WHAT: Add pkg-config(1) data files for Open MPI

WHY: pkg-config is a de facto Linux standard.  At least one user asked for it; 
it was easy to do

WHERE: */config/config_files.m4, */tools/wrappers

WHEN: Can be for 1.5 or 1.5.1; I don't really have a strong opinion

TIMEOUT: Next Tuesday teleconf


pkg-config(1) is fairly common in Linux and *BSD distributions.  See 
http://linux.die.net/man/1/pkg-config for a description of the pkg-config 
software.  It's basically an alternate, de facto standard way to get to OMPI's 
wrapper compiler flags.  Something like this works, for example:

    gcc mpi_ring.c `pkg-config ompi-c --cflags --libs` -o mpi_ring 

All this does is add a few configure-generated files that get installed under 
$libdir/pkgconfig.  I did almost all the work while waiting for other 
compilers.  MPICH2 provides a pkg-config file.

I think we should include it because it affects almost nothing else, is easy to 
do, and at least 1 user asked for it.

I don't expect this to be contentious.  We can discuss next Tuesday, but feel 
free to pipe up before then if you have any objections.

Jeff Squyres

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