Re: [riot-devel] tests compiler policy

2019-09-10 Thread Juan Ignacio Carrano

Hi Gero,

Thanks for tackling this!

On 10/9/19 09:12, Gero Müller wrote:
I have no idea about the performance / feature differences, but I use 
the vanilla version and it works fine.

What about the C library/newlib? I know TI also provides newlib. Where 
would newlib come from if we used vanilla GCC?


devel mailing list

Re: [riot-devel] Porting Zenoh Protocol to RIOT

2019-07-26 Thread Juan Ignacio Carrano

Hi Brenton,

On 26/7/19 09:26, Brenton Chetty wrote:
For compiling ZHe, i receive the following error "fatal error: 
netinet/in.h: No such file or directory, #include "


The  header is available:

To use it you must add "posix_headers" to USEMODULE.

For compiling Zenoh-C, i receive the following error "Looking for 
pthread_create - not found" "-- Check if compiler accepts -pthread - 
no"Note, that pthread.h was found.

The error you are receiving seems to come from the configure phase. 
AFAIK Riot's pthread support does not use the "-pthread" compiler flag 
so you should find a way to skip that check.

Keep in mind Riot's Posix compatibility module is incomplete. There is a 
"pthread" module (add it to USEMODULE), but don't expect it to behave 
exactly like Posix mandates or to support everything. It all depends on 
how much of the functionality Zenoh-C needs (it may even compile but not 
work as intended).

Also note, ZHe does not use threads, whilst Zenoh-C does use threads.

Then I predict you might have more success with ZHe.


devel mailing list

Re: [riot-devel] Lightweight Syslog Implementation

2019-05-29 Thread Juan Ignacio Carrano

On 29/5/19 14:58, Robin wrote:

The only problem i see is how the backend would distinguish between a 
message for serial logging and a message for something else like syslog, 
since both logging request would be done by invoking LOG(level,"message").

the "level" parameter of our current API is just a level. In unix, on 
the other hand, one has "priority". From the man page of syslog()

> The  priority argument is formed by ORing together a facility value 
and a level value (described below).

The good news is that this ORing scheme is is compatible to what we are 
doing now (it is like we are currently defaulting facility to zero).

On the other side of the message queue you will have:

- The PID of the originating thread. In a way this means that "LOG_PID" 
is always on.
- The (facility, level) selected for that message (can that live in the 
"type" field?)

With that information an appropriate policy can be implemented. How is 
that policy specified and what is the policy is a matter that if think 
is better to ignore for now so that we don't make too many assumptions.


devel mailing list

Re: [riot-devel] Lightweight Syslog Implementation

2019-05-29 Thread Juan Ignacio Carrano


On 28/5/19 18:53, Robin wrote:
Only problem here is that syslog as implemented in gLibc 
expects a user to issue a call to openlog first. Maybe I can make the 
call to openlog implicit and thus make it compatible to both API‘s. 

The standard works in our favor here:
"The use of openlog() is optional" and " The use of closelog() is 
optional". We can have no-ops for both functions:

#define openlog(ident, option, facility) (void)((ident), (option), 

Another solution could be to extend the log module with a bootstrap/init 
function which defaults to do nothing in most cases.

Should not be needed if we do what unix syslog does, initialize it on 
the first call to syslog() if necessary.

One problem with the generic LOG approach that comes to my mind is that 
it looks like a all or nothing approach.

I suggest the choice should not be between serial backend and syslog 
backend, but rather between serial backend (used for most simple 
applications) and IPC/message queue backend. At the end of the quie is 
the logic deciding how the packet should be sent.

An advantage of this approach is that is is also useful for serial-only 
loggers where one wants to ensure strings don't intermingle. Also the 
current implementation of uart logging inherits the blocking 
characteristics of the UART, meanings that logging blocks until the 
message has been sent.

Of course, most applications are fine with just writing directly to UART 
backend and having the queue by default would be overkill.

When I implement the syslog 
implementation as a log module it wouldn’t be possible anymore for the 
user to decide which logs should be shipped via syslog and which logs 
only should be send over serial line.

With a queue, the decision can be made according to the PID of the 
message sender. Or, even better, according to the facility value set by 
that thread in openlog().

