Orphaned packages to be retired

2019-04-08 Thread Miro Hrončok

The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or
retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
package will be retired when the affected package gets retired.

Grep the list for your FAS name, follow the transitive deps:

Request package ownership via releng ticket: https://pagure.io/releng/issues

Packages retired today are still listed in this report:


Package  (co)maintainers   Status Change

PyMca orphan   1 weeks ago
Ray   orphan   1 weeks ago
SimplyHTMLmizdebsk, orphan 8 weeks ago
ahkab orphan   0 weeks ago
arc-theme besser82, dbenoit, orphan0 weeks ago
cmusphinx3jjames, orphan   5 weeks ago
cwiid orphan   1 weeks ago
devilspie orphan   7 weeks ago
gnue-common   orphan   1 weeks ago
iris  kde-sig, orphan, rdieter,7 weeks ago
jam-control   orphan   1 weeks ago
keybinder ohaessler, orphan7 weeks ago
ktechlab  chitlesh, orphan 0 weeks ago
libkexif  orphan, rdieter  7 weeks ago
lightdm-gtk   cwickert, dbenoit, orphan,   0 weeks ago
linsmith  chitlesh, orphan 0 weeks ago
maven-toolchains-plugin   mizdebsk, orphan 8 weeks ago
mingw-webkitgtk   epienbro, orphan, pfor   7 weeks ago
mingw-webkitgtk3  epienbro, orphan, pfor   7 weeks ago
nodejs-after  nodejs-sig, orphan   3 weeks ago
nodejs-alter  nodejs-sig, orphan   3 weeks ago
nodejs-ansi-font  nodejs-sig, orphan   3 weeks ago
nodejs-ansidiff   nodejs-sig, orphan   3 weeks ago
nodejs-archiver   nodejs-sig, orphan   3 weeks ago
nodejs-archiver-utils nodejs-sig, orphan   3 weeks ago
nodejs-ast-traverse   nodejs-sig, orphan   3 weeks ago
nodejs-ast-types  nodejs-sig, orphan   3 weeks ago
nodejs-astral nodejs-sig, orphan   3 weeks ago
nodejs-astral-angular-annotatenodejs-sig, orphan   3 weeks ago
nodejs-astral-passnodejs-sig, orphan   3 weeks ago
nodejs-async-cachenodejs-sig, orphan   3 weeks ago
nodejs-async-each nodejs-sig, orphan   3 weeks ago
nodejs-aws-sign2  nodejs-sig, orphan   3 weeks ago
nodejs-base64-js  nodejs-sig, orphan   3 weeks ago
nodejs-basic-auth-parser  nodejs-sig, orphan   3 weeks ago
nodejs-bl nodejs-sig, orphan   3 weeks ago
nodejs-bluebird   nodejs-sig, orphan   3 weeks ago
nodejs-breakable  nodejs-sig, orphan   3 weeks ago
nodejs-camel-case nodejs-sig, orphan   3 weeks ago
nodejs-caniuse-db nodejs-sig, orphan   3 weeks ago
nodejs-change-casenodejs-sig, orphan   3 weeks ago
nodejs-clean-css  nodejs-sig, orphan   3 weeks ago
nodejs-clone  nodejs-sig, orphan   3 weeks ago
nodejs-clsnodejs-sig, orphan   3 weeks ago
nodejs-co nodejs-sig, orphan   3 weeks ago
nodejs-commoner   nodejs-sig, orphan   3 weeks ago
nodejs-compress-commons   nodejs-sig, orp

Orphaned packages to be retired

2019-04-01 Thread Miro Hrončok

The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or
retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
package will be retired when the affected package gets retired.

