)

You will have to try it to verify that it works with your setup.

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Re: SD/MMC cards, a year later

2010-08-20 Thread Hal Murray

> One frustration has been the rate of change in the SD industry. The dominant
> model from a vendor in a particular size and speed may only be in production
> for three or four months before being superseded.  Vendors are reluctant to
> properly inform Quanta of changes which might require retesting.   The
> result is that SD card certification is an ongoing process. 

How many do I have to buy before a distributor or manufacturer will 
cooperate?  Or how much extra does it cost to get them to cooperate?

Is that whole industry segment so focused on low-cost that nobody knows how 
to keep track of what they manufacturer/deliver?

What do cell phone manufacturers do?

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Devel mailing list

Disabling pretty-boot

2010-07-28 Thread Hal Murray

os301 had pretty-boot disabled to help diagnose  #9100
os302 doesn't do that any more.

Is there a simple edit/whatever I can do to disable pretty-boot?

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Devel mailing list

Suspend: RTC wakeup, sleep

2010-07-28 Thread Hal Murray

Can somebody give me a pointer to some sample code that will wake up a 
suspended system in 5 minutes?  I'm assuming there is some way to do this 
using the alarm interrupt from the RTC.

What should I have searched for?  I poked around a bit, but didn't find much. 
 (One wiki page from a few years ago was mostly crossed out and said it was 
way out of date.)

Shell preferred, but I can use python or c.

Can somebody confirm that sleep does what I expect on suspended systems?

My expectation is that the sleep timer logically ticks when suspended, but 
that the system won't get woken up when the sleep timer expires.

For example, suppose my program does a sleep(100), and shortly after that the 
system suspends.

If the next wakeup is 200 seconds after the start of the sleep, my program 
should run then (along with whatever caused the wakeup).

Or if the system wakes up after 50 seconds and doesn't suspend again, my 
program should run 100 seconds after it started to sleep.

If not, how does it work?

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Broken /etc/rc.local

2010-07-23 Thread Hal Murray

I botched an edit to /etc/rc.local and now my system hangs during boot.

Is there a way to edit a file from firmware?  Or delete a file?

Is there a wiki page for this stuff?

[No big deal.  I can always reinstall, but this seems like a good excuse to 
learn something.]

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Links to (other) bugs in Trac comments

2010-07-15 Thread Hal Murray
The bottom of
turns into
  ticket #1
with a link to that bug.

I just tried that in a comment to
but it comes out as

Did I fatfinger something that I'm just not seeing or is something broken?

Or does that comment only apply to real wiki pages and not trac pages?

What should I use as source text to get links to other bugs?  There are a few 
examples in that bug a few comments back.

Is there any way to fix typos like this?

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Re: New XO-1 10.1.2 build 300

2010-07-14 Thread Hal Murray

> For build 301 we've disabled pretty boot so the next time you see this
> you'll be able to provide more useful information about the crash. Please
> test it! 

Good trick.  It's downloading now.

> Also, on this machine are you using any external peripherals?

I had a USB serial port (GPS) plugged in.

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Trac#10232: WiFi dies on suspended XO-1, os300

2010-07-14 Thread Hal Murray
A simple edit makes suspend/wakeup from WiFi work on XO-1 running os300.   So 
I've been testing it.  It works most of the time, but occasionally stops 
waking up from WiFi.  Wakeup from touchpad works fine.

I just submitted
Text below.

I've got a stuck case in front of me.  Is there anything I should type at it 
to collect more info before I reboot?

--- has the recipe to make suspend work on
 (delete the "a" from "ethtool -s eth0 wol ua" in /usr/sbin/powerd)

 So I've been testing it.

 It works most of the time, but occasionally wakeup from WiFi stops

 I know about wakeup on arp not working.  I can work around that by
 hardwiring that slot into the arp cache on my PC.

 I saw it stop working a couple times a few days ago.  I think the WiFi LED
 was still on, but I'm not sure.  I'm pretty sure it recovered when I poked
 the touchpad.  This would match arp not working, but I had the cache
 setup...  Mumble.  Both times happened while I was ssh-ed in.