BTW, there is an option in UNIX called LOG_CONS:

> LOG_CONS   Write directly to the system console if there is an 
error while sending to the system logger.

The more we discuss this topic, the more I'm convinced we cannot 
overlook it if we want RIOT to be practical for large-scale deployments.


devel mailing list

Re: [riot-devel] RIOT vectors for Smartfusion2 port

2019-05-29 Thread Juan Ignacio Carrano

Assim, Hauke,

To comment a bit on Hauke's suggestion.

On 29/5/19 08:47, Hauke Petersen wrote:
The general approach for porting CPUs in RIOT is to rely as much as 
possible on shared code...

That's very important, try to take advantage of what's already in RIOT.
 > . All the specific CPU
implementations have to provide, are their interrupt vector structure 
(see e.g. `cpu/samd21/vectors.c` or `cpu/stm32f4/vectors.c`), 

Hauke, The SmartFusion is integrated is integrated into a FPGA, so the 
vectors can change depending on how one programs it (am I right, Assim?)

It would be highly desirable if he does not have to translate the 
automatically generated assembly file into C. Specially considering it 
contains some platform-specific code (I see something about eSRAM EDAC 
and ECC mempory).

I think this is the piece of code that introduces the dependency on vectors:

See the UNDEF. I may be wrong here, but I believe it is to prevent the 
symbols being dropped.

What you can do is either:

- Provide an empty vectors.c (to make the build system happy) AND add 
startup_m2sxxx.o to the UNDEF.

- Add a rule to build vectors.o from startup_m2sxxx.S AND also make sure
startup_m2sxxx.o does not get built.


devel mailing list

Re: [riot-devel] Lightweight Syslog Implementation

2019-05-27 Thread Juan Ignacio Carrano

On 24/5/19 11:40, Kaspar Schleiser wrote:

> IMO the syslog API itself should not be used for new or RIOT-targeting


Except it already is:

#define log_write(level, ...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)


static inline void log_write(unsigned level, const char *format, ...) {

While syslog has

void syslog(int priority, const char *format, ...);

So the existing log framework is almost the same as syslog, but with 
different names (it makes sense, there are not that many ways of doing 

BTW, this thing can be quite useful when logging to serial: by having a 
backend that sends logs as messages in a queue one can prevent messages 
sent simultaneously from stepping over each other.


devel mailing list

Re: [riot-devel] How to properly use cortexm_sleep

2019-05-27 Thread Juan Ignacio Carrano

Hi Kees,

Some observations:

1- WFI will not send you to the deepest sleep states- clocks are gated, 
but many things remain powered.

2- If you are using the timer module and depending on you clock 
configuration you may experience more or less frequent wake ups. Whether

this is acceptable is up to you.

3- Normally, if no thread is runnable (i.e. all are waiting/blocked) the
idle thread is run and that has a loop which sends the MCU to the 
deepest state possible (considering the currently-enabled peripherals). 
This means that in many cases the explicit WFI is not needed if in your
"while(forever)" loop you put some call that blocks waiting for the 
events you are interested in.

The interaction between (1) and (3) means that by doing a WFI in a 
thread it is possible that you don't sleep as deep as you could:

- The current thread will be blocked on the WFI instruction until an
  event arrives.
- In the meantime, control will not go back to the kernel.
- This means the idle thread will not run (from the schedulers point of
  view, you thread is still running).
- The pm_whatever() call in the idle thread will not run.

In conclusion, try to use the default mechanism if you can.


devel mailing list

[riot-devel] FreeRTOS comparison in the website

2019-03-12 Thread Juan Ignacio Carrano

Hi RIOT developers,

In many of the meetings/events I have been with the RAPStore team we had 
quite a few people asking us how does RIOT relate to FreeRTOS. The 
"official" response up to now has been that we don't do that comparison 
because FreeRTOS does not include all the things that RIOT has, mainly 
networking (and drivers too.)

Still, people ask the question and I'd like to give them an answer. 
Also, I don't know how accurate is the "no network" answer, especially 
since FreeRTOS was acquired by Amazon. I've never used FreeRTOS so I'd 
be grateful if anybody who knows could explain what's going on.