Grep the list for your FAS name, follow the transitive deps:

Request package ownership via releng ticket: https://pagure.io/releng/issues

Package  (co)maintainers   Status Change

PyMca orphan   0 weeks ago
Ray   orphan   0 weeks ago
SimplyHTMLmizdebsk, orphan 7 weeks ago
aether-connector-okhttp   galileo, mizdebsk, orphan7 weeks ago
antlr3dchen, lef, mizdebsk,7 weeks ago
  mjakubicek, orphan, walters
apache-commons-csvlef, mizdebsk, orphan, spike 7 weeks ago
apache-commons-el fnasser, mizdebsk, orphan,   7 weeks ago
apache-commons-fileupload jerboaa, mizdebsk, mmraka,   7 weeks ago
  orphan, spike
apache-james-project  lef, mizdebsk, orphan7 weeks ago
apache-logging-parent mizdebsk, orphan 7 weeks ago
apache-mime4j lef, mizdebsk, orphan7 weeks ago
arc-theme besser82, dbenoit, orphan0 weeks ago
args4jjcapik, mizdebsk, orphan 7 weeks ago
bea-stax  jcapik, mizdebsk, orphan 7 weeks ago
c3p0  dchen, lef, orphan   7 weeks ago
cmusphinx3jjames, orphan   4 weeks ago
codemodel gil, mizdebsk, orphan7 weeks ago
cwiid orphan   0 weeks ago
decentxml mizdebsk, orphan 7 weeks ago
devilspie orphan   6 weeks ago
geronimo-jms  mizdebsk, orphan 7 weeks ago
geronimo-jta  mizdebsk, orphan 7 weeks ago
glassfish-dtd-parser  gil, mizdebsk, orphan7 weeks ago
glassfish-fastinfoset gil, mizdebsk, orphan7 weeks ago
glassfish-jaxbmizdebsk, orphan 7 weeks ago
glassfish-jsp mizdebsk, orphan 7 weeks ago
gnue-common   orphan   0 weeks ago
icu4j akurtakov, fnasser, kdaniel, 7 weeks ago
  lef, mizdebsk, orphan
iris  kde-sig, orphan, rdieter,6 weeks ago
istack-commonsmizdebsk, orphan 7 weeks ago
jackson   gil, mizdebsk, orphan7 weeks ago
jam-control   orphan   0 weeks ago
java-service-wrapper  arg, gil, lef, mizdebsk, 7 weeks ago
jchardet  mizdebsk, orion, orphan  7 weeks ago
jdepend   goldmann, jcapik, mizdebsk,  7 weeks ago
jeromqmizdebsk, orphan 7 weeks ago
jettison  davidx, mizdebsk, orphan 7 weeks ago
jetty-parent  mizdebsk, orphan 7 weeks ago
jetty-version-maven-pluginmizdebsk, orphan 7 weeks ago
jetty8eclipse-sig, mizdebsk, orphan,   7 weeks ago
jmapviewermizdebsk, orphan 7 weeks ago
jorthomizdebsk, orphan 7 weeks ago
jsr-311   gil, mizdebsk, orphan7 weeks ago
jvnet-parent  mizdebsk, orphan 7 weeks ago
keybinder ohaessler, orphan6 weeks ago
kohsuke-pom   lef, mizdebsk, msrb, orphan  7 weeks ago
libkexif  orp

ACTION NEEDED: Orphaned packages to be retired (Java packages in 1 week)

2019-03-26 Thread Miro Hrončok

The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or
retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
package will be retired when the affected package gets retired.

Grep the list for your FAS name, follow the transitive deps:

Request package ownership via releng ticket: https://pagure.io/releng/issues

Join the Stewardship SIG and request important packages if you want to help.