 I've got a stuck case right now.  That was after working fine
 for several days of light traffic.  (I'm running a fake ntpd server so I
 can monitor the clock.  So it's the XO is seeing the UDP equivalent of a
 ping every 5 minutes from two sources.)

 The WiFi LED is off.  It blinks when I wake it up by poking the touchpad,
 but the LED stays off and ping doesn't work.

 ifconfig says eth0 and msh0 are up.  I've grabbed a copy of
 /var/log/messages but I don't see anything interesting in there.

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Re: Disabling powersaving temporarily from olpc-session?

2010-07-10 Thread Hal Murray said:
> close, but not quite.   /var/run/powerd-inhibit-suspend/ is a directory. 

Thanks for the correction.

> google is a good reference.  when all else fails, read the comments in
> /usr/bin/powerd.  overly verbose, perhaps, but hopefully complete.  :-)

That's actually /usr/sbin/powerd  (sbin vs bin)

Nice work.  Thanks.

One of the quirks about the XO is the lack of man pages.

Is there an obvious/simple way to discover that the documentation for X is in 
the executable itself so that which X, more/vi $X will tell me what I'm 
looking for?

I suppose it's worth a try  to assume that it's a script rather than a binary 
blob and see if more/vi works.

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Re: Disabling powersaving temporarily from olpc-session?

2010-07-09 Thread Hal Murray said:
> what would be the right way to signal to powerd that for this session
> aggressive suspend should be suspended, or its timeout lengthened to several
> minutes, without affecting the "normal" setting? 

My notes say that:
  touch /var/run/powerd-inhibit-suspend
Will inhibit suspend.

Google finds this:

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Re: New XO-1 10.1.2 build 300

2010-07-08 Thread Hal Murray

> Here's the first build in our 10.1.2 F11/XO-1 release stream, as promised
> yesterday.  Thanks to Daniel Drake for working on getting this started! 


> Please test and report bugs!

I've seen it hang during booting, 2 out of 6-10 tries.  There is one dot 
visible and the big X is still an X before it changes to a V and goes around 
in a circle.  Is there anything I can do to collect more info?

Do you expect suspend/restore to work?  It seems to work from the touchpad 
and keyboard, but I can't get it to wakeup when a WiFi packet arrives.

I turned on Settings/Power  Automatic Power Management
I turned off Settings/Radio   Wireless/Radio

If I wait a while (30 seconds?), the CPU/Power LED shifts to blink mode.  The 
WiFi LED is still on.  Ping won't wake it up.

ping -i 5 keeps it from suspending.
ping -i 6 doesn't.  Once the CPU/Power LED starts blinking, ping stops 

A finger on the touchpad wakes it up.  (So far, every time I've tried it.)
Keys work too, but I've only tried them a few times.

The My Settings/Radio Wireless/Radio checkbox seems to turn itself back on.  
If I turn it off, then get out of My Settings, then go back to My Settings, 
it's on.

The WiFi LED doesn't track that checkbox.  If the box is (was?) unchecked, 
the LED stays on when it suspends.  That's what I expect.  If the box is 
checked, the LED still stays on when it suspends.  I was expecting it to turn 

(But even with the LED on, it doesn't wakeup when a packet arrives so who 
knows what's really going on.)

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Re: [Sugar-devel] Clocks on XOs

2010-07-06 Thread Hal Murray said:

> On 6 July 2010 10:10, Bernie Innocenti  wrote:
>> Laptops with anti-theft enabled can get the time from the OATS server
>> when it's off by more than 24 hours. Unlocked laptops don't have a way
>> to synchronize the time at all.

>> All we need to fix it is a trivial shell script. Why not do it?

> I think it's fine that individual deployments can do it. But it shouldn't be
> done globally because it weakens the security system.

Am I missing something?  How does that (significantly) weaken security?  The 
user can become root and set the clock by hand.

Are any deployments shipping with root access disabled?

> A globally acceptable solution could be to decrease the safety guard on the
> olpc-update-query check so that it corrects the time if it is (e.g.) more
> than 1 hour out. 

Is there any reason not to always set the time when doing an anti-theft 
check?  A 1 or 2 second window might avoid some thrashing.

