On Wednesday 22 Feb 2012 14:58:43 Ian Clarke wrote:
> Hi, that would be great!
> We did consider GWT a few years back, but the concern was the lack of
> graceful degradation if the browser didn't support JavaScript.  I'm not
> sure how relevant that concern is in this day and age where browser support
> for JavaScript is assumed on many websites.
> Ultimately my position is that if someone is willing to do the work, I'll
> defer to their decision on what framework will work best for the project,
> within reason.  I personally wouldn't have a problem with GWT if that was
> what you guys are most comfortable with if it means that the job gets done,
> but others might disagree.

The other difficulty is that we will need some tag-level stuff around loading 
freesites anyway. This is currently implemented by abusing GWT however.
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