Package  (co)maintainers   Status Change

OSGi-bundle-ant-task  orphan   7 weeks ago
SimplyHTMLmizdebsk, orphan 6 weeks ago
aether-connector-okhttp   galileo, mizdebsk, orphan6 weeks ago
ant-contrib   davidcl, mizdebsk, orphan6 weeks ago
antlr3dchen, lef, mizdebsk,6 weeks ago
  mjakubicek, orphan, walters
aopalliance   mizdebsk, orphan 6 weeks ago
apache-commons-beanutils  fnasser, mizdebsk, orphan,   6 weeks ago
apache-commons-collectionsjcapik, mizdebsk, orphan 6 weeks ago
apache-commons-collections4   mizdebsk, orphan 6 weeks ago
apache-commons-compress   mizdebsk, mkoncek, orphan,   6 weeks ago
apache-commons-configuration  fnasser, mizdebsk, orphan,   6 weeks ago
apache-commons-csvlef, mizdebsk, orphan, spike 6 weeks ago
apache-commons-discovery  lkundrak, mizdebsk, orphan,  6 weeks ago
apache-commons-el fnasser, mizdebsk, orphan,   6 weeks ago
apache-commons-fileupload jerboaa, mizdebsk, mmraka,   6 weeks ago
  orphan, spike
apache-commons-jexl   mizdebsk, orphan 6 weeks ago
apache-commons-jxpath fnasser, mizdebsk, orphan,   6 weeks ago
apache-ivymizdebsk, orphan 6 weeks ago
apache-james-project  lef, mizdebsk, orphan6 weeks ago
apache-logging-parent mizdebsk, orphan 6 weeks ago
apache-mime4j lef, mizdebsk, orphan6 weeks ago
apache-parent mizdebsk, orphan 6 weeks ago
apache-ratmizdebsk, orphan 6 weeks ago
apache-resource-bundles   mizdebsk, orphan 6 weeks ago
apiguardian   mizdebsk, orphan 6 weeks ago
aqute-bnd jcapik, mizdebsk, orphan 6 weeks ago
args4jjcapik, mizdebsk, orphan 6 weeks ago
atinject  kdaniel, mizdebsk, orphan6 weeks ago
avalon-framework  jerboaa, mizdebsk, orphan6 weeks ago
avalon-logkit jerboaa, mizdebsk, orphan6 weeks ago
base64coder   jcapik, mizdebsk, orphan 6 weeks ago
batik jvanek, mizdebsk, orphan 6 weeks ago
bcel  mizdebsk, orphan 6 weeks ago
bea-stax  jcapik, mizdebsk, orphan 6 weeks ago
beust-jcommander  jcapik, jvanek, mizdebsk,6 weeks ago
blobbyorphan   7 weeks ago
bsf   choeger, mizdebsk, orphan6 weeks ago
bsh   mizdebsk, orphan 6 weeks ago
c3p0  dchen, lef, orphan   6 weeks ago
cal10nmizdebsk, orphan 6 weeks ago
checkstyledbhole, greghellings, lef,   6 weeks ago
  mizdebsk, nsantos, orphan,
clang5.0  orphan, tstellar 7 weeks ago
clang6.0  orphan, tstellar 7 weeks ago

Orphaned packages to be retired (Java packages in 2 weeks)

2019-03-18 Thread Miro Hrončok

The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or
retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
package will be retired when the affected package gets retired.

Grep the list for your FAS name, follow the transitive deps:

Request package ownership via releng ticket: https://pagure.io/releng/issues

Package  (co)maintainers   Status Change

OSGi-bundle-ant-task  orphan   6 weeks ago
SimplyHTMLmizdebsk, orphan 5 weeks ago
aether-connector-okhttp   galileo, mizdebsk, orphan5 weeks ago
ant-contrib   davidcl, mizdebsk, orphan5 weeks ago
antlr3dchen, lef, mizdebsk,5 weeks ago
  mjakubicek, orphan, walters
aopalliance   mizdebsk, orphan 5 weeks ago
apache-commons-beanutils  fnasser, mizdebsk, orphan,   5 weeks ago
apache-commons-collectionsjcapik, mizdebsk, orphan 5 weeks ago
apache-commons-collections4   mizdebsk, orphan 5 weeks ago
apache-commons-compress   mizdebsk, mkoncek, orphan,   5 weeks ago
apache-commons-configuration  fnasser, mizdebsk, orphan,   5 weeks ago
apache-commons-csvlef, mizdebsk, orphan, spike 5 weeks ago
apache-commons-discovery  lkundrak, mizdebsk, orphan,  5 weeks ago
apache-commons-el fnasser, mizdebsk, orphan,   5 weeks ago
apache-commons-fileupload jerboaa, mizdebsk, mmraka,   5 weeks ago
  orphan, spike
apache-commons-jexl   mizdebsk, orphan 5 weeks ago
apache-commons-jxpath fnasser, mizdebsk, orphan,   5 weeks ago
apache-commons-netmizdebsk, orphan, spike  5 weeks ago
apache-ivymizdebsk, orphan 5 weeks ago
apache-james-project  lef, mizdebsk, orphan5 weeks ago
apache-logging-parent mizdebsk, orphan 5 weeks ago
apache-mime4j lef, mizdebsk, orphan5 weeks ago
apache-parent mizdebsk, orphan 5 weeks ago
apache-ratmizdebsk, orphan 5 weeks ago
apache-resource-bundles   mizdebsk, orphan 5 weeks ago
apiguardian   mizdebsk, orphan 5 weeks ago
aqute-bnd jcapik, mizdebsk, orphan 5 weeks ago
args4jjcapik, mizdebsk, orphan 5 weeks ago
atinject  kdaniel, mizdebsk, orphan5 weeks ago
avalon-framework  jerboaa, mizdebsk, orphan5 weeks ago
avalon-logkit jerboaa, mizdebsk, orphan5 weeks ago
base64coder   jcapik, mizdebsk, orphan 5 weeks ago
batik jvanek, mizdebsk, orphan 5 weeks ago
bcel  mizdebsk, orphan 5 weeks ago
bea-stax  jcapik, mizdebsk, orphan 5 weeks ago
beust-jcommander  jcapik, jvanek, mizdebsk,5 weeks ago
blobbyorphan   6 weeks ago
bsf   choeger, mizdebsk, orphan5 weeks ago
bsh   mizdebsk, orphan 5 weeks ago
c3p0  dchen, lef, orphan   5 weeks ago
cal10nmizdebsk, orphan 5 weeks ago
checkstyledbhole, greghellings, lef,   5 weeks ago
  mizdebsk, nsantos, orphan,
clang5.0  orphan, tstellar 6 weeks ago
clang6.0  orphan, tstellar 6 weeks ago
cmusphinx3jjames, orphan   2 weeks ago

