
after fixing a bug that turned up in testing (wrong CHK in
dependencies.properties that got aborted because it did not match the
correct sha256 — I’m glad we double-check!), we need *three more tests*
not done by me to be able to finally push 1493 to the website and to
auto-update (because you seriously don’t want me to be the only one who
tests this).

Please help get the release out!

Required tests:

> 1. [ ] auto update on windows
> 2. [ ] auto update on GNU/Linux
> 3. [ ] installer on windows
> 4. [X] installer on GNU/Linux  — thanks David! ✓

Practically this means:

1. If you have a windows node, go to
   then put the new testing key into the field that says
   "Where should Freenet look for updates?"
   Then restart your node.
   It should update to 1493. Please report if you run into trouble!
   Also please report if it works!

2. Do the same on GNU/Linux. Yes, I did it, but if I’m the only one who
   does it, how should you trust Freenet to actually work?

3. Download the installer on Windows, run it, start the installed
   Freenet, and report errors you see — or that it works.
   The installer:

Once these three checks are done (and worked), I can finally push the

… and once I pushed it, please run verify-build to ensure that what I
released is actually what’s in the sources!

- https://github.com/freenet/scripts/blob/master/verify-build

Let’s get this release out together!

Best wishes,
Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein,
ohne es zu merken.

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