Re: rotate button sucks on the XO

2009-03-01 Thread Jordan Crouse
Benjamin M. Schwartz wrote:
> Jordan Crouse wrote:
>> NoiseEHC wrote:
>>> 2. An Xvideo RGB overlay displays the big nothing (black) while the 
>>> screen is rotated.
>> Indeed - XV is purposely turned off when the screen is rotated (or at 
>> least, not displayed):
> The LX hardware supports rotated blits, right?  So in principle, rotated
> XV could be added to the driver if someone cared sufficiently...?

Absolutely - and as a special bonus, the LX groks how to rotate YUV data 
natively, so both YUV and RGB video can be rotated.

Devel mailing list

Re: rotate button sucks on the XO

2009-03-01 Thread Jordan Crouse
NoiseEHC wrote:

> 2. An Xvideo RGB overlay displays the big nothing (black) while the 
> screen is rotated.

Indeed - XV is purposely turned off when the screen is rotated (or at 
least, not displayed):


Devel mailing list

Re: OS/X11 support for XO-1 hardware?

2009-02-25 Thread Jordan Crouse wrote:
> On Wed, 25 Feb 2009, Chris Marshall wrote:
>> With the spin-off of Sugar development to sugarlabs,
>> it is nice to see the development continued.
>> However, it seems that the OLPC layoffs and refocus
>> has scuttled the work to complete some OS and system
>> software support for the XO-1 hardware features.
>> For example, I have been waiting for the video scaler
>> support to allow for adjustable display resolutions on
>> the XO.  Among other things, it would allow programs
>> that don't understand a 1200x900 but only 6x4" display
>> to work at a more usable resolution where the graphic
>> elements and text/fonts are consistent and visible to
>> the naked eye...
> programs that don't allow you to scale ther text/fonts are broken on 
> _many_ systems, not just the XO. many distros let you install a 'large 
> font' set (look at debxo 0.4 vs debxo 0.5 for an example of this, with 0.5 
> they moved to a large font set)
>>  It would allow for much improved
>> video performance since you could play back a 320x240
>> video on the full screen at considerable CPU savings.
> except that you would spend those CPU savings doing the scaling up from 
> 320x240 to the higher resolution.

Actually not, the scaling is handled by the hardware, so it doesn't cost 
the CPU anything.  Unfortunately for the original poster, the video 
overlay won't scale with the rest of the graphics, and so the original 
premise is flawed.  That said, fortunately for the original poster, Xv 
has its very own flavor of scaling, so you _can_ play back a 320x240 
video at 1200x900 today with no additional CPU cost if that is your goal 
even with the older driver in the OLPC distribution.


Devel mailing list

Re: AMD to stop working on Geodes (Carlos Nazareno)

2009-01-31 Thread Jordan Crouse
Edward Cherlin wrote:

> National Semiconductor, which bought the line from Cyrix. I edited
> several of the pin- and register-level manuals for various chips for
> them more than ten years ago, and updates of my work are still online
> on the AMD Web site. OLPC has educated AMD on how to use the
> power-management registers to do things that nobody previously knew
> were possible.

AMD may have made some odd decisions over the years, but they don't 
deserve the kicking they are getting.  AMD gave OLPC unprecedented 
access to the combined software and hardware expertise for the Geode - 
AMD didn't have to be so open and OLPC didn't ask for it. The AMD 
engineers (and there were many, many more than I) worked hand in hand 
with the OLPC designers from the beginning, long before virtually 
everybody on this mailing list or in the IRC room had jumped on the 
bandwagon.  I was fortunate to be working with brilliant developers such 
as Mark and Mitch who were able to read datasheets and ask interesting 
qeustions, and they were fortunate to be able to have a nearly direct 
connection to the silicon designers that designed the part.

AMD and OLPC educated each other - and the result was arguably the most 
open processor in history on one side, and a little green machine on the 
other.  So I take exception to the idea that AMD was the bumbling fool 
in this partnership - that is an unfair characterization, and an insult 
to the AMD engineers that spent a lot of hours reviewing schematics, 
looking at USB debug traces and writing code - much of which is still 
running on the system to this day.


Devel mailing list

Re: performance work

2008-12-31 Thread Jordan Crouse
Neil Graham wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-12-30 at 20:41 -0700, Jordan Crouse wrote:
>>> I'm curious as to why reads from video memory are so slow,  On standard
>>> video cards it's slow because there is quite a division between the CPU
>>> and the video memory,  but on the geode isn't the video memory shared in
>>> the same SDRAM as Main memory. 
>> It is, in that they share the same physical RAM chips, but they are 
>> controlled by different entities - one is managed by the system memory 
>> controller and the other is handled by the GPU.   At start up time, the 
>> memory is carved up by the firmware, and after the top of system RAM is 
>> established, video and system memory behave for all intents and purposes 
>> like separate components.  Put simply, there is no way to directly 
>> address video memory from the system memory.  Access to the video memory 
>> has to happen via PCI cycles, and for obvious reasons the active video 
>> region has the cache disabled, accounting for relatively slow readback.
> That makes my brain melt, you can't address it even though it's on the
> same chip!?!  Even as far back as the PCjr the deal was that sharing
> video memory cost some performance due to taking turns with cycles but
> it gave some back with easy access to the memory for all.   Has the
> geode cunningly managed to provide a system that combines all the
> disadvantages of separate memory with all the disadvantages of shared?
> One wonders what would happen if you wired some lines to the chips so
> that the memory appeared in two places,  would you get access to the ram
> (with the usual 'you pays your money, you takes your chances' caveats
> about coherency)
> I'm not a hardware person, but that all just seems odd.

You are missing the point - this model wasn't designed so that the 
system could somehow sneakily address video memory, it was designed so 
that the system designer could eliminate the need for the added cost, 
expense and real estate for a separate bank of memory chips.  See also

>> That said, the read from memory performance is still worse  then you
>> might expect - I never really got a good answer from
>> the silicon guys as to why. 
> being hit with the full sdram latency every access maybe?
> Is it feasible to try with caches enabled and require the software to
> flush as needed.

Ask around - I don't think that you'll find anybody too keen on having 
the X server execute a cache invalidate a half dozen times a second.

Anyway, you are getting distracted and solving the wrong problem.  You 
should be more concerned about limiting the number of times that the X 
server reads from video memory rather then worrying about how fast the 
read is.

If I can rant for a second (and this isn't targeted at Neil 
specifically, but just in general), but this is another in a list of 
more or less hard constraints that the current XO design has. 
Throughout the history of the project, it seems to me that developers 
have been more biased toward trying to eliminate those constraints 
rather then making the software work in spite of them.  The processor is 
too slow - everybody immediately wants to overclock.  There is too 
little memory - enter a few dozen schemes for compressing it or swaping it.

The XO platform has limitations, most of which were introduced by choice 
for power or cost reasons.  The limitations are clearly documented and 
were known by all, at least when the project started.  The understanding 
was that the software would have to be adjusted to fit the hardware, not 
the other way around.  Over time, we seem to have lost that understanding.

Software engineering is hard - software engineering for resource 
restrained systems is even harder.  In this day and age geeks like us 
have been accustomed to always having the latest and greatest hardware 
at our fingertips, and so the software that we write is also for the 
latest and greatest.  And so, when confronted with a system such as the 
XO, our first instinct is to just plop our software on it and watch it 
go.  That attitude is further re-enforced by the fact that the Geode is 
x86 based - just like our desktops.  It should just work, right?  We 
know better - or at least, we should know better.

The solution to the performance problems is good old fashioned elbow 
grease.  We have to take our software that is naturally biased toward 
the year 2007 and make it work for the year 1995.  Thats going to 
involve fixing bugs in the drivers, but also re-thinking how the 
software works - and finding situations where the software might be 
inadvertently doing the wrong thing. Let me give you an example - as 
recently as X 1.5, operations invol

Re: performance work

2008-12-30 Thread Jordan Crouse
Neil Graham wrote:
> On Mon, 2008-12-22 at 15:36 -0700, Jordan Crouse wrote:
>> You might want to re-acquire the numbers with wireless turned off and 
>> the system in a very quiet state.  If you want to be extra careful, you 
>> can run the benchmarks in an empty X server (no sugar) and save the 
>> results to a ramfs backed directory to avoid NAND. 
> The XO Numbers were recorded from a fairly inactive state.  Wireless was
> active but there shouldn't have been any traffic.  I did launch X with
> just an xterm, so sugar shouldn't be in play at all.  I didn't think of
> the speed of nand writes however.
>>  2) The accel path requires reading from video memory (which is 
>> very slow)
> I'm curious as to why reads from video memory are so slow,  On standard
> video cards it's slow because there is quite a division between the CPU
> and the video memory,  but on the geode isn't the video memory shared in
> the same SDRAM as Main memory. 

It is, in that they share the same physical RAM chips, but they are 
controlled by different entities - one is managed by the system memory 
controller and the other is handled by the GPU.   At start up time, the 
memory is carved up by the firmware, and after the top of system RAM is 
established, video and system memory behave for all intents and purposes 
like separate components.  Put simply, there is no way to directly 
address video memory from the system memory.  Access to the video memory 
has to happen via PCI cycles, and for obvious reasons the active video 
region has the cache disabled, accounting for relatively slow readback.

That said, the read from memory performance is still worse then you 
might expect - I never really got a good answer from the silicon guys as 
to why.  If Tom Sylla is still reading this list, he might know more.

> There's a separate 2 meg for DCON memory, but I was under the impression
> that was just to remember the last frame.
> Do I have that all wrong?   

No - thats right, there is a completely separate bank of chips just for 
the DCON.


Devel mailing list

Re: performance work

2008-12-22 Thread Jordan Crouse
Greg Smith wrote:
> Hi Jordan,
> Looks like we made a little more progress on graphics benchmarking. See 
> Neil's results below.
> I updated the feature page with the test results so far:
> What's next?
> Do we know enough now to target a particular section of the code for 
> optimization?
My previous email was pretty long, so I thought I would answer this last 
question separately.   I can help guide you with the operations that are 
slower with acceleration.   There may be other optimizations to be had 
within cairo or elsewhere in the X world, but I'll have to leave those 
to  people who understand that code better.

The majority of the operations will probably be composite operations. 
You will want to instrument the three composite hooks in the X driver 
and their sub-functions:  lx_check_composite, lx_prepare_composite, and 
lx_do_composite (in lx_exa.c).

lx_check_composite is the function where EXA checks to see if we are 
willing to do the operation at all - most of the acceleration rejects 
should happen here. lx_prepare_composite is where we store the 
information we need for the ensuing composite operation(s) - we can also 
bail out here, but there is an incremental cost in leading EXA further 
down the primrose path before rejecting it.  lx_do_composite() obviously 
is where the operation happens.  You will want to concentrate on these 
functions - instrument the code to figure out why we accept or reject an 
operation and why we take so long in rejecting certain operations. 
Profiling these functions may also help you figure out where we are 
spending our time.

So, in short - become one with the ErrorF() and good luck... :)

Devel mailing list

Re: performance work

2008-12-22 Thread Jordan Crouse
Greg Smith wrote:
> Hi Jordan,
> Looks like we made a little more progress on graphics benchmarking. See 
> Neil's results below.
> I updated the feature page with the test results so far:
> What's next?
> Do we know enough now to target a particular section of the code for 
> optimization?

I ran the raw data through a script, and came up with a nice little 
summary of where we stand.  My first general observation is that the 
numbers are skewed due to system activity - recall that X runs in user 
space, so it is subject to be preempted by the kernel.  I think that the 
obviously high numbers in many of the results are due to NAND or 
wireless interrupts (example):

6: 2261923 (5.25 ms)
7: 16690761 (38.73 ms)
8: 2306919 (5.35 ms)

You might want to re-acquire the numbers with wireless turned off and 
the system in a very quiet state.  If you want to be extra careful, you 
can run the benchmarks in an empty X server (no sugar) and save the 
results to a ramfs backed directory to avoid NAND.  You probably don't 
have to get _that_ extreme, but I don't want you to spend much time 
trying to investigate a path only to find out that the numbers are wrong 
due to a few writes().  In the results below, I tried to mitigate the 
damage somewhat by removing the highest and lowest value.

The list below is sorted by delta between accel and un-accel, with the 
"worse" tests on top (i.e - the ones where accel is actually hurting 
you) - these are good candidates to be looked at.  There are three 
reasons why unaccel would be faster then accel - 1) a bug in the accel 
code, 2) The accel path requires reading from video memory (which is 
very slow), and 3) the accel path doesn't punt to unaccel early enough.

The first two on the list (textpath-xlib and texturedtext-xlib) toss up 
a huge red flag - I am guessing we are probably seeing a bug in the driver.

All of the upsample and downsample entries are interesting, because the 
driver should be kicking back to the unaccelerated path - I'm guessing
that 3) might be in effect here - though 73 ms is a long time.

Most of the operations between 1ms and -1ms are probably going down the 
unaccelerated path.  Most everything in there probably should be 
unaccelerated, with the possible exception of the 'over' operations - 
those are the easiest for the GPU to accelerate and the most heavily 
used, so you probably want to take a look at those.

As before, I encourage you to investigate which operation are heavily 
used - if you don't use textured text very much, then optimizing it 
would be heavily on the geek points, but not very useful in the long haul.

Test AccelNoaccel   Delta
textpath-xlib-textpath   1562.60  1345.12  217.48
texturedtext-xlib-texturedtext   315.61   140.54   175.07
downsample-nearest-xlib-512x512-redsquar 106.37   33.25 73.12
downsample-bilinear-xlib-512x512-redsqua 96.5735.22 61.35
downsample-bilinear-xlib-512x512-primros 83.3634.81 48.56
downsample-nearest-xlib-512x512-lenna78.1829.83 48.35
downsample-bilinear-xlib-512x512-lenna   83.9136.32 47.59
downsample-nearest-xlib-512x512-primrose 77.4930.06 47.43
upsample-nearest-xlib-48x48-todo 86.2360.14 26.09
upsample-bilinear-xlib-48x48-brokenlock  242.52   216.4926.03
upsample-bilinear-xlib-48x48-script  237.69   211.7025.98
upsample-bilinear-xlib-48x48-mail234.40   208.4325.97
upsample-bilinear-xlib-48x48-todo239.85   213.9425.91
upsample-nearest-xlib-48x48-script   81.6757.02 24.65
upsample-nearest-xlib-48x48-mail 78.9954.42 24.57
upsample-nearest-xlib-48x48-brokenlock   86.1861.73 24.45
upsample-nearest-48x48-script61.9557.46  4.49
downsample-bilinear-512x512-redsquare11.247.77   3.47
solidtext-xlib-solidtext 11.709.51   2.19
textpath-textpath1081.14  1079.371.78
texturedtext-texturedtext112.33   111.79 0.54
upsample-bilinear-48x48-todo 224.06   223.68 0.37
upsample-nearest-48x48-brokenlock64.4664.16  0.30
upsample-bilinear-48x48-brokenlock   226.51   226.25 0.26
downsample-nearest-512x512-redsquare 2.43 2.23   0.19
gradients-linear-gradients-linear107.39   107.30 0.09
over-640x480-empty   15.6815.61  0.07
over-640x480-opaque  20.1920.12  0.07
add-640x480-opaque   20.7720.73  0.04
upsample-nearest-48x48-todo  60.7560.71  0.04
add-640x480-transparentshapes20.7920.78  0.02
add-640x480-shapes   20.7620.74  0.02

Re: Display X module for B2

2008-12-19 Thread Jordan Crouse
Guy Sheffer wrote:
> Hello all,
> In Israel we are starting a pilot using 30 B2 OLPC machines.
> I have one running sugar 8.2 OS already, however one problem remains:
> As you might know the support for the graphical adapter has been
> dropped, so the X won't start. I am not sure where to find the code in
> the GIT repository because its pretty old, also I am not sure where to
> look.
> Does anyone here know how to get the display adapter of the B2 laptop
> running in sugar 8.2? or pinpoint where I can find the source code
> related?
> ( Searching in:
> Did not help... )
> I know OLPC work with the B2 has stoped, however this is our only chance
> to bootstrap a pilot here. And I have solved the swap problems and
> localization. The graphical module is all I need.;a=summary

As you can tell from the date and the name, this particular drop is 
ancient.  Treat it as such.


Devel mailing list

Re: performance work

2008-12-16 Thread Jordan Crouse
Greg Smith wrote:
> Forwarding this to devel.
> Any comments or suggestions on how we can start to optimize graphics 
> performance is appreciated.

That is a rather open ended question.  I'll try to point you at some 
interesting places to start with the understanding that not one thing
is going to solve your all problems - the total processing time is 
almost definitely a cumulative effect of all of the different stages of 
the rendering pipeline.

I would start by establishing a 1:1 baseline - it is great to compare 
against a 2Ghz Intel box, but that the differences between the two 
platforms are just too extreme.  No matter how good the graphics gets, 
we are still constrained by the Geode clock speed, FPU performance, and 
GPU feature set (what it can, and most importantly _cannot_ do).

The first thing you need to do is determine which operations you really 
care about. I would first target the operations that deal with text and 
rounded corners, since those will be the most complex. Straight blits 
and rectangle fills are important, but less interesting, since they 
involve the least work in the path between you and the GPU.

I recommend running the Cairo benchmarks on the XO again with 
acceleration turned off in the X driver. This will give you a good 
indication of which operations are being accelerated and which are not. 
  If you have another Geode platform handy (which you should if you are 
at 1CC), then you might also want to run the same benchmarks again 
against the vesa driver (which will be completely unaccelerated).  The 
difference in the three sets of data will give you a good idea of which 
operations are unaccelerated, and which operations are being further 
delayed by the Geode X driver.

The low hanging fruit here are the operations that are not being 
accelerated; you will need to determine why.  Sometimes its because the 
GPU cannot handle the operation (for example, operations on a8 
destinations), or it might because the operation was never implemented 
in the code, or it could be that the code is just downright buggy.
This is where it is imortant to know which operations you care most 
about.  You could probably find a good number of bugs in the two pass 
operations (PictOpXor and PictOpAtop) but both are rarely used and not a 
good use of your time.  I have no problems at all with biasing the 
driver toward very common operations.  If there is something that can be 
done to the driver to improve text rendering at the cost of say, 
rotation, then I'm all for it.