Looking at I don't see any comparison to FreeRTOS 
either. It would be great to have it so we can point people to our 
website when they ask.


devel mailing list

Re: [riot-devel] sched_active_thread is a volatile pointer, but volatile is ignored

2019-02-27 Thread Juan Ignacio Carrano

On 8/1/19 21:47, Kees Bakker wrote:


void msg_recv(...)
    if (!sched_active_thread->waiters) {
 // platform specific macro to suspend thread

    thread_t *waiter = sched_active_thread->waiters;

    // ...

(or similar)

My understanding of volatile back then was that the compiler could,
without volatile, assume that sched_active_thread->waiters equals NULL.
Well, in the example code, the compiler would just read 

once and keep it in a register. If either sched_active_thread or waiters
can change in between the uses in that function you must declare some
things volatile.

Say you do something like this:

extern void f(void);

int x;

int test(void)
int y = x;
return y+x;

Then the compiler, knowing nothing about "f()", _has_ to re-read x in 
the return statement. This is because f() could possibly modify x. This 
is a behavior in which we can rely, because it is needed even in single 
threaded programs. This is what happens when the above snippet is 
compiled with anything above -O0:

int test(void)
   0:   b538push{r3, r4, r5, lr}
int y = x;
   2:   4c03ldr r4, [pc, #12]   ; (10 )
   4:   6825ldr r5, [r4, #0]
   6:   f7ff fffe   bl  0 
return y+x;
   a:   6820ldr r0, [r4, #0]
   c:   4428add r0, r5
   e:   bd38pop {r3, r4, r5, pc}
  10:   .word   0x

See the two lines with "ldrrN, [r4, #0]".

In the provided example of "msg_recv", if the "platform specific macro 
to suspend thread" includes a call to a function not defined in the 
current translation unit, then the compiler cannot assume that this 
function does not access or change globals. The only problem would be if 
the compiler thinks he knows what the function does (via inline or LTO). 
Looking at the code for _msg_receive() it does not seem to be the case, 
to I'm puzzled as to why it would break. I tried removing it, and there 
does not seem to be a problem. I'll PR it can be tried in the CI.

> I think getting rid of `volatile` and adding "proper" memory barriers 
to places
> where context switches are supposed to happen will make the code more 
robust and

> might allow the compiler to optimize the code better

Yes, that should work in those cases where the compiler may think he is 
sure a function call cannot modify certain variables. For example, the code:

int x;

int test2(void)
int y = x;
int k = z(x);
return y+x+k;

Gets turned into:

int z(int x)
return x*x;
  14:   fb00 f000   mul.w   r0, r0, r0
  18:   4770bx  lr

001a :

int test2(void)
  1a:   b510push{r4, lr}
int y = x;
  1c:   4b03ldr r3, [pc, #12]   ; (2c )
  1e:   681cldr r4, [r3, #0]
int k = z(x);
  20:   4620mov r0, r4
  22:   f7ff fffe   bl  14 
return y+x+k;
  26:   eb00 0044   add.w   r0, r0, r4, lsl #1
  2a:   bd10pop {r4, pc}
  2c:   .word   0x

I compile with -Og to prevent inlining. Observer that the global "x" is 
only loaded once.

> `void __sync_synchronize(void)` placed just before and just after a 

Yes, but most likely overkill. __sync_synchronize() is meant to issue a 
hardware barrier (that is, force the CPU to comlete all pending memory 
operations.) This is needed in multi-core, and maybe some single-core 
scenarios, but it is not what we are looking for. We need a _compiler 
barrier_, like linux's barrier macro(). See this code:

int x;

int test3(void)
int y = x;
//__asm__ __volatile__("": : :"memory");  // linux's barrier()
return y + x;

With no barriers, the ASM shows that x is read once. 
__sync_synchronize() inserts a "dmb" (data memory barrier) instruction 
in addition to forcing an additional read:

int test3(void)
int y = x;
  30:   4b03ldr r3, [pc, #12]   ; (40 )
  32:   6818ldr r0, [r3, #0]
  34:   f3bf 8f5b   dmb ish
return y + x;
  38:   681bldr r3, [r3, #0]
  3a:   4418add r0, r3
  3c:   4770bx  lr

The other barrier causes a re-read, but without the "dmb", which is 
probably what we want in most cases. Linus has a series on emails[1] in 
which he explains why barrier() is good and essentially free.



devel mailing list

Re: [riot-devel] USB PID number

2019-02-25 Thread Juan Ignacio Carrano

Hi all,

First of all, great work. Now to the VID, PID matter: I don't think we 
should get any VID. A single PID may be ok.

