
I would like to participate in GSoC at your project (RIOT OS).

Idea: Project N1: Support for Bluetooth Low Energy aka Bluetooth Smart

About me:

   - Student of SPBU <http://eng.spbu.ru/> (Russia, Saint-Petersburg),
   Software Engineering
   - Developer with sufficient experience for Project N1
      - Member of project TRIK <http://blog.trikset.com/p/eng.html> (Education
      robots, cybernetical controller)
         - Embedded software developer (MSP430 firmware)
         - Active explorer and tester other software
      - One of my pet projects was directly related to the topic of your
      project: Self-developed Network for smart house
         - Based on MSP430 nodes with RF modules (like nrf24l01)
         - Self-developed interaction protocol for nodes
         - Server can control pins at nodes (write/read) (e.g. switch off
         or check something) via radio
      - Some other programming experience at IoT and embedded (e.g. Now i
      am porting embedded os - embox <https://code.google.com/p/embox/>to

I will explain in more detail my experience at "*Application process" *

Kind regards,
Batov Nikita, SPBU/MATH

E-Mail: nikitaba...@gmail.com
Phone: +7 964 390 63 27
Skype: batovns
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