F37 Change: RetireARMv7 (System-Wide Change proposal)

2021-11-15 Thread Ben Cotton

== Owner ==
* Name: [[User:pbrobinson| Peter Robinson]]
* Email: 

== Detailed Description ==

The ARMv7 arm architecture was the second variant of the arm
architecture that Fedora has supported, the first was ARMv5, the third
is aarch64. The proposal is to retire ARMv7 as part of the Fedora 37
release. This will allow ARMv7/armhfp to be supported until the Fedora
36 end of life in around June 2023.

Overall arm32 is generally waning with generally few new ARMv7 devices
added to Fedora in recent releases. To add to that a number of newer
Fedora features designed to improve speed and security of the Fedora
release are causing 32 bit architectures in general primarily due to
the process memory limit when linking large applications. The
ARMv7/armhfp is the last fully supported 32 bit architecture, we still
currently build i686 packages, but it's not shipped as artefacts.

== Benefit to Fedora ==

The primary benefit is to maintainers of the ARM architecture, the
various toolchain teams and package maintainers in general.

== Scope ==

* Proposal owners: Work with rel-eng to disable the architecture in
koji, remove all the various pungi pieces and clean up any other
release detritus.

* Other developers: No action required.

* Release engineering: [https://pagure.io/releng/issue/10387 Releng
issue #10387] Disable a bunch of stuff, it's really just one koji
admin command and a PR for pungi config changes

* Policies and guidelines: No initial updates to policies and
guidelines as ARMv7 won't completely disappear until F-36 EOL.

* Trademark approval: N/A (not needed for this Change)

== Upgrade/compatibility impact ==

Any current users of Fedora on ARMv7 devices won't be able to upgrade
to Fedora 37, they will have to stay on Fedora 36 until it's EOL.

== How To Test ==
There's not really anything to test as it's removing the support for
an architecture.

== User Experience ==
Any current users of Fedora on ARMv7 devices won't be able to upgrade
to Fedora 37, they will have to stay on Fedora 36 until it's EOL.

== Dependencies ==

== Contingency Plan ==

Continue on as before with the added advantage of the people that
protested the removal of the architecture will be actively
contributing to the maintenance of the architecture

* Contingency mechanism: Leave enabled. We basically won't get to this
if FESCo doesn't approve the change.
* Contingency deadline: Mass rebuild.
* Blocks release? Yes
* Blocks product? Yes

== Documentation ==


== Release Notes ==

Fedora Linux 37 with the ARMv7 architecture is retired into the
sunset. There will definitely be celebrations, there will likely be
some that shed some tears! Overall for the maintainers it will likely
be seen as a net win, for the few, generally shrinking, users it's
probably a net loss but they can probably just go and buy a Raspberry
Pi Zero 2W for US$15. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Ben Cotton
He / Him / His
Fedora Program Manager
Red Hat
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F36 Change: Remove Wire Extensions Support (Self-Contained Change proposal)

2021-11-15 Thread Ben Cotton

== Summary ==
The legacy wireless extensions interface was replaced by the new
mac80211/cfg80211 interface in 2007. The legacy Wireless Extensions
support has been long deprecated and only supports long EOL WiFi
encryption like WEP so it's time to disable it and remove it.

== Owner ==
* Name: [[User:pbrobinson| Peter Robinson]]
* Email: [mailto:pbrobin...@fedoraproject.org| pbrobin...@fedoraproject.org]

== Detailed Description ==

The Wireless Extensions support in the kernel has been long replaced
by the mac80211/cfg80211 support. Disable the kernel options and
retire the wireless-tools userspace utilities. Wireless Extensions
only supports a minor subset of the wireless interfaces, predominently
the WEP interface and userspace has been replaced by iw/libnl/ip
interfaces which offer a lot more advanced features as well as modern
802.11 functionality like WPA.

== Benefit to Fedora ==

More secure and advanced features in wireless. In most cases most
users won't notice a difference. The vast majority of users use
NetworkManager to use 802.11 based wireless interfaces which has long
ceased to support wireless extensions/wireless-tools, if it evere did.

== Scope ==
* Proposal owners:
** Disable the wireless extensions interface in the kernel and any
drivers that depend on it. The only driver that is currently enabled
that requires wireless extension support is the Intel Pro Wireless
2100/2200 drivers, this hardware was released in 2003-2005 as part of
the original Centrino laptop platforms and all officially supported
devices were 32 bit so it's unlikely there's any current users but as
they were mPCI cards it's possible there's a few users that put them
into 64 bit machines.
** Retire the wireless-tools package, retirn any packages that depend
on it, or migrate them to use libnl3.

* Other developers:
** No impact

* Release engineering: [https://pagure.io/releng/issue/10386 #10386]
* Policies and guidelines: N/A (not a System Wide Change)
* Trademark approval: N/A (not needed for this Change)

== Upgrade/compatibility impact ==
A handful of packages still use the libiw interface and hence depend
on the wireless-tools package. Some projects look dead upstream, a
number have already been migrated in the last year or so. Where the
project is alive upstream tickets have been filed requesting
migration. The current remaining package list is:

* conky
* lxpanel
* reaver

== How To Test ==

* Check that the wireless extensions kernel options are disabled:
* Check the wireless-tools package is no longer available

== User Experience ==

Generally users should notice little to no difference.

== Dependencies ==
N/A (not a System Wide Change)

== Contingency Plan ==

* Contingency mechanism: Leave WEXT enabled in the kernel, leave
wireless-tools package in Fedora package repository.
* Contingency deadline: GA
* Blocks release? No.
* Blocks product? No.

