Hi Bernd,

On 13.05.2014 16:13, Bernd Wachter wrote:
> Mehdi El Gueddari <me...@tickmeet.com> writes:
>> I'm been googling long and hard but haven't been able to find much
>> information about the 'devel-su' command, beyond the fact that it's the
>> command to use on Sailfish to switch to the root user. I also couldn't find
>> the source code for it anywhere.
> I'm the author, and the source is (currently) not open. It is on the
> list of stuff I'd like to see opened up when I have time for that,
> though. It's one of those small utilities you can easily write during
> your lunch break, if you have a basic understanding of UNIX concepts.
It has been over 3 years since this post was written. Has anything moved
forward with respect to open sourcing this utility?
>> If there is someone with more insider knowledge here, I'd love to hear
>> about where this command came from and how it differs from 'su'.
>> The first mentions of 'devel-su' I've been able to find were from 2011 in
>> relation to MeeGo. I couldn't find any information about why this command
>> was created for MeeGo though. It may have been related to MeeGo's security
>> platform Aegis (part of the Mobile Simplified Security Framework it seems)
>> but there's precious little information about Aegis or MSSF out there.
>> Back in the Meego days, 'devel-su' would let you switch to, quite
>> literally, a developer super user account, which had more privileges than a
>> normal user but wasn't quite root (or at least it seems that way from the
>> few user complaints I could find).
> This devel-su did indeed have ties to aegis, and it let you do
> everything not explicitely prevented by aegis settings. Aegis blocked
> several useful things, which caused the annoyance.
> The Sailfish devel-su only shares the name -- it was chosen to have it
> easily discoverable for developers coming from MeeGo/Harmattan, but was
> written from scratch. It's available as su-devel as well to make it
> better discoverable for people without MeeGo background.
>> Sailfish is very different however. There's no Aegis there. The 'devel-su'
>> command lets you switch to the real root user and gives you full root
>> access to your device. In fact, once you're root, you can just reset the
>> root user password (which appears to not be set or be set to a random value
>> by default) and then just use the 'su' command normally instead of
>> 'devel-su' (
>> https://together.jolla.com/question/30565/howto-using-su-instead-of-devel-su/
>> ).
>> So why 'devel-su' then?
>> AFAICS, one difference between 'su' and 'devel-su' is that 'devel-su'
>> checks the password set in the device's Developer Mode settings instead of
>> using the normal root password. So you can disable root login via
>> 'devel-su' or change the 'devel-su' password there.
> To be more precise, the settings page sets the password for the nemo user,
> and devel-su authenticates using the users password, instead of the root
> password, as used by su. Reason for that setup is just to be as paranoid
> as possible when it comes to access of your device, which includes a
> disabled root user. You're free to do whatever you want with your
> device, though.
> The other question which might come up would be "why not sudo": Back
> when we were building the phone sudo did not work very well with
> systemd. Additionally it's pretty complex, easy to break, and had its
> share of exploits. devel-su is about 150 lines, including boilerplate,
> so quite easy to audit.
> Bernd
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