Hi Nicholas,

Recently, the commit addressing unaligned accesses for ELF64 files was added 
the elfloader. When MMU is disabled, reading or writing 64-bit data from/to 
4-byte aligned addresses triggers a fault. I am not sure if you were using the 
updated elfloader. Hopefully, a git pull may solve your problem.


From: Devel <devel-bounces@sel4.systems> on behalf of Nicholas Pahl 
Sent: Saturday, September 29, 2018 2:26 AM
To: devel@sel4.systems
Subject: [seL4] Alignment fault without U-Boot Cache Enabled

Hi All,

I have noticed an alignment fault in the seL4 elfloader when running seL4 on an
AArch64 platform with dcache disabled in U-Boot. The alignment fault is caused
by reading the elf files header in the elfloader. The fault can be fixed
(hacked) by modifying the length of the elf file name, located before the elf
file header, to force a proper alignment.

Is the seL4 elfloader intended to be dependent on u-boot enabling the cache?

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