Outside of the driver, you are pretty much limited to evaluating 
alogrithms, either in the software render code (pixman) or in the cairo 
code.  For those situations, I have less knowledge, but I do advise you 
to remember the two hardware constraints which I mentioned above - CPU 
clock speed and FPU performance.  Remember that alot of this code was 
written recently when nobody in their right mind has < 1Ghz on their 
desktop - no matter how hard they try, this will end up biasing the code 
slightly.  FPU performance is more serious. The Geode does not do well 
with heavy FPU use - to mitigate the damage, try to use single precision 
only, and try not to use a lot of FPU operations in a row because the 
Geode pipeline stalls horribly if two FPU operations are scheduled one 
after another.

Finally, I will remind you that you that no amount of hacking is going 
to magically make the Geode + Geode GPU all of a sudden look like a 
modern desktop Radeon.  There are many modern GPU concepts that desktop 
toolkits are becoming increasingly dependent on that the Geode just 
cannot grok.  Fading icons and anti-aliasing and animations may look 
really neat on your 2Ghz Intel, but they are a major strain on CPU 
resources on the Geode.  I'm not saying that there isn't room for 
improvement, but I am saying that at some point you will have to make 
compromises between what the UI does, and what the hardware can do. 
Until you are willing to bite that bullet, any optimizations you under 
the hood will be a treatment but never a cure.

Devel mailing list

Re: Simulating a lower resolution on the OLPC XO Laptop

2008-11-25 Thread Jordan Crouse
Thanks to Mitch, I fixed the scaling problem.  Based on conversations on 
IRC, I am afraid that you will be very disappointed, so I am going to 
try to explain in great detail how this all works.

First of all, you are going to need either build a new driver on your 
own, or convince your favorite maintainer to build one for you.  The fix 
is checked into the xf86-video-geode GIT tree HEAD.

Secondly, a bit of background on how this all works.  Unlike most modern 
GPUs, the Geode does not support scaling transforms - in simple terms, 
we cannot use the hardware to automatically scale a given rectangle on 
the screen, which is how scaling would normally work in a modern 3D 
compositor.  However, we do have the ability to scale the entire screen 
at once.   Again in simple terms, this means you can scale an effective 
display of say, 800x600 to 1200x900.  But this also means that the 
entire display needs to be put into a 800x600 mode.  This means you need 
to execute a mode switch, and your underlying display manager and window 
manager need to be able to grok the switch.  If you want to switch back 
to 1200x900 mode, then again, you'll have to take a mode switch.

So, assuming you are still with me, lets discuss how to actually pull 
this off.  The method depends on which X server you are using.   To 
easily tell, type 'xrandr' in a terminal - if you see a single 1200x900 
  mode, then you are using X 1.4.  If you see multiple modes, then you 
are using X 1.5.

** X 1.4 instructions **

For X 1.4, you need to add the mode that you want scale to 1200x900. 
For this example, lets use 800x600.  Add the mode to the xrandr database:

xrandr --newmode 800x600 0 800 0 0 0 600 0 0 0

You don't need to worry about setting accurate timings, since the driver 
is going to scale the mode to 1200x900 anyway.

Next, add the mode to the default output:

xrandr --addmode default 800x600

Now, if you type 'xrandr' you will see your new mode in the list.
Skip ahead to the X 1.5 instructions.

** X 1.5 instructions **

Type 'xrandr' in a terminal.  You will see a list of possible modes. 
Any mode not equal to 1200x900 will be scaled on the XO.  To set a mode,
type the following:

xrandr --output default --mode 

The modename can be anything in the list. If you want to add something 
not in the list, refer to the X 1.4 instructions for how to do that. 
The screen should immediately scale.  To return to "normal" mode, set 
the 1200x900 mode.

That should be enough to get you started.

Devel mailing list

Re: Simulating a lower resolution on the OLPC XO Laptop

2008-11-25 Thread Jordan Crouse
Bert Freudenberg wrote:
> On 25.11.2008, at 17:37, Jordan Crouse wrote:
>> Bert Freudenberg wrote:
>>> On 25.11.2008, at 11:57, Strider wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I have a XO Laptop which is a nice machine machine with a high res  
>>>> display of 1200x900 pixels. The problem with this is that the 
>>>> laptop  isn't powerful enugh to handle fullscreen applications at 
>>>> this  resolution. If only the display could switch to a lower 
>>>> resolution  things would be much better but it seems that this 
>>>> laptop only  supports a single resolution.
>>>> So I was wondering if it would be possible of simulating lower res  
>>>> at a low level, that is the xf86-video-geode driver.
>>>> I'm not an expert in video drivers but i imagine that there are  
>>>> functions to request a pixel to be drawn on screen based on what's  
>>>> in the video ram.
>>>> Now let's say that it's not one pixel but two that we put on 
>>>> screen,  and that we draw each lines two times. That would result in 
>>>> a  600x450 resolution.
>>>> If we do the same thing but repating the operations three times , 
>>>> we  would have a 400x300 resolution.
>>>> Some emulators have a scale option to do such a thing and manage it  
>>>> quite well, but if we had such an option in the video driver, the  
>>>> result would be even faster !
>>>> So what do you think about this? Is it possible ?
>>> The Geode actually can do real upscaling (that is, scale multiple  
>>> graphics resolutions to the panel resolution), it works fine on 
>>> other  machines and LCDs. But latest word is that this somehow 
>>> interacts  badly with our DCON, so no-one has gotten it to work 
>>> correctly on the  XO yet.
>> Indeed.  I think there is a DCON interaction happening, because the 
>> mouse gets "corrupted" during upscaling as well - and that implies 
>> that the issue is happening after the screen is constructed.  The 
>> upscaling works fine on a CRT and on a "standard" TFT panel, so that 
>> is what leads me back to the DCON.  Its also a long shot that the 
>> 1200x900 resolution is confusing the scaler, but I doubt it since the 
>> aspect ratio is still 4:3.  I would love for other people to try the 
>> driver (it is in the latest debxo, I think); perhaps you can see the 
>> pattern that I can't.
>>> There still may be hope, because the video upscaler can take RGB 
>>> 5:6:5  data, so in theory a lower-res 16 bpp frame buffer could be 
>>> upscaled  on-the-fly (and the upscaler does 30 fps easily). But I 
>>> guess getting  this to work would require a very determined X hacker ...
>> The RGB video overlay should just work (TM).  So it would take less of 
>> a determined X hacker, and more of a determined application hacker to 
>> put all the pieces together.
> Well, I meant that this could be used to actually provide, say, an 
> 800x600x16 mode in the driver, without having to hack applications. 
> While adapting a single app may be comparatively easy, it's still a 
> major hassle to patch each and every app. Having it in the driver would 
> make things just work (TM). But that would be a major hack, don't you 
> agree?

So if I understand what you are getting at - you want to set up a single 
  overlay over the whole screen, and render everything on that?  Thats 
probably doable - you could set up a shadow framebuffer like we do for 
rotation, and hook the damage code into the video overlay.  It might 
work out well, but it would preclude using the video overlay for 
anything else (such as, video).  It would probably also preclude 
rotation - maybe not.

But rather then invent fanciful ways to handle this, the efforts would 
be better spent figuring out how to fix the current driver.  Mitch 
reports that the Windows driver works just fine, so clearly the bug is 
on our side.

We need developers to start understanding how the driver works. 
Everybody with a professional interest in the X driver has moved on to 
other pastures, and OLPC desperately needs community members to pick up 
the slack.

Devel mailing list

Re: Simulating a lower resolution on the OLPC XO Laptop

2008-11-25 Thread Jordan Crouse
Bert Freudenberg wrote:
> On 25.11.2008, at 11:57, Strider wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a XO Laptop which is a nice machine machine with a high res  
>> display of 1200x900 pixels. The problem with this is that the laptop  
>> isn't powerful enugh to handle fullscreen applications at this  
>> resolution. If only the display could switch to a lower resolution  
>> things would be much better but it seems that this laptop only  
>> supports a single resolution.
>> So I was wondering if it would be possible of simulating lower res  
>> at a low level, that is the xf86-video-geode driver.
>> I'm not an expert in video drivers but i imagine that there are  
>> functions to request a pixel to be drawn on screen based on what's  
>> in the video ram.
>> Now let's say that it's not one pixel but two that we put on screen,  
>> and that we draw each lines two times. That would result in a  
>> 600x450 resolution.
>> If we do the same thing but repating the operations three times , we  
>> would have a 400x300 resolution.
>> Some emulators have a scale option to do such a thing and manage it  
>> quite well, but if we had such an option in the video driver, the  
>> result would be even faster !
>> So what do you think about this? Is it possible ?
> The Geode actually can do real upscaling (that is, scale multiple  
> graphics resolutions to the panel resolution), it works fine on other  
> machines and LCDs. But latest word is that this somehow interacts  
> badly with our DCON, so no-one has gotten it to work correctly on the  
> XO yet.

Indeed.  I think there is a DCON interaction happening, because the 
mouse gets "corrupted" during upscaling as well - and that implies that 
the issue is happening after the screen is constructed.  The upscaling 
works fine on a CRT and on a "standard" TFT panel, so that is what leads 
me back to the DCON.  Its also a long shot that the 1200x900 resolution 
is confusing the scaler, but I doubt it since the aspect ratio is still 
4:3.  I would love for other people to try the driver (it is in the 
latest debxo, I think); perhaps you can see the pattern that I can't.

> There still may be hope, because the video upscaler can take RGB 5:6:5  
> data, so in theory a lower-res 16 bpp frame buffer could be upscaled  
> on-the-fly (and the upscaler does 30 fps easily). But I guess getting  
> this to work would require a very determined X hacker ...

The RGB video overlay should just work (TM).  So it would take less of a 
determined X hacker, and more of a determined application hacker to put 
all the pieces together.

Devel mailing list

Re: ACPI on XO (was: Re: [Techteam] Weekend 10/31)

2008-11-03 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 03/11/08 13:12 -0800, Deepak Saxena wrote:
> On Nov 03 2008, at 13:41, Jordan Crouse was caught saying:
> > The concept of suspend is muddled greatly with kernel and userspace folks
> > both participating in the discussion and coming at the problem from
> > different directions.  As Deepak says, the dream is to put the whole system
> > to sleep on a very long idle interval where other processors would be in a
> > deeper C state.  To do this, we need to know certain kernel timing
> > information that we can compare to our worse case suspend/resume time and
> > make a reasonable choice to attempt to enter a suspended state.  So in
> > that regard, it does help us determine if we want to try to sleep, but its
> > only one of a number of inputs into the black box - some of which are 
> > determined in userspace through OHM, and others which are determined
> > by the kernel.
> > 
> > Presumably the cpuidle code would kick into XO specific code at some point
> > which would check that all of the other suspend inputs are green before
> > doing the deed.  The funny thing is that this isn't so dissimilar from how
> > ACPI works.
> Right, and at that point, we're not doing "cpuidle", we're doing full
> system state assesment and I don't think doing that in the kernel in
> the middle of the idle loop is the best thing to do and we would probably
> have to add a lot of interfaces into the kernel to manage all that
> information. We could alternative add a callback into a userpsace helper
> in an OLPC-specific cpuidle governer but jumping back into userspace
> from this deep in the idle path is probably very unsafe to do. The
> simplest thing to do would be to have our device present a state that
> has a very long latency value corresponding to full system suspend
> so that the existing framework can just work. I'm not sure how
> well the kernel would handle us triggering a suspend from within
> the kernel either, but only one way to find out. :)

I said that we needed to walk down a decision tree, but I didn't say
that the idle detection needed to be the first branch.  Certainly,
we can do much of the math in userspace, and perhaps we can turn it
into a binary (allow_suspend && enough_time) in the idle loop or
appropriate hook.  But if we want to suspend on idle, then we need to
do it while are... you know... idle - so something  has to live there.

I think we are basically saying the same thing here - userspace needs
to give us the go-ahead to suspend, and we need to have the right
latency programmed so that if all is well, we just suspend.  Or at least,
we'll try to suspend and hope like heck it works.


Devel mailing list

Re: ACPI on XO (was: Re: [Techteam] Weekend 10/31)

2008-11-03 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 03/11/08 09:31 -0800, Deepak Saxena wrote:
> [cc:ing devel]
> My understanding of cpuidle is that it is designed to be fairly CPU/system
> agnostic with a clean driver interface to allow for tweaking the CPU/SOC
> idle control. There is even an ARM port [1] but as you will see in that
> email, the nomenclature for CPU idle states has been heavily borrowed from 
> the ACPI definition (C-states) as that is what the X86 world uses
> everywhere.  If we dont' want to use ACPI (my vote), I'm thinking we can 
> write a a low level driver that talks directly to the HW to move us between 
> "C-states".  Looking at the Geode documentation [2], it only seems to 
> support running, halt, and sleep state (Jordan, is this correct?) and
> I can't imagine it being difficult to write a driver to switch between
> these if the raw HW is documented.

Yes, in classic ACPI terminology, we only support C1 through the 'hlt'

> I want to make sure everyone understand what CPUIdle does as I've heard
> some comments that lead me to believe people expect more out of it.
> It is meant as a framework to help move the CPU between high and low latency 
> idle states based on recent CPU usage patterns, latency requiremenents and 
> any other things that we care about in the heureistic algorithm (the 
> governor).
> We still have to things like keep track of how long it has been since a user 
> interacted with the device and whether the audio devide is open, etc to 
> determine 
> whether we want to do a full system suspend or not. While we could push all 
> that into the governor, I think it would be massively overiding the 
> framework. I 
> want to clarify this b/c I recall someone saying something along the lines
> that cpuidle will help us figure when to suspend and that is not the
> case. It is meant only for CPU idle state management, In our case, when the
> system is fairly idle, we want to put the whole system to sleep, not just
> the CPU.

The concept of suspend is muddled greatly with kernel and userspace folks
both participating in the discussion and coming at the problem from
different directions.  As Deepak says, the dream is to put the whole system
to sleep on a very long idle interval where other processors would be in a
deeper C state.  To do this, we need to know certain kernel timing
information that we can compare to our worse case suspend/resume time and
make a reasonable choice to attempt to enter a suspended state.  So in
that regard, it does help us determine if we want to try to sleep, but its
only one of a number of inputs into the black box - some of which are 
determined in userspace through OHM, and others which are determined
by the kernel.

Presumably the cpuidle code would kick into XO specific code at some point
which would check that all of the other suspend inputs are green before
doing the deed.  The funny thing is that this isn't so dissimilar from how
ACPI works.


Devel mailing list

Re: 9.1 Proposal: Top five performance problems

2008-10-27 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 26/10/08 14:21 -0400, Erik Garrison wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 6:36 PM, Jordan Crouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 25/10/08 00:00 +0200, NoiseEHC wrote:
> >> The Geode X drive copyes every bit of data to the command ring buffer by
> >> using the CPU so that is sure that those "almost no CPU cycles" thing is
> >> at least a bit stretch... :) According to Jordan Crouse it will not be
> >> better but he was not too concrete so in the end I am not sure what he
> >> was really talking about, see:
> >>
> >
> > Indeed - many CPU cycles are used during compositing.  There is a lot of
> > math that happens to generate the masks and other collateral to render
> > the alpha icon on the screen.  The performance savings in the composite
> > code comes from not having to read video memory to get the src pixel
> > for the alpha operation(s).  That performance savings is already available
> > in the X driver today.
> Ah!
> So what work needs to be done to realize these performance savings?
> Or are you saying that we can already getting them by using composite?
>  Or by another method?

You mostly have them now.  In fact, you have had them in the driver
for the better part of a year and a half.  We don't support all
composite operations and I'm not even going to begin to pretend that
there aren't bugs all over the place, but for the most part you should
be already experencing whatever gains the GPU can give you.

> Also, here:
> > The performance savings in the composite
> > code comes from not having to read video memory to get the src pixel
> > for the alpha operation(s).
> Do you mean "not having to generate the video memory to get the src
> pixel"?  By not asking applications to redraw themselves aren't we
> saving CPU cycles?

No, I mean what I said.  An alpha blend operation requires three inputs -
the source color, the destination color and the alpha value.  In order
to do the alpha operation in system memory, you may need to read the
destination color from video memory, since it could have been calculated
as part of another operation.  Due to the way that the video memory is
cached, it is painfully slow for the system to read from video memory.
The GPU helps by doing the alpha blending operation in hardware.  It only
needs the alpha value and the source color, which we can readily provide
from the X server.  It then performs the operation directly on video
memory.  This saves CPU cycles from not having to do the alpha blending math
but mainly because the processor doesn't need to stall while reading the
video memory.


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: 9.1 Proposal: Top five performance problems

2008-10-24 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 25/10/08 00:48 +0200, NoiseEHC wrote:
> Could you be a bit more specific, please? What did you mean when you 
> talked about that moving a little bit more of the driver to kernel level 
> would not help? (This was the mentioned thread I had with Bernie.)

I'm not exactly which part you want more specifics for.
The code is available - it would be easier if you perused it and
asked more direct questions.


Devel mailing list

Re: 9.1 Proposal: Top five performance problems

2008-10-24 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 25/10/08 00:00 +0200, NoiseEHC wrote:
> The Geode X drive copyes every bit of data to the command ring buffer by 
> using the CPU so that is sure that those "almost no CPU cycles" thing is 
> at least a bit stretch... :) According to Jordan Crouse it will not be 
> better but he was not too concrete so in the end I am not sure what he 
> was really talking about, see:

Indeed - many CPU cycles are used during compositing.  There is a lot of
math that happens to generate the masks and other collateral to render
the alpha icon on the screen.  The performance savings in the composite
code comes from not having to read video memory to get the src pixel
for the alpha operation(s).  That performance savings is already available
in the X driver today.


> Benjamin M. Schwartz wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > Erik Garrison wrote:
> >   
> >> What about changing the kind of visual feedback we give.  Instead of
> >> pulsing icons what about icons with a string of dots beneath, a progress
> >> bar, flashing, or another kind of overlay feedback which requires fewer
> >> visual changes (frames) and/or could be overlaid on top of existing
> >> icons without calculating a new animation for every icon?
> >> 
> >
> > We have GPU-accelerated alpha compositing on the XO, so we could do the
> > current animation using almost no CPU cycles.  It's just a question of
> > figuring out how to access that compositing.  As far as I'm aware, no
> > effort in this direction has been made.  I don't know if "composite" here
> > requires the use of "Composite" in the window manager or not; my knowledge
> > of X is minimal.
> >
> > - --Ben
> > Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)
> >
> > S40An2vtXMot6/rz9YmceB38geDaQhH4
> > =aOse
> > ___
> > Devel mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >   
> ___
> Devel mailing list

Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: 5 sec boot

2008-10-06 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 04/10/08 18:07 -0700, Deepak Saxena wrote:
> - Embedded systems often use a suspend image to speedup boottime. 
>   Basically load an image into memory and then jump into the
>   kernel as if we are resuming from firmware. Another approach
>   if we can't do a full suspend image this is to use the new 
>   container code and save the runtime of the user session so we
>   can just reload it. Both these methods require flash space...