Orphaned packages to be retired (Java packages in 3 weeks)

2019-03-12 Thread Miro Hrončok

The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or
retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
package will be retired when the affected package gets retired.

Grep the list for your FAS name, follow the transitive deps:

Request package ownership via releng ticket: https://pagure.io/releng/issues

Package  (co)maintainers   Status Change

OSGi-bundle-ant-task  orphan   5 weeks ago
SimplyHTMLmizdebsk, orphan 4 weeks ago
aether-connector-okhttp   galileo, mizdebsk, orphan4 weeks ago
ant-contrib   davidcl, mizdebsk, orphan4 weeks ago
antlr3dchen, lef, mizdebsk,4 weeks ago
  mjakubicek, orphan, walters
aopalliance   mizdebsk, orphan 4 weeks ago
apache-commons-beanutils  fnasser, mizdebsk, orphan,   4 weeks ago
apache-commons-collectionsjcapik, mizdebsk, orphan 4 weeks ago
apache-commons-collections4   mizdebsk, orphan 4 weeks ago
apache-commons-compress   mizdebsk, mkoncek, orphan,   4 weeks ago
apache-commons-configuration  fnasser, mizdebsk, orphan,   4 weeks ago
apache-commons-csvlef, mizdebsk, orphan, spike 4 weeks ago
apache-commons-discovery  lkundrak, mizdebsk, orphan,  4 weeks ago
apache-commons-el fnasser, mizdebsk, orphan,   4 weeks ago
apache-commons-fileupload jerboaa, mizdebsk, mmraka,   4 weeks ago
  orphan, spike
apache-commons-jexl   mizdebsk, orphan 4 weeks ago
apache-commons-jxpath fnasser, mizdebsk, orphan,   4 weeks ago
apache-commons-netmizdebsk, orphan, spike  4 weeks ago
apache-ivymizdebsk, orphan 4 weeks ago
apache-james-project  lef, mizdebsk, orphan4 weeks ago
apache-logging-parent mizdebsk, orphan 4 weeks ago
apache-mime4j lef, mizdebsk, orphan4 weeks ago
apache-parent mizdebsk, orphan 4 weeks ago
apache-ratmizdebsk, orphan 4 weeks ago
apache-resource-bundles   mizdebsk, orphan 4 weeks ago
apiguardian   mizdebsk, orphan 4 weeks ago
aqute-bnd jcapik, mizdebsk, orphan 4 weeks ago
args4jjcapik, mizdebsk, orphan 4 weeks ago
atinject  kdaniel, mizdebsk, orphan4 weeks ago
avalon-framework  jerboaa, mizdebsk, orphan4 weeks ago
avalon-logkit jerboaa, mizdebsk, orphan4 weeks ago
base64coder   jcapik, mizdebsk, orphan 4 weeks ago
batik jvanek, mizdebsk, orphan 4 weeks ago
bcel  mizdebsk, orphan 4 weeks ago
bea-stax  jcapik, mizdebsk, orphan 4 weeks ago
beust-jcommander  jcapik, jvanek, mizdebsk,4 weeks ago
blobbyorphan   5 weeks ago
bsf   choeger, mizdebsk, orphan4 weeks ago
bsh   mizdebsk, orphan 4 weeks ago
c3p0  dchen, lef, orphan   4 weeks ago
cal10nmizdebsk, orphan 4 weeks ago
catkinorphan, rmattes, robotics-sig,   7 weeks ago
checkstyledbhole, greghellings, lef,   4 weeks ago
  mizdebsk, nsantos, orphan,
clang5.0  orphan, tstellar 5 weeks ago
clang6.0  orph

