Yeah, putting together a CMR is on the todo list :).


-- Brian Barrett

There is an art . . . to flying. The knack lies in learning how to
throw yourself at the ground and miss.

On May 20, 2009, at 12:41, Jeff Squyres <> wrote:

Brian: can we CMR over your OSD changes from 30 Apr (r21134)?

I have noticed an enormous performance difference between the pt2pt and rdma osc components when running the IMB-EXT benchmark over IB:

 - pt2pt: 11+ minutes
 - rdma: 43 seconds

rdma is the default on the trunk, since r21134 ( ). pt2pt is still the default on v1.3.

There's a conflict in ompi/mca/osc/rdma/osc_rdma_sync.c, so I don't quite know how to proceed...

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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