++ - A suspend image would really help.  The only gotcha is (as 
always), USB.  You would probably need to create an image without
any USB devices attached, and then let probing take over after
you have "resumed".

There are several successful embedded solutions that use snapshot
images to great effect.  We should borrow liberally from their 


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: rendering test

2008-09-29 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 28/09/08 18:46 +0200, Bernie Innocenti wrote:
> Tomeu Vizoso wrote:
> > Ooops. cc'ing to some other people/list in the hope someone more
> > knowledgeable than me will comment.
> Thanks.  Please Cc me on posts like these to make sure I don't miss them. 
>   No, it doesn't bother me to receive 0.001% more mail.
> I've also Cc'd the Xorg list in case someone can give us more insight.
> > On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 12:46 PM, Riccardo Lucchese
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> On Sun, 2008-09-28 at 12:43 +0200, Riccardo Lucchese wrote:
> >>> * build 703, xorg driver = amd, redraws = 200
> >>> - pixbuf:
> >>>   98.63s
> >>>   96.96s
> >>>   96.58s
> >>>   97.14s
> >>>   99.21s
> >>>
> >>> * build 703, xorg driver = fbdev, redraws = 200
> >>> - pixbuf:
> >>>   55.81s
> >>>   55.40s
> >>>   55.22s
> >>>   55.50s
> >>>   55.63s
> >>>
> >>> * build 2489, xorg driver = amd, redraws = 200
> >>> - pixbuf:
> >>>   84.21s
> >>>   84.81s
> >>>   81.94s
> >>>   81.79s
> >>>   85.29s
> >>>
> >>> * build 2489, xorg driver = fbdev, redraws = 200
> >>> - pixbuf:
> >>>   62.83s
> >>>   62.81s
> >>>   62.81s
> >>>   62.66s
> >>>   63.14s
> >>>
> >>> - joyride regressed sensibly at rendering with cairo since 703
> >>> - rendering pixbufs is extremely slow on the xo
> >>> - server side surfaces are awesome ;)
> >>>
> >> and btw why is fbdev faster than the geode driver at rendering pixbufs ?
> Was fbdev running with EXA or XAA?  (does fbdev even support EXA?)
> My performance tests with X 1.3 and 1.4 had shown that turning on EXA 
> makes many operations slower.  It's hard to tell why, but it might have to 
> do with loosing XShmPut() (MIT shared memory), excessive migration of 
> pixmaps to the framebuffer, and so on.  X 1.5 was supposed to have a much 
> better EXA, at least judging from the stream of patches landed on the tree.

Indeed - migration is probably what is hurting us the most here.   We 
would probably have to do a more in-depth analysis of what is actually
happening in the engine, but the general rule of thumb is that it is very
very very very very bad to read from the video memory. 


(Did I mention it was bad?)

Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: browse and x11 performance

2008-09-03 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 03/09/08 20:20 -0400, Benjamin M. Schwartz wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Jordan Crouse wrote:
> | No - we don't support alpha hardware cursors at all.
> Who's "we"?  According to my recollection, the Geode LX docs indicate that
> the GPU supports one accelerated 48x48  sprite with 8-bit alpha for the
> cursor.  Did we all misread the doc? Is the doc wrong? Is the feature
> missing in the driver? What about the Windows driver?

Oops - I sliped into GX mode there for a while.  Yes, the GPU does
handle an 8:8:8:8 cursor, but the driver doesn't.   I'm not sure what
the Windows driver does.


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: browse and x11 performance

2008-09-03 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 03/09/08 17:45 +0200, Bernie Innocenti wrote:
> > bounce works fine in that build -- performance and audio are very
> > acceptable.  there's still mouse cursor flicker, i think related
> > to the continuous frame-rate display in the corner.  but in newer
> > joyrides the whole screen is choppy.
> I still fail to understand why we fall back to the software cursor
> on the XO, which negatively impacts rendering performance.
> Jordan once told me that the Geode supports one hardware sprite
> with alpha.

No - we don't support alpha hardware cursors at all.

Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: OFW vs. proprietary BIOS

2008-09-02 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 29/08/08 14:07 -1000, Mitch Bradley wrote:
> Edward Cherlin wrote.
> > I also want to see Open Firmware replace proprietary BIOSes everywhere. 
> I'd like that too, but it won't happen.  The market forces that drive 
> the computer business still favor proprietary thinking, notwithstanding 
> the many FOSS arguments to the contrary.  Intel calls the shots by 
> controlling a big percentage of the silicon designs, and Intel is 
> pushing UEFI, partially because it allows them to keep their 
> chipset-dependent startup code proprietary.  The board manufacturers do 
> what the dominant silicon vendor allows them to do.

This seems like an ideal time to point out that the coreboot (LinuxBIOS)
team proudly counts OFW as a payload (though it sometimes lags because
you can count the number of us who understand Forth on one hand and have
three fingers left over).  Coreboot is growing daily (in fact, Via just
announced coreboot support for a number of its processors and motherboards.
Of course, AMD is also in the party; supporting code for Geode LX, Athlon,
Opteron, and Barcelona processors).

I realize that the OP was talking about a Forth only stack, but at least
coreboot can get you a little bit further along and still give you that
(ok) prompt that makes all the ladies swoon.  And maybe some day, we can
have a complete Forth stack supporting the AMD fam10 processors 
(I for one would like to see fam10 memory initialization in Forth).

If you want to help, check out:

And help us work through some of the bugs in the OFW payload.


Devel mailing list

[DCON]: Make sure the backlight level gets restored after sleep

2008-08-27 Thread Jordan Crouse
Apparently somewhere along the line, the backlight value gets reset to
full in the DCON silicon after coming back from a DCON sleep.

This patch should remedy that.


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
[DCON]: Make sure the backlight level gets restored after sleep

From: Jordan Crouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Signed-off-by: Jordan Crouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 drivers/video/olpc_dcon.c |   29 ++---
 1 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/video/olpc_dcon.c b/drivers/video/olpc_dcon.c
index a66b222..1e7d2c3 100644
--- a/drivers/video/olpc_dcon.c
+++ b/drivers/video/olpc_dcon.c
@@ -246,14 +246,8 @@ static int dcon_get_backlight(void)
 	return bl_val;
-static void dcon_set_backlight(int level)
+static void __dcon_set_backlight(int level)
-	if (dcon_client == NULL)
-		return;
-	if (bl_val == (level & 0x0F))
-		return;
 	bl_val = level & 0x0F;
 	dcon_write(DCON_REG_BRIGHT, bl_val);
@@ -269,6 +263,17 @@ static void dcon_set_backlight(int level)
+static void dcon_set_backlight(int level)
+	if (dcon_client == NULL)
+		return;
+	if (bl_val == (level & 0x0F))
+		return;
+	__dcon_set_backlight(level);
 /* Set the output type to either color or mono */
 static int dcon_set_output(int arg)
@@ -318,15 +323,17 @@ static void dcon_sleep(int state)
 			dcon_sleep_val = state;
 	else {
-		/* Only re-enable the backlight if the backlight value is set */
-		if (bl_val != 0)
-			dcon_disp_mode |= MODE_BL_ENABLE;
 		if ((x=dcon_bus_stabilize(dcon_client, 1)))
 			printk(KERN_WARNING "olpc-dcon:  unable to reinit dcon"
 	" hardware: %d!\n", x);
 			dcon_sleep_val = state;
+		/* There might be a bug wherein the backlight gets
+		 * restored to full after sleep.  Make sure it gets set
+		 * just to be sure */
+		__dcon_set_backlight(bl_val);
 	/* We should turn off some stuff in the framebuffer - but what? */
Devel mailing list

Re: Re Using scaling mode

2008-08-20 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 20/08/08 12:52 +0200, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
> On Aug 7, 2008 Jordan Crouse wrote:
> > You can change the mode with the xrandr
> > utility.  The following is the output from my system with a 1024x768
> > panel attached:
> >
> > me at geodelx:~# xrandr
> > Screen 0: minimum 320 x 240, current 800 x 600, maximum 1024 x 1024
> > default connected 800x600+0+0 0mm x 0mm
> >   1024x768   60.0
> >   800x60060.0*
> >   640x48060.0
> >   512x38460.0
> >   400x30060.0
> >   320x24060.0
> >   1024x1024  60.0
> >
> > The 1024x768 is the native mode determined automatically.  The other  
> > modes
> > are "default" resolutions inserted by the X server.  To change a mode,
> > its as easy as this:
> >
> > xrandr --output default --mode 
> >
> > So to scale a 800x600 screen to 1024x768, you do this:
> >
> > xrandr --output default --mode 800x600
> >
> > Now, you might not see a mode in the list that meets your fancy.   
> > You can
> > add a "pseudo" mode to xrandr like so:
> >
> > xrandr --newmode  
> > 
> > 
> >  [+HSync] [-HSync] [+VSync] [-VSync]
> >
> > And attach them to the default output with:
> >
> > xrandr --addmode default 
> >
> > You can specify any resolution you want - just specify the width  
> > (hdisp)
> > and height (vdisp) entries - the rest of the entries can be 0.
> I tried that on a B4 running joyride-2301 and it did not work. Xrandr  
> reports 1200x900 as min and max resolutions. Adding a mode gave no  
> error, but switching to that mode gave "Configure crtc 0 failed".
> This is xorg-x11-drv-geode 0:2.10.0-1.olpc3.1, which was added to  
> joyride-2269 on Aug 7 so I assumed it is the version you were talking  
> about.

I doubt it is - I don't think anybody has added the new driver to
Joyride automatically, and if they dead, then they need to be beaten
soundly with a wet noodle, because this code isn't ready to inflict on
the children of the world quite yet.  You'll need to build a new 
driver from the tree.


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

xf86-video-geode update

2008-08-18 Thread Jordan Crouse
Greetings all -

I just pushed the second part of our RandR 1.2 effort to the sub-branch:;a=shortlog;h=randr12

This fixes several critical bugs, does some more code cleanup, and 
adds accelerated rotation into the EXA driver where it belongs. 

With this code, the RandR 1.2 effort is now code complete.  Of course,
thats not to say that its not bug free, which is where everybody comes
in.  We need lots and lots of testing between now and the release 
next month.  Try to utterly blow this sucker up under all sorts of
orientations and let me know the results.  I would much rather find a bug
now then hear about it from the Ubuntu folks when it breaks 9.04.  Even
worse, since most of these changes directly affect OLPC, I would really
hate for this to completely hose the next release.  Test it now, and don't
hear me say "I told you so" later.. :)


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: xf86-video-geode: double the RandR for half theprice

2008-08-07 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 07/08/08 19:45 -0700, Dhimant Bhayani wrote:
> Hello Jordan,
> This is excellent news. Does this also mean that graphics
> performance goes up as well? Is anyone you know doing 
> Optimization of OpenGL library for LX800? Lot of new apps
> are using OpenGL for UI and I have noticed that this becoming
> an issue.

Sorry, this won't have any effect on graphics performance, and
certainly not for OpenGL.  Of course you know that there is no
3D hardware acceleration of any kind on the LX, so you are completely
at the mercy of the developers of the software renderer, which probably
isn't ultra-optimized for an older generation x86 processor with a short
pipeline and so-so floating point performance.  I'm sure there is
interesting work there for somebody with the skills and the motivation,
but I haven't heard of anybody taking up the challenge.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Jordan Crouse
> Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2008 11:07 AM
> Subject: [Xorg-driver-geode] xf86-video-geode: double the RandR
> for half theprice
> I am happy to present a preview of the forthcoming release of
> the 
> xf86-video-geode driver.  This time around, we are adding RandR
> 1.2
> support to the driver, which means that we add far superior
> control
> over modes and outputs while removing enormous chunks of now
> useless code.  But wait, there's more - with better control over
> mode setting comes the long awaited panel scaling that the OLPC
> folks have been waiting for.  And, at no extra cost, I did a
> massive
> cleanup of the code (the new driver is 16k smaller then the old
> one).
> On the minus side, rotation doesn't currently work, but I'm
> going to
> get that back in.
> All this is in the 'xrandr12' branch on the git repository:
> t;a=shortlog;h=randr12
> Be forwarned that this is designed to work with the very latest
> xserver pre-1.5 release.  When we release the code, it will be
> backported to work with xserver-1.4 as well.
> So, what do I need from you?  Testing, please - and lots of it.
> With major changes like these, there is always something that 
> will go wrong.  keep checking back often for updates and new
> code.  
> Jordan
> PS:  Non OLPC users with panels - there is a slight change that
> you will need to be aware of if you previous used the
> 'PanelGeometry'
> option; it has been removed in favor of the 'PanelMode' option:
> option "PanelMode" "clock hactive hstart hsend htotal vactive
> vstart
>vsend vtotal"
> If you are using a "standard" panel and you don't know the
> timings, you
> can probably steal them from the list src/lx_panel.c.  Let me
> know
> if you have problems.
> -- 
> Jordan Crouse
> Systems Software Development Engineer 
> Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
> _______
> Xorg-driver-geode mailing list
> ___
> Xorg-driver-geode mailing list

Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Using scaling mode

2008-08-07 Thread Jordan Crouse
I was asked to say a few words on how to test the panel
scaling feature.

First of all, you need a TFT panel, meaning something not
attached to the VGA port.   If you have an XO, then you
have a TFT panel, others, check your hardware.

Scaling is a pretty easy concept - we use a set of static
timings for the panel and modify the source width and height
of the framebuffer as needed.  The hardware does the rest.
The caveat here is that we need to establish what the static 
timings for the panel are.  This is done in one of three ways:

1) It is determined automatically from the BIOS
2) A XO DCON is detected
3) It is manually specified

The first two ways Just Work (TM).  The third way involves the
usage of the PanelMode option that I alluded to in my previous

Option "PanelMode" "clock hactive hsstart hsend htotal
vactive vsstart vsend vtotal"

Once the panel mode is specified, then all the modes in X will
be scaled to that mode.  You can change the mode with the xrandr
utility.  The following is the output from my system with a 1024x768
panel attached:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# xrandr 
Screen 0: minimum 320 x 240, current 800 x 600, maximum 1024 x 1024 
default connected 800x600+0+0 0mm x 0mm 
  1024x768   60.0  
  1024x1024  60.0

The 1024x768 is the native mode determined automatically.  The other modes
are "default" resolutions inserted by the X server.  To change a mode,
its as easy as this:

xrandr --output default --mode 

So to scale a 800x600 screen to 1024x768, you do this:

xrandr --output default --mode 800x600

Now, you might not see a mode in the list that meets your fancy.  You can
add a "pseudo" mode to xrandr like so:

xrandr --newmode  
 [+HSync] [-HSync] [+VSync] [-VSync]

And attach them to the default output with:

xrandr --addmode default 

You can specify any resolution you want - just specify the width (hdisp)
and height (vdisp) entries - the rest of the entries can be 0.

For now, we only do full screen scaling - later, I might add centering
if people are interested.

That should be plenty to get you started - questions of course are

Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

xf86-video-geode: double the RandR for half the price

2008-08-07 Thread Jordan Crouse
I am happy to present a preview of the forthcoming release of the 
xf86-video-geode driver.  This time around, we are adding RandR 1.2
support to the driver, which means that we add far superior control
over modes and outputs while removing enormous chunks of now
useless code.  But wait, there's more - with better control over
mode setting comes the long awaited panel scaling that the OLPC
folks have been waiting for.  And, at no extra cost, I did a massive
cleanup of the code (the new driver is 16k smaller then the old one).
On the minus side, rotation doesn't currently work, but I'm going to
get that back in.

All this is in the 'xrandr12' branch on the git repository:;a=shortlog;h=randr12

Be forwarned that this is designed to work with the very latest
xserver pre-1.5 release.  When we release the code, it will be
backported to work with xserver-1.4 as well.

So, what do I need from you?  Testing, please - and lots of it.
With major changes like these, there is always something that 
will go wrong.  keep checking back often for updates and new


PS:  Non OLPC users with panels - there is a slight change that
you will need to be aware of if you previous used the 'PanelGeometry'
option; it has been removed in favor of the 'PanelMode' option:

option "PanelMode" "clock hactive hstart hsend htotal vactive vstart
   vsend vtotal"

If you are using a "standard" panel and you don't know the timings, you
can probably steal them from the list src/lx_panel.c.  Let me know
if you have problems.

Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: video bleeds through somewhat between sessions

2008-08-04 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 02/08/08 18:53 -0400, Mikus Grinbergs wrote:
> > It is the video chip's feature that it can display a video overlay over
> > the RGB bitmap. The pixels where the overlay can be seen is defined by a
> > colorkey (what was 0xFF00FF in the example), or the alpha component of
> > the display RGB bitmap (not used on the XO since the change 16 bit
> > bitmaps). What you are seeing that the X server does not disable the
> > video overlay while switching programs. It can be an error or just some
> > braindamaged X stuff. Either way, it has nothing to do with bitmap
> > operations.
> Then I believe there *was* something wrong:  When I was looking at 
> the "character-based" Terminal screen, there should not have been a 
> 'video overlay' interacting with what was being shown to me.
> When I am looking at the (full-screen) video output, if what I see 
> involves a 'video overlay' -- that's fine with me.  But when I 
> "switch away" from the 'session' displaying the video output, I 
> don't want "interference" to what I'm currently looking at (whether 
> that interference comes from a 'video overlay', or from whatever).

Then the video application needs to stop the video or change the
demensions of the overlay window.  The hardware is only doing what
it is told to do.

> Both persons who have answered me have talked about "how things from 
> the video frame can be seen".  But I was not looking at video - I 
> was looking at TEXT.  If I understand correctly what has been told 
> me here, neither the 'black' of the text characters themselves, nor 
> the 'white' of the background for the text, should have _allowed_ 
> "things from the video frame to be seen".  I definitely did not see 
> any color.  What I did see was that some parts of the 'black' text 
> characters changed briefly to _less_ 'black' (they went black <--> 
> gray <--> black) depending on where on *its* screen the ongoing 
> video 'session' WOULD HAVE depicted "bright" or "dark" areas.

Right - you were looking at text, which is not actually black and white
in sugar - it is antialiased (
The font renderer is antialiasing the text, so that there are numerous
shades of grey pixels surrounding the glyphs.  These will match the 
color key, and will refelect the video behind it, but since you are only
seeing a few pixels surrounding the text, there isn't enough context
to "see" the video from behind, but there is enough contrast for your
eye to notice the difference.


