On Oct 19, 2007, at 4:27 PM, Jennis Pruett wrote:

Here are the needed output files
ompi124...gz is the output from the configure and make,

This file was ok. You didn't include the output from "ompi_info -- all", but I think that I can infer most of what it would have said (but not all -- see below).

the imb..tar contains output from the trial run.

This file appeared to be corrupted. But don't worry about it -- the first file may have been enough for this issue.

The main focus is the same error as listed here below with tm.

From your build output, it looks like Open MPI did not configure, build, or install the TM support as you requested. Is there a problem with the TM support that you don't want to use it?

Regardless, what I'm guessing you're seeing is remnants of a prior Open MPI installation that is causing a problem. You typically see the warning message that you're seeing when there is an incompatible plugin in the directory where Open MPI stores its components (e.g., left over from a prior build/install). In this case, I'm guessing there's a TM plugin in the installation there that is refusing to open for some reason (e.g., built for a different architecture, a shared library dependency can't be found, etc.).

To confirm this you can probably run:

        ls <prefix>/lib/openmpi/*tm*

where <prefix> is wherever you installed OMPI (possibly /usr/projects/ hpctools/jennyp/openmpi124flash/openmpi-1.2.4?). If you see any *tm* files in that directory, there's a good chance that they're left over from a prior install.

The easiest thing to do is probably to wipe out the entire installation directory and install again. I can suggest less drastic things to do if you care, but I'm guessing this simple solution will be good enough.

The system is gm, but I can't get the version right away.
I don't have permissions. It is coming as soon as the systems people
tell me what it is.  This issue doesn't seem to be gm related.

I can't help you with gm networks... Others may be able to. But I agree that it doesn't look like a gm issue; more of a startup issue.


---------------------------------------------------------------------- -
Jennis (Jenny)
Los Alamos National Laboratory

-----Original Message-----
From: devel-boun...@open-mpi.org
[mailto:devel-boun...@open-mpi.org] On Behalf Of Jennis Pruett
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 1:49 PM
To: de...@open-mpi.org
Subject: [OMPI devel] issue with --without-tm in configure?

Hello, All,

I'm new to this forum, but I'm told this is where I'm to ask

I have a linux cluster, bproc, gm, and am trying to configure
version 1.2.4. This is my configure command line:

--with-bproc --without-tm --enable-shared

( I threw in the --without-pty-support just to see if it would make a

The make and install seem to proced ok.
The test I have is an IMB-MPI1 test, and I am getting these
warnings, no matter what compiler I m using.:

mpirun -n 6 ./IMB-MPI1
[n110:26208] mca: base: component_find: unable to open ras
tm: file not found
[n110:26208] mca: base: component_find: unable to open pls
tm: file not found
[n111:26215] mca: base: component_find: unable to open ras
tm: file not found
[n111:26212] mca: base: component_find: unable to open ras
tm: file not found
[n112:26216] mca: base: component_find: unable to open ras
tm: file not found
[n112:26213] mca: base: component_find: unable to open ras
tm: file not found
[n110:26211] mca: base: component_find: unable to open ras
tm: file not found
[n110:26214] mca: base: component_find: unable to open ras
tm: file not found
[n111:26212] mca: base: component_find: unable to open pls
tm: file not found
[n111:26215] mca: base: component_find: unable to open pls
tm: file not found
[n112:26213] mca: base: component_find: unable to open pls
tm: file not found
[n110:26211] mca: base: component_find: unable to open pls
tm: file not found
[n110:26214] mca: base: component_find: unable to open pls
tm: file not found
[n112:26216] mca: base: component_find: unable to open pls
tm: file not found

I was told today that the --without-tm parameter  is being
ignored in the configure statement.

Anyone know what is going on?


Jennis (Jenny)
Los Alamos National Laboratory

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