Orphaned packages to be retired

2019-02-05 Thread Miro Hrončok

The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:

I plan to retire packages that were already announced 3 times next Monday.

Unorphan/unretire packages at https://pagure.io/releng/issues

(I still cannot unorphan packages, but rest assured that I monitor the tracker
and I'm not retiring packages that have open request for unorphaning.)

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or
retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
package will be retired when the affected package gets retired.

Remarks: Some packages are falsely reported as orphaned for 60+ weeks.
The issue was reported and I won't retire them sooner than after real 6 weeks.
Sorry about that.

  Package  (co)maintainers Status Change

OSGi-bundle-ant-task  orphan   0 weeks ago
RunSnakeRun   orphan   3 weeks ago
autotrash frafra, orphan, robyduck 5 weeks ago
blobbyorphan   0 weeks ago
catkinorphan, rmattes, robotics-sig,   2 weeks ago
clang5.0  orphan, tstellar 0 weeks ago
clang6.0  orphan, tstellar 0 weeks ago
dcm4che-test  orphan   0 weeks ago
dnsyo codeblock, orphan3 weeks ago
fasd  orphan   5 weeks ago
glacier-cli   orphan   0 weeks ago
gnumedorphan   0 weeks ago
hamster-time-tracker  orphan   0 weeks ago
hoard orphan   30 weeks ago
jigdo jsteffan, orphan 0 weeks ago
kapow orphan   0 weeks ago
labyrinth orphan   1 weeks ago
llvm5.0   jistone, orphan, tstellar0 weeks ago
llvm6.0   orphan, tstellar 0 weeks ago
memaker   orphan   1 weeks ago
nautilus-pastebin orphan   0 weeks ago
nut-nutrition orphan   0 weeks ago
python-ceilometermiddleware   orphan   69 weeks ago
python-cookiesadamwill, orphan 5 weeks ago
python-django-post_office orphan   0 weeks ago
python-django-stopforumspam   orphan   0 weeks ago
python-gencpp orphan, rmattes, robotics-sig,   2 weeks ago
python-genlisporphan, rmattes, robotics-sig,   2 weeks ago
python-genmsg orphan, rmattes, robotics-sig,   2 weeks ago
python-genpy  orphan, rmattes, robotics-sig,   2 weeks ago
python-kafka  orphan   78 weeks ago
python-pankoclientorphan   78 weeks ago
python-ripe-atlas-cousteauorphan   5 weeks ago
python-ripe-atlas-sagan   orphan   5 weeks ago
python-socketIO-clientorphan   5 weeks ago
ripe-atlas-tools  orphan   5 weeks ago
ros-release   orphan, rmattes, robotics-sig,   2 weeks ago
rospack   orphan, rmattes, robotics-sig,   2 weeks ago
rssdler   orphan   0 weeks ago
scout orphan   1 weeks ago
toothchartorphan   1 weeks ago
unp   mstuchli, orphan, python-sig 3 weeks ago
xsel  mizdebsk, msrb, orphan   1 weeks ago
xword orphan   1 weeks ago

The following packages require above

Orphaned packages to be retired

2019-01-29 Thread Miro Hrončok

The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:

I plan to retire packages that were already announced 3 times next Monday.

Unorphan/unretire packages at https://pagure.io/releng/issues

(I still cannot unorphan packages, but rest assured that I monitor the tracker
and I'm not retiring packages that have open request for unorphaning.)

