
As you can see, I switched this 'automatic mailing on failure' of the
nightly build script back on. I did that because the mmbase 1.9
release is upcoming, and I think we should therefore start taking
these test-cases seriously...

Actually, at the moment only 2 cases are failing:

> run.bridge:
> --
>     [java] FAILURES!!!
>     [java] Tests run: 297,  Failures: 2,  Errors: 0

And those are both related to test-cases I recently created for
http://www.mmbase.org/jira/browse/MMB-1680, which is about deleting
nodes, while someone else still has them in their transaction. Pretty
sure that probably never worked.

> run.bridge.rmmci:
>     [java] FAILURES!!!
>     [java] Tests run: 297,  Failures: 2,  Errors: 0

All 'bridge' test-cases are also executed via 'RMMCI', so it is
logical that at least the same 2 cases fail again. But it is quite
good that the result is otherwise sompletely the same as the
run.bridge result. Not seldomly, functionality is tested, which is not
correctly serializable or so, and cases are failing/erroring via
rmmci. Last week I fixed all those issues (after I fixed rmmci itself,
because before that, the rmmci tests wouldn't even run any more).

I will make sure that these 2 tests-cases will succeed one of these
days, or otherwise temporary switch them off (they don't seem
showstoppers for 1.9), to make sure that this mail will not be sent
every day.

I recently also spent some time to move non-show-stopper issues in
jira to more future releases. See e.g.


for current status of the releases. Only 14 are left for 1.9.0, of
which at least half is probably fixed already, but the issue was
simply never closed, so it would only require checking.

mihxil' http://meeuw.org
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