Re: [Sugar-devel] Alpha release - Deducto and Color Deducto activity

2009-10-19 Thread Dan Krejsa

Cool game! It really ought to be called 'Inducto', though.

A few comments:

 -  I found the help and instructions not terribly clear.  I eventually figured
out what to do, but I'm not sure many children would have the patience.
Here's an initial attempt at an improved 'How to Play':

How to play:

   Start in the 'Sample' mode (Help -> Sample).

   Deducto displays a board that is a 5 by 5 grid of black and white squares.
   Some of the boards are 'True' and some of the boards are 'False'.
   You can ask Deducto to display a 'True' board by clicking on the 'True board'
   button, or to display a 'False' board by clicking on the 'False
board' button.

   All the 'True' boards have some property or pattern that all the
'False' boards lack.
   Try to figure out what the difference is between the 'True' and the
'False' boards.
   You can ask for as many samples as you like by clicking 'True
board' or 'False board'
   buttons as often as you like.  When you think you know the
difference and can tell
   whether a board is 'True' or 'False' on your own, resume the
testing part of the game
   (Resume -> Resume Game).

   In the testing mode, Deducto displays boards and asks you to identify
   whether the boards are 'True' or not.  If you think the board is
'True', press the 'Yes'
   button.  If you think the board is 'False', press the 'No' button.
Deducto will
   tell you whether your guess was correct or not.. If you get 5 correct answers
   in a row, Deducto will move to a higher level, with a different, usually more
   difficult rule telling whether a board is 'True' or 'False'.  Go
back to the Sample
   mode and try to figure out the new rule!

   If you guess wrong, you can also go back to the Sample mode to look
   at some more examples in the current level.


 - Working in jhbuild on Fedora 11, the 'Resume' tab and 'Sample' tabs
   don't seem to really be tabs; they are menu items. 'Sample' occurs under
   the 'Help' menu.  I would suggest instead of a separate sample tab,
   one added buttons for  'Give me a True sample' and 'Give me a False sample'
   to the main view.

- Moving the mouse over the array of squares, the white squares slightly
  dim and the black squares turn white.  This is misleading since it makes
  the squares seem as if they would respond to the mouse, but they don't.

- It wasn't at all clear to me how the 'Make New Game' feature worked,
  although I didn't spend a long time on it.

- Dan

On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 11:47 AM, Manusheel Gupta  wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am delighted to announce the alpha release of the Deducto and Color
> Deducto activities.
Devel mailing list

Suggested change for Colors! to make quitting the activity work

2008-09-28 Thread Dan Krejsa

Here's a patch that seems to make quitting the Colors! (version 4)
activity work on candidate-765.  I don't know how this change would
affect operation on older XO builds.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Colors.activity]$ diff -u ../ 
---   2008-05-09 03:16:10.0 -0700
+++ ../colors.py2008-09-28 11:48:37.0 -0700
@@ -1487,7 +1487,7 @@
 def take_screenshot (self):
 if self.easelarea and self.easelarea.bin_window:
+   self._preview.take_screenshot(self.easelarea)
 def save_thumbnail(self, filename):
 pbuf = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, False, 8,
self.width, self.height)

A couple of other questions on Colors!

-  Is it supposed to play back the saved painting automatically
   when an instance starts? Currently it does not.

-  After manually going to the watch tab and playing back
   the saved painting, then returning to the Paint tab, the
   first stroke fails to apply any paint.  The second stroke

Devel mailing list

Re: P.S. Re: [IAEP] etoys now available in Debian's non-free repository

2008-06-28 Thread Dan Krejsa
On Sat, 2008-06-28 at 04:21 -0700, Alan Kay wrote:

> It was realized that most computing of the 50s and 60s was rather like
> synthetic chemistry in which structures are built atom by atom and
> molecule by molecule. This gets more and more difficult for larger and
> more complex combinations. "Life" generally uses a process quite
> different -- instead of building cells and organisms, it grows them.
> This leads to seeming paradoxes in the epistemology of making -- i.e.
> to make a cell we need a cell., to make a chicken we need a chicken.
> However, all works fine in the epistemology of growing. But the
> initial bootstrapping is a little tricky. Once the bootstrap is done
> to make life then life can assist much more powerfully in making more
> life, and to vary life, etc. As mentioned before, the Internet is one
> of these, and so is Smalltalk.
> In "biologically inspired" architectures one is much more interested
> in how the organism and ecologies of them are to be sustained, and how
> the dynamical systems can be understood, fixed, changed, evolved,
> reformulated, etc., while they are running and with the help of tools
> that work within them. Just as a cell, and especially e. g. a human
> baby, is not made by hand, we are more interested in making growth
> processes that can be influenced with far more ease than direct
> construction. So, most objects are made by other objects acting under
> conditions that include the dynamic state in which they will become
> part of the ecology.

It seems to me that this analogy is a fairly good one -- although
there are definite differences, in that the 'cell' needed to make
another 'cell' in the etoys/squeak case has been designed with lots
of tools to make it easy to inspect and modify itself, as well as
to completely sequence its DNA or produce a new generation on demand.

Living systems are however notorious for carrying historical baggage
along with them in their genotype, and, since the phenotype cannot
easily be recreated without starting with a parent phenotype, the Ken
Thompson hack implies that inheritable baggage can (paradoxically) be 
carried in the phenotype as well. I think the number of somewhat independent
tools provided to in[tro]spect a running image would make an intentional
malicious Thompson hack in Sqeak quite difficult to maintain for long
without discovery; but I would naively guess that there is some 'harmless'
baggage that looks reasonable and is allowed to continue just due to inertia.
Since the 'DNA' (source code) of etoys/squeak is readily available in a
transparent, human-understandable form, it seems to me that the only issue
of possible concern is the lesser visibility of the 'paradoxical' inheritance
via phenotype/image. Or at least, its lesser visibility if one refuses
to run etoys/squeak to use the tools it provides to inspect itself or
its images.

Continuing with the biological analogy, the folks who want to be able to
bootstrap a Squeak/etoys image (starting from 'scratch' without such an image)
want literally to be able to make ontogeny recapitulate phylogeny -- not
necessarily every time an image starts, possibly not necessarily every time
Squeak is 'built' -- but at least with similar frequency and the ease of
bootstrapping gcc using a different C compiler. (Like using a turtle egg to
hatch a dinosaur ;-)

I don't have a strong opinion on this myself, but I do find the
discussion interesting.

- Dan

Devel mailing list

Re: sugar-jhbuild: exists, why can't hulahop find it?

2008-05-12 Thread Dan Krejsa
Hi Jim,

If you haven't yet tried wiping out
~/.sugar/default/org.laptop.WebActivity, you might try that. You
will lose bookmarks and other personal WebActivity state for Browse.

I was seeing odd behavior (attempts to download '/tmp') in Browse that
didn't show up when I temporarily hid ~/.sugar/default and created a new
one.  It turned out that removing org.laptop.WebActivity fixed the
problem for me.  I could live with the loss of bookmarks, browsing
history, cookies, etc..

- Dan

On Mon, 2008-05-12 at 11:20 -0500, James Simmons wrote:
> I have been using sugar-jhbuild on my openSUSE 10.2 box for several 
> months now, and last week I deleted it and did a complete rebuild of 
> it.  One problem I have had from the beginning and still have is that 
> when I try to run the Browse activity I get a message saying that 
> hulahop fails when trying to load, claiming it is not found.
> Marco has been helping me try different things to fix this, but the 
> problem won't go away.  Nobody else seems to be having a problem with 
> Browse under sugar-jhbuild, so I figure it must be something I'm doing 
> wrong.
> This weekend I discovered that the library that is supposed to be 
> missing is in fact in the directory
> sugar-jhbuild/install/lib/xulrunner-1.9b5
> I understood that sugare-jhbuild looks within its own lib directory for 
> libraries before looking into the system lib directories.  I can't 
> understand why it says it can't find this library that is clearly 
> present, and if the problem is one specific to SUSE or not.  Everything 
> else in sugar-jhbuild seems to be working.
> If anyone has ideas on how I could fix this I'd appreciate hearing them.
> Thanks,
> James Simmons
> ___
> Devel mailing list

Devel mailing list

Re: New update.1 build 687

2008-01-23 Thread Dan Krejsa
Hi David,

It's possible that your altgr key is sticky, or that when you
type some other key (e.g. Q), altgr gets pressed also. 
I recommend running the boot diagnostics keyboard test.
(rocker switch left during boot; it's the last test).