Product numbers are for products. RIOT is not a product. Rather, it is 
used to build product (or at least that's wath we hope for). Even if we 
obtained an ID it would be irrelevant for everyone except developers: if 
you develop a device, you should get your OWN ids, you cannot reuse your 
OS vendor's.

For example, I remember using TI's USB library for the MSP430 some years 
ago (horribly ugly, btw) and it does NOT come with any ID.

> My question is if anydbody has a better solution for the vid/pid
> problem? If not wether anybody minds if I go ahead and fill out the
> necessary info to request a PID from the collection.

Quoting from PID.CODES:

"If your project involves both hardware and software, both need to be 
licensed under recognised OSS and OSHW licenses. If your project 
involves only one or the other, we may ask for further justification as 
to why you need a PID associated with your software project / 
development board instead of allowing end-users to request their own."

I think that having a single PID for "Generic RIOT-powered device" (or 
something of the sort) is valuable, especially for development, and for 
the CI, and we only really need one, not a whole block. That, and the 
fact that we have a more or less large project should be enough 
justification to get a PID from Of course, the docs should 
clearly state that the PID is for use in RIOT development and should be 
changed for actual devices.

A whole VID would not be useful: what would you do with so many PIDs?

Looking forward to the first riot-powered USB peripherals.



devel mailing list

Re: [riot-devel] sched_active_thread is a volatile pointer, but volatile is ignored

2019-01-07 Thread Juan Ignacio Carrano

Hi Kees,

On 1/4/19 10:18 PM, Kees Bakker wrote:

In a lot of our code sched_active_thread is converted into
a non-volatile pointer. Is that correct? Here [1] it is described
that such conversion is undefined behavior.

My understanding is that `sched_active_thread` is volatile in a thread 
context, but not in the kernel context. Therefore I thought that 
discarding the qualifier in code that runs in the scheduler should be 
OK, although a bit dirty. Now, if you tell me it's undefined behavior 
then it is NOT OK.

I had thought of two ways to fix this:

* Linker-level aliasing: define `sched_active_thread` once (in the 
scheduler, as non volatile) and declare it as `extern volatile` in those 
headers that are seen by user applications, and as `extern` in headers 
seen by the kernel.

* C-level aliasing: redefine sched_active_thread as a union of a 
volatile and non-volatile.

AFAICT neither of those ways of accessing should result in undefined 
behavior, as there as no casts being performed. What do you think?


devel mailing list

Re: [riot-devel] Compile-time peripheral configuration in board definitions

2018-12-17 Thread Juan Ignacio Carrano

Hi Gunar,

Even though these static const arrays are allocated in the .rodata
segment, they are allocated in each module that includes `board.h`. XFAs
addresses this problem.

So you are saying that the data gets duploicated in ROM several times? I 
did not know that. If that is the case, then it's definitely a bad thing!

For ESP32-Boards I tried another approach. In `periph_conf.h` there is
only a declaration of an external const variable `pwm_dev_num` which
contains the number of PWM devices and the macro `PWM_NUMOF` is then
defined as follows:

extern const unsigned pwm_dev_num;
#define PWM_NUMOF   (pwm_dev_num)

Regardless of ROM duplication or not, I think you approach is much 
better and cleaner. Also, you don't bloat the header, and don't have the 
compiler parse the same definitions several times. I see no reasons to 
define the array in the header file.


devel mailing list

Re: [riot-devel] Mutex and thread priority

2018-11-22 Thread Juan Ignacio Carrano

Hi Baptiste,

On 11/22/18 12:11 PM, Baptiste Clenet wrote:

I have looked at mutex.c and thread.c and I've understood that a
thread with higher priority (it has priority) will unlock the mutex
even if thread with lower priority has not finished/unlock the mutex?
Am I right?

You are referring to a situation in which a thread unlocks a mutex it 
did not lock before?

In that case the mutex is not behaving as such, but rather as a generic
lock, and any thread can unlock it. See .

