Il 20/04/2014 14:00, ha scritto:
> I am unable to reproduce it.
> Can you try to use entropy from git?
> # cd client/
> # python pkg generate firefox
> It that doesn't work, you should open client/solo/commands/,
> locate the _generate(self, ...): method and attach the debugger there
> (simplest way: add a line "import pdb; pdb.set_trace()").
> -- Fabio Erculiani
done , but :

1 - client # python pkg generate firefox
usage: equo pkg [-h] {quickpkg,inflate,deflate,extract} ...
equo pkg: error: invalid choice: u'generate' (choose from 'quickpkg',
'inflate', 'deflate', 'extract')
seems "generate" options doesn't exist

2- In "_generate" --> string not found
In "quickpkg_parser.*" I can see all options/commands but not any
"_generate" string expt "generate" inside quotes "" desc

If I run

# python pkg quickpkg firefox
╠ @@ generazione pacchetto: www-client/firefox-28.0sabayon client #

Note that the prompt is pretty close to the package name and it didn't
go to head


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