I'm assuming that the normal case for implementing anti-theft is that the 
local school server has good time and proxies for the master OATS server back 
at the country's main office of education or similar.


I agree with Bernie's suggestion that unlocked laptops should do something to 
keep the clock accurate.  Running ntpdate[1] when NetworkManager sets up a 
connection seems like a reasonable approach.

We might want to limit that to at most every N hours, but then you have to 
remember when you last set the time.

Do WiFi connections have a flaky mode where they bounce around a lot?  If so, 
trying too hard to set the time will just make things worse.  So make that 
something like don't set the time more often than every 10 hours and don't 
even try to contact the ntp servers more often than every 1/2 hour.

1] ntpdate is deprecated by the ntp project, but if I use that term everybody 
will know what I mean.

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Anti-theft vs RTC (Was Re: NetworkManager time sync)

2010-07-06 Thread Hal Murray said:

>> While we have your attention on this topic...
>> Do you not think that this is a security issue? In that a thief could
>> put a laptop on a network with rigged DNS and have control over the
>> time/date on the laptop? 

> A sane security system would let the user control their local time, without
> jeopardizing security based on server (or "firmware") time.

That's hard to do if the user is root.

I'm far from a wizard on this area, but I think the key idea is that there is 
only one RTC and there isn't any reasonable way for the firmware to hide it 
from the OS.  So if you let the user become root, they can set the RTC back 
and keep using an old lease as long as they can hide from the anti-theft 
server at boot time.

I think a thief could do useful work on a stolen XO as long as they are 
willing to run with the clock set incorrectly (to bypass the firmware 
boot-time checks) and they are smart enough to disable any non-firmware 
security checks.  They would have to avoid booting near an anti-theft 
(school) server and/or hide behind a firewall that would filter it out.

Is there a good high level description of how the current anti-theft works?

I've found these:

The first two are full of commands to type to use the current anti-theft 
setup, but there isn't much discussion of the big picture.  The Bitfrost doc 
was last edited in Feb 2007.

I haven't found a discussion of the set-the-clock-back case.

The Bitfrost doc describes an anti-theft daemon running on the XO at:

It also expects file protection for the critical parts of the OS as described 
Has that been implemented?  If so, how, and where do I find more info?  I 
don't remember any discussion of that topic.

There is also discussion of maintaining a per program view of the RTC at:
I don't think that's been implemented either.

It's probably possible to make the anti-theft stuff significantly more robust 
in this area.  I think it would be a lot of work.  The two chunks of Bitfrost 
above would be a good start.  I'm not sure they are sufficient and/or there 
may be simpler ways.

Security is hard.

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Clocks on XOs

2010-07-02 Thread Hal Murray
Was: Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Caacup=E9?= war bullettin -- day 1 said:
> * Date not being updated
> One laptop booted with clock set to the Epoch.

Is that one of the old XOs that had troubles with the tiny battery feeding 
the TOY/RTC clock when the main battery and wall power are both disconnected? 
 I forget the details, but I think there was a problem with the battery 

> Oddly, the lease was accepted anyway. We need to figure out why the clock is
> not being updated from the network.

NetworkManager used to call ntpdate when it setup a connection.  Was that an 
OLPC addition?

I think this area gets tangled up with security and lease checking.  Do we 
want/need two separate modes, one for the secure case and another for 
developers without a school server?

What are the school servers doing to keep their clocks reasonable?

> Why aren't we using ntp? 

ntp is probably overkill for XOs.  Besides, who would want to give up that 
much ram?  On top of that, ntpd doesn't get along with power saving mode.

Aside from quirks like this one, is time on the XO normally good enough?

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What's the current status of suspend/resume?

2010-06-03 Thread Hal Murray

I've lost track of this area.  Could somebody please give me/us a review 
and/or update.

I remember that something was seriously broken but I have forgotten the 

The Paraguay test builds I've been using on XO-1 come with power-saving 
disabled so I haven't had any troubles recently.

Is the problem well understood and just needs fixing, or should we be looking 
for the next layer of bugs?

What should I be running to help test this area?