== Documentation ==
N/A (not a System Wide Change)

== Release Notes ==

Ben Cotton
He / Him / His
Fedora Program Manager
Red Hat
devel-announce mailing list -- devel-announce@lists.fedoraproject.org
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F36 Change: Unit Names in Systemd Messages (Self-Contained Change proposal)

2021-11-15 Thread Ben Cotton

== Summary ==
The default format of messages printed by systemd to the console and
the journal is changed from "Starting Frobnicating Daemon..." /
"Started Frobnicating Daemon" to "Starting frobnicator.service —
Frobnicating Daemon..." / "Started frobnicator.service — Frobnicating

== Owner ==
* Name: [[User:Zbyszek|Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek]]
* Email: zbyszek at in.waw.pl

== Detailed Description ==
Systemd has three message formatting modes: `description`, `name`, and
`combined`. The first uses the Description, the second uses the unit
name, and the third uses " — ". We currently
default to `description`, and the proposal is to change the
compile-time default to `combined`. Users can override the default by
creating a configuration file and/or specifying an override on the
kernel command line.

systemd historically used the unit Description in console and journal
status messages, just like SysV init scripts. The Description is
intended to be easy to understand, but has the downside that to
interact with the service in any way, one has to figure out what the
unit name is. Thus, for an unfamiliar service, the user would have to
grep the unit list for the description first. And for more experienced
users, the unit name is more informative than the description. People
interact with unit names when operating on units, and don't look at
the descriptions during normal system administration. Thus, for both
new and experienced users, seeing the unit name is useful. To make the
change easier to accept, we added the `combined` mode, that also
prints the description on the right.

`journalctl -o cat` (old and new):

Started Journal Service.
Finished Load Kernel Modules.
Starting Apply Kernel Variables...
Starting Create Volatile Files and Directories...
Finished Apply Kernel Variables.
Finished Create Volatile Files and Directories.
Finished Setup Virtual Console.
Starting dracut ask for additional cmdline parameters...
Finished dracut ask for additional cmdline parameters.
Starting dracut cmdline hook...

Started systemd-journald.service - Journal Service.
Finished systemd-modules-load.service - Load Kernel Modules.
Finished systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service - Create Static Device
Nodes in /dev.
Starting systemd-sysctl.service - Apply Kernel Variables...
Starting systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service - Create Volatile Files and
Finished systemd-sysctl.service - Apply Kernel Variables.
Finished systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service - Create Volatile Files and Directories.
Finished systemd-vconsole-setup.service - Setup Virtual Console.
Starting dracut-cmdline-ask.service - dracut ask for additional
cmdline parameters...
Finished dracut-cmdline-ask.service - dracut ask for additional
cmdline parameters.
Starting dracut-cmdline.service - dracut cmdline hook...

If users don't like the new default, they can use
`systemd.status-unit-format=name|description` to override the default.
It is also possible to use `bootctl systemd-efi-options
systemd.status-unit-format=name|description` on EFI systems, and
create a config file with `[Manager]
StatusUnitFormat=name|description` to pick a different setting.

== Benefit to Fedora ==
The default format of messages is more directly useful. A user can
selectpaste the unit name directly from a message into a command
like `systemctl status` or `journalctl -u`.

== Scope ==
* Proposal owners:
** Implement the new mode (already done, available in systemd-249).
** Flip the compile-time default in systemd.

* Other developers:
** Adjust Descriptions of their units if appropriate. For example,
firewalld.service repeats the unit name in the Description. This was
already discouraged in the systemd.unit(5) man page, but now becomes
even more visible: `rawhide systemd[1]: Starting firewalld.service -
firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon...`. The Description should be
changed to "Description=Dynamic Firewall Daemon".

* Policies and guidelines: N/A (not needed for this Change)
* Trademark approval: N/A (not needed for this Change)
* Alignment with Objectives:

== Upgrade/compatibility impact ==
There shouldn't be any. I'm making this a Change because people don't
like surprises in the default look of things. There might be some
poorly written scripts which grep for unit Descriptions.

== How To Test ==
Boot, look at `journalctl -b _PID=1`.

Optionally, disable the plymouth screen (with Esc or by removing `rhgb
quiet` on the kernel command line), and look at console messages.
Output should contain unit names and be generally readable.
Unfortunately, the console output is ellipsized to fit in 80 columns,
so the full text is not always visible.

== User Experience ==
See example output above.

== Dependencies ==

== Contingency Plan ==
* Contingency mechanism: Revert the change.
* Contingency deadline: Final release, or maybe even later.
* Blocks release? No.

== Documentation ==

Planned Outage - server update/reboots - 2021-11-17 21:00 UTC

2021-11-15 Thread Mark O'Brien

There will be a planned outage this week as outlined below:

Planned Outage - server update/reboots - 2021-11-17 21:00 UTC

There will be an outage starting at 2021-11-17 21:00UTC,
which will last approximately 4 hours.

To convert UTC to your local time, take a look at
or run:

date -d '2021-11-17 21:00UTC'

Reason for outage:

We will be updating and rebooting various servers to bring them up to date.
During the outage window any services may be up and down as proxies and
gateways are rebooted.

Affected Services:

Any fedoraproject services may be affected with the exception of
mirrorlists and static web content.

Ticket Link:


Please join #fedora-admin or #fedora-noc on irc.libera.chat
or add comments to the ticket for this outage above.

Fedora Infrastructure Team
devel-announce mailing list -- devel-announce@lists.fedoraproject.org
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