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I have a few Millennium's and Milliennium II's I hoarded, if anyone
needs info from them, just let me know.  I'd be glad to contribute to
the project in a small way if I can help.

Dr Andrew C Aitchison wrote:

|On Wed, 1 Oct 2003, Mike A. Harris wrote:
|>If people (both other developers and end users) who _require_
|>the VideoRAM option in order for the proper amount of video
|>memory to be useable with their card, could send me privately
|>their:  "lspci -vvn" or alternatively "scanpci" output (if lspci
|>isn't available to them), that would help me assess how feasible
|>this would be to do.
|The Millennium II cannot be probed; MGACountRam() claims it is a
|hardware bug. As far as I know this function correctly detects the
|cases it can't handle, and I don't have an accessible card to provide
|lspci output.
|>My end-goal here, is to determine which hardware truely requires
|>the VideoRAM option, and limit the usage of that option in our
|>own XFree86 packages to those specific drivers and cards to limit
|>the amount of bogus incoming bug reports and end user problems
|>created by unnecessary overconfiguration.  I might also add
|>another option to re-enable VideoRAM override if people see cases
|>where autodetection does work, but want to override it anyway,
|>such as a global "AllowVideoRAMOverride" setting.  ie: user has
|>card with bad videoram, but by limiting videoram to a lower
|>amount they can disable the bad area of memory.
|Would it be good enough to make the probed value override any
|larger amount specified by the user ?
|I'm not sure whether breaking the convention that user config
|overrides probed values is a good idea or not here.

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