Hi Christoph,

> Christoph Feck wrote: Not speaking for Michael, but let me add that C++ is 
> much easier to 
> debug compared to QML, if you get a crash. We have nearly hundred 
> backtraces in the Plasma bug tracker that point back to crashes in 
> QtDeclarative, without a single clue where the crash comes from. For 
> examples see bugs 328234, 332131, 331060, 333621, 333532, 333334, 
> 332995, or 332646 to cite only some fairly recent ones.

Please take a look at 
https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTCREATORBUG-11144 and the related 
changes in Qt Creator 3.1 . When doing pure C++ debugging, Qt Creator now has a 
context menu entry "Load QML frames" in the stack window. This basically checks 
the stack trace for a value of a  QV4::ExecutionContext *, tries to extract the 
JavaScript stack frames from it and displays those frames in addition to the 
C++ frames.


Friedemann Kleint
Digia, Qt
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