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or
retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
package will be retired when the affected package gets retired.

Remarks: Some packages are falsely reported as orphaned for 60+ weeks.
The issue was reported and I won't retire them sooner than after real 6 weeks.
Sorry about that.

  Package  (co)maintainers Status Change

RunSnakeRun   orphan   2 weeks ago
autotrash frafra, orphan, robyduck 4 weeks ago
bouml orphan   6 weeks ago
bouml-doc orphan   6 weeks ago
catkinorphan, rmattes, robotics-sig,   1 weeks ago
dnsyo codeblock, orphan2 weeks ago
ecryptfs-simple   orphan   6 weeks ago
fasd  orphan   4 weeks ago
hoard orphan   29 weeks ago
jlibrtp   orphan   6 weeks ago
jmake orphan   6 weeks ago
labyrinth orphan   0 weeks ago
memaker   orphan   0 weeks ago
python-ceilometermiddleware   orphan   68 weeks ago
python-cookiesadamwill, orphan 4 weeks ago
python-gencpp orphan, rmattes, robotics-sig,   1 weeks ago
python-genlisporphan, rmattes, robotics-sig,   1 weeks ago
python-genmsg orphan, rmattes, robotics-sig,   1 weeks ago
python-genpy  orphan, rmattes, robotics-sig,   1 weeks ago
python-gnocchiclient  orphan   77 weeks ago
python-kafka  orphan   77 weeks ago
python-pankoclientorphan   77 weeks ago
python-pytimeparseorphan   77 weeks ago
python-ripe-atlas-cousteauorphan   4 weeks ago
python-ripe-atlas-sagan   orphan   4 weeks ago
python-socketIO-clientorphan   4 weeks ago
ripe-atlas-tools  orphan   4 weeks ago
ros-release   orphan, rmattes, robotics-sig,   1 weeks ago
rospack   orphan, rmattes, robotics-sig,   1 weeks ago
scout orphan   0 weeks ago
toothchartorphan   0 weeks ago
tristripper   orphan   6 weeks ago
unp   mstuchli, orphan, python-sig 2 weeks ago
wifi-radarblackfile, orphan4 weeks ago
winetricksekulik, orphan, raphgro, tc011 weeks ago
xword orphan   0 weeks ago

The following packages require above mentioned packages:
Depending on: catkin (4), status change: 2019-01-20 (1 weeks ago)
python-gencpp (maintained by: orphan, rmattes, robotics-sig, thofmann)
		python-gencpp-0.3.4-14.20130623git403d067.fc29.src requires catkin-devel = 

python-genlisp (maintained by: orphan, rmattes, robotics-sig, thofmann)
		python-genlisp-0.3.3-14.20130623git8790a17.fc29.src requires catkin-devel = 

python-genmsg (maintained by: orphan, rmattes, robotics-sig, thofmann)
		python-genmsg-0.3.10-16.20130617git95ca00d.fc28.src requires catkin-devel = 

Orphaned packages to be retired

2019-01-21 Thread Miro Hrončok

The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:

I plan to retire packages that were already announced 3 times next Monday.

Unorphan/unretire packages at https://pagure.io/releng/issues

(I still cannot unorphan packages, but rest assured that I monitor the tracker
and I'm not retiring packages that have open request for unorphaning.)

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or
retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
package will be retired when the affected package gets retired.

Remarks: Some packages are falsely reported as orphaned for 60+ weeks.
The issue was reported and I won't retire them sooner than after real 6 weeks.
Sorry about that.