A good number of the G1G1 laptop users (including me) are seeing
similar keyboard problems that don't always appear immediately,
and are sometimes intermittent.  See

for an extensive discussion with lots of anecdotal evidence.

- Dan

On Wed, 2008-01-23 at 02:32 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I'm occasionally seeing an issue with the keyboard in recent builds (no 
> problem on 682, I've seen problems on everything since). This is a G1G1 
> laptop
> once in a while they keyboard returns strange characters. q returns a 
> stylalized w, c returns a character that looks like the alternate 
> character on the key, etc.
> in a possibly unrelated problem, I've also seen strange behavior from the 
> gamepad keys, when I press a key (up for example) then press another key 
> (down for example) the system acts one keystroke behind what I type. I've 
> only noticed this problem at the same time as the first problem, but I 
> won't guarentee that they are related.
> the trigger for the problem (and the clearing of the problem) may be 
> switching to power savings mode, but it is very unpredictable
> I happen to be useing the terminal extensively to run alpine, and so when 
> I can't compose, delete, or quit it stands out :-)
> for a while I thought this was related to loading the web activity, but I 
> just experianced a case of this problem after upgrading to build 687, and 
> the only thing I've run after the upgrade is a single terminal window.
> David Lang
> ___
> Devel mailing list

Devel mailing list

oom-killer during olpc-update?

2008-01-09 Thread Dan Krejsa

I just tried olpc update from joyride-1500 to
joyride-1525, on a G1G1 XO.  I ran

  sudo olpc-update joyride-1500

from the terminal activity, and sometime during (or after) the
irsync-dirty part of the update, X restarted.  I thought the laptop
was rebooting, but examining /var/log/messages later I saw that
'NetworkManager invoked oom-killer'.

I've put the log at .

I had no other activities than terminal (& Journal) running at the time,
and wasn't touching the laptop.

Is this a known problem, or should I file a bug report?

Any hints on recovery, or avoiding this in the future? I think I'll
try 'olpc-update --usb'...

- Dan

Devel mailing list

Re: Weird WLAN problem after stupid upgrade attempt

2008-01-09 Thread Dan Krejsa
On Wed, 2008-01-09 at 22:50 -0500, John Watlington wrote:
> Given the lead-free soldering process we are
> using, solder cracks are also a possibility. 

Or tin whiskers?

Devel mailing list

Re: loss of wireless after joyride-1496 update

2008-01-05 Thread Dan Krejsa
Hi David & Richard,

David, I'll try your debugging tips next time this occurs, thanks...
Re. the IPv6 RADVD daemon, I don't think the Netgear router supports
that, so I'd have to use another machine; I'll consider it.

Richard, yes, the WPN824v2 is pre-N; the current firmware version is
V2.0.10_1.2.17. (I think incorporates the current and former
firmware versions. I upgraded the firmware to 2.0.10 after receiving
your mail. I did see the problem once with the new router firmware as
well as the old, but after several attempts the XO did associate and get
an IP address from the router's DHCP. I'll try to add some notes to the
wiki page.)

Thanks to both of you for your suggestions!

- Dan

On Sat, 2008-01-05 at 11:11 +, David Woodhouse wrote:
> On Thu, 2008-01-03 at 22:09 -0800, Dan Krejsa wrote:
> > Attached are the output from 'iwlist scan' and dmesg. 'quibble' is the
> > router I'm trying to connect to. It's a netgear WPN824v2.
> > 
> > After collecting these logs, and making another unsuccessful attempt to
> > connect to quibble (i.e. clicking on quibble's icon in the neighborhood
> > view, waiting for it to stop blinking; winds up with no white outline),
> > I ran 'iwlist scan' again. Then I went back to the neighborhood view and
> > lo and behold, I was connected to quibble.
> This sounds like GUI confusion to me. First you say it didn't connect,
> and then you say it did. Please, use 'iwconfig' and 'ifconfig' to
> confirm for sure whether you were associated to the AP. And don't rely
> on Legacy IP -- run an RADVD dæmon advertising IPv6 addresses, which
> will be much more reliable at giving you addresses whenever you're
> associated.
> If NetworkManager really is failing to associate, I'd like to see debug
> logs from the driver while it does so.
> First, enable debugging by:
>  echo 0x6184 > /sys/module/libertas/parameters/libertas_debug
> Then, run 'dmesg -c' to clear the kernel's log buffer. Then make the
> attempt to join the network, then run 'dmesg > somefile' to store the
> log buffer again. And mail the log to me, along with 'iwconfig' output
> showing the current state of the device. If you can repeat the process
> to show me both a working and a failing attempt to join the network,
> that would be useful. Thanks.

