Hi all -

I just pushed two rather large patches into the trunk for v1.3 (with George and Brad's blessing).

First, the ptmalloc2 changes are in the trunk. So going forward, ptmalloc2 will not be linked into the application binary by default. You will have to set libs to -lopenmpi-malloc to get ptmalloc2. However, leave_pinned will turn on mallopt by default now, so for most users there will be no visible change. There is also a configure flag if users really want the old behavior. Nothing substantial has changed on this front since my more detailed e-mail last week.

Second, Open MPI now provides the option of using perl-based wrapper compilers instead of the traditional C based ones. The Perl based ones do not have nearly as much functionality as the C based ones, lacking multilib, installdirs, and multi-project (ie opalcc/ortecc) support (in addition to not supporting many of the -showme options). The C versions are still the default and are intended to remain that way for the foreseeable future. The Perl compilers are intended to be used for cross-compile installs, which seems to be the bulk of my use of Open MPI these days. Specifying --enable-script-wrapper-compilers will disable the C based compilers and enable the Perl based compilers. Finally, --enable-script-wrapper-compilers combined with -- disable-binaries will still result in the Perl based wrapper compilers being installed.

As always, let me know what I broke.


  Brian Barrett

  There is an art . . . to flying. The knack lies in learning how to
  throw yourself at the ground and miss.
      Douglas Adams, 'The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy'

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