We have posted release candidates for both Open MPI 3.0.5 and 3.1.5, with plans 
to release on Friday, Nov 8, if we do not hear any new issues compared to the 
previous releases.  Please give the releases a test, if you are so inclined.


3.1.5 Release notes are below.  3.0.5 is very similar.

- Fix OMPIO issue limiting file reads/writes to 2GB.  Thanks to
  Richard Warren for reporting the issue.
- At run time, automatically disable Linux cross-memory attach (CMA)
  for vader BTL (shared memory) copies when running in user namespaces
  (i.e., containers).  Many thanks to Adrian Reber for raising the
  issue and providing the fix.
- Sending very large MPI messages using the ofi MTL will fail with
  some of the underlying Libfabric transports (e.g., PSM2 with
  messages >=4GB, verbs with messages >=2GB).  Prior version of Open
  MPI failed silently; this version of Open MPI invokes the
  appropriate MPI error handler upon failure.  See
  https://github.com/open-mpi/ompi/issues/7058 for more details.
  Thanks to Emmanuel Thomé for raising the issue.
- Fix case where 0-extent datatypes might be eliminated during
  optimization.  Thanks to Github user @tjahns for raising the issue.
- Ensure that the MPIR_Breakpoint symbol is not optimized out on
  problematic platforms.
- Fix MPI one-sided 32 bit atomic support.
- Fix OMPIO offset calculations with SEEK_END and SEEK_CUR in
  MPI_FILE_GET_POSITION.  Thanks to Wei-keng Liao for raising the
- Add "naive" regx component that will never fail, no matter how
  esoteric the hostnames are.
- Fix corner case for datatype extent computations.  Thanks to David
  Dickenson for raising the issue.
- Allow individual jobs to set their map/rank/bind policies when
  running LSF.  Thanks to Nick R. Papior for assistance in solving the
- Fix MPI buffered sends with the "cm" PML.
- Properly propagate errors to avoid deadlocks in MPI one-sided operations.
- Update to PMIx v2.2.3.
- Fix data corruption in non-contiguous MPI accumulates over UCX.
- Fix ssh-based tree-based spawning at scale.  Many thanks to Github
  user @zrss for the report and diagnosis.
- Fix the Open MPI RPM spec file to not abort when grep fails.  Thanks
  to Daniel Letai for bringing this to our attention.
- Handle new SLURM CLI options (SLURM 19 deprecated some options that
  Open MPI was using).  Thanks to Jordan Hayes for the report and the
  initial fix.
- OMPI: fix division by zero with an empty file view.
- Also handle shmat()/shmdt() memory patching with OS-bypass networks.
- Add support for unwinding info to all files that are present in the
  stack starting from MPI_Init, which is helpful with parallel
  debuggers.  Thanks to James Clark for the report and initial fix.
- Fixed inadvertant use of bitwise operators in the MPI C++ bindings
  header files.  Thanks to Bert Wesarg for the report and the fix.


Brian & Jeff

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