Back in September 14 2008 I initiated the thread 'XO screen pulses
after "standby", OOM afterwards'.
That was on build 759, and the consensus/hope was bug #8301 fixed it
in build 760.

It just happened again with 8.2.1 (build 802).  The laptop was in
standby, I pressed the power key, the screen flickered on (showing
Browse) and then off.

I can't remember if my XO-1 had gone into standby on its own or
whether I had pressed the power key.

If I press the power key the screen flickers on a second or two later,
but but immediately turns off.
It's plugged in, both radio LEDs are off, battery LED is green, the
power LED flashes every 4 seconds.  If I press any key the power LED


I tried pgf's trick of pressing a key in the split-second the screen
is on, and after twenty attempts I got the screen to stay on.

top says 218428k used, 9980k free, 66264k cach. shows a 14MB
journal, 14 MB terminal, 23MB sugar-shell, and 52MB Browse
("rainbow-daemon") total 148.4MiB RAM used. Is this again an OOM

It is really horrible for usability.  No problem should ever make a
charged XO-1 turn off its display!
Should I reopen , or file a new bug?

I captured dmesg log and shell.log.  Shell.log has several Python
tracebacks in  It's hard to tell when they happened
because of numeric timestamps, how do I convert these to a date &

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