Hi all!

Last day of the year and time to wrap up what has changed in the CI during the 
last year, and a few words about what's to come.

·         New Apple hardware was installed

o   24 x quad core mac minis with upgraded memory

o   Configured them to use our LUN instead of internal hard drives

o   With these we were able to get rid of stand-alone minis running things and 
replaced them with virtual machines

o   This immediately helped the situation where we were running out of hardware 
to run all mac configurations which caused queues to build up

·         Autotest blacklisting was introduced which has helped getting builds 
passing where tests are flaky

·         Lots of different platforms were added to add the variety were we 
test Qt on:

o   OpenSUSE

o   RHEL 6.5

o   QNX 6.5.0 and 6.6.0

o   OS X 10.10

o   Windows 8.1

o   Winphone

·         QtMetrics got new cool features like Build time graphs and detailed 
failure tables from autotests.

o   http://testresults.qt-project.org/qtmetrics/metricspageci.php

o   http://qt-project.org/wiki/QtMetrics_How_To_Read

·         Nightly builds are set up (builds with postfix '_state')

o   Once a day a broader set of configurations are run with all autotests run

o   Logs are published to testresults and inserted into QtMetrics

o   Doesn't block, but is only informative of the current state

·         And naturally we keept upgrading xcodes, visual studios, mesa 
drivers, openssl etc that's just daily maintenance work


To be able to cope with this increasingly complex environment we have developed 
something called VM-cloner. The main idea behind it is that we no longer have 
dozens of virtual machines up and running that are maintained with puppet 
scripts or similar. VM-cloner will clone the virtual machines on-the-fly from 
templates as is needed by any particular job. And after a build is done with 
them, the machines are deleted and the resources are freed.
In bullets:

·         Maintenance is reduced to template images which can be verified to 
work before taken into use

·         No unnecessary virtual machines occupy resources

·         Load is balanced throughout our servers enabling more efficient use 
of our hardware (builds are faster ;))

·         Less disk space is needed as cloned virtual machines are linked 
clones of the template image

·         We can now support several machine configurations simultaneously. 
Meaning we can build different Qt branches simultaneously without the need to 
reconfigure the virtual machines.

·         Possibility to not delete a machine after build if debugging is needed

·         Doesn't face Jenkins' problems with rebooting nodes

VM-cloner is already partly in use and will expand to cover more submodules in 
upcoming weeks. We will gradually transfer builds over to it, so that we can 
verify everything working.


We also have a "new CI" coming. This is planned to replace the very unstable 
Junkins. It will also optimize the building so that we will have an artifact 
storage where we store already built binaries and reuse them whenever possible 
making builds a lot faster...in theory. More about this next year.


We will also clean up the configuration a bit. We will move stuff from blocking 
CI to nightly builds and also remove old platforms. Other threads are already 
ongoing about this, but it's difficult to get a consensus of what should remain 
in the CI. We don't have resources to test everything after all.


Listing of dependencies. Currently we say that Qt 5.4 builds in RHEL 6.5 for 
example. This might not be the whole truth as you might need to install a 
devtoolset from a custom repository to get things working. And on top of that 
you might need to say -no-c++11 to configure. So personally I'd like to see a 
list of dependencies per submodule as they are, and not a list of operating 
systems the submodules work on if you modify them. Per submodule, because 
QtWebEngine for example will need a newer GCC version than the other modules. 
This doesn't prevent us from building on a specific platform and claiming we do 
that, but we can't say that Qt works on that platform right out of the box. 
Something to think about...

Qt New Year 2015!

Tony Sarajärvi
CI Tech Lead
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