
On 02.05.2015 03:40, Drasko DRASKOVIC wrote:
Hi all,
I tumbled on this thread:
http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.os.riot.devel/1458 while looking for
support for MRF24J40 in RIOT. What is the current state with SPI
driver for this module - does it exits?
some members of the community do actually have access to that chip - though to my knowledge nobody started to implement a driver yet...

Actually, this module is quite nice, as it is FCC certified and not expensive.

Other solution would be probably using SAMR21, but I could not find
any existing FCC certified module on the market. Is someone aware of
some SAMR21 FCC CE certified module that can be used with RIOT in
real-world project?
not sure, all we used so far are the samr21-xpro boards...

I am opened to suggestions for some other 6LoWPAN radio modules that
are certified and that I can get on the market to integrate in my
I do not know about certification status of any available modules, maybe some else in the community?


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