
As part of the Qt Champions program ( http://qt-project.org/champion ), we are 
looking for nominations to the title of Qt Champion for the ongoing year.
Right now we are looking especially for code contributors.
So please take a few minutes to think who earns the title of Qt Champion, and 
nominate them.

You can make nominations on the Qt-project wiki at 
http://qt-project.org/wiki/QtChampions  Same login as for bugs and gerrit.
If editing the wiki is too complicated, feel free to mail nominations to me, 
I'll make sure they go on the list.

The nominations are meant for people who are not paid as their main task to 
work on Qt, however some of the people who do get paid to work on the project 
do so above and beyond the normal limits of their day jobs (coding all day and 
helping newcomers in their free time, for example). Feel free to nominate these 
people as Champions too.

Thank you,
Qt Online Community Manager, Digia
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