  Package   (co)maintainersStatus Change

RunSnakeRunorphan  1 weeks ago
autotrash  frafra, orphan, robyduck3 weeks ago
bouml  orphan  4 weeks ago
bouml-doc  orphan  4 weeks ago
catkin orphan, rmattes, robotics-sig,  0 weeks ago
dnsyo  codeblock, orphan   1 weeks ago
ecryptfs-simpleorphan  5 weeks ago
fasd   orphan  3 weeks ago
hoard  orphan  28 weeks ago
jlibrtporphan  5 weeks ago
jmake  orphan  5 weeks ago
libgltforphan  6 weeks ago
python-adnsorphan, rvokal  6 weeks ago
python-ceilometermiddlewareorphan  67 weeks ago
python-cookies adamwill, orphan3 weeks ago
python-gencpp  orphan, rmattes, robotics-sig,  0 weeks ago
python-genlisp orphan, rmattes, robotics-sig,  0 weeks ago
python-genmsg  orphan, rmattes, robotics-sig,  0 weeks ago
python-genpy   orphan, rmattes, robotics-sig,  0 weeks ago
python-gnocchiclient   orphan  76 weeks ago
python-kafka   orphan  76 weeks ago
python-pankoclient orphan  76 weeks ago
python-parsley ishcherb, lbazan, orphan3 weeks ago
python-pytimeparse orphan  76 weeks ago
python-ripe-atlas-cousteau orphan  3 weeks ago
python-ripe-atlas-saganorphan  3 weeks ago
python-socketIO-client orphan  3 weeks ago
python-txsocksxlbazan, orphan  3 weeks ago
python-xhtml2pdf   orphan  6 weeks ago
ripe-atlas-tools   orphan  3 weeks ago
ros-releaseorphan, rmattes, robotics-sig,  0 weeks ago
rospackorphan, rmattes, robotics-sig,  0 weeks ago
supernova  orphan  6 weeks ago
tristripperorphan  5 weeks ago
unpmstuchli, orphan, python-sig1 weeks ago
wifi-radar blackfile, orphan   3 weeks ago
winetricks ekulik, orphan, raphgro, tc01   0 weeks ago

The following packages require above mentioned packages:
Depending on: catkin (4), status change: 2019-01-20 (0 weeks ago)
python-gencpp (maintained by: orphan, rmattes, robotics-sig, thofmann)
		python-gencpp-0.3.4-14.20130623git403d067.fc29.src requires catkin-devel = 

python-genlisp (maintained by: orphan, rmattes, robotics-sig, thofmann)
		python-genlisp-0.3.3-14.20130623git8790a17.fc29.src requires catkin-devel = 

python-genmsg (maintained by: orphan, rmattes, robotics-sig, thofmann)

Orphaned packages to be retired

2019-01-14 Thread Miro Hrončok

The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:

I plan to retire packages that were already announced 3 times next Monday.

Unorphan/unretire packages at https://pagure.io/releng/issues

(I still cannot unorphan packages, but rest assured that I monitor the tracker 
and I'm not retiring packages that have open request for unorphaning.)

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or
retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
package will be retired when the affected package gets retired.

Remarks: Some packages got retired already but are not yet blocked. There are 
already retired packages in this list (namely the golang packages and lzma).

Also: Some packages are falsely reported as orphaned for 60+ weeks. The issue 
was reported and I won't retire them sooner than after real 6 weeks. Sorry about 

Package  (co)maintainers   Status Change

RunSnakeRun   orphan   0 weeks ago
autotrash frafra, orphan, robyduck 2 weeks ago
bluecove  orphan   6 weeks ago
bouml orphan   3 weeks ago
bouml-doc  0 weeks ago
dnsyo codeblock, orphan0 weeks ago
ecryptfs-simple   orphan   4 weeks ago
fasd  orphan   2 weeks ago
golang-github-go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 11 weeks ago
golang-github-go-sig, orphan   11 weeks ago
golang-github-calmh-luhn  go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 11 weeks ago
golang-github-ccding-go-stun  go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 11 weeks ago
golang-github-cznic-b go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 11 weeks ago
golang-github-cznic-fileutil  go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 11 weeks ago
golang-github-cznic-golex go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 11 weeks ago
golang-github-cznic-internal  go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 11 weeks ago
golang-github-cznic-lex   go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 11 weeks ago
golang-github-cznic-lexer go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 11 weeks ago
golang-github-cznic-lldb  go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 11 weeks ago
golang-github-cznic-mathutil  go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 11 weeks ago
golang-github-cznic-qlgo-sig, jchaloup, orphan 11 weeks ago
golang-github-cznic-sortutil  go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 11 weeks ago
golang-github-cznic-strutil   go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 11 weeks ago
golang-github-cznic-zappy go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 11 weeks ago
golang-github-edsrzf-mmap-go  go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 11 weeks ago
golang-github-klauspost-  go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 11 weeks ago
golang-github-remyoudompheng- go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 11 weeks ago
golang-github-templexxx-cpufeat   go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 11 weeks ago
golang-github-templexxx-  go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 11 weeks ago
golang-github-templexxx-xor   go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 11 weeks ago
golang-github-tjfoc-gmsm  go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 11 weeks ago
golang-github-xtaci-kcp-gogo-sig, jchaloup, orphan 11 weeks ago
golang-github-xtaci-smux  go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 11 weeks ago
golang-github-zillode-notify  go-sig, orphan   11 weeks ago
gossiporphan   13 weeks ago
hdapsdorphan   7 weeks ago
hoard orphan   27 weeks ago
jlibrtp   orphan   4 weeks ago
jmake orphan   4 weeks ago
libgltf   orphan   5 weeks ago
lzma  cicku, fale, mjakubicek, 65 weeks ago
maven-downloader  orphan   13 weeks ago
maven-jsf-plugin  orphan   13 weeks ago
maven-jxr akurtakov, orphan13 weeks 

