= Proposed Self Contained Change: IBus 1.6 =

Change owner(s): Takao Fujiwara <tfujiwar at redhat dot com>

IBus 1.6 will have the features of XKB prefix language icons on the panel in 
KDE 5 and support $HOME/.XCompose file in non-GNOME desktops. 

== Detailed Description ==
Plasma 5 (KDE) no longer support GtkStatusIcon and IBus provides the different 
icons between Plasma and other desktops. The current IBus shows a fixed IBus 
icon for any XKB layouts in Plasma desktop but IBus shows the XKB language 
prefix names on the icon in other desktops likes "EN" for "us" layout, "FR" for 
"fr" layout. IBus 1.6 will show the prefix names on the icon in Plasma 5 too.
The current IBus supports the compose tables of en_US, fi_FI and pt_BR and only 
and have the hard-coded tables in itself. IBus 1.6 will load 
/usr/share/X11/locale/$LOCALE/Compose with the current session locale 
dynamically and also load $HOME/.XCompose file for the customization. 

== Scope ==
* Proposal owners: 
    - Implement XKB prefix in IBus panel for Plasma 5.
    - Implement to load compose tables in libibus.so 
* Other developers: N/A 
* Release engineering: N/A 
* Policies and guidelines: N/A 
* Trademark approval: N/A (not needed for this Change) 

Jan Kuřík
devel-announce mailing list

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