Hi all,

how can I fix that ?
calendar app is not enable / installed

# php /var/www/html/owncloud/occ integrity:check-core
Console has to be executed with the user that owns the file config/config.php
Current user: root
Owner of config.php: apache
Try adding 'sudo -u apache ' to the beginning of the command (without the 
single quotes)

sudo -u apache php /var/www/html/owncloud/occ integrity:check-core
Unable to open logfile '/var/log/zarafa/php-mapi.log' as user 'apache'
Not enough permissions to append logfile '/var/log/zarafa/php-mapi.log'. 
Reverting to stderr.

I thnk the doc is not up to date...
I am running RHEL 7.3 fully updated.

Thanks you very much in advance!


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