Folks -

Our data center space at MIT is being shut down and we need to move all our 
servers to a new server rack at the Media Lab.  Chris Ball and I are planning 
to make the move this Thursday morning, April 8 (i.e. about 12 hours from now). 
 This will take all our public-facing services - the Web site, wiki, mail 
forwarding, lists, RT, etc. - offline for a few hours while the equipment is 
being transported and set up again.  No IP addresses will change, so there 
should be no DNS propagation delays after we're back up.

I will send out another email to this list when the transition is complete.  
Please let me know if you have any questions about the move - thanks.

        - Ed

P.S. The servers owl, swan, weka, crank(dev), and pedal are the ones affected 
by this move.  No other machines will be moved.

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