Emmanuel Baccelli <emmanuel.bacce...@inria.fr> writes:

> Hi Carsten, 
> on the topic of rewriting history ;) it would be interesting to know
> if you have an estimation of the proportion of RIOT code your people
> would have developed that would have been contributed back to the
> master branch, over the last 1,5+ years, taking into account the
> constraints of your customers over that period of time? (assuming RIOT
> code was, say, MIT licensed).

Hi Emmanuel,

this would be a more useful question if I were the only person on earth
who looks at licensing issues before adopting some technology.  I can
assure you I'm not.

But to answer the question anyway: Honestly, I don't know.  I don't know
because, without a reasonable platform, we simply did not procure work
in this space.  On the university side, the work on ccast
(draft-bergmann-bier-ccast) might have gone into RIOT instead of Contiki
(unfortunately, the hacks we needed to make this work in Contiki are
probably too gross to make it back into mainline there).  I also know
that I could have steered the student project that started in October
towards something that uses RIOT, and I didn't (they now have a
different subject).  We had some other ideas in 2013 that would have
benefitted from RIOT that we didn't pursue because we didn't have a
suitable platform.  On the company side, there was a potential
opportunity in the summer of this year that we let pass, but that was a
somewhat longer shot.

So, it could have been substantial, or it could have been trivial.
What I was aiming at with my throwaway comment was that there are lots
of opportunities withering on the vine, and aggressively waiting (for
what?) is not the bold move that will remove this roadblock.

Gruesse, Carsten
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