Devel mailing list

Re: loss of wireless after joyride-1496 update

2008-01-03 Thread Dan Krejsa

Attached are the output from 'iwlist scan' and dmesg. 'quibble' is the
router I'm trying to connect to. It's a netgear WPN824v2.

After collecting these logs, and making another unsuccessful attempt to
connect to quibble (i.e. clicking on quibble's icon in the neighborhood
view, waiting for it to stop blinking; winds up with no white outline),
I ran 'iwlist scan' again. Then I went back to the neighborhood view and
lo and behold, I was connected to quibble.

So, whatever the problem is (possibly on the router side? timeouts
slightly too short somewhere? user error?), it appears to be

Thanks for your help in any case,

- Dan

P.S. I mentioned that the incremental olpc-update rsync was getting
verify errors for me. Below is its output when I try to update to
joyride-1500.  Are these sort of errors expected?

Downloading contents of build joyride-1500.
Updating to version hash 433f1093423fc8201ba3ee104599c757
Deleting old pristine version dff6bf4a876a37d8b8204cdbec509852
Deleting old run version dff6bf4a876a37d8b8204cdbec509852
Deleting old contents for version dff6bf4a876a37d8b8204cdbec509852
Making clean /versions/updates/433f1093423fc8201ba3ee104599c757
Trying irsync_pristine update from
 - Cleaning tree.
 - Fetching contents.
 - Performing incremental rsync.
Verifying update.
Contents manifest failure at line 383
Last file examined: localtime
Update failed: Command '['/usr/sbin/olpc-contents-verify',
wd', '/versions/updates/433f1093423fc8201ba3ee104599c757/etc/group',
'/versions/updates/433f1093423fc8201ba3ee104599c757.pristine']' returned
non-zero exit status 1
Trying irsync_dirty update from
 - Creating contents for existing tree.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/sbin/olpc-contents-create", line 90, in 
if __name__ == '__main__': main ()
  File "/usr/sbin/olpc-contents-create", line 83, in main
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/bitfrost/contents/",
line 140, in mkcontents
force_user=force_user, force_group=force_group)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/bitfrost/contents/",
line 94, in mkdirobject
force_user, force_group)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/bitfrost/contents/",
line 94, in mkdirobject
force_user, force_group)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/bitfrost/contents/",
line 94, in mkdirobject
force_user, force_group)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/bitfrost/contents/",
line 100, in mkdirobject
entry['h'] = mkhashes(file(fullname).read())
Update failed: Command '['/usr/sbin/olpc-contents-create', '-f',
'/versions/updates/tmp.gATE9_/contents', '-p', '/versi
ons/updates/433f1093423fc8201ba3ee104599c757/etc/passwd', '-g',
/group', '/versions/updates/433f1093423fc8201ba3ee104599c757']' returned
non-zero exit status 1
Trying rsync update from rsync://
 - Fetching contents.
 - Performing full rsync.
Verifying update.
Installing update
in /versions/{pristine,run}/433f1093423fc8201ba3ee104599c757

Right now, I'm guessing that the 'MemoryError' for the 'irsync_dirty'
might have occurred because I had a browse activity still open from
looking up the build number, and the update process simply ran out of
memory. The 'irsync_pristine' attempt first got a 'Contents manifest
failure at line 383', whatever that is. In any case, the 'full rsync'
updates appear to be working.