Orphaned packages to be retired

2019-01-07 Thread Miro Hrončok

The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:

I plan to retire packages that were already announced 3 times next Monday.

Unorphan/unretire packages at https://pagure.io/releng/issues

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or
retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
package will be retired when the affected package gets retired.

Package  (co)maintainers Status Change

autotrash frafra, orphan, robyduck 1 weeks ago
bluecove  orphan   5 weeks ago
bouml orphan   2 weeks ago
bouml-doc orphan   2 weeks ago
ecryptfs-simple   orphan   3 weeks ago
fasd  orphan   1 weeks ago
golang-github-go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 10 weeks ago
golang-github-go-sig, orphan   10 weeks ago
golang-github-calmh-luhn  go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 10 weeks ago
golang-github-ccding-go-stun  go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 10 weeks ago
golang-github-cznic-b go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 10 weeks ago
golang-github-cznic-fileutil  go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 10 weeks ago
golang-github-cznic-golex go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 10 weeks ago
golang-github-cznic-internal  go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 10 weeks ago
golang-github-cznic-lex   go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 10 weeks ago
golang-github-cznic-lexer go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 10 weeks ago
golang-github-cznic-lldb  go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 10 weeks ago
golang-github-cznic-mathutil  go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 10 weeks ago
golang-github-cznic-qlgo-sig, jchaloup, orphan 10 weeks ago
golang-github-cznic-sortutil  go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 10 weeks ago
golang-github-cznic-strutil   go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 10 weeks ago
golang-github-cznic-zappy go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 10 weeks ago
golang-github-edsrzf-mmap-go  go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 10 weeks ago
golang-github-klauspost-  go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 10 weeks ago
golang-github-remyoudompheng- go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 10 weeks ago
golang-github-templexxx-cpufeat   go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 10 weeks ago
golang-github-templexxx-  go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 10 weeks ago
golang-github-templexxx-xor   go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 10 weeks ago
golang-github-tjfoc-gmsm  go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 10 weeks ago
golang-github-xtaci-kcp-gogo-sig, jchaloup, orphan 10 weeks ago
golang-github-xtaci-smux  go-sig, jchaloup, orphan 10 weeks ago
golang-github-zillode-notify  go-sig, orphan   10 weeks ago
gossiporphan   12 weeks ago
hdapsdorphan   6 weeks ago
hoard orphan   26 weeks ago
jlibrtp   orphan   3 weeks ago
jmake orphan   3 weeks ago
libgltf   orphan   4 weeks ago
lzma  cicku, fale, mjakubicek, 64 weeks ago
maven-downloader  orphan   12 weeks ago
maven-jsf-plugin  orphan   12 weeks ago
maven-jxr akurtakov, orphan12 weeks ago
nuvola-app-8tracksorphan   11 weeks ago
nuvola-app-deezer orphan   11 weeks ago
nuvola-app-google-play-music  orphan   11 weeks ago
nuvola-app-jango  orphan   11 weeks ago
nuvola-app-mixcloud   orphan   11 weeks ago
openid4java-team  orphan   12 weeks ago
parproutedorphan, roma 6 weeks ago
pcapfix   cicku, orphan6 weeks ago