I will announce this on the Open MPI developer's teleconf on Tuesday,
before the move.

Geoff - Please add this item to the agenda.

Short version:
MTT server (mtt.open-mpi.org) will be going down for maintenance on
Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2016 from 2-5 pm US Eastern. During this time the MTT
Reporter and the MTT client submission interface will not be accessible. I
will send an email out when the service is back online.

Longer version:
We need to move the MTT Server/Database from the IU server to the AWS
server. This move will be completely transparent to users submitting to the
database, except for a window of downtime to move the database.

I estimate that moving the database will take about two hours. So I have
blocked off three hours to give us time to test, and redirect the DNS

Once the service comes back online, you should be able to access MTT using
themtt.open-mpi.org URL. No changes are needed in your MTT client setup,
and all permalinks are expected to still work after the move.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the move.

Josh Hursey
IBM Spectrum MPI Developer
devel mailing list

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