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Re: F11 on XO-1: keyboard & trackpad stopped working

2010-05-14 Thread Hal Murray

> For some bizarre reason, the trackpad and keyboard stopped working on both
> Gnome and Sugar. 

There is a bug in the suspend logic.  You will be a lot happier if you 
disable Automatic power management in My Settings/Power.

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Re: the old keypad behavior gets too sensitive

2010-04-16 Thread Hal Murray

> I usually operate my XO with an external USB trackball, and have no problem
> with cursor positioning.  Lately I've often needed to operate XOs (hdw early
> G1G1, but F11 build) with the native keypad, and I can appreciate the many
> complaints I have heard about using the old keypad. 

Does anybody remember if it worked better on (way) old OSes?

How many different types of touchpads were used on XO-1s?

>From a b3:
  psmouse serio1: OLPC touchpad revision 0x28

>From a c2:
  psmouse serio1: OLPC touchpad revision 0x50

I assume that version number is referring to the hardware since both of those 
boxes are running os140py.

I can confirm that the old/b3 unit works much much better than the newer c2 

"Too sensitive" is only half of the description.  It matches one of my 
problems which is that I can't lift my finger up to use it to click a button 
because the cursor slithers away from where I had positioned it.

But the other problem is that the cursor doesn't move when I move my finger.  
I'm probably getting tangled up with recalibrate.  Some sort of UI feedback 
during recalibrate might be a big help.

Is there a simple way to disable auto recalibrate?

My test case is Implode.  It's just a long series of move-click, move-click.  
But you can use the space bar rather than click so my finger stays on the pad 
for a whole game.  (You need a real click to get a new game.)

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Re: (fwd) Re: powerd on XO-1 (was Re: New release ... OS13 )

2010-03-28 Thread Hal Murray said:
> please file tickets for the problems you're seeing, and attach dmesg output,
> as well as powerd.trace.  (enable powerd tracing with "sudo powerd-config
> =trace-on".)

If that's not the info you need, let me know and I'll try again.

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Re: New release of F11 for the XO-1 is available for testing - OS13

2010-03-27 Thread Hal Murray said:
> We'll deploy this to ~4000 kids really-soon-now. Bugs reported within 1-2
> weeks have a chance of being fixed in time. 

os115 doesn't include powerd.  Is your plan to ship it that way or do you 
want help testing suspend/resume?

I ran it for a day or two before switching to os13.   I didn't notice any 

os13 includes powerd.  My network gets confused/broken quickly.  It recovers, 
but that takes a minute.  That's not useful for me.

The good news is that the keyboard now works after resume so I can poke 

I don't know if the keyboard/cursor/resume quirk is really fixed.  My cursor 
just stopped working.  (The keyboard was OK.)

I haven't noticed any troubles when powerd is disabled.

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Re: ANNOUNCE: New F11 XO-1build 115 Paraguay

2010-03-27 Thread Hal Murray said:
> I'll go with Mikus on that. With at least 3 development streams some
> qualifier is needed in the naming. eg os115x1/os115x15/os115py 

There is another worm in this can.  After installation, that name has to get 
out where we can easily see it.

The My Settings/About My Computer window has a slot for Build.

One system says:
 release 11 (Leonidas)
Another says:

So in addition to the XO-1 vs XO-1.5, I think that slot should also contain 
"F11" or whatever upstream release is underneath everything.

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Re: RFC: change to XO sleep behavior

2010-03-23 Thread Hal Murray

> We could also consider just having the touchpad be available for
> wake-from-idle-sleep, and not the keyboard, since that way you wouldn't have
> any side effects from the wakeup key.  But I think having the side effects
> isn't a big deal, so I'd go with your proposed (b). 

I've gotten into the habit of poking the shift key when I want to wake things 

If I poke a real key, that probably means that I know what I'm typing at and 
expect it to get used as input rather than wakeup.

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What's the status of F11 on XO-1?

2010-03-12 Thread Hal Murray

Last I knew, returning from suspend on an XO-1 running F11 left the 
keyboard/mouse broken.  Is anybody working on that?  What can I do to help?


> please report your experiences with powerd on XO-1.5

I've been happy with it on XO-1.  I just added a whole bunch of 0s so it 
never suspends.

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