On Fri, 2008-01-04 at 01:10 +, David Woodhouse wrote:
> On Thu, 2008-01-03 at 10:05 -0800, Dan Krejsa wrote:
> > I (perhaps foolishly) updated to joyride-1496, and after rebooting my
> > G1G1 XO cannot connect to my wireless router.
> > After a while, the neigborhood view becomes completely blank.
> >From a terminal, what happens when you run 'iwlist scan'? Can you show
> the output when you run the 'dmesg' command?
loInterface doesn't support scanning.

eth0  Scan completed :
  Cell 01 - Address: 00:16:B6:F7:32:E1
Frequency:2.412 GHz (Channel 1)

loss of wireless after joyride-1496 update

2008-01-03 Thread Dan Krejsa

I (perhaps foolishly) updated to joyride-1496, and after rebooting my
G1G1 XO cannot connect to my wireless router.
After a while, the neigborhood view becomes completely blank.

I didn't notice a Build announcement for 1496, but it is

Were there any changes that might affect wireless?

- Dan

P.S. I updated from joyride-1492.  The original update from
653 to 1492 had problems when trying an incremental update, but
olpc-update went on and continued with a full update that apparently
worked.  Wireless still worked for joyride-1492.

I wanted to try the update to 1496 to see if the incremental update
would work with the 'smaller distance', but it failed the same way (the
first error referred to 'localtime', I don't have the exact output,
I'll collect it next time).  olpc-update then did a full download,
which apparently succeeded, except that I no longer have wireless.

Devel mailing list

Re: G1G1 laptop - Bad alt key?

2007-12-22 Thread Dan Krejsa

The Getting Started Guide's troubleshooting guide

is recommending that users email bug reports to bugs at,
which is apparently incorrect, according to bugs-owner.  Probably
the guide should be corrected.

If this is not the correct list either, and if the problem described
below is an isolated hardware failure rather than a software
issue, could someone suggest the correct list to email to?


- Dan

On Sat, 2007-12-22 at 23:52 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> This list is not for bug discussion. Please respect the Reply-To:
> header and send replies to the development list, devel -AT-
> Thanks!
> email message attachment
> >  Forwarded Message ----
> > From: Dan Krejsa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: G1G1 laptop - Bad alt key?
> > Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2007 20:50:50 -0800
> > 
> > (Hi, FYI my first attempt to send this failed as I was not subscribed
> > to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] The Getting Started User's Guide's 
> > troubleshooting guide 
> > 
> >
> > 
> > suggests emailing 'bugs at', but doesn't mention it
> > is necessary to subscribe.)
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I just received 4 G1G1 laptops today (Yeah!). I've opened
> > two already.  I had no problem with the first, but on the
> > second there appears to be a problem related to the alt key.
> > 
> > After the first time I press it, it appears that the alt modifier
> > stays on -- so that if I just type the 'enter' key, the  display
> > goes to full screen mode, if I type f, it toggles the frame. I can't
> > type ordinary characters or keyboard shortcuts that don't have
> > the alt modifier down.  If I power down the XO, things are OK
> > until the next time I use the alt key.
> > 
> > If this isn't a known software issue, I suspect it's just a
> > bad keyboard, and hopefully it's a rare thing. In either case
> > I thought you would be interested in the report.
> > 
> > Please let me know how I should proceed. There's no great time
> > urgency for this for me, though.
> > 
> > Thanks for the good work!
> > 
> > - Dan
> > 
> > P.S. One of my nephews gets a laptop for Christmas. I'll wait
> > a bit for my other nephew & neice until I can get a bit more
> > comfortable with the laptop & software, and maybe reflash with
> > a newer build. The last one's for me ;-)
> > 

Devel mailing list

jhbuild failure: evince-olpc --> evince

2007-12-18 Thread Dan Krejsa

I just got an error 

  sugar-jhbuild update: dependent module "evince-olpc" not found

from ./sugar-jhbuild.

The following change seems to fix it:

$ git diff
diff --git a/build-scripts/sugar-platform.modules
index 0c36b2f..da2cd79 100644
--- a/build-scripts/sugar-platform.modules
+++ b/build-scripts/sugar-platform.modules
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@

Also, I found I needed to install gnome-common (on Fedora 7).
I've added that module to the


- Dan

Devel mailing list