If you want the mutex to actually behave as a mutex you should ensure 
you never have an unlock without a matching lock (i.e. that the only 
thread that can unlock a mutex is the one that locked it and thus own 
it). RIOT's mutexes do not enforce that, so you must resolve it by 
careful usage.

Now, in my case, I use UART with ethos (which use a mutex) and what
happens on my case is:
* I have thread A (high priority), thread B (low priority)
* B starts to write on UART an long str
* A wants to write on UART an lock the mutex (ethos) but because it
has higher priority, it sends its message over UART until end of str
* B can continue and finish to send its str

So you are saying that the lower priority "B" thread is being preempted 
and it's output interrupted by A's output?

I'm not familiar with ethos, but my intuition is that, while it may have 
a mutex, it may not be programmed in a way that the UART access is 
exclusive too. Exclusive access to UART would not be a good idea as in 
cases like yours it opens the door to priority inversions.

So I'm wondering why a thread with higher priority should be able to
unlock a mutex locked by a thread with lower priorty?

Actually any thread can unlock a mutex locked by another thread. What 
can never happen is that a thread _locks_ a mutex locked by another 
thread. In your mind, replace the word "mutex" with "lock" and things 
may become clearer.


devel mailing list

Re: [riot-devel] Cortex M33 support

2018-10-17 Thread Juan Ignacio Carrano

On 10/17/18 4:19 PM, Alexandre Abadie wrote:


Not M33, but Microchip is also selling an evaluation board with an M23.



PS: I'm not working on it.

Excellent. The basic CPU support for box cortex should be roughly the 
same (something like "armv8_common"), am I right?

I wonder how many of the new features are usable in RIOT. The stack 
limit seems interesting.


devel mailing list

[riot-devel] Cortex M33 support

2018-10-17 Thread Juan Ignacio Carrano

Hi everyone,

Is anybody working / wanting to work on Cortex M33 support? Currently 
there are no chips available for the general public. AFAICT Nordic and 
NXP are the only ones with pre-production parts.

I'm trying to get samples from both. It would be great if we could have 
at least some basic support for when the devices reach the market.

Also, if somebody has closer contact with either Nordic or NXP, it would 
be great.


Juan Ignacio Carrano

devel mailing list

Re: [riot-devel] Git submodule in RIOT-OS/applications

2018-09-26 Thread Juan Ignacio Carrano

Hi all,

On 9/26/18 9:42 AM, Jose wrote:
Does it make sense to provide a RIOT (git submodule) folder in the 
RIOT-OS/applications, pointing to the latest RIOT release?


- Applications will always be in a working state

Yes. I think it is more important to have it in a working state than 
having them break because some external thing changed. That's what 
dependency pinning is about.

- Might be easier for new users to clone and use

And not have them scratching their heads trying to figure out why it 
does not work with the latest RIOT master.

We would require to update the submodule at the end of a Release.

Yes. But if we do things right, we should already be testing the apps 
after each release anyways, so it is not an additional burden.


devel mailing list

Re: [riot-devel] Binding in Javascript

2018-09-26 Thread Juan Ignacio Carrano

Hi Manar,

On 9/26/18 12:12 PM, Manar Zaboub wrote:


using the provided example[1] I was able to run Javascript engine 
(Jerryscript) on RIOT.

I want to now bind additional functions to Javascript, for example to be able 
to start TCP communication using Javascript code.

Great! We would greatly appreciate if you contributed the bindings.

Can you please refer me to any examples or tutorials where binding functions in 
Javascript with RIOT is taking place?

See . The PR is unmerged, but 
it contains what you are looking for.


devel mailing list

Re: [riot-devel] Where to put board pictures?

2018-09-04 Thread Juan Ignacio Carrano

Gunar, Joakim

>> Would it also be possible with git-lfs to give the board developers
>> access rights to upload pictures?

With LFS it will work as with a regular file, and one would need to open 
a PR to add/change a picture. I would expect such PRs to be approved 
almost immediately.

On 9/4/18 11:44 AM, Joakim Nohlgård wrote:

Does git-lfs let the
contributor include the pictures and other git-lfs blobs as part of a
Github pull request?

Yes. It even shows a preview. See



devel mailing list

Re: [riot-devel] Where to put board pictures?

2018-09-04 Thread Juan Ignacio Carrano

Gunar, Jose

> In the end, it should not matter which git repository is bloated.

What about NO repository gets bloated?
This was already discussed with some other maintainers offline, but I 
want to reinstate it here:

We are not *special* in any way. Compared to other projects, RIOT OS 
does not have any crazy wacky requirements or limitations, and we are 
facing similar issues, for which- after similar sufferings- specialized 
tools were developed. Then why do we insist in doing things differently?

I'm talking about git-lfs. This tools was invented to overcome all those 
issues we are mentioning in this thread. To me it is the only non-hacky 
solution. The only time a user will be exposed to the tool will be when 
building/editing the docs.

git-lfs does not bloat the repo because binary blobs are not stored in 
there, and only the needed versions for the commits you are checking out 
are downloaded (not the entire diff history as with a regular text file.)

Really, all this wiki-as-object-storage thing feels like hammering a 
nail with a screwdriver. If we go with the hacky solution we will regret 
it later when we have to maintain the mess.



devel mailing list

Re: [riot-devel] Doxygen question for board/periph configuration header files

2018-08-28 Thread Juan Ignacio Carrano

Hi Gunar,

On 8/27/18 7:05 PM, Gunar Schorcht wrote:


it seems that the style of the output changes either if a variable or
function declaration is part of such group.

But this is not always the case. For example, even though there are such
declarations in

I find it useful to enable XML output in Doxygen and inspect the 
resulting XML. This will indicate if its a structure problem (meaning 
you messed up) or a rendering problem (meaning Doxygen messed up).

In this case you are right, and the XML shows "LED Handlers" and "MTD 
emulation configuration" both correspond to `kind="user-defined">` elements, with no difference other than their 

I think that what happens is that Doxygen presentation logic 
automatically detects groups with preprocessor definitions only and 
nests them under a "Macros" section. Unfortunately, there's not much 
that can be done to customize this behavior (see


devel mailing list

Re: [riot-devel] Where to put board pictures?

2018-08-21 Thread Juan Ignacio Carrano

On 8/21/18 4:23 PM, Jose wrote:
The only issue is the fact 
git-lfs has to be installed in order to interact with the files 
(commands like `make doc`) won't pick the images because they will be 
sort of symlinks.

Most users don't run make doc. It's run by the static checks, but only 
to verify docstrings are OK. In that case, we can ignore warnings caused 
by the missing images (option A).

Another option is to instruct users to sync the LFS (B), or to do it 
automatically (C).

I like (B) better.


devel mailing list

Re: [riot-devel] Where to put board pictures?

2018-08-21 Thread Juan Ignacio Carrano

On 08/21/2018 11:28 AM, Jose wrote:

I personally think 2. (put them in the RIOT wiki) is the fastest way to 
go and doesn't bloat the RIOT repository. But I would like to hear some 
comments about this topic.

If we put them in the RIOT wiki we can always choose to move them to the 
repo if it proves problematic. The other way round (moving them out of 
the repo) will leave a permanent blob in git's history.

How about git-lfs?

WRT another doc repo, I think documentation and code belong together.


devel mailing list

Re: [riot-devel] Message queue that is not bound to a reveiving thread

2018-07-12 Thread Juan Ignacio Carrano

Hi Gunar,

A semaphore is a common way of implementing that. The semaphore value is 
the current number of elements in the queue. Reading from the queue is:

semaphore s, mutex m, element e, queue q

sem_wait(s) /* Blocks only if the queue is empty */
e = queue_pop_left(q)

Writing consists of

queue_push(q, e)

The mechanism is a bit more complicated if one needs to handle the case 
where the queue can be full and one wants to block.

Also note that between the call to sem_wait() and mutex_lock() another 
thread could lock the mutex. This is not a problem. It only means that 
the second thread to wake up gets the first element the first gets the 
second. Something similar happens when one is writing.

Each mutex already has a queue of threads waiting for it, meaning that 
if multiple threads are blocked on mutex_lock, the first one should be 
woken up by mutex_unlock, and "sema" implements semaphores on top of 
mutexes, so they should behave similarly.

I'm curious as to the application of this, since RIOT does not run on 
multiple processor systems, what is the advantage of this approach over 
serial processing in a single thread (other than bypassing blocking calls).



On 07/12/2018 09:58 AM, Gunar Schorcht wrote:


what would be the best way, if there is one, to use the existing
mechanisms to implement a message queue that is not bound to the
receiving thread?

What I'm looking for is a message queue that can be used by a number of
threads to send messages to and receive messages from the shared queue,
as it is possible in FreeRTOS, for example.


devel mailing list

devel mailing list

[riot-devel] Scheduler: Supporting Cooperative Threading

2018-06-12 Thread Juan Ignacio Carrano

Hello Rioters,

I'm trying to figure out how could cooperative multithreading / fibers / 
coroutines be used in RIOT. There is something already in the scheduler,
but right now it looks more like an artifact of the implementation than 
a proper feature.


Pre-emptive threading is hard to reason about, requires locks and 
synchronization and often there is no real need for pre-emption.

With coroutines, on the other hand, the programmer knows his program 
wont be interrupted and resumed in any random line, but exactly when he 
chooses. It also means he does not need to synchronize access to 
resources shared with other coroutines.

Coroutines make it possible to program asynchronous code in a blocking 
style - see "await". This is more natural and easier that using callbacks.

Current state in RIOT

The current RIOT scheduler will only switch between threads with the 
same priority if there is an explicit yield, or if there occurs a 
preemption by a higher priority thread.

This is almost cooperative multithreading (within the same "priority 
group"), except there is no guarantee that after a thread in a group is 
preempted, it will be that thread an not another with the same priority 
that will get resumed. Maybe that is the current behavior, but I'm 
having some trouble understanding the scheduler code.

Also, the docs explicitly discourage the user from creating threads with 
the same priority. From "thread.h":

> Assigning the same priority to two or more threads is usually not a
> good idea.

Starting point

A good starting point would be to guarantee threads with the same 
priority get cooperatively scheduled 100% of the time. This means that 
if one thread is preempted by a higher priority task, then no other 
thread but that one will get resumed. In other words, the only way to 
switch between threads with the same priority is explicitly yielding 
from one.

Maybe this is the current behavior. As I mentioned, I don't quite 
understand the code.

Further development

Coroutines / Fibers do not have to be full fledged threads. The TCB can 
be simpler and some objects can be shared with other fibers. See the PR 
on a thread-safe implementation of newlib 
( for an idea of the overhead 
that thread-safety imposes.

What is the general opinion on this? Is it work pursuing?

I look forward to you feedback.


devel mailing list

[riot-devel] Unimplemented syscalls in RIOT

2018-05-24 Thread Juan Ignacio Carrano

Hello RIOTers,

I have run into some issues while working on lua support, involving 
missing system calls and linker errors while trying to use C standard 
functions, such as rename() and clock().

For example: A program calls rename(). Rename is defined by newlib and 
calls link(), which calls _link_r (the reentrant version), which is not 
defined, so linking fails. A similar thing happens with clock() (calls 
times() which calls _times_r).

The immediate reason is that, as of PR #8795, RIOT is linked with 
-lnosys, meaning newlib no longer provide stubs. Of course, for us this 
is a good thing (that's why the PR got merged). The problems arise when 
we try to compile packages, that is, code that we don't "control" and 
that we'd like to modify as little as possible.

sys/newlib_syscalls_default/syscalls.c implements several stubs. For 
some functions it implements the right thing if the correct module is 
enable, like filesystem calls if we have VFS.

There are several options for fixing this problem of missing syscalls:

1. Patch the packages to avoid those functions. It's a lot of work, and 
does not add any value to RIOT.
2. Add empty stubs that always fail (and set errno to ENOSYS). This 
makes programs compile, but then it may run into errors at runtime and 
the developer will be probably unaware that the code is using 
unsupported functionality.
3. Add empty stubs as part of a module, so that the fake functions must 
be explicitly included.
4. Make other riot modules provide the standard C interface. For 
example, xtimer may provide for clock().

Going back to my case of Lua, I initially thought of doing (2), but 
after a conversation with José Alamos he convinced me it's not a good 
idea. I'd suggest doing (3) and (4), that is, having parts of the 
standard library be implemented by the relevant RIOT module (clock() in 
xtimer, link()/rename() in vfs) while also having a stub modules for 
those cases in which it is acceptable to have unimplemented functionality.

I look forward to you comments.


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