Hi Jeff,

I'm not sure where the issue templates reside, but it might be useful to
add `git submodule status` to the list of commands when reporting issues. (Once the first submodule PR is merged)

beaker:$ git submodule status
 b94e2617df3fd9a3e83c388fa1c691c0057a77e9 opal/mca/pmix/pmix4x/openpmix 
 52d498811f19be5306bd55b8433024733d3b589a prrte (dev-30165-g52d4988)


  Thomas Naughton                                      naught...@ornl.gov
  Research Associate                                   (865) 576-4184

On Tue, 7 Jan 2020, Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) via devel wrote:

We now have two PRs pending that will introduce the use of Git submodules (and there are 
probably more such PRs on the way).  At last one of these first two PRs will likely be 
merged "Real Soon Now".

We've been talking about using Git submodules forever.  Now we're just about 


You cannot just "clone and build" any more:

git clone g...@github.com:open-mpi/ompi.git
cd ompi && ./autogen.pl && ./configure ...

You will *have* to initialize the Git submodule(s) -- either during or after 
the clone.  *THEN* you can build Open MPI.

Go read this wiki: https://github.com/open-mpi/ompi/wiki/GitSubmodules

May the force be with us!

Jeff Squyres

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