On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 11:27 PM, Stuart Gott <sg...@redhat.com> wrote:

> All,
> We're working on a script that stands up an oVirt Engine and adds a node
> to it. The issue is we don't know how long to wait before trying to add a
> node. What we're doing right now is to check the status of the engine using:
> https://ENGINE_IP/ovirt-engine/services/health
> to determine when the oVirt engine itself has booted. That link reports
> "DB Up!Welcome to Health Status!" as soon as the web UI is accessible, but
> this is not the same thing as having an actual usable cluster attached.
> Would it be possible to have separate status messages to distinguish
> between an engine that has/is missing a usable cluster? Is that already
> possible some other way? Blindly waiting for arbitrary time periods is
> error prone.

The API also has a test command as well. I don't think we need to extend it
for a specific use case. What about a missing data center? Host? SPM?
You can see in ovirt-system-test for an example that at least checks that
the service is up (and could use the serice health end point as well)
connects to the API and performs a test() against it to verify it works. I
think that overall should suffice.

> Thanks!
> Stu
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