Dear Developers,

The Eclipse Foundation is holding a challenge:

The focus is on open technology and community, so by using RIOT and
involving our fabulous community you've already half won ;)

To participate, you'd need to register until January, 17th.
The deadline for submission of the solution is February 27th.

The rules:
* The challenge is open to any individual aged 18 years or older
* The solution submitted by the applicants must be a new
  solution created for this challenge
* More than one individual can participate in creating a
  solution but any prize will be awarded to the key contact who
  completed the entry form

The criteria:
* Innovation of the solution and applicability to the application
* Completeness of solution
* Use of open standards and open source technology
* Amount of community discussion from the participant
  when they built their solution

The prices:
$750 gift card
$500 gift card
$250 gift card

In case you have an idea for a project but hesitate to do it alone,
just ask others to join forces on the mailing lists or on the IRC.

Cheers, Ludwig
devel mailing list

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