~ 2300 KB - is it difference per machine or per MPI process ?
In OMPI XRC mode we allocate some additional resources that may consume some memory (the hash table), but even so ~2M sounds too much for me. When I will have time I will try to calculate the "resonable" difference.


Sylvain Jeaugey wrote:
On Mon, 17 May 2010, Pavel Shamis (Pasha) wrote:

Sylvain Jeaugey wrote:
The XRC protocol seems to create shared receive queues, which is a good thing. However, comparing memory used by an "X" queue versus and "S" queue, we can see a large difference. Digging a bit into the code, we found some
So, do you see that X consumes more that S ? This is really odd.
Yes, but that's what we see. At least after MPI_Init.
What is the difference (in Kb)?
At 32 nodes x 32 cores (1024 MPI processes), I get a difference of ~2300 KB in favor of "S,65536,16,4,1" versus "X,65536,16,4,1".

The proposed patch doesn't seem to solve the problem however, there's still something that's taking more memory than expected.


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