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: video bleeds through somewhat between sessions

2008-08-01 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 01/08/08 15:00 -0400, Mikus Grinbergs wrote:
> G1G1, Joyride 2241.  In one Terminal session started mplayer -- it 
> was playing a movie.  Went to another Terminal session, and entered 
> some commands.  Noticed that not all of the text on that screen was 
> equally distinct - some of it was paler than others.  Noticed that 
> *which* text was paler changed from second to second.  Realized that 
> the paler text in the second Terminal screen corresponded to the 
> *brightest* areas of the movie frame then being shown in the first 
> Terminal screen (the one I had switched way from).

Video is muxed to the visible screen through the use of a color key -
given a rectangle of some size, the hardware compares all of the pixels
in that rectangle against a set color - if they match, then a pixel of
the video frame is shown, otherwise not. 

The color is specified by the video application - most applications use
very saturated colors similar to those used in "green" or "blue" screens.
My favorite is hot pink (0xFF00FF).  IIRC, mplayer uses an off-shade color
of grey, so it is easier to run into the possibility that other applications
will match the color key, especially with automatic shading such as

Nothing to worry about - just a fun little side effect of video


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: xorg.conf for VGA?

2008-07-06 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 03/07/08 23:05 -0400, Bobby Powers wrote:
> Hello,
> I've got a B3 here with a VGA connector I soldered on, and output
> works fine from the terminal or mplayer (with the fbdev driver).  X,
> however, doesn't like it and just shows a black screen.  The monitor
> still has a signal, but doesn't display anything.
> Jordan, I heard you might know the magic I need in xorg.conf to get
> this working.  Do you have any ideas?

Well, first you mention fbdev, which is concerning.  Make sure you are
using the correct driver.  Secondly, both the panel and the monitor
are being driven at the same timings, so make sure your monitor can 
can handle those timings (which it probably can if the kernel output
is working).Check your monitor information to see what timings it
thinks it is working with.  Finally, check your xorg.conf to make sure
that the CRT is being turned on and used (double plus points if DDC


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: Add sysfs interface to enable/disable wakeup events

2008-06-13 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 13/06/08 19:05 -0400, Chris Ball wrote:
> Hi Deepak,
>> Here's the initial patch (vs testing kernel) for #6010 to provide
>> an interface that OHM can use to enable/disable wakeup events. It
>> still needs error handling for the ec_cmd() calls but other than
>> that it is ready to be tested.
> Looks good.  I was hoping for a lid-switch attribute as well -- Richard
> and Jordan, does that route through the Southbridge, or should it be
> listed here?  (If it should be, where in the SCI mask is it?)

Yes, the lid goes through the southbridge.  FYI - the lid is already
being added as a platform device, and we register ourselves as 
"wakeup-able".  you should be able to control that through 
/sys/devices/platform/lid/power/wakeup, though I don't know if anybody
has ever tried it.

> Similarly, I'm guessing there's no way for the EC to inhibit power
> button press wakeups?

It is technically possible, since the signal is routed through the EC,
but I don't know if such a thing has been implemented (or even if such
a thing is desireable).

The power button wakeup can be controlled at the southbridge level, but
though that might also not be desirable since the EC will already have
started a wakeup process when it sees the signal.  I know not what would
happen if the processor didn't wake up when the EC did.

If you do want to try to stick beans up your nose, then
/sys/devices/platform/powerbutton/power/wakeup should be available,
actual functionality may differ, please consult your local kernel for
details and rebate offers.


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

OLPC patches in xf86-video-geode

2008-06-10 Thread Jordan Crouse
I just pushed upstream the last of the outstanding patches from the OLPC
Geode X driver.  We should now be completely synced.  From
this point on, the OLPC images should consider using the upstream driver
rather then the custom driver.

If no issues pop up by the end of the week, then GIT head will turn into
version 2.10.  Please test the code, especially if you have an XO and
you are willing to tinker.;a=summary

Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: Bitfrost and dual-boot

2008-05-30 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 29/05/08 23:45 -0400, Albert Cahalan wrote:
> > Also, I think you completely misunderstand the market. The ability to
> > use Open FirmWare instead of a proprietary BIOS will be of intense
> > interest to all PC vendors. I expect OFW to sweep through most of the
> > market in no more than two or three years.
> I can't imagine why. LinuxBIOS (now coreboot) didn't.
> Even EFI didn't. Your wishes are not their wishes.

Edward is right - the ability to use OFW (either standalone or as a
payload) instead of a proprietary BIOS _is_ of intense interest to
PC vendors.  I'm excited about it, and I know I can speak for the rest
of the coreboot development team when I say they also are excited.  But
don't overestimate our excitement.  We are happy because this gives us a
reasonable alternative to a proprietary BIOS, not because we think that
we're going to strike some sort of righteous blow against proprietary
BIOS companies. 

The Coreboot / OFW projects don't want to take over the world
(though I can't speak for Mitch and his aspirations).  All we want to
do is provide a quality option for people to chose if they wish.  Not
everybody will choose it, and as Stuart Smalley said, thats okay.  

We are closer to that then we ever have been before to providing this,
and on behalf of the Coreboot team and the x86 users of the world,
I would like to thank Mitch and Jim and the OLPC staff for supporting this


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: XO-2 software plans

2008-05-23 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 23/05/08 18:00 +0200, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
> On 23.05.2008, at 04:54, Jim Gettys wrote:
> > On Thu, 2008-05-22 at 19:28 -0400, Andres Salomon wrote:
> >
> >> If they put me in charge, I'd choose whichever CPU had the best
> >> performance, lowest power consumption, and lowest price - regardless
> >> of architecture.
> >
> > Change the ordering: power consumption and price (closely related to
> > integration these days), then performance.  FP required...  That's  
> > what
> > drove us to the Geode.  FP is essential for Linux software to "just
> > work": I lived on the StrongARM with the iPAQ, and (almost) all free
> > software signal processing code (e.g. all multimedia code) is written
> > presuming a floating point unit.  At the time, there were many chips
> > whose spec sheet claimed you could get FP, but when you went to the
> > vendor, the FP unit didn't exist.  It's now 3 years later, so we  
> > have a
> > number of highly integrated chips with FP units that are pretty low
> > power to choose from.
> >
> > Note that power consumption drives price through the entire chain;  
> > what
> > kind/size of power generation you need, etc.
> /me wants a graphics accelerator.

Minor nitpick - you _have_ a graphics accelerator.  What you really want
is a 3D graphics engine.  Be sure to keep the distinction seperate;
lots of embedded processors have 2D accelerators, fewer have 3D


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: 15 computer science collegians looking for a project

2008-05-01 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 02/05/08 01:14 +0100, Martin Dengler wrote:
> On Fri, May 02, 2008 at 01:35:21AM +0200, Reinier Heeres wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > The problem you encountered was apparently caused by the compiler 
> > warning.
> Thanks -- that was it!
> > Renaming all instances of 'round' with something else resulted 
> > in the following here (also a C2):
> > 
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ ./calibrator 431 4M callog
> > 
> > Calibrator v0.9e
> > b790c008 -1215250424 4096 -4088
> > b790cfff -1215246337 4096-1
> > b790d000 -1215246336 4096 0
> > 
> > MINTIME = 1
> > 
> > analyzing cache throughput...
> >   range  stride   spots brutto-  netto-time
> > 5242880   4 1310720   124723118
> > 
> > analyzing cache latency...
> >   range  stride   spots brutto-  netto-time
> > 5242880   4 1310720  195660   97830
> > 
> > analyzing TLB latency...
> >   range  stride   spots brutto-  netto-time
> > 108134410561024   108585429
> > 
> > 
> > CPU loop + L1 access:  19.81 ns =   9 cy
> >  ( delay: 959.51 ns = 414 cy )
> > 
> > caches:
> > level  sizelinesize   miss-latencyreplace-time
> >   1 64 KB   32 bytes   22.75 ns =  10 cy   23.15 ns =  10 cy
> >   2192 KB   32 bytes   64.73 ns =  28 cy   76.50 ns =  33 cy
> > 
> > TLBs:
> > level #entries  pagesize  miss-latency
> >   1   80   4 KB   126.25 ns =  54 cy
> I wonder why I got different results...

The program isn't perfect - it tries to figure out the size of the
cache based on the results it gets (i.e. - it presumes that it went
off the edge of the cache when the latency for the next size transation
goes up).  But since this is a userland application, it isn't completely
reliable - the results that you will get will have a lot to do with what
is currently in the cache, what other programs are running, what interrupts
you get during the run and so forth.

The calibrator app will generate some pretty graphs for you that show this
all in great detail - if you run them through gnuplot, you can see the 
values it got and how it did its math.  I recommend running it multiple
times on a quiet system until you get sizes and values that seem correct
(The ones above seem to be pretty decent).


Devel mailing list

Re: 15 computer science collegians looking for a project

2008-04-30 Thread Jordan Crouse
uld also like to know how many ALU units does the FPU have? I mean FMUL 
> costs 1, PFMUL costs 2. Is it because it only has 1 multiply unit and it 
> executes PFMUL serially? If that is the case, does that mean that the 3DNOW 
> support is only compatibility and will not be faster than simple FP?

I believe that is a reasonable assertion to make if you have instructions
that perform similar behavior.  There are some 3DNow! operations that
cannot be performed with a single FP operation, and those will still win.


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: Geode screen scaling

2008-04-29 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 30/04/08 01:21 +0200, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
> Jordan asserted on irc that all that was needed to enable lower resolutions 
> than 1200x900 on the XO was to add an appropriate mode line, all the 
> support should be in the X server.
> Now, I made an xorg.conf with an 800x600 mode, but when starting X, all I 
> get is a white-ish screen (with some grey-ish shadows running downwards). 
> Does that mean the DCON does not like the timing? Other ideas? Has this 
> been tested at all?

Not on the OLPC - you are first out of the chute (congratulations).
I think the problem is that we're not using the correct timings for the
panel. I'm going to have to think about the right way to handle that
for "custom" panels like the one we have. 


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: 15 computer science collegians looking for a project

2008-04-29 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 29/04/08 17:41 +0200, NoiseEHC wrote:
> On this page
> I have named some instructions as "Synchronized ops" (in the MMX 
> section). Are those real or did I mismeasured something?

That section is very difficult to understand.  I'm not sure which
operations you have invented this name for.

> If those are 
> real then would somebody from AMD just go through the databook and fix 
> the instruction clock cycle numbers? Because in that case it is sure 
> that they do not match reality and clearly I have better things to do 
> than measuring clock cycles. 

Clearly you must have some basis for assuming that the numbers are
wrong, so you must have done some measurement.  I consulted the
secret documentation that you claim I am withholding from you, 
and the timings there are the same as in the datasheet.  I believe that
you are correct in that these are the clock counts for the instruction to
go through the FPU and don't include the stall time for the pipeline
to clear up.

I am not a silicon designer, so I'm not the final word on if they are
correct or not, but at least that should prove that there isn't a
massive marketing conspiracy to hide the details of the processor
from our customers.  If they are lying to you, they are lying to me,
and they're not lying to me.

> Also the legend is clearly wrong in several 
> cases so probably that would need checking too (like on page 668 note 4 
> talks about 3DNOW ops in the table about FP ops).

That is an mistake - I have let the technical writer know about it.

> absolutely no info about L2 cache miss penalties or mispredicted jumps 
> or about the pipeline stages of the FP unit.

I don't have any information about L2 cache miss penalties, but they 
are easy to calculate. Please see:

I will talk to somebody about documenting the FP unit pipeline.
It does handle 1 instruction per clock from the integer unit.
In practice we know that two floating point instructions back to
back will stall the IU.  I can also tell you that it is optimized
for single precision, so double precision is handled by microcode
and needs to go through the path again. 

> See, all I would like to have is enough data that when I look at 
> assembly code I could approximately calculate how many clock cycles will 
> be consumed. Nothing more and nothing less.

You have nearly all the information you need, and you can collect the
additional information the same way we do, with careful analysis and
measurement.  In fact, Bernie and Vladimir Makarov have done a lot
of work already in this area, resulting in the Geode specific
code for gcc 4.2.0 and glibc.  Perhaps you can work with them to figure
out the finer details of the FPU scheduling.  I'm sure they would
appreciate it.


Devel mailing list

Re: 15 computer science collegians looking for a project

2008-04-29 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 29/04/08 15:42 +0200, NoiseEHC wrote:
> >> Okay, it seems that I extrapolated my attempt to the current situation.
> >>  ~9 months ago I have applied for a physical machine (or for a login to a
> >>  physical machine) since the databook missed a lot of information
> >>  regarding assembly instruction scheduling on the Geode. I was told to
> >>  look up the information in the databook...
> >> 
> >
> > I wonder whether that is one of the reference manuals that I worked on
> > at National Semiconductor in 2000, before they sold the Geode line to
> > AMD. I mostly remember long tables of register bit functions and the
> > occasional timing diagram. Naturally, they never let me near a chip.
> >   
> Now that is funny. The Geode databook is so bad that I took the time and 
> looked for the MediaGX databook and found it in some cache (maybe Google 
> cache?). That contains more information that Geode's one. So my 
> conspiracy theory is that some marketing manager went through the 
> databook when AMD acquired Cyrix/National Semiconductor and deleted 
> every piece of information which would suggest that the processor is 
> slow. Of course, I do not believe in this theory. Okay, sometimes seems 
> to be true. But it is too stupid. Hmmm... :)

I will note that when I asked you for more information as to what you
thought was missing or incorrect, I got no response.  If you tell me
_exactly_ what you think you need, I can try to get the information.
However, I do need exact demands.  General "you suck, tell us more" 
requests are not effective arguments with the documentation gatekeepers.


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: Auto backlight management?

2008-04-24 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 24/04/08 22:10 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Fri, 25 Apr 2008, Eben Eliason wrote:
> > On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 10:43 PM, John Watlington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >>  Bert misread the spec.  When the backlight is switched off, the screen
> >>  automatically switches to B&W mode.   Why would you want to take
> >>  that out of the control of the user ?
> >
> > I'm working on mockups for a "screen device" (in the Frame) which will
> > include a brightness slider and an independent checkbox for color/b&w
> > mode, so that these can be managed directly by the user at their
> > discretion.  It's clear to me that it would be quite useful to have a
> > bright backlight AND black & white mode for reading a book at night,
> > for instance, and this isn't possible in the current UI.
> I used to think the same thing, but I learned it's not possible in the 
> current hardware.
> this is the one drawback to the fantasic screen, any light from the 
> backlight that gets through is colored by the screen. it can be made to 
> appear white by allowing all three colors through, but it's still colored.
> this means that you can't get high resolution mode with the backlight on.

No part of that is true.  The behavior you describe is a myth, 
kept alive by people who misinterpet the display specification.

You can turn on monochrome mode at any time. Try it yourself:
echo "1" > /sys/devices/platform/dcon/output

Boom - there you go.   Monochrome for your pleasure.


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list


2008-03-25 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 25/03/08 14:35 +0530, Aswathy Prasad wrote:
> Hi
> In OLPC, which of these standards is used (ACPI or APM)?


> It is said that power management feature is being added to it. How could we
> know the latest developments in the power management area?

Everything you need is in the kernel:;a=tree;h=stable;hb=stable

For suspend to RAM and SCI handling (the most interesting part so far),
the file you want is;a=blob;f=arch/i386/kernel/olpc-pm.c;h=0ba72bab014bcc63d4ae52a560cb717f9bcbf434;hb=stable

You'll also want to investigate OHM, which is the userspace power controller.

Good luck.


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

[OLPC] Fix the VIP resource BAR in the PCI spoofing

2008-03-12 Thread Jordan Crouse
Minor little problem that was breaking the libpciaccess
hotness in the upstream X driver.  This makes it all better.


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
[OLPC] Fix the VIP resource BAR in the PCI spoofing

From: Jordan Crouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

We need to provide a size for the VIP BAR (BAR04) in the
video header so that it will be correctly sized by the
kernel and appear in the resources.  This fixes the X driver
running with libpciaccess.

Signed-off-by: Jordan Crouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 arch/i386/pci/olpc.c |2 +-
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arch/i386/pci/olpc.c b/arch/i386/pci/olpc.c
index 1518d25..ef3d0eb 100644
--- a/arch/i386/pci/olpc.c
+++ b/arch/i386/pci/olpc.c
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ static const u32 gxnb_hdr[] = {  /* dev 1 function 0 - devfn = 8 */
 static const u32 lxfb_hdr[] = {  /* dev 1 function 1 - devfn = 9 */
   0xff88 , 0xc000 , 0xc000 , 0xc000 ,
- 0x0 ,0x0 ,0x0 ,0x0 ,
+  0xc000 ,0x0 ,0x0 ,0x0 ,
   0x20811022 ,  0x223 ,  0x300 ,0x0 , /* AMD Vendor ID */
   0xfd00 , 0xfe00 , 0xfe004000 , 0xfe008000 , /* FB, GP, VG, DF */
Devel mailing list

Re: libpciaccess patch

2008-02-29 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 29/02/08 08:44 -0700, Jordan Crouse wrote:
> On 29/02/08 17:33 +0200, Martin-Éric Racine wrote:
> > On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 5:28 PM, Bernardo Innocenti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > wrote:
> > > Martin-Éric Racine wrote:
> > >
> > >  > This needs to be rebased with our upstream AMD driver git. We're
> > >  > already a couple of commits after, while this tree is based
> > >  > upon
> > >
> > >  Yes.  To begin with, I worked on the old OLPC fork because its
> > >  my known-good codebase, and I was unsure whether the Xorg tree
> > >  already contains all the patches needed to work out of the
> > >  box on the OLPC.
> > 
> > Having a look at the commit log or the wiki would have already
> > answered this.
> Actually, no - we're not up to date with OLPC, and nobody has actually
> tested the vanilla driver on the XO.  The status on the wiki is clearly
> incorrect.

Actually - considering the audience of this email, this would be a great
time to ask for testers.  Debian/Ubuntu users on the XO can and should
pull the latest version of the xserver-xorg-video-amd driver and try it. 
Other distribution users who feel comfortable with building a fresh copy
a fresh copy of the xf86-video-amd driver please do so.


One known issue:  The screen saver isn't DCON aware, so your screen will
go very funky on you when DPMS turns on.  We're not aware of any other
issues, but thats why we're calling on you.


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: libpciaccess patch

2008-02-29 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 29/02/08 16:28 +0100, Bernardo Innocenti wrote:
> Martin-Éric Racine wrote:
> > This needs to be rebased with our upstream AMD driver git. We're
> > already a couple of commits after, while this tree is based
> > upon
> Yes.  To begin with, I worked on the old OLPC fork because its
> my known-good codebase, and I was unsure whether the Xorg tree
> already contains all the patches needed to work out of the
> box on the OLPC.
> Jordan, what do you think?

We have just a few patches outstanding, but nothing serious.

I don't know if Jim is ready to move OLPC to a newer X,
but I do know that *we* are ready to move, so the logical move
would be to base it on our tree, and then merge the rest of the OLPC
tree in at our leisure and transition you guys to that.

I'll pass the question on to Warren, since he'll end up being the
maintainer of the final product in Fedora.  Are you ready for OLPC
to bang on your drum?


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: libpciaccess patch

2008-02-29 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 29/02/08 17:33 +0200, Martin-Éric Racine wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 5:28 PM, Bernardo Innocenti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Martin-Éric Racine wrote:
> >
> >  > This needs to be rebased with our upstream AMD driver git. We're
> >  > already a couple of commits after, while this tree is based
> >  > upon
> >
> >  Yes.  To begin with, I worked on the old OLPC fork because its
> >  my known-good codebase, and I was unsure whether the Xorg tree
> >  already contains all the patches needed to work out of the
> >  box on the OLPC.
> Having a look at the commit log or the wiki would have already
> answered this.

Actually, no - we're not up to date with OLPC, and nobody has actually
tested the vanilla driver on the XO.  The status on the wiki is clearly


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: Alternative power/recharging source?

2008-02-22 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 22/02/08 17:12 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Feb 2008, Richard A. Smith wrote:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> >>> Again whats your source for this info? Because its news to me.
> >> 
> >>
> >> LCD power consumption: 0.1 Watt with backlight off; 0.2-1.0 Watt with 
> >> backlight on;
> >>
> >> David Lang
> >>
> >
> > You are misinterpreting that. That is the display _only_.  Not the system 
> > power.
> >
> >> in full e-book mode the display unit is the only thing getting power 
> >> (radio 
> >> off, cpu fully suspended)
> >
> > And the EC, the memory, various pull up/down resistors, and few other 
> > suspend 
> > voltage regulators.  All these add up to a non-trivial amount.
> you are not nessasarily going to be powering the system memory

Its very difficult to suspend to RAM when the RAM isn't there.  We've


Devel mailing list

Re: power management experiences with joyride-1572

2008-01-27 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 26/01/08 21:47 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Fri, 25 Jan 2008, Richard A. Smith wrote:
> > Chris Ball wrote:
> >
> >>   >> Can I wake up 10 seconds from now?  Is there a timer in any of the
> >>   >> hardware that is left running?
> >>
> >>   > Yes, but the software does not support this yet.  See bug #4606:
> >>   >
> >>
> >> We don't *use* the southbridge RTC wakeup, but it's not strictly true
> >> that we don't support it.  You can set your own wakeups easily:
> >>
> >># rtcwake -s 120
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> rtcwake is in the OLPC build already.
> >>
> >> - Chris.
> >
> > RTC wakeups have a chance of hitting #1835 because the EC cannot prevent
> > the short cycle of the control line to the voltage regulator so we don't
> > use them.  Andres has discussed prohibiting RTC wakeups in kernel space
> > but I suggested we put that in the "don't do that" category since he has
> > higher priority stuff to worry about.
> >
> > The safe way to schedule a future wake up will be to use a EC timer.
> >
> > The framework for this exists but I don't have the kernel facing EC
> > command plumbed yet.  This timer will allow you to schedule a wakeup
> > with about 10ms resolution up to 24 days in the future.
> what is the shortest time that a sleep (followed by a wakeup from the EC 
> timer) can be programmed?
> would it make sense to hack the kernel so that if all timers are set to 
> fire more than this far in the future it wakes a user task that can decide 
> to sleep

See also 'cpuidle' [1].


[1] -

Devel mailing list

Re: Why can't i access /dev/dsp or /dev/snd on my XO

2008-01-18 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 18/01/08 20:57 +, Ivo Emanuel Gonçalves wrote:
> As far as I understand this is due to the use of ALSA without OSS
> emulation.  It's also what affects one of the three Speex bugs
> affecting the XO, as the CLI tool speexdec is unable to use /dev/dsp.
> For the sake of improving the state of audio in the XO; I'd really
> like to put to vote the idea of replacing ALSA with OSS 4.

If thats the case, then we need somebody to volunteer to write the AC97
driver for the CS5536.  I don't think we would consider any sort of
change until the appropriate hardware controls are in place.


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: Outstanding kernel patches

2008-01-14 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 14/01/08 19:21 +0800, David Woodhouse wrote:
> Jordan:
> [PATCH] Add a configuration option to avoid automatically probing VGA

I still stand by this - but I'm not sure how it will be received upstream -
and it will have to be aggressively refactored for the brave new world of
the combined 32 and 64 bit + the new boot code from HPA

> scx200_acb: Add a module option to tune the SMB_CLK

This isn't upstream yet?  Totally my bad - I thought Jean had taken it.

> [PATCH]  Add a notifier list for VT console modes

Yes - this is very useful for upstream
> geode video support

Most of the LX support is upstream with the exception of the power management
code.  I don't have a problem if we push this up.

> DCON (or maybe this is dwmw2's)

I assume that Andres will have a plan for the purely XO code.

> Andres / other:
> cs5535audio

These are the hacks for the input mode, right?

> Core OLPC platform support:
>  - Need to clean up the device-tree handling. Can we use fdt?
>  - PCI support

This will be an interesting battle to fight. :)

I'll work with Andres to get my stuff ready to go.

Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: auto screen rotation

2008-01-10 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 10/01/08 22:02 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Thu, 10 Jan 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > On Thu, 10 Jan 2008, Chris Ball wrote:
> >
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >>  > I just installed 679 and one new feature is that switching to
> >>  > tablet mode rotates the screen to one click from normal and lifting
> >>  > the screen rotates to normal.
> >>
> >> This feature has been turned off in Joyride, but the wrong version of
> >> OHM is in Update.1; I'll file a bug to update it to the Joyride version.
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >
> > glad to help (after all, that's why I'm running dev versions ;-)
> >
> > do the lid close switches show up to the system as keypresses?
> >
> to try and test this I did ctrl-alt-F1 and flipped/closed the lid, this 
> killed X with the following error

Thats a long standing bug (I'm pretty sure its in trac).  X happily 
asks us to process the rotate even when it doesn't own the virtual console.
When we first encountered this, we agreed it was a X core bug, but we
never finished following through (since the workaround was easy enough).

Jim - can you help us get this into the wheelhouse of the core X team?


Devel mailing list

Re: jffs zlib tuning

2008-01-09 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 08/01/08 17:09 -0800, William Fisher wrote:
> Jordan Crouse wrote:
>> On 08/01/08 12:06 -0500, Bernardo Innocenti wrote:
>>> (cc CP, aleph)
>>> David Woodhouse wrote:
>>>>> 1. Did anybody profile the kernel while reading files? Last thing I red 
>>>>> on this list is that the profiler does not work on the XO in kernel 
>>>>> mode. Did anybody fix that
>>>> I believe that standard kernel profiling (on timer ticks) has always
>>>> worked, and even continues to work even though we use a tickless kernel
>>>> now. I think oprofile also works.
>>> oprofile works, but for some reason it cannot generate
>>> call graphs.
>>> It vaguely remember that the problem was that on the Geode we
>>> were using sw timers rather than NMI as a timing source.
>> Right - but that should only prevent us from benchmarking within 
>> interrupts
>> in the kernel - it shouldn't have any effect on our userland benchmarking.
>> I'm no oprofile expert (I couldn't get it working at all when I tried it
>> the other day), but do you have the debug version of libc loaded too?  
>> Maybe
>> it can't find the symbols.
>> Jordan
> If you have NMI interrupts selected for Oprofile, you can also
> get samples from the other "lower" level interrupt handlers.

> Since OProfile can be run in either NMI interrupts or "normal"
> timer based interrupts.

We can't use NMI, because we have no mechanism for causing the NMIs.
Modern processors such as the k8 use registers called event counters
to count a number of events between sample periods (events being some
processor quality like "number of instructions executed" or "number of
cache misses").  These event counters can be set up in such a way that
they cause a NMI when the counter rolls over.  This is how oprofile
takes advantage of the silicon.  The kicker is that even though the Geode
has event counters, we cannot set them up to cause a NMI.  So, with that
mechanism lost, we're stuck with the timer tick.

This has been discussed several times over the lifetime of the project - you
can go back over the archives of the list and see our past conclusions
on this matter.


Devel mailing list

Re: jffs zlib tuning

2008-01-08 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 08/01/08 12:06 -0500, Bernardo Innocenti wrote:
> (cc CP, aleph)
> David Woodhouse wrote:
>>> 1. Did anybody profile the kernel while reading files? Last thing I red 
>>> on this list is that the profiler does not work on the XO in kernel mode. 
>>> Did anybody fix that
>> I believe that standard kernel profiling (on timer ticks) has always
>> worked, and even continues to work even though we use a tickless kernel
>> now. I think oprofile also works.
> oprofile works, but for some reason it cannot generate
> call graphs.
> It vaguely remember that the problem was that on the Geode we
> were using sw timers rather than NMI as a timing source.

Right - but that should only prevent us from benchmarking within interrupts
in the kernel - it shouldn't have any effect on our userland benchmarking.

I'm no oprofile expert (I couldn't get it working at all when I tried it
the other day), but do you have the debug version of libc loaded too?  Maybe
it can't find the symbols.


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: XO Xorg.log

2008-01-03 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 03/01/08 18:41 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> for several versions (650, 653, joyride 1489, 1495, 1498) I've been 
> noticing errors on the boot console from X. some of these are due to errors 
> in other software (the 'invalid filter 1' errors), but there are a 
> surprising number of errors where X is complaining about the hardware that 
> it is finding (including several errors related to the trackpad)

I'm not seeing any issues with the graphics driver - X tends to spew a lot of
information, and not all of it is fatal, all the time.  


Devel mailing list

Re: Kernel configuration options

2008-01-02 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 02/01/08 08:18 -0500, Bernardo Innocenti wrote:
> Tom Sylla wrote:
> >
> > has:
> >   msr: .1810 fdfff000.fd000111.  \ Video (write through), fbsize
> > 
> > which is setting the framebuffer as write-combining. (the "write
> > through" comment is incorrect)
> This takes care of the physical mapping, but how would userspace
> be able to mmap the framebuffer into virtual memory without
> additional MMU programming?
> I was under the impression that we also need to cover the whole
> region with small 4KB MMU pages.  This degrades performance
> somewhat due to TLB misses when the CPU accesses the framebuffer.

Well, in an ideal world, we wouldn't need to read framebuffer so much
that any performance hit would be small, especially with as big a 
offscreen buffer as we have.

I know that this is not an ideal world, and there is some X breakage
that reads and writes a lot from the framebuffer, but quite frankly,
thats the least of our speed worries right now.

But out of curiosity, what you would you have us do differently?  Are you
advocating that we move to 4Mb pages?


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: Kernel configuration options

2008-01-02 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 02/01/08 08:01 -1000, Mitch Bradley wrote:
> John Richard Moser wrote:
> > Bernardo Innocenti wrote:
> >   
> >> Tom Sylla wrote:
> >>
> >> 
> >>>
> >>> has:
> >>>   msr: .1810 fdfff000.fd000111.  \ Video (write through), fbsize
> >>>
> >>> which is setting the framebuffer as write-combining. (the "write
> >>> through" comment is incorrect)
> >>>   
> >> This takes care of the physical mapping, but how would userspace
> >> be able to mmap the framebuffer into virtual memory without
> >> additional MMU programming?
> >>
> >> I was under the impression that we also need to cover the whole
> >> region with small 4KB MMU pages.  This degrades performance
> >> somewhat due to TLB misses when the CPU accesses the framebuffer.
> >>
> >> 
> >
> > I missed whether or not the Geode actually has 4MiB huge pages, I 
> > thought someone said it does.  This being the case, why can't you access 
> > the 16 (or was it 24?) MiB of memory via a handful (about 1/1024th) of 
> > huge mappings?  Does x86 MMU not allow for huge MMIO?
> >
> > The Geode GX has 64 TLB entries right?  I don't know how many the Geode 
> > LX has, or if there's an L2 TLB.  Obviously, though, this would be a 
> > major performance boon, what with there being (assuming 24MiB of vram) 5 
> > probably often used mappings instead of 5120 in an often-used set with a 
> > probably uneven distribution.
> >   
> The magnitude of the performance benefit is not at all obvious.  The 
> Geode's graphics accelerator uses physical addressing.

True - but the framebuffer is also mapped into virtual space for the
benefit of the kernel and userspace, and our graphics software reads
directly from the mapped memory more then it should. This is especially
true for composite operations, which for better or for worse, comprise
most of our operations these days, thanks to Cairo and friends.


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: suspend/resume support?

2007-12-23 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 23/12/07 08:29 -1000, Mitch Bradley wrote:
> Jake B wrote:
> > Are XO developers planning to implement support for
> > suspend-to-RAM/resume on the XO?
> > Please let me know. Thanks.
> >   
> That feature is already implemented.  Press the power button and it 
> suspends; press again to resume.  Lid closures do it too.

And as always, /sys/power/state is available for your manual power
suspending needs.


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: Oprofile, swap

2007-12-19 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 18/12/07 22:54 -0800, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky wrote:
> Jordan Crouse wrote:
>> On 18/12/07 12:39 -0500, Chris Ball wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>> However, you appear to be correct about the oprofile kernel.
>>>> $ grep OPROFILE config*
>>>> config-olpc-generic:# CONFIG_OPROFILE is not set
>>> It is enabled in our kernel:
>>> -bash-3.2# grep OPROFILE 
>>> /boot/config-2.6.22-20071204.2.olpc.9679b65c8c5ed6e CONFIG_OPROFILE=m
>>> Our kernel config lives in olpc-2.6/arch/i386/configs.
>> It is indeed there - but oprofile is still having issues.  It seems that 
>> the sample data that is being written out is invalid (files are filled 
>> with
>> only zeros, as far as  I can tell) , and opreport spits back errors, 
>> consistant with badly formed sample files.
>> We need some people who understand oprofile to take a look at whats 
>> happening
>> and diagnose it.
>> Jordan
> Uh ... you're from AMD? Can you get CodeAnalyst to work on an XO? That 
> would be &$^%&$ awesome!

Heh - sorry.  It would take quite a bit for CodeAnalyst to understand the
Geode architecture, since the Geode is to the K8 like a skateboard is to 
a rocket car.  We'll have to make due with what we have, I'm afraid.

(But thanks for your faith in CodeAnalyst.. :) )


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: Oprofile, swap

2007-12-18 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 18/12/07 12:39 -0500, Chris Ball wrote:
> Hi,
>> However, you appear to be correct about the oprofile kernel.
>> $ grep OPROFILE config*
>> config-olpc-generic:# CONFIG_OPROFILE is not set
> It is enabled in our kernel:
> -bash-3.2# grep OPROFILE /boot/config-2.6.22-20071204.2.olpc.9679b65c8c5ed6e 
> Our kernel config lives in olpc-2.6/arch/i386/configs.

It is indeed there - but oprofile is still having issues.  It seems that 
the sample data that is being written out is invalid (files are filled with
only zeros, as far as  I can tell) , and opreport spits back errors, 
consistant with badly formed sample files.

We need some people who understand oprofile to take a look at whats happening
and diagnose it.


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: DCON improvements...

2007-12-17 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 17/12/07 13:22 -0500, David Woodhouse wrote:
> If we should design a next generation of DCON chip, are there any
> improvements we should make to it?

I remember that we really needed to synchronize the vsync with the GPU -
either generate the vsync externally and drive both components, or output
the vsync from one to use as the input on the other.  Whichever your GPU
of choice might be able to support.

I'm sure more thoughts will dribble out later as I work through the blocks
that my mind set up to protect me from the DCON pain we once suffered

Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Resuming video

2007-12-04 Thread Jordan Crouse
If you have used suspend before while running record, then you know that
things don't come back very healthy - the video is basically hosed.  The
attached patch should fix that - I'm reliably getting video to come
back after resume over here.  This is a pretty fragile part of the code,
though, so I do need testers.


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
[LXFB]:  _Really_ fix suspend/resume for LX video

From: Jordan Crouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It turns out that the registers on resume are picky about when they are
restored.  This completely rearranges the resume sequence for the DC
and VP, especially concentrating on restoring the video properly.

Signed-off-by: Jordan Crouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 drivers/video/geode/geode_regs.h |   11 +
 drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c   |  284 +-
 2 files changed, 167 insertions(+), 128 deletions(-)

Index: git/drivers/video/geode/geode_regs.h
--- git.orig/drivers/video/geode/geode_regs.h   2007-11-20 22:13:07.0 
+++ git/drivers/video/geode/geode_regs.h2007-12-04 14:05:01.0 
@@ -40,6 +40,9 @@
 #define DC_PAL_SIZE 0x105
+#define VP_COEFF_COUNT 512
+#define DC_HFILT_SIZE 256
+#define DC_VFILT_SIZE 256
 struct geoderegs {
@@ -239,6 +242,14 @@
u32 pal[DC_PAL_SIZE];
u32 gamma[256];
+#ifdef _GEODELX_
+   u32 hcoeff[DC_HFILT_SIZE * 2];
+   u32 vcoeff[DC_VFILT_SIZE];
+   u32 vp_coeff[VP_COEFF_COUNT];
Index: git/drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c
--- git.orig/drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c 2007-11-20 22:13:07.0 
+++ git/drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c  2007-12-04 14:05:01.0 -0700
@@ -611,6 +611,7 @@
struct lxfb_par *par = info->par;
int i;
+   u32 filt;
/* Wait for the command buffer to empty */
while(!(readl(par->gp_regs + 0x44) & (1 << 4)));
@@ -630,98 +631,71 @@
memcpy(regs->vp.b, par->df_regs, VP_REG_SIZE);
memcpy(regs->fp.b, par->df_regs + VP_FP_START, FP_REG_SIZE);
-   /* Save the palettes */
+   /* Save the palette */
writel(0, par->dc_regs + 0x70);
-   for(i = 0; i < DC_PAL_SIZE; i++) 
+   for(i = 0; i < DC_PAL_SIZE; i++)
regs->pal[i] = readl(par->dc_regs + 0x74);
-   writel(0, par->df_regs + 0x38);
-   for(i = 0; i <= 0xFF; i++)
-   regs->gamma[i] = readl(par->df_regs + 0x40);
-static void lx_restore_regs(struct fb_info *info, struct geoderegs *regs)
-   struct lxfb_par *par = info->par;
-   u32 val, i;
-   /* == DOTPLL == */
+   /* save the filter coefficients */
-   lx_set_dotpll((u32) (regs->msr.dotpll >> 32));
-   /* MSRs */
-   wrmsrl(MSR_LX_DF_GLCONFIG, regs->msr.dfglcfg);
-   /* == GP == */
-   writel(regs->gp.r.dst_offset, par->gp_regs + 0x00);
-   writel(regs->gp.r.src_offset, par->gp_regs + 0x04);
-   writel(regs->gp.r.stride, par->gp_regs + 0x08);
-   writel(regs->gp.r.wid_height, par->gp_regs + 0x0C);
-   writel(regs->gp.r.src_color_fg, par->gp_regs + 0x10);
-   writel(regs->gp.r.src_color_bg, par->gp_regs + 0x14);
-   writel(regs->gp.r.pat_color_0, par->gp_regs + 0x18);
-   writel(regs->gp.r.pat_color_1, par->gp_regs + 0x1C);
-   writel(regs->gp.r.pat_color_2, par->gp_regs + 0x20);
-   writel(regs->gp.r.pat_color_3, par->gp_regs + 0x24);
-   writel(regs->gp.r.pat_color_4, par->gp_regs + 0x28);
-   writel(regs->gp.r.pat_color_5, par->gp_regs + 0x2C);
-   writel(regs->gp.r.pat_data_0, par->gp_regs + 0x30);
-   writel(regs->gp.r.pat_data_1, par->gp_regs + 0x34);
+   filt = readl(par->dc_regs + 0x94);
+   filt |= DC_IRQFILT_H_FILT_SEL;
-   /* Writing to these registers would cause a blt to happen */
-   /* 0x38, 0x3c, 0x40 */
+   for(i = 0; i < DC_HFILT_SIZE; i++) {
+   writel((filt & 0xFF00) | i, par->dc_regs + 0x94);
+   regs->hcoeff[i << 1] = readl(par->dc_regs + 0x98);
+   regs->hcoeff[(i << 1) + 1] = readl(par->dc_regs + 0x9c);
+   }
-   /* Status register (0x44) is read only */
+   filt &= ~DC_IRQFILT_H_FILT_SEL;
-   writel(regs->gp.r.hst_src, par->gp_regs + 0x48);
-   writel(regs->gp.r.base_offset, par->gp_regs + 0x4c);
-   writel(regs->gp.r.cmd_top, par->gp_regs + 0x50);
-   writel(regs->gp.r.cmd_bot, par->gp_regs + 0x54);
-   writel(regs->gp.r.cmd_read, par->gp_regs + 0x58);
-   writel(regs->gp.r.cmd_write, p

Re: alternate h/w for devel use?

2007-12-03 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 02/12/07 13:58 +1100, James Cameron wrote:
> On 02/12/2007, at 1:28 AM, imm wrote:
> > I just wondered if anyone who knows the xo hardware well, would be
> > able to express an opinion as to whether this might be an option, for
> > those of us outside the G1G1 geographical area, to do a little
> > software development of our own, without eating in to the supply of
> > developer machines?
> The differences between the linutop and the xo are considerable,  
> especially in relation to the display controller (DCON), but also in  
> terms of power management, keyboard, e-book position sensing, and so  
> on.  The memory is likely to be different type, therefore bandwidth.   
> There is no internal jffs2 NAND flash.

To be fair, he didn't actually ask for any of those things.  The original
poster was more interested in software performance then anything - and
in that regard, the Linutop is very similar to the MP hardware (it even
uses LinuxBIOS, which isn't OFW, granted, but its not propriatary BIOS
evilness either).

I think that would be great to have some version of the Sugar code that
runs on other Geode platforms that are easier to get worldwide.  Sure,
you're not going to get the DCON or other custom XO hardware, but you
will get pretty close - at least close enough to do reasonable work.


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: Where I can download source code of OFW for OLPC?

2007-10-10 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 09/10/07 18:16 -1000, Mitch Bradley wrote:
> svn://
> Build by "make" in cpu/x86/pc/olpc/build

Should we have somebody delete the GIT tree, since we know we're not going
to use it?

> Kein Yuan wrote:
> > Dear list,
> >   
> > Can anybody here kindly let me know where I can download OFW 
> > source code for OLPC?  Under _ _ there is 
> > comments says "No commits".
> >  
> > Thanks a lot,
> > Kein
> >  
> > 
> >
> > ___
> > Devel mailing list
> >
> >
> >   
> _______
> Devel mailing list

Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: oddball video modes (was: Sugar's fonts)

2007-10-02 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 02/10/07 00:39 -0400, Albert Cahalan wrote:
> Activities can set an X property to override this as well.
> Switching between activities switches the mode bits as needed.
> All bit patterns should be available.

The source code is freely available, as is the specification (per your
specific request, IIRC), and I don't believe Andres has ever said he
would outright reject a patch, and he's the only one you ever have to
convince. Code on.


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: XFree86-DGA

2007-09-27 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 26/09/07 19:29 -0400, Albert Cahalan wrote:

> loop{
> 1. app writes to inactive private buffer
> 2. app asks X to copy that buffer to video memory
> }
> That's a whole worthless copy.

Yes, but the delay is inperceptiable to humans.  On a 1200x900 24 bit
full scree copy, the delay will slow your framerate by a fraction at

Here's the bottom line - we have an embedded system with finite storage,
and a security system that demands that we audit everything that goes in.
Including a seldom used module for applications that could otherwise
very easily use an API already built into the system and available today
would be a little over the top.


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: XFree86-DGA

2007-09-26 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 26/09/07 11:56 -0400, Albert Cahalan wrote:
> Since low-level video seems to be the topic of the day...
> Isn't it rather important to support XFree86-DGA?
> Currently it is scheduled to be disabled on the XO.

No - system wide double buffering would not further increase
performance over the current 2D acceleration, and it would consume
(1200x900x2=2Mb) of memory that we could otherwise use for 
offscreen memory.  Plus, I'm not sure how this would interface with
the shadow frambuffer mechanisms we use for RandR.

If an application needs to be double buffered - then it
can implement it iself with simple Xlib calls which are backed by
accelerated hooks.


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: FreeBe, Displaylink

2007-09-26 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 26/09/07 10:31 -0400, Jim Gettys wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-09-26 at 06:52 -0700, big one wrote:
> > > No VGA/EGA/CGA.
> > 
> > This is some sort of free VESA BIOS and the author said the source code can 
> > be ported to Linux platform:
> > 
> >
> The Geode emulation system is "interesting", to say the least.

> While technically possible to replace the closed source code we
> eliminated, it would be a ***lot*** of work, mostly due to learning
> curve and debugging time of working at that level of the Geode.  Given
> that there are good emulators that run under X, this seems to be a poor
> use of time, from where i sit (then again, some might accuse me of bias
> about X ;-).

Not to mention that getting the SMI support into OFW would be an interesting
and frustrating task that Mitch would probably rather jump into a nearby
volcano then undertake.


Devel mailing list

Re: DOSBox VGA Emulator, SDL, Svgalib

2007-09-26 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 25/09/07 22:23 -0700, big one wrote:
> Can Svgalib support built-in graphic controller inside AMD Geode on XO 
> laptops?

There is no direct support for mode setting and acceleration for the Geode
in svgalib, but you can use the fbdev backend in a pinch. We would be glad
to have Geode support for svgalib, though, if you are interested in adding


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: Modification of Public OLPC Software

2007-09-26 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 26/09/07 16:43 +0200, Carl-Daniel Hailfinger wrote:
> On 25.09.2007 17:36, Jim Gettys wrote:
> > On Mon, 2007-09-24 at 22:19 -0700, big one wrote:
> >> I often use Linux without any X-Windows, but only svgalib: mplayer, links 
> >> 2.0 browser, mp3blaster, etc. On FreeDOS (Free Disk Operating System), I 
> >> can use display, arachne, pppd etc.
> >>
> >> Because OLPC is sold to general public using "Buy 2 Get 1" G1G1, is it 
> >> possible to customize OLPC:
> > 
> >> 2. Boot to console mode (svgalib).
> > 
> > Yes.
> No. We have neither VGA nor SVGA support because we are missing the
> required VSA module.

(obligatory response for any future Googlers of this thread - not at all
interesting to OLPC itself)

Even with VSA, you wouldn't have VGA, which is another blob all together,
and not distributed.


> Carl-Daniel
> _______
> Devel mailing list

Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: Fwd: Less Watts

2007-09-25 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 25/09/07 16:13 -0400, Bernardo Innocenti wrote:
> >   35.0% (137.3): mfgpt-timer
> This one comes from arch/i386/kernel/mfgpt.c, but I dunno why and I have
> no time to investigate it soon.  Hopefully somebody can tell us without
> the need to dig in the code.

Because the MFGPT provides the timer tick for the system.  You should know


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: OLPC: decouple sleep/resume from powerdown/powerup (take 3)

2007-09-25 Thread Jordan Crouse
Andres and I discussed this situation in length last night.  Andres
argued that the fb_power() function was not needed and confusing -
really what we are doing when we freeze the DCON is blanking the
underlying video unit.  I agree to a certain extent, but I also
think there is value in having direct control over the power state
of the GPU itself, but thats an argument for another day and another

taking Andres suggestion, I have modified the previous patch and 
existing code, completely getting rid of the powerup() and powerdown()
functions.  We now use fb_blank(FB_BLANK_POWERDOWN) when we freeze
the DCON and fb_blank(FB_BLANK_UNBLANK) when we unfreeze it.  In the
code, the POWERDOWN mode will duplicate the behavior we had before, to
wit, we turn off the hsync, vsync, video, crt, timing generator and fifo
fetcher.  When POWERDOWN is disengaged, we turn all the stuff back on 
again.  The only think I am concerned about is that the latency on 
resume might be too high for !OLPC users - i.e. regular customers who use
a LCD or a CRT.  I told Andres that this approach would be acceptable,
assuming the regular customers were not negatively affected, and he agreed.
I don't think it should, but its something that we need to be aware of.

So anyway, long story short, its all below in black and white.  Please
reply with comments.

[OLPC] use the fb_blank() infrastructure to turn off the GPU

From: Jordan Crouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Remove the powerup and powerdown API hooks, and instead use 
fb_blank() to power off the video unit.

Signed-off-by: Jordan Crouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 drivers/video/fbmem.c   |   47 --
 drivers/video/geode/gxfb_core.c |   11 ---
 drivers/video/geode/lxfb.h  |5 +-
 drivers/video/geode/lxfb_core.c |8 +-
 drivers/video/geode/lxfb_ops.c  |  129 ++-
 drivers/video/geode/video_gx.c  |   28 
 drivers/video/olpc_dcon.c   |   19 ++
 include/linux/fb.h  |9 ---
 8 files changed, 82 insertions(+), 174 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/video/fbmem.c b/drivers/video/fbmem.c
index 61d7659..38c2e25 100644
--- a/drivers/video/fbmem.c
+++ b/drivers/video/fbmem.c
@@ -736,53 +736,6 @@ static void try_to_load(int fb)
 #endif /* CONFIG_KMOD */
-fb_powerup(struct fb_info *info)
-   int ret = 0;
-   if (!info || info->state == FBINFO_STATE_RUNNING)
-   return 0;
-   if (info->fbops->fb_powerup)
-   ret = info->fbops->fb_powerup(info);
-   if (!ret) {
-   acquire_console_sem();
-   fb_set_suspend(info, 0);
-   release_console_sem();
-   }
-   return ret;
-fb_powerdown(struct fb_info *info)
-   int ret = 0;
-   if (!info || info->state == FBINFO_STATE_SUSPENDED)
-   return 0;
-   /* Tell everybody that the fbdev is going down */
-   acquire_console_sem();
-   fb_set_suspend(info, 1);
-   release_console_sem();
-   if (info->fbops->fb_powerdown)
-   ret = info->fbops->fb_powerdown(info);
-   /* If the power down failed, then un-notify */
-   if (ret) {
-   acquire_console_sem();
-   fb_set_suspend(info, 0);
-   release_console_sem();
-   }
-   return ret;
 fb_pan_display(struct fb_info *info, struct fb_var_screeninfo *var)
struct fb_fix_screeninfo *fix = &info->fix;
diff --git a/drivers/video/geode/gxfb_core.c b/drivers/video/geode/gxfb_core.c
index 3eabc53..0d8422b 100644
--- a/drivers/video/geode/gxfb_core.c
+++ b/drivers/video/geode/gxfb_core.c
@@ -383,8 +383,6 @@ static struct fb_ops gxfb_ops = {
.fb_fillrect= cfb_fillrect,
.fb_copyarea= cfb_copyarea,
.fb_imageblit   = cfb_imageblit,
-   .fb_powerdown   = gxfb_powerdown,
-   .fb_powerup = gxfb_powerup,
 static struct fb_info * __init gxfb_init_fbinfo(struct device *dev)
@@ -454,8 +452,6 @@ static int gxfb_suspend(struct pci_dev *pdev,  pm_message_t 
if (state.event == PM_EVENT_SUSPEND) {
-   gxfb_powerdown(info);
par->state = FB_POWER_STATE_OFF;
fb_set_suspend(info, 1);

@@ -471,12 +467,6 @@ static int gxfb_resume(struct pci_dev *pdev)
struct fb_info *info = pci_get_drvdata(pdev);
-   /* Turn the engine completely on */
-   if (gxfb_powerup(info))
- printk(KERN_ERR "gxfb:  Powerup failed\n");
fb_set_suspend(info, 0);
@@ -559,7 +549,6 @@ static int __init gxfb_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev,
/* We are powered up */
par->state = FB_POWER_STATE_ON;
if (regist

Re: PATCH: suspend and poweroff (#3603 candidate)

2007-09-19 Thread Jordan Crouse
o 100ms
> -for it */
> - 
> - if (readl(par->vid_regs + GX_FP_PM) & 0x08) {
> - int i;
> - 
> - for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
> - if (readl(par->vid_regs + GX_FP_PM) & 0x01)
> - break;
> -
> - mdelay(10);
> - }
> + /* If the panel is currently on its way up, then wait up to 
> 100ms for it */
> + if (readl(par->vid_regs + GX_FP_PM) & 0x08) {
> + int i;
> - if (i == 10) 
> - printk(KERN_ERR "gxfb:  Panel power up timed out\n");
> - }
> + for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
> + if (readl(par->vid_regs + GX_FP_PM) & 0x01)
> + break;
> - if (par->state == FB_POWER_STATE_ON)
> - return 0;
> - 
> - switch(par->state) {
> - gx_restore_regs(info, &gx_saved_regs);
> - break;
> + mdelay(10);
> + }
> +
> + if (i == 10)
> + printk(KERN_ERR "gxfb:  Panel power up timed 
> out\n");
> + }
>   /* Do this because it will turn on the FIFO which will
> -start the line count */
> +start the line count */
>   writel(gx_saved_regs.dc.r.gcfg,
>  par->dc_regs + DC_GENERAL_CFG);
>   writel(0x0, par->dc_regs + DC_UNLOCK);
> - break;
>   }
> - par->state = FB_POWER_STATE_ON;
> + par->power_state = state;
>   return 0;
>  }
> diff --git a/drivers/video/geode/video_gx.h b/drivers/video/geode/video_gx.h
> index c57b36b..f9efaa7 100644
> --- a/drivers/video/geode/video_gx.h
> +++ b/drivers/video/geode/video_gx.h
> @@ -81,8 +81,7 @@ extern struct geode_vid_ops gx_vid_ops;
>  #  define MSR_GLCP_DOTPLL_BYPASS (0x8000ull)
>  #  define MSR_GLCP_DOTPLL_LOCK   (0x0200ull)
> -int gxfb_powerdown(struct fb_info *info);
> -int gxfb_powerup(struct fb_info *info);
> +int gxfb_power(struct fb_info *info, int state);
>  void gx_set_dclk_frequency(struct fb_info *info);
>  unsigned int gx_get_dclk(struct fb_info *info);
> diff --git a/drivers/video/olpc_dcon.c b/drivers/video/olpc_dcon.c
> index 47ade47..bb421f0 100644
> --- a/drivers/video/olpc_dcon.c
> +++ b/drivers/video/olpc_dcon.c
> @@ -210,13 +210,13 @@ static void dcon_source_switch(struct work_struct *work)
>   /*
>* Ideally we'd like to disable interrupts here so that the
> -  * fb_powerup and DCON turn on happen at a known time value;
> +  * fb_power() and DCON turn on happen at a known time value;
>* however, we can't do that right now with fb_set_suspend
>* messing with semaphores.
>* For now, we just hope..
> - if (fb_powerup(fbinfo)) {
> + if (fb_power(fbinfo, 0)) {
>   printk(KERN_ERR "olpc-dcon:  Failed to enter CPU 
> mode\n");
>   dcon_pending = DCON_SOURCE_DCON;
>   return;
> @@ -250,8 +250,8 @@ static void dcon_source_switch(struct work_struct *work)
>   if (!dcon_switched)
>   printk(KERN_ERR "olpc-dcon: Timeout entering DCON mode; 
> expect a screen glitch.\n");
> - /* Turn off the graphics engine completely */
> - fb_powerdown(fbinfo);
> + /* Turn off the video engine only */
> + fb_power(fbinfo, 2);
>   printk(KERN_INFO "olpc-dcon: The DCON has control\n");
>   break;
> diff --git a/include/linux/fb.h b/include/linux/fb.h
> index 5a82c83..0acbd27 100644
> --- a/include/linux/fb.h
> +++ b/include/linux/fb.h
> @@ -661,11 +661,8 @@ struct fb_ops {
>   /* restore saved state */
>   void (*fb_restore_state)(struct fb_info *info);
> - /* Shut down the graphics engine to save power */
> - int (*fb_powerdown)(struct fb_info *info);
> -
> - /* Power it back up */
> - int (*fb_powerup)(struct fb_info *info);
> + /* Change the power state of the graphics engine (0 = fully on, 3 = 
> fully off */
> + int (*fb_power)(struct fb_info *info, int state);
>   /* get capability given var */
>   void (*fb_get_caps)(struct fb_info *info, struct fb_blit_caps *caps,
> diff --git a/include/linux/vt.h b/include/linux/vt.h
> index ba806e8..d8c5d65 100644
> --- a/include/linux/vt.h
> +++ b/include/linux/vt.h
> @@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
>   * resizing).
>   */
>  #define MIN_NR_CONSOLES 1   /* must be at least 1 */
> -#define MAX_NR_CONSOLES  63  /* serial lines start at 64 */
> -#define MAX_NR_USER_CONSOLES 63  /* must be root to allocate above this 
> */
> +#define MAX_NR_CONSOLES  15  /* serial lines start at 64 */
> +#define MAX_NR_USER_CONSOLES 15  /* must be root to allocate above this 
> */
>   /* Note: the ioctl VT_GETSTATE does not work for
>  consoles 16 and higher (since it returns a short) */

Ugh! What is this?  I don't think you meant this to be in here.. :)

Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: The "iGoogle bug"

2007-09-19 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 19/09/07 08:14 -0400, Bernardo Innocenti wrote:
> Jordan Crouse wrote:
> An interesting project for the near future would be adding DRM support
> to the amd driver.

Yes it would be.  I'm not sure how much we would gain overall - but 
having the interrupt support and better memory handling would at the
very least be interesting to have.


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: The "iGoogle bug"

2007-09-18 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 18/09/07 20:09 -0400, Bernardo Innocenti wrote:
> Jordan Crouse wrote:
> > NAK.  What you are suggesting will completely breaking the entire Cimarron
> > infrastructure, which is not something I am willing to do at this stage.
> > Much time (and by that I mean nearly 4 years) went into writing, verifying
> > and validating this code.  We have a bug that needs to be fixed - and that
> > doesn't happen by completely removing the internal workings of the engine.
> You make it seem like this code was the product of 4 years of refinement.
> In reality, the parts I proposed to refactor are one reason why it was so
> struggling.
> Yes, this particular bug *could* be just fixed by adding yet another special
> case in the code.
> But don't you see there won't ever be an end to this?  This is already the
> fifth or sixth serious amd_drv bug I fix in a short span of time.
> The more I look at the code, the more I'm convinced there are several others
> coming.
> I can't even imagine how hard it would be to write this much code without
> even enabling compiler warnings, which I did a couple of months ago, after
> spending a day chasing a missing prototype.
> What you call "verified and validated code", is actually a very fragile,
> complex set of ad-hoc checks and magic numbers.  The slightest environmental
> changes break it badly, as happened multiple times when I upgraded the X
> server from 1.1 to 1.3:
> Debugging this class of problems, namely memory corruption, uninitialized
> values, and missing synchronization, is *extremely* hard and time consuming.
> I'm suggesting a way out...  In a matter of weeks rather than years.

There wasn't a single bug that you or anybody has fixed that has been the
fault of Cimarron.  Not one.  Stop mischaracterizing the situation.
If you want to rewrite the driver and the engine, then please, be my guest,
but you'll be in the middle of it for several years, and it will continue
to be buggy long after you have given up and moved on to other hardware.
This is not what an OLPC representative should be proposing weeks before
the final images are due.


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: The "iGoogle bug"

2007-09-18 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 18/09/07 19:38 -0400, Bernardo Innocenti wrote:
> Results are here:
> Considering Ahmdal's law, I'd say this patch *greatly* improves
> performance in amd_drv.
> Is it ok to commit, for now?

For always.  It *is* the permanent fix for the problem.


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: The "iGoogle bug"

2007-09-18 Thread Jordan Crouse
Okay - after some investigation and talking to the original author of
the Cimarron code, I have some answers.

> So the request gets through the amd_drv upload hook, and eventually
> we reach gp_color_bitmap_to_screen_blt(), whose purpose is to do
> the actual uploading:

The *real* purpose of the gp_color_bitmap_to_screen_blt() function is to
allow uploads from system memory with arbitrary ROPs.  Since we're only 
ever doing a straight source copy (0xCC), we really don't need all the
additional logic.  So Bernie's recommendation that we eliminate the
upload() function all together is the right solution, provided that the
default EXA function waits for the command buffer to clear first.
Otherwise, we'll need our own simple upload function that calls
gp_wait_until_idle() first.

The gp_color_bitmap_to_screen_blt() is indeed the way it is because of
virtual/physical translation concerns - if we can get around those, then
a blt would probably be faster, but its hard to do in userspace, as we
well know.

> Other code confirms the statement in this comment: GP3_MAX_COMMAND_SIZE
> is defined to be 8K.  However, this limit is arbitrary: I couldn't find
> anywhere in the databook a reason why the blitter couldn't copy more
> than 8K of data.  The actual limit is 64K of DWORDS.  I guess 8KB was
> just chosen as a reasonable waste of buffer space.

The 8K limit in the command buffer was based on the assumption that we
wouldn't be handling any pixmaps wider then the widest possible visible
line (1920 * 4 = 6480 bytes).  We can crank that up if we want to, but
it will have a direct effect on how many BLTs we can queue up unless we
crank up the amount of command buffer memory, which eats into our video
memory, and so on and so forth.  If we just move to a straight memcpy()
above, then this is no longer a going concern.

> Moreover, the GPU is very well capable of wrapping its command pointer at
> arbitrary positions, even in the middle of a command.  And so should the
> software.  I strongly disagree with the claim in the comment that this
> strategy simplifies anything.

This is incorrect.  The wrap bit tells the command buffer to wrap at the
end of the command, not in the middle of the command.

The bottom line is that you absolutely, positively do not want to get in
the business of messing with the command buffer functions - unless you want
to break a lot of stuff.  These functions have been carefully tuned to 
ensure that wrapping and other intelligence work well.  If you think yourself
suited to writing your own, there is a 100% chance of pain.

If you want to replace the WRITE_COMMAND* macros, feel free - but remember
that bitmaps almost always need to be copied line by line - few pixmaps
are stored contiguously.

So to summarize:

> Removing all of the asm wizardry (useless IMHO, maybe even
> counter-productive)

Remove whatever macros you think you need to - but remember, if it ain't
broke, don't fix it, and please send it to this list before putting it
anywhere near the production code.

> - Implementing access macros for the ring buffer using the normal,
>plain wrapping policy of all ring buffers

NAK.  The ring buffers work, don't change them.

> - Killing the WRITE_COMMAND32() and WRITE_COMMANDSTRING32() abstractions.

if you want, keeping in mind what I said before.

> - Removing gp_declare_blt(), which needs to be called before starting
>   any blitting operation

Utter and absolutely NAK - this would break the entire system horribly.

> - Seeing if we can get the blitter to read source data directly from system
>   memory.  I'd be very surprised if there was no way to make it work
>   with virtual memory enabled, because, without such a mechanism, the
>   blitter would be less than fully useful.

You can't make it go with virtual memory, so NAK on this one too.

Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: The "iGoogle bug"

2007-09-18 Thread Jordan Crouse
FIrst of all, fix your mail editor.  It is broken.

On 18/09/07 00:50 -0400, Bernardo Innocenti wrote:
>  - Removing all of the asm wizardry (useless IMHO, maybe even
>  - Implementing access macros for the ring buffer using the normal,
>plain wrapping policy of all ring buffers
>  - Killing the WRITE_COMMAND32() and WRITE_COMMANDSTRING32() abstractions.
>  - Removing gp_declare_blt(), which needs to be called before starting
>any blitting operation

NAK.  What you are suggesting will completely breaking the entire Cimarron
infrastructure, which is not something I am willing to do at this stage.
Much time (and by that I mean nearly 4 years) went into writing, verifying
and validating this code.   We have a bug that needs to be fixed - and that
doesn't happen by completely removing the internal workings of the engine.

Thank you for reporting this, and I'll look into ways we can make 
the upload blit behave better.

Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: More 16 vs 24 bpp profiling

2007-09-12 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 12/09/07 17:21 +0200, Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
> On 9/12/07, Dan Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Tue, 2007-09-11 at 14:19 -0400, Bernardo Innocenti wrote:
> > > On 09/11/2007 01:32 PM, Bernardo Innocenti wrote:
> > >
> > > > The 16bpp codepath has to be broken somewhere if
> > > > it takes twice the time to copy half the bits :-)
> > >
> > > It strikes me that we don't see any time spent in
> > > pixman_fill_mmx(), even though it's not inlinable.
> > >
> > > For some reason, pixman thinks it cannot accelerate
> > > 16bpp fills with MMX, at least on the Geode.
> > >
> > > Might be worth investigating...
> >
> > We did have to patch the MMX check in pixman long ago, maybe that got
> > broken somehow?  There were actually two, an update to the cpu flags and
> > also a strcmp() on the processor ID that had to be fixed to get pixman
> > to detect MMX capability on the geode.
> >
> Yeah this the current check:
> (strcmp(vendor, "AuthenticAMD") == 0 ||
>  strcmp(vendor, "Geode by NSC") == 0))

> I think Jordan mentioned that the LX is not using "Geode by NSC" anymore.

We should be using AuthenticAMD now.  Check /proc/cpuinfo to make sure.


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: More 16 vs 24 bpp profiling

2007-09-11 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 11/09/07 13:03 -0400, Bernardo Innocenti wrote:
> NOTE ALEPH: I think we stopped development in the xf86-amd-devel
> repo some time ago.  The correct driver nowadays would be the
> fd.o one.  Jordan, do you confirm this?

I cannot.  OLPC should always and forever more use the xf86-amd-devel 
tree.  The fd.o tree is for the rest of the world.


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: More 16 vs 24 bpp profiling

2007-09-11 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 11/09/07 13:05 +0200, Stefano Fedrigo wrote:
> I've done some more profiling on the 16 vs. 24 bpp issue.
> This time I used this test:
> A simple speed test: I measured the time required to scroll down and up
> one time all the generated list.  Not extremely accurate, but I repeated the
> test a few times with consistent results (+- 0.5 secs).  Mean times:
> xserver 1.4
> 16 bpp: 37.9
> 24 bpp: 40.7
> xserver 1.3
> 16: 46.4
> 24: 50.1
> At 24 bpp we're a little slower.  1.3 is 20% slower than 1.4. The pixman
> migration patch makes the difference: 1.3 spend most of that 20% in memcpy().
> The oprofile reports are from xserver 1.4.  I don't see much difference
> between 16 and 24, except that at 24 bpp, less time is spent in pixman and 
> more
> in amd_drv.  At 16 bpp pixman_fill() takes twice the time.
> Unfortunately without a working callgraph it's not very clear to me what's
> happening in amd_drv.  At 24bpp gp_wait_until_idle() takes twice the time...

What can we do to fix this?  I would really like to know who is calling

Also, I think we're spending way too much time in
gp_color_bitmap_to_screen_blt() - is there any way we can get more indepth
profiling in that one function?


Devel mailing list

Re: Teleconference information for software status meeting ( today, 21:00 EDT Boston)

2007-09-05 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 05/09/07 11:55 -0400, Chris Ball wrote:
> Hi,
>>   From the United States: 866-213-2185
>>   From Outside the United States: 1-609-454-9914
> The audio quality on last night's call was awful.  What's the interest
> like (from current call participants) in moving the meetings to IRC?

IRC++.  I would have to encourage a very strict set of rules, to keep
the discussion from going off in the weeds - it is good for more people
to participate, but these meetings do serve a very important purpose.  We
don't want to get distracted with topics that could just as easily be
discussed on e-mail or in other IRC forums. 


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: EXA performance

2007-08-30 Thread Jordan Crouse
00.035000.0 (  1.06)   Fill 10x10 trapezoid 
>  50900.054000.0 (  1.06)   Fill 1x1 opaque stippled trapezoid (161x145 
> stipple) 
>  51200.054200.0 (  1.06)   Fill 1x1 opaque stippled trapezoid (8x8 
> stipple) 
>   2160.0 2320.0 (  1.07)   Fill 10x10 aa trap with 4 bit alpha 
>  50900.054600.0 (  1.07)   Fill 1x1 stippled trapezoid (161x145 stipple) 
>  50900.054300.0 (  1.07)   Fill 1x1 stippled trapezoid (8x8 stipple) 
>   9300.0 9990.0 (  1.07)   Resize window (16 kids) 
>   8250.0 8840.0 (  1.07)   Resize window (25 kids) 
>   1800.0 1950.0 (  1.08)   Char in 30-char a core line (Charter 24) 
>  39600.042900.0 (  1.08)   Copy 10x10 from window to pixmap 
>  50800.055000.0 (  1.08)   Fill 1x1 tiled trapezoid (17x15 tile) 
>  50100.053900.0 (  1.08)   Fill 1x1 tiled trapezoid (216x208 tile) 
>  50900.054900.0 (  1.08)   Fill 1x1 tiled trapezoid (4x4 tile) 
>   4450.0 4840.0 (  1.09)   Char in 80-char a core line (Charter 10) 
>   3850.0 4180.0 (  1.09)   Char in 80-char a core line (Courier 12) 
>  48300.052600.0 (  1.09)   Copy 10x10 from pixmap to pixmap 
>  41000.044600.0 (  1.09)   Copy 10x10 from pixmap to window 
>  51500.056200.0 (  1.09)   Fill 1x1 equivalent triangle 
>  50200.054600.0 (  1.09)   Fill 1x1 tiled trapezoid (161x145 tile) 
>  51500.056200.0 (  1.09)   Fill 1x1 trapezoid 
>  49400.053700.0 (  1.09)   Map window via parent (75 kids) 
>  34500.038000.0 (  1.10)   10x1 wide vertical line segment 
>  10300.011300.0 (  1.10)   Char in 80-char rgb line (Charter 10) 
>   8780.0 9660.0 (  1.10)   Char in 80-char rgb line (Courier 12) 
>  1.011000.0 (  1.10)   Fill 1x1 aa trapezoid 
>   2710.0 2990.0 (  1.10)   Fill 1x1 aa trap with 4 bit alpha 
>  34300.038000.0 (  1.11)   10x1 wide horizontal line segment 
>   2590.0 2890.0 (  1.12)   Char in 30-char rgb line (Charter 24) 
>  41600.046400.0 (  1.12)   Copy 10x10 from window to window 
>  49000.055100.0 (  1.12)   Map window via parent (100 kids) 
>  41900.046800.0 (  1.12)   Scroll 10x10 pixels 
>  49400.055700.0 (  1.13)   Map window via parent (200 kids) 
>678.0  779.0 (  1.15)   100x100 stippled rectangle (8x8 stipple) 
>  17500.020200.0 (  1.15)   Char in 30-char aa line (Charter 24) 
> 28.3   32.8 (  1.16)   500x500 stippled rectangle (8x8 stipple) 
>  10400.012100.0 (  1.16)   Char in 80-char a line (Charter 10) 
>   9110.011000.0 (  1.21)   Char in 80-char a line (Courier 12) 
>   5560.0 7340.0 (  1.32)   Fill 10x10 aa trapezoid 
>   3700.0 5030.0 (  1.36)   Fill 300x300 aa trap with 1 bit alpha 
>   4110.0 5760.0 (  1.40)   Char in 30-char a line (Charter 24) 
>   5530.0 9110.0 (  1.65)   Fill 100x100 aa trap with 1 bit alpha 
>   6670.012700.0 (  1.90)   Fill 10x10 aa trap with 1 bit alpha 
>163.0  315.0 (  1.93)   Fill 100x100 aa trapezoid 
>   6870.013500.0 (  1.97)   Fill 1x1 aa trap with 1 bit alpha 
> 18.3   36.9 (  2.02)   Fill 300x300 aa trapezoid 

> ___
> Devel mailing list

Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: accessibilities first tests - many questions

2007-08-24 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 24/08/07 15:47 +0200, Guylhem Aznar wrote:
> Hello
> On 8/20/07, Jordan Crouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > It'd be great if this could be included. Better yet would be
> > > to allow specifying the raw register value, of course with
> > > an -EINVAL if bits unrelated to swizzle and backlight are set.
> >
> > Again - can I ask why?  The sysfs/ interface exists to provide the
> > right interface to the applications and the user to accomplish what
> > they want to do.  If you have a good reason for exposing this
> > functionality, then I'm all ears, but I think that "just for giggles"
> > doesn't quite cut it.
> What about because it has not been tested?

Don't make the assumption that this hasn't been tested.  This hardware
goes through extensive testing before we even get to see it.  From Linux

> Removing a feature that people want to test, doing someway instead of
> the other way, just because you are guessing it won't be helpful, is
> just wrong to me.

I told you how you could test it easily, and I stick by that.  Adding the
sysfs entry costs time, code size, and further confuses the interface 
(which is already pretty darn confusing).  If the only viable usage is
"I want to see how it works" then i2dump is two doors down and to the
right.  It comes for free with the bus.

> > If you want to write directly on the device for testing purposes, then
> > the i2c-tools work great - you can bang on the registers all day.
> But you are making that unreasonably complex. What about other
> features? Will everyone will have to do i2c? What about switching
> GPIOs? (I haven't checked that yet) An echo 0/echo 1 in /sys really
> saves testing time.

Not really, when you have the i2c tools, then its just a single command
as well - and the interface comes for free.  Its not always easy being
a low end developer.

But here's an alternative - use OFW to change the values instead - that
absolutely comes for free - the functionality is already built in.  Ask
Mitch, and he'll give you a recipe.

> How clever users are - they think in ways we don't. So we shouldn't be
> arrogant and try to dictate them what's best for them, but see what
> they do with the possibilities we provide.

Its not about dictating whats best for them, its about providing the
knobs that make sense to turn.  There are hundreds of interesting looking
registers in the chips on this platform, and I'm sure that we could go
through and toss them all into syfs or some other interface, but the odds
are that every single one of them will go untouched, except for the 
occasional guy who reads the datasheet and thinks he has found something
"creative" that the rest of us missed.   So we don't provide the interfaces
that aren't useful in production.

Thats not to say that you still can't twiddle the registers - there are
several great ways to play with the internals of the chipsets from the
privacy of your own userspace.  We're not in the business of making it
impossible for people to tinker, but we are in the business of optimizing
the experience for the end user.  

> Therefore, I think we should not currently be removing possibilities
> but adding them instead, test them, and remove what has been *proved*
> to be useless. Wild guessing is not a good strategy. And anyway,
> what's the cost ? That's won't make your kernel bigger. That won't
> make it run slower or eat more power.

Actually, it will.  It will make the kernel larger, and it will eat more
memory due to the additional infrastructure.   We know exactly the cost - my
question is, whats the benefit?  Nobody really knows (or I suspect, cares),
they just read the spec and say "wow, I want to try that because its a knob
I can twiddle".

But hey, this is open source.  I'm sure Andres will take a patch against
olpc-dcon if you really care that much.

Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: Questions on LinuxBIOS and OpenFirmware

2007-08-24 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 24/08/07 10:38 -0400, Chris Ball wrote:
> Hi,
>> On Aug 24, 2007, at 7:25 AM, Kein Yuan wrote:
>>> So in short words, OLPC is using LinuxBIOS to do low level HW
>>> init, then transfer control to OFW, which also acting as boot
>>> loader to load Linux OS, right?
>> Correct.
> Actually, I think Mitch replaced the LinuxBIOS init code with his own
> OFW init about six months ago -- Ivan described the situation before
> that.  So, we're using pure OFW.

Yep.  B3 and newer is using OFW from top to bottom [1].


[1] Well, actually, the low level stuff is in assembly, which I think the
OFW purists will claim isn't actually OFW, but it all comes together in the
same package, and Mitch owns it all, so to us, its OFW.

Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: accessibilities first tests - many questions

2007-08-20 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 19/08/07 21:20 -0400, Albert Cahalan wrote:
> Guylhem Aznar writes:
> > On 8/18/07, Jordan Crouse  wrote:
> >> We didn't enable this ability in the sysfs/ interface.  I have
> >> never been too clear on what the actual practical uses are for
> >> something like this, so the control never got added.
> ...
> > It's just an experiment - I would like to have data proving users
> > actually prefer using the display when the algorithm is enabled.
> I wrote a patch to provide the functionality. Here you go:
> It'd be great if this could be included. Better yet would be
> to allow specifying the raw register value, of course with
> an -EINVAL if bits unrelated to swizzle and backlight are set.

Again - can I ask why?  The sysfs/ interface exists to provide the
right interface to the applications and the user to accomplish what
they want to do.  If you have a good reason for exposing this
functionality, then I'm all ears, but I think that "just for giggles"
doesn't quite cut it.

If you want to write directly on the device for testing purposes, then
the i2c-tools work great - you can bang on the registers all day.


Devel mailing list

Re: accessibilities first tests - many questions

2007-08-17 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 17/08/07 11:56 +0200, Guylhem Aznar wrote:
> Hello,
> The only things I don't know yet how to do with the DCON :
>  - how to disable the smoothing algorithm applied in color mode

We didn't enable this ability in the sysfs/ interface.  I have never
been too clear on what the actual practical uses are for something like
this, so the control never got added. 

In a pinch, you can use the i2c-tools utilities to write to the device
directly (use at your own risk!) 

>  - how to reduce the framerate (for ex for ebook reading, but it could
> also be handy in text mode)

This is difficult to do - since it would involve synchronizing with the 
video driver which with X and the framebuffer driver will invariably result
in a screen glitch (note that just switching the rate on the DCON itself
doesn't cause a glitch - its the software that is braindead
here).  But we don't have any support for this in the kernel.

> I have done some shell scripts to test my stuff (ugly but handy, esp
> Regarding power management, I have a problem with the DCON freeze
> before suspend to ram: the display looks like frozen, but when I query
> the freeze file just before and right after the suspend, I only get 0
> while I should get 1.

Thats because the DCON driver does the freeze on its own while the system
is suspending, and it restores it long before userspace gets unfrozen, 
so from your perspective, it will always be 0.

> Can I also ask for some help there?
> Regarding the X being used, I am curious to know if there is a way to
> do live screen scaling ("zoom" function, where the whole screen is
> magnified) ? Ideally, it would be hardware managed, but that could
> also be done by software.

No.  The hardware doesn't have any way of zooming the graphics screen,
so you would have to do it in software, which is probably not ideal on
the Geode. 

Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: (temporary) patch for font corruption problem.

2007-07-12 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 12/07/07 15:26 -0400, Bernardo Innocenti wrote:
> Bernardo Innocenti wrote:
> >This (still untested) RPM also includes the fix for bug #1853
> >
> >
> Never mind, the fix is already included in build 499.

Actually, I don't think it is.  It might be in 502, though.

> -- 
>   // Bernardo Innocenti
> \X/

Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: add powerbutton and lid platform devices

2007-07-09 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 09/07/07 09:30 -0700, David Brownell wrote:
> > Lid behavior is so policy  
> > driven, I think we should leave it off by default, and let the power manager
> > decide what to do.
> What's this "power manager" component?
> This policy is easily set through sysfs.  It doesn't need a new
> component to make that decision.

I'm talking about OHM for userspace policy decisions.  But you are
correct.  It all boils down to a single sysfs knob for the kernel.
Nothing more is needed.


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: suspend-to-disk

2007-07-09 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 09/07/07 01:06 -0400, C. Scott Ananian wrote:
> On 7/8/07, Mitch Bradley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It wouldn't be necessary to save read-only code ("text" pages) to the
> > save area; just mark those pages "not present" and save the information
> > necessary to page them back in.  But that would probably make the resume
> > slower, because of the JFFS2 operations necessary to resolve all those
> > page-in references.  The firmware part of the resume would be faster,
> > but the overall suspend/resume process might take longer (or maybe not;
> > you trade not having to write the data out on the way down for having to
> > do more work on the way up).
> The existing linux suspend-to-disk does this: pages that are
> disk-backed are not duplicated, and dirty pages are written out rather
> than saved dirty.  There is a time penalty for doing this.  Suspend2
> has support for page compression as well (
> and seems to be fairly mature and under active development, although
> I've only used the stock kernel STD myself.  But it would make sense
> to use the existing suspend2 stuff instead of rolling our own in OFW.
> I've already volunteered in #olpc to write the early userspace
> support, since I seem to have adopted the initramfs (and since I wrote
> the STD stuff in yaird).

I agree - the suspend to disk code in Linux is already quite mature and
ready for use - it only saves the pages it needs to.  The question here
isn't so much how to implement STD, since the concepts are pretty well
understood - but rather, can we implement it on a NAND device without
wasting too much precious storage space while avoiding lifetime issues
on the flash, and do it anywhere fast enough to make it worthwhile
during regular use?  These are questions I know not the answer to.


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: add powerbutton and lid platform devices

2007-07-09 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 08/07/07 18:10 -0400, Marcelo Tosatti wrote:
> Jordan,
> This allows configuration of powerbutton/lid events... Are the 
> gpio_gpio_{clear,set} calls correct for enabling/disabling LID
> events?
> What else do we want to support?

The obvious ones would be RTC (but you already covered that), and SCI.
But this is an excellent start. 

> --- olpc-pm.c.orig2007-07-08 17:09:07.0 -0400
> +++ olpc-pm.c 2007-07-08 18:07:03.0 -0400
> @@ -54,6 +54,18 @@
>  static int gpio_wake_events = 0;
>  static int ebook_state = -1;
> +static u16 olpc_wakeup_mask = 0;
> +
> +struct platform_device olpc_powerbutton_dev = {
> + .name = "powerbutton",
> + .id = 0,
> +};
> +
> +struct platform_device olpc_lid_dev = {
> + .name = "lid",
> + .id = 0,
> +};
> +

>  static void __init init_ebook_state(void)
>  {
> @@ -250,6 +262,16 @@
>   /* Save the MFGPT MSRs */
>   rdmsrl(MFGPT_IRQ_MSR, mfgpt_irq_msr);
>   rdmsrl(MFGPT_NR_MSR, mfgpt_nr_msr);
> +
> + if (device_may_wakeup(&
> + olpc_wakeup_mask |= CS5536_PM_PWRBTN;
> + else
> + olpc_wakeup_mask &= ~(CS5536_PM_PWRBTN);
> +
> + if (device_may_wakeup(&
> + geode_gpio_clear(OLPC_GPIO_LID, GPIO_EVENTS_ENABLE);
> + else
> + geode_gpio_set(OLPC_GPIO_LID, GPIO_EVENTS_ENABLE);
>  }

As was already mentioned before, the clear and set clauses should be

You'll also need to get rid of

outl(1 << 31, acpi_base + PM_GPE0_EN);

in olpc_pm_enter() since that would have the undesired effect of eliminating
the LID completely from the list of wakeup sources.  We should leave the
value of GPE0_EN the same through the lifetime of the system,
and control the individual events through the event enable bit(s) as you
have done above.

>  static int olpc_pm_enter(suspend_state_t pm_state)
> @@ -275,8 +297,6 @@
>   return 0;
>  }
> -static u16 olpc_wakeup_mask = CS5536_PM_PWRBTN;
> -
>  int asmlinkage olpc_do_sleep(u8 sleep_state)
>  {
>   void *pgd_addr = __va(read_cr3());
> @@ -596,15 +616,20 @@
>   .resource = rtc_platform_resource,
>  };
> -static int __init olpc_rtc_init(void)
> +static int __init olpc_platform_init(void)
>  {
>   (void)platform_device_register(&olpc_rtc_device);
> -
>   device_init_wakeup(&, 1);
> + (void)platform_device_register(&olpc_powerbutton_dev);
> + device_init_wakeup(&, 1);
> +
> + (void)platform_device_register(&olpc_lid_dev);
> + device_init_wakeup(&, 1);
> +
>   return 0;
>  }

I agree that the default setting for the power button should be to 
wake up, but I don't know about the lid.  Imagine a scenario where somebody
manually puts the machine to sleep and then shuts the lid.  You wouldn't want
the machine to turn back on when you lifted it.  Lid behavior is so policy 
driven, I think we should leave it off by default, and let the power manager
decide what to do.

> -arch_initcall(olpc_rtc_init);
> +arch_initcall(olpc_platform_init);
>  #endif /* CONFIG_RTC_DRV_CMOS */
>  static void olpc_pm_exit(void)

Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: Shutdown after resume using power button

2007-07-07 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 07/07/07 16:07 -0400, Marcelo Tosatti wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 07, 2007 at 03:35:01PM -0400, Marcelo Tosatti wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> > 
> > I was reading olpc-pm.c while I stumbled across this code
> > 
> > 
> > static int olpc_pm_interrupt(int irq, void *id)
> > {
> > uint32_t sts, gpe = 0;
> > 
> > sts = inl(acpi_base + PM1_STS);
> > outl(sts | 0x, acpi_base + PM1_STS);
> > 
> > if (olpc_get_rev() >= OLPC_REV_B2) {
> > gpe = inl(acpi_base + PM_GPE0_STS);
> > outl(0x, acpi_base + PM_GPE0_STS);
> > }
> > 
> > if (sts & CS5536_PM_PWRBTN) {
> > input_report_key(pm_inputdev, KEY_POWER, 1);
> > input_sync(pm_inputdev);
> > /* Do we need to delay this (and hence schedule_work)? */
> > input_report_key(pm_inputdev, KEY_POWER, 0);
> > input_sync(pm_inputdev);
> > }
> > 
> > So we report the KEY_POWER event down to userspace, which is probably
> > the reason why we're seeing the powerdown sequence being started.
> Jordan,
> I remember you mentioned that reading PM1_STS might be unreliable... 
> Can you shed more light into the issue?
Hmm - I don't remember that.  PM1_STS should be reliable at this point,
assuming nobody has touched it since we resumed.


Jordan Crouse
Systems Software Development Engineer 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list


2007-06-27 Thread Jordan Crouse
They just talked about pagemap from Matt Mackall during an BoF at OLS.
This seems like something useful we can use to measure our memory 
usage - in particular, it is screaming for tinderbox integration.. :)

(patches are in -mm - map2*).

Jordan Crouse
Senior Linux Engineer
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: Power Management

2007-06-08 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 08/06/07 16:49 +0100, Richard Hughes wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-06-08 at 11:42 -0400, Chris Ball wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> >> Is there a mechanism for either applications or users to change the
> >> parameters? And what constitutes "idle"?
> > 
> > A first shot at what constitues "idle" is if all of the below are true:
> > 
> >* if the CPU isn't under load
> Which we can get from the system load, or is there a better geode
> specific way of doing this?

No - you have to get this from the system load.

> >* if the video on the screen isn't changing
> How can we get this from userspace?

You can't, really - the X server is the only one with that knowledge,
and he'll be the one turning on and off the DCON automatically without
your consent.  Sorry.. :(

> >* if we aren't dealing with any keypresses/input from the user
> We can monitor input devices...
> >* if the currently running activity hasn't told sugar/OHM to inhibit
> >  sleeping while it's running
> Like when?
> >* if there isn't a software tick (dynticks/tickless) planned for the
> >  very near future
> Can we get this info from the kernel?

Probably not - and if you could, the latency to tell you would probably
be longer then the delay.  This will also have to be automatically triggered.
But keep in mind - this sort of behavior is way out there - we're still
struggling with simple policy based sleeps at this point.


Jordan Crouse
Senior Linux Engineer
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: GEODE Power Saving

2007-06-08 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 08/06/07 15:51 +0100, Richard Hughes wrote:
> Does the geode support frequency or voltage scaling? If so, how is this
> communicated to userspace?



Jordan Crouse
Senior Linux Engineer
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: White background with OLPC logo

2007-06-05 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 05/06/07 12:01 -0400, Andres Salomon wrote:
> Jordan Crouse wrote:
> >On 05/06/07 11:28 -0400, Bernardo Innocenti wrote:
> >>David Woodhouse wrote:
> >>
> >>>This hasn't a whelk's chance in a supernova of going upstream,
> >>Why?  The bright color theme patch is nicely configurable
> >>and generally useful on any platform.
> >
> >But its not - your patch just adds our specific scheme which is just as 
> >arbitrary and inflexible as the original scheme.   Unfortunately,
> >this is not a solution that scales very well for every Tom, Dick and
> >Harry that want the console colors to be their corporate color scheme
> >(Of course, I vote for AMD Green #007A51).
> >
> When cjb originally merged the patch into 'playground', I was trying to 
> come up w/ a more flexible scheme.  Unfortunately, dealing w/ an array 
> of >10 bytes is not going to be something that anyone will want to 
> configure via command line or .config.  OTOH, if we could provide a map 
> or aliases of some sort, that might be doable (ie, 

I can't argue that any of the solutions are ideal - a generic method 
is just as bad as the others.  I'm simply arguing that Linus is unlikely
to take any of these, so its not really something we should be spending
our time on, especially if we're moving to splash screens.

Remember as per #519, we can use escape codes to set the colors once
the VC is open.  This discussion is only for the console in the few
seconds before userland takes over.  If we don't plan for the user to
see those few seconds of kernel vomit, then the point gets moot.


Jordan Crouse
Senior Linux Engineer
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: White background with OLPC logo

2007-06-05 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 05/06/07 11:28 -0400, Bernardo Innocenti wrote:
> David Woodhouse wrote:
> > This hasn't a whelk's chance in a supernova of going upstream,
> Why?  The bright color theme patch is nicely configurable
> and generally useful on any platform.

But its not - your patch just adds our specific scheme which is just as 
arbitrary and inflexible as the original scheme.   Unfortunately,
this is not a solution that scales very well for every Tom, Dick and
Harry that want the console colors to be their corporate color scheme
(Of course, I vote for AMD Green #007A51).

And that doesn't even get into the whole logo discussion - but needless
to say, if you were unwilling to post the logo here for fear of size,
then thats probably not something that Linus will willingly take into 
the kernel for us.

> > It's not
> > as if these machines should actually be rebooting
> > very often during normal operation anyway.
> Hopefully, yes.  However, the boot sequence is the
> very first thing the user sees when they turn on the
> laptop for the first time.

And nearly everybody I have talked to agrees that they will
see some sort of splash screen all the way until Sugar loads.
How or why this will actually get done is a matter of some
discussion, but I think everybody can agree that in normal
operation that nobody will see the kernel boot process, nor 
the logo.

Oh - wait, you argue, what about the developers that want to
see debug messages?  I ask you - do we really need to carry around
many K of bytes so they can see a stylized logo and a white on
black screen during boot? I vote not.

> And if you have shown the laptop to some muggles,
> you'll surely noticed their expressions change
> when they see our 80's fashioned text console in
> an otherwise cute green laptop.
> I always need to justify it with some excuse such as
> "err... this is to help us debugging the system,
> it's not really meant for the end user".

Exactly - so why is any of this even useful to the end user?


Jordan Crouse
Senior Linux Engineer
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

Re: White background with OLPC logo

2007-06-05 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 05/06/07 09:28 -0400, Bernardo Innocenti wrote:
> Hello,
> these patches make our boot sequence a little more pleasant
> in time for B4, and are anyway a desiderable improvement
> even after we have the real boot splash.  To complete
> the effect, I'm also planning to patch X11 to start with
> a white background.
> I'm not attaching the patch because the OLPC logo as an
> ASCII PPM file makes a big diff.  Please pull from:

Can you at least post the first patch, or move the tree to d.l.o
so we can use the git web viewer?  I don't have the wherewithall
to download a new tree just for these two patches.


Devel mailing list

Re: 3d graphics

2007-05-30 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 30/05/07 17:55 +0200, NoiseEHC wrote:
> I have read the OpenGL thread and at that time displaying was a problem.
> However I noticed that SDL_CreateYUVOverlay does the exact same thing, 
> the only question is: does it allow creating two of them and flipping?

Displaying, or scaling?  Yes - scaling adds even more math to an already
overworked processor, and the video converter can help accelerate that
_one_ feature, but you'll lose all other benefits of the graphics
accelerator.  The GX driver supports double buffering, and by the time
the LX boards are available, so will the LX driver. 


Devel mailing list

Re: 3d graphics

2007-05-30 Thread Jordan Crouse
On 30/05/07 13:33 +0200, NoiseEHC wrote:
> Hi!
> I have read through the GeodeLX documentation and I noticed that its DC 
> can output a video stream over the normal (1200x900) frame buffer.
> Can the X11 developers create a mode with the following spec?
> 1. Software can request allocating two YUV (4:2:0 or 4:2:2) frame 
> buffers in the Software's address space with the given dimensions (eg 
> 400x300).
> 2. Software can request displaying one of those frames in the defined 
> size (as I understand the DC will upscale the video if needed).
> 3. Software can render in YUV to one of the frames.
> 4. Software can request flipping to the other frame. (If I read 
> correctly the switch will happen on vsync.)
> 5. goto 3. (The Software can start rendering (vertex 
> transformations/triangle setup/lightning) but have to wait for the vsync 
> somehow...)
> 6. And now we have an usable display system for an OpenGL implementation.

Unfortunately, its not getting the image on the screen thats the problem,
its the rendering and math.  A processor like this just can't keep up
with any serious sort of realtime 3D rendering.  Even with a video overlay
implementation, you still have to render the whole image before sending
it up through Xv, and thats where you will fall down.

But, if you want to try, then be my guest.  The Xv driver has everything
you need to render YUV images to the screen - just make yourself an 
Xv application and swing for the fences.


Jordan Crouse
Senior Linux Engineer
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Devel mailing list

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