There will be an outage starting at 2017-08-04 21:00 UTC, which will last
approximately 15 hours.

To convert UTC to your local time, take a look at
or run:
  date -d '2017-08-04 21:00 UTC'

Reason for outage: important HyperKitty database schema change

Affected Services:
 * HyperKitty, the mailing-list archives and reading interface
 * Postorius, the mailing-list administration interface

Unaffected Services:
Mailman will not be affected, emails sent to the lists will continue to be
delivered during the outage, but they will not be archived at that time
(the archiver will be offline). The emails delivered during the outage
will be added to the archives when they are back online.

Ticket Link:

Contact Information:
Please join #fedora-admin in or add comments to the